Huckaby tied to January missing girl report

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Hmm you want sources .
1 Huckaby was arrested on a Friday Night. I told SS in the morning who was going to be arrested.
2 The Girl in the park.After Huckaby was arrested my co-worker told me about Sandra an another girl Huckaby took to a park. I told SS that days before the media said a word.
The only thing left is Sandra's drugging 6 months before she was murdered.

Many people have asked why no search warrants in Jan. It is 2 words they have to have proable cause. An at the time there was not proable cause.I mean the Girls Mom had alchol on her breath when she took the girl in. Along with some typ of drug. For all the police knew the child was drugged by her Mom. And somewhere you asked why the cops would even think the Mom would bring her in? Think about it if a child of yours acted the way hers did. And maybe Mom gave her the Benzo because of a sore muscle and the child started acting weird. I know I would be taken my child in then and now. Hoping she did not die due to a OD.

JDB, you are misunderstanding where I'm coming from and seem to be taking it personally because I'm not jumping up and down and saying Sandra was drugged and unconscious six months before she was murdered.

If that's true, then it's going to blow the TRACY PD out of the water.

Probable cause? Finding drugs in a child's bloodstream is PROBABLE CAUSE alll day long. IF the mother said, oh, I gave my child a pill because blahblahblah, that's one thing, but this mother says she did not and told LE she did not, as I understand it, so LE should be finding the source of that drug and investigating HOW it got into the child. A search warrant would be IMPERATIVE to making a case for child abuse, and giving a child such a drug is A FELONY.

But I never asked why the mother took the child to the hospital, not in the context you seem to have taken it. I believe I asked why LE would suspect THE MOTHER when THE MOTHER took the child to the hospital, as others also pointed out. Then I said I guess LE could have for different reasons, like the one you mention. But in no way do I FAULT the mother for taking the child to the hospital. I'd fault her if she hadn't.

Anyhow, thanks for sharing the info you have. If true, I'm sure it will come up at trial, but I hope it becomes "breaking news" first, because it would be awful if that happened and NO ONE pushed to find out how Sandra was ALSO given drugs some time ago--and now she's dead.
KoldKase, the article I'm posting a link to quotes the adult sister of the victim as stating "Melissa brought her home".

Thanks so much. Now I want to know what the child was doing between the time Melissa "brought her home" and the time the family noticed she "wasn't acting right". Why did no one notice this before "everyone left", meaning Huckaby and possibly LE?

And I still do not get it: drugs in the child's blood seem to have been dismissed for some reason by LE. Why is that? Is the mother of the child lying about not giving the drug to the child? Is the sister lying about not having that drug in their home?

Something is not adding up.
I don't believe I've seen that reported yet KoldKase. I'm sorry.

I think you're right though when you said because of the gag order we may not hear anything more unless it's brought out at trial. I'm fairly certain that the gag order might cover this case because from what I've read this case is now part of the larger investigation against MH. Something along those lines. I'll go back later on tonight and reread, today I've got a heat headache, it's 94 here already and I was out in the yard.

O/T I'm eager to hear how MH pleads on friday and see if they set a date for the next hearing.
This new information really scares me. Even if there were no signs of sexual abuse on the first victim, what did MH do to her. Benzo's are given for many reasons, but one side effect is memory impairment. And if given to a child, the likelyhood of remembering recent events is staggering.

Also, what are the chances that your child would want to spend 4 HOURS in a park? I don't believe she was in the park all that time.

She was gone for four hours before police found her with Melissa Huckaby at a nearby park.


partial quote, bold mine

this is why i feel like MH drugged her soon after taking her. i really don't think this little girl escaped whatever MH had planned for her. maybe the reason she had her at the park was to try to let the effects of the drugs wear off. it's perfect, if these drugs affect memory, then the little girl would probably only remember the last part...being at the park...once she was brought home. no cause for alarm with the family, just a simple misunderstanding...gee, i'm sorry, i thought she had permission. we just went to the park....ask her. this poor girl probably has no idea what happened to her and was probably so confused when everything went down. i so agree with people who have said that there is no way i would have not confronted MH about this. in fact, i would have probably been in jail the next day! and i know that LE has to keep their cards close, but i really feel like Sandra's family should have been told about this.

