How Will the ANTHONY FAMILY react?

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I dunno, unless she was already paid to do the show, I think Cindy may not be there. I don't know her but I was raised by a woman just like her and I still say that IF she allows herself to accept this, is going to hit the fan. She will turn on Casey like we have never seen a parent turn on their child.

They give you all of their loyalty, would do anything for you.. until they decide not to anymore. (Like when she told Casey's friend she is a sociopath, when she laughed at Jesse for loving Casey- listing all her bad qualities in front of her, When she told Tony that Casey will take all his money and leave him.)

I think Cindy is probably pretty sedated about now. I don't know, this is just my feelings, my take on it.

I think this is why we should cut them some slack. I understand the anger towards them as well, but understand the situation with the media. If they continue the nonsense, then by all means fire away. Deep down Cindy knows that KC is a bad girl. She had stated as much. The reality should be setting in now, and they have to accept that they have failed as parents and that LE knew why not to look for Caylee.
I just don't think Cindy's personality will allow her to admit she was wrong to the world and turn against her daughter. They were on Larry King saying that this case has been a miscarriage of justice and that caylee is alive and the judge, the detectives, the FBI, the sheriff, NG, LP were all conspiring to put this on their daughter for their own selfish reasons. They said they did not trust the Orlando Sheriff department.

For her to know come back and say that her sightings were wrong and that caylee was dead all along and her daughter is to blame will be a huge pill she would have to swallow - her pride is gigantic.

The best thing they can do is let it all go, don't react, stay silent in the arms of your family. they stayed at a hotel last night! don't they have friends and family that would have taken them in to comfort them?

Those friends and family probably loved Caylee very much. So no, I don't think there are any of them left who want to be associated with the nightmare that George and Cindy have become. The friends/family I'm sure are putting Caylee first. George and Cindy are going to have to face this alone. And those are the consequences of their own actions.
PLEASE Cindy, try to regain some dignity. Stay home and grieve for your granddaughter and your daughter and do not go on LKL and continue to make yourself look like a media craving fool!
My personal opinions about this "family" aside, today must be a horrible day for them... I cannot even begin to imagine their added pain. Now that Caylee has been found I truly hope there is somebody out there who loves Cindy enough to encourage her to get the professional help she so obviously needs, as I honestly believe Caylee was her reason for living.

I have not read all the posts so I don't know what all they have been up to today but I suspect this "family" will quiet down for at least a few days.


I think most families (I will avoid the word Normal because the A's are about as far away from normal as possible) would want a quiet time to reflect, pray and grieve. But, NOOOO, not them, first thing they think about is going on TV!! :crazy::crazy:
They will make things much worse for their disgusting daughter if they continue the spins and lies. Maybe it's a good thing for them to keep hamming it up for the cameras.
They must be utterly devastated. I am so sad for them. they will never kiss their beautiful little grandaughter goodnight again.

I am so sorry, cece and jojo.
Hi Roy,
No, I don't have kids. To me, CA's emotions on that 911 call sounded genuine BUT given this family's track record, how can we be sure? Ok well maybe CA might not have had anything to do with what happened initially but what about GA or LA?
People have said the A's realized they lost their granddaughter and just wanted to protect their daughter so they wouldn't lose her as well. Well, that may be a natural parental instinct for some people but that doesn't mean it's right. There is just too much odd behavior and apparent funny business on the part of the A's to look at them as just being grieving or in denial, in my opinion.


I believe that they are in denial about their granddaughter being dead. It might take a little longer for them to accept the manner of the death to her now. From what I understand, Cindy truly loved Caylee, it was the one thing good that KC did. Imagine the guilt involved.

I think she will turn. But she is going to need some serious therapy. She is certainly going to blame herself for her daughter being a murderer. Denial like this would happen with almost any family. As bad as KC is, killing your offspring is another matter. If she keeps spouting off this same stuff, then I am an idiot.
I just don't think Cindy's personality will allow her to admit she was wrong to the world and turn against her daughter. They were on Larry King saying that this case has been a miscarriage of justice and that caylee is alive and the judge, the detectives, the FBI, the sheriff, NG, LP were all conspiring to put this on their daughter for their own selfish reasons. They said they did not trust the Orlando Sheriff department.

For her to know come back and say that her sightings were wrong and that caylee was dead all along and her daughter is to blame will be a huge pill she would have to swallow - her pride is gigantic.

The best thing they can do is let it all go, don't react, stay silent in the arms of your family. they stayed at a hotel last night! don't they have friends and family that would have taken them in to comfort them?

there is no back track in the Anthonys. They are too far down their particular road to turn around. They will just dig in and do even more spinning. The motivating force here is to protect their reputations as parents that could raise a daughter who could do this. That is unbearable. that can't be allowed to be "real" to them. A body proves nothing in their mind with regards to whether KC did this. They just have to make a tiny tiny leap and simply say how horrible that the kidnappers chose to do this to our poor Klee.
I'd LIKE to see Cindy react by holding a long overdue, 'Come to Jesus' meeting with KC.