ETA: wow, i really messed up the quote function, sorry mgardner!
This new information really scares me. Even if there were no signs of sexual abuse on the first victim, what did MH do to her. Benzo's are given for many reasons, but one side effect is memory impairment. And if given to a child, the likelyhood of remembering recent events is staggering.

Also, what are the chances that your child would want to spend 4 HOURS in a park? I don't believe she was in the park all that time.

She was gone for four hours before police found her with Melissa Huckaby at a nearby park.


partial quote, bold mine

this is why i feel like MH drugged her soon after taking her. i really don't think this little girl escaped whatever MH had planned for her. maybe the reason she had her at the park was to try to let the effects of the drugs wear off. it's perfect, if these drugs affect memory, then the little girl would probably only remember the last part...being at the park...once she was brought home. no cause for alarm with the family, just a simple misunderstanding...gee, i'm sorry, i thought she had permission. we just went to the park....ask her. this poor girl probably has no idea what happened to her and was probably so confused when everything went down. i so agree with people who have said that there is no way i would have not confronted MH about this. in fact, i would have probably been in jail the next day! and i know that LE has to keep their cards close, but i really feel like Sandra's family should have been told about this.

ETA: wow, i really messed up the quote function, sorry mgardner!

I think the little girl was still heavily drugged because Melissa had no intentions of bringing her back then. She only brought her back once her grandmother called her and told her to take the little girl home.

I think the little girl was still heavily drugged because Melissa had no intentions of bringing her back then. She only brought her back once her grandmother called her and told her to take the little girl home.


right, no doubt she wasn't planning on bringing her back that very moment, but IF they really were at the park at the time grandma called, i think she may have already done whatever she was planning to do and was letting it wear off. her plan got a big wrench thrown in it. do we know if LE confirmed that they were at the park, or did they just take grandma's word for it because that is what MH told her? i didn't think about that before.
right, no doubt she wasn't planning on bringing her back that very moment, but IF they really were at the park at the time grandma called, i think she may have already done whatever she was planning to do and was letting it wear off. her plan got a big wrench thrown in it. do we know if LE confirmed that they were at the park, or did they just take grandma's word for it because that is what MH told her? i didn't think about that before.

I really dont know if they verified she was actually at the park. If the police just waited after the grandmother let the mom or LE know she had gotten in touch with Melissa and she was bringing the little girl home, they may have just taken her word for it.

I tend to think they were at the church and it wouldnt take her long to get to the little girl's home.

so if she was reported missing by her family, how would grandma have known about it to call MH? did she know that the little girl was with MH and only the little girls family didn't know? did she call her once the family started asking around the MHP? i apologize if this has been figured out, i have been trying to read this thread and related articles as closely as i can.
I'm not sure that the LE that responded to the first call to LE about this child (when she was reported missing) did much investigation after the child was returned home.

(the adult sister of the child stated that Melissa brought her back)

So the timeline looks like this for first call to LE:

January 17 at 5:17p.m. local time.(Police called)

At 5:31 p.m., police reported that the girl was with Huckaby at a nearby park.

At 5:39 p.m., the girl was returned, and police left without filing charges. (It is reported that Melissa returned the child home).

I don't see that there was much follow up on that first call. In my mind here is how I imagine it might have happened...

*speculation warning* ~ LE gets a call that a child is missing, responds to home and it is discovered 14 minutes later that the child is not missing but rather at the park with a woman from the neighborhood. That woman is the granddaughter of a Pastor who has resided in the Park for quite a while and she is a mother herself. I imagine that MH used the same tone and inflection with LE that day and the concerned family of this little girl that she used while on the phone with the reporter she revealed this information. Child is lead into house and the Mother is more concerned with talking to MH and getting her explanation of events (because initially she's relieved that her child is okay and wants to try to work out how this became to be, talks to the LE).

The adult sister then reports in media interview that after about a half an hour the child isn't acting right, sleepy, slurring words...etc.

They go to the ER.

At 10:00 PM the second phone call is recieved by LE, it is then reported that the child from the first call has tested positive for benzo's.