But, it ain't gonna happen.
I think this is why we should cut them some slack. I understand the anger towards them as well, but understand the situation with the media. If they continue the nonsense, then by all means fire away. Deep down Cindy knows that KC is a bad girl. She had stated as much. The reality should be setting in now, and they have to accept that they have failed as parents and that LE knew why not to look for Caylee.

Well, I'm not about to cut them any slack and don't think anyone else should feel forced to either. These people have given us plenty of reason to dislike them and no one should feel they are wrong or out of line for not feeling sorry for them today. I feel many things for this "family" but today, right this moment I feel sad for Cindy and for George.

Don't think that means you won't see me talking about them though because that sadness turns to anger real quick when they open their mouths. I cut them NO slack.
After the initial "shock" wears off for them (if it's shown they weren't involved directly), I hope they will finally acknowledge some level of involvement by their daughter, otherwise I would recommend a distant family member (like the great grandmother, uncle, etc.), contact the Orange County Dept. of Mental Health, and ask that they be offered some level of counseling. They may go so deep in denial that when the trial is finally over, it could just push them over the edge to where there would need to be a "dual-commital" for them.

I know I personally would not be comfortable living in the same neighborhood with the continued instability of what we've been privvy to on the TV. As sincere as I can be in saying this, I hope there are local Mental Experts that are watching them. For their sake and that of their community.
If WESH reported at 330PM EST that the "A"'s just got home, then maybe there's hope they wont appear on LKL. If they do..I'm gonna give them (just this once trust me) a mulligan & chalk it up to grief. BUT if they go on there...and act anything less than grieving GP's, giving a tribute and sharing with the world their pain....then that will explain alot of this to me.

I feel tho that they will go on being the media wh***s they are and unleash more spin along side their new atty. about reasonable doubt, zanny did it, etc.

I hope Im wrong. I really do.

This is literally their last chance to get society's forgiveness for how they disrespected Caylee's life in return of protecting their daughter.
I've been thinking a lot about what Cindy's reaction will be. My first reaction yesterday hearing that she and George were getting on a plane heading back from CA to FL was that it was nuts to let her on a plane. I thought she would be completely hysterical, hearing that Caylee's remains had been found.

Then I watched the report from the woman who was also a passenger on the plane, and it sounded like Cindy was very calm. No huge surprise, I expected denial more than I did acceptance. I've thought all along that when they found Caylee's body (I was always sure she would. Casey wanted her found. It's her big huge *advertiser censored** You! to Cindy.) that Cindy would say someone else murdered Caylee.

I have to say that the very last thing I expected was that Cindy would immediately go on TV (LKL scheduled for tonight.) I thought if not complete hysteria and a mental breakdown (she's been teetering on the edge for a while now), that she would become severely depressed. The kind of depression where you can't even get out of bed.

I'm going to predict that if she does appear on LKL tonight, that she'll be much as she was the other night - defiant and snotty. I think it will be even more surreal listening to her, that she will be even more removed from reality than she appeared the other night.

I think LKL should cancel. No media is doing Cindy any favors by putting her in a position where she has to sink further into her delusions. There comes a point to show mercy, and as much as I detest Cindy for her lying, controlling, and manipulative personality, which I believe she had long before Caylee was murdered, I still recognize at this point, especially with the LKL appearance the other night, that she is seriously disturbed.

You don't poke a sick dog with a stick so everybody can watch him squirm and snarl. I hope the media will realize that it's sunk as low as it can. It's nothing now but exploitation. We know all we need to know about Cindy. We don't need to see any more. Leave the rest to doctors and LE.
Personally, I don't see or think they will admit and come to terms that this is Caylee. Remember, DNA is all "hocus pocus" and stuff so how can this be Caylee if the Zanny took her and she has been sighted more places than that freaking gnome on the travelocity commercials.

Cindy is a real piece of work...look at what she created. She will spin and deny til her bitter end.
Well tonight there is 48 hours, 20/20, Larry King -anyone else?

Dateline is rushing to update it's story, which was originally interview with GA/CA about the case. Just saw a clip where once again, CA says, in response to being questioned about all of KC's lies to the police: "Why does anyone lie? Who knows" then goes on with the story of KC trying to "protect" Caylee and the grandparents from harm.

Here are my thoughts: Unfortunately, I've known a family who lost a wonderful child in a twist of fate. Their child wasn't a victim of crime, but was literally "taken" from them in a split second. She was a beautiful, loving, active child, so loved by all, esp. her parents of course.