So I can clearly see how LE would have had a difficult time tying the ingestion of benzo's with MH given the time span between drop off and test results. In order to arrest and charge MH they would have to have a lot more evidence than just she was with the child from approximately 1:30 to 5:39 PM. I don't see how they could have gotten SW's for her car, for her home (to look for meds) based on that connection. It just wouldn't have happened in my mind.

Now, when Sandra went missing it should have been something that they looked at right away to rule out all ppl residing at the MHP. Looks like they did look at her because we see that the executed SW's not only against her vehicle but the home she resided in and the church she had access to.

As always JMHO.
They should also be looking for this little girl's DNA on that roll up bed they took from the church and any other evidence LE might have collected. Because LE is on to this now, I'm sure they are looking for all DNA.

If the mother told LE that MH did not have permission to take her daughter, then LE had a responsibility to actually see and talk to the child upon her return home. No ifs, ands, or buts. They had a responsibility - even if the mom said everything is okay now, my daughter is home - LE still had a responsibility to SEE and TALK to the child.

I don't see anyway out of that - no matter what. The child was reported missing and a report was taken. In order to accurately and correctly sign that report off - they had to talk to the child. If they didn't, they deserve to be fired. What kind of security do you have in a conversation between adults when a child is in the middle? NONE!

I agree with you Salem. Do you remember the case where the young man raped and killed his younger sister? The LE in that town went to the home after the young man stated to a witness that he had killed his sister, and spoke with the Mother. The Mother told them that everything was okay.

She then called 911 very shortly after to report her daughter dead in the bedroom.

I don't understand the standard procedures that are in place that don't require LE to speak to the person that the call was placed's just so different on a military instillation. They will make contact and speak with a potential victim even if the call was false.

Perhaps all civilian LE that uses this particular procedure should revisit and change their procedures, all not just Tracy CA.
New Article:

Missing girl's mother pointed finger at Huckaby early


"Soon after the family reported the missing girl that day, Huckaby drove back with Polk’s daughter about four hours after first taking her, according to Polk and police records. It was early evening at that point, and the little girl seemed fine, Polk said, just emotional because police cars were at her home and her mother was frantic.

It was around dinnertime that police left, so Polk headed out with her daughter for some fast food. But in the car, the little girl started to slump over as if she were falling asleep. She slurred her words.

“She was not acting right,” said Polk. “It was really scaring me.”

Polk went straight to the emergency room at Sutter Tracy Community Hospital. Hours passed, and at about 10 p.m. that night police showed up again. They started peppering Polk with questions and told her that the doctors had found muscle relaxers in her little girl’s body.

Police asked for permission to search Polk’s house.

“Of course, I let them,” said Polk, who lives with her grandparents in Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park, where Sandra lived before she was murdered and where Huckaby lived with her grandparents before her arrest.

Child Protective Services then took Polk’s girl to the Mary Graham Children’s Shelter in French Camp, where they kept her overnight. Polk said she walked home from the hospital by herself at about 2 a.m. on Jan. 18.

Later that morning, they said Polk could have her back if the girl passed a complete physical exam. She did, and the girl was returned home that morning."
I'm not sure that the LE that responded to the first call to LE about this child (when she was reported missing) did much investigation after the child was returned home.

(the adult sister of the child stated that Melissa brought her back)

So the timeline looks like this for first call to LE:

January 17 at 5:17p.m. local time.(Police called)

At 5:31 p.m., police reported that the girl was with Huckaby at a nearby park.

At 5:39 p.m., the girl was returned, and police left without filing charges. (It is reported that Melissa returned the child home).

I don't see that there was much follow up on that first call. In my mind here is how I imagine it might have happened...

*speculation warning* ~ LE gets a call that a child is missing, responds to home and it is discovered 14 minutes later that the child is not missing but rather at the park with a woman from the neighborhood. That woman is the granddaughter of a Pastor who has resided in the Park for quite a while and she is a mother herself. I imagine that MH used the same tone and inflection with LE that day and the concerned family of this little girl that she used while on the phone with the reporter she revealed this information. Child is lead into house and the Mother is more concerned with talking to MH and getting