A bunch of kids were sitting, talking on the trunk of a car in the driveway. The car needed to be moved slightly back in order to get something out of the garage. The car was backed out, kids still on the large trunk, car barely moving a few feet, but she fell off and her head hit the curb in such a way that put her in an immediate coma. She never woke up. No brain activity. Not a scratch on that beautiful face. Life support was removed. She died almost immediately;from the fall from the car to her death, a total of 4 days.

I have never been to a funeral so filled with children. The parents, still in shock I'm sure, were wonderful, going about comforting, hugging so many crying children. I was in awe in how they had the strength to be so kind, as "Lacy"(not real name) had so many close friends and kids are real;they all wanted to come and hug Lacy's Mom and Dad. The funeral started late because of this.

A few weeks later, I visited my friends, and could see a change: who wouldn't be changed? As time went by, we talked, but hardly ever about Lacy, which worried me. About a year and half later, after being married for 21 years (and high school sweat hearts), they split-then divorced.

I have learned since, divorce is very common after the death of a child, no matter how solid a marriage has been. It really is the most difficult challenge a couple could face.

I write this background story only a reference point for my thoughts on CA/GA because I do believe, for intents and purposes, Caylee was their daughter. She was treated as such from the moment she was born, as KC constantly reminds everyone: CA held Caylee first (was she friends with the nurse, was KC knocked out for the birth?). Otherwise, this was a true foul against KC, I agree and set up what followed.

I believe CA saw another chance to have a "perfect" daughter and that was that. Caylee was loved, but I have to say also, she was a pawn from birth.

I believe GA truly loved Caylee as his granddaughter. I believe CA/KC began a game of power play from the moment Caylee was born, and she was the prize. I believe CA loved her in her way, but it was an unhealthy way. I believe there were fights, in front of Caylee from birth, I do believe she encourage Caylee to call her "Mom" (and yet, again, she wanted to be in a "perfect" world, thus she never followed up on very basic child care issues.

CA knew KC wasn't working. CA knew KC was stealing. CA knew KC was going off with Caylee doing gawd knows what, with a so called baby sitter. This is a big "HUH?" Why a babysitter when she knew KC wasn't working? Why did CA never, ever, ask for a phone number of the baby sitter in case there was an emergency during the day?

I could go on and on, but bottom line, this case comes down to CA vs KC. GA is on the sidelines, unfortunately, but I think that is due to his seeing it all fall apart as well as a financial situation. I believe GA will be in a hospital shortly.

IF GA survives this physically, I predicate he will finally walk away. GA and CA will divorce. Not until the trial is over, but they are over themselves. When you look at so many solid marriages, with wonderful foundations that simply cannot survive the death of a child...well GA and CA just don't have the support system in place.

So, CA's perfect world is crashing all around her, and GA is slowly dying inside while KC is feeling like she has the upper hand now. CA needs help, she sought it and was close to facing KC's nightmare world before and she must do that again. No one has a perfect world or child. GA nor LA cannot help her. Until she gets this help, she is floundering in KC's muck.

I don't harbor anyone ill will. Again, I'm saying Caylee was in effect, CA's child. And KC used the only power play she had.
Any word on whether the A's will still be on LKL? For lots of reasons, I think it's a very bad idea.
I think they will say that Zanny killed Caylee and that the squirrels (who work undercover for the Sheriff's Office) dragged her into the woods. And of course there will be a whole bunch of other convoluted and outlandish (but extremely detailed) parts to the story.
Anybody else find it strange that Cindy and George haven't rushed to console KC?? Why aren't they going to visit her now that she needs them?? Are they afraid of what she may blurt out????????
If WESH reported at 330PM EST that the "A"'s just got home, then maybe there's hope they wont appear on LKL. If they do..I'm gonna give them (just this once trust me) a mulligan & chalk it up to grief. BUT if they go on there...and act anything less than grieving GP's, giving a tribute and sharing with the world their pain....then that will explain alot of this to me.

I feel tho that they will go on being the media wh***s they are and unleash more spin along side their new atty. about reasonable doubt, zanny did it, etc.

I hope Im wrong. I really do.

This is literally their last chance to get society's forgiveness for how they disrespected Caylee's life in return of protecting their daughter.

They just announced on CNN that they WOULD be on LKL tonight to discuss the latest "findings" in the case and their reaction to them. WTF?
Anybody else find it strange that Cindy and George haven't rushed to console KC?? Why aren't they going to visit her now that she needs them?? Are they afraid of what she may blurt out????????

Yeah, it's pretty telling, isn't it? For all their media ranting and raving, there is no doubt that both Cindy and George absolutely know that Casey murdered Caylee.

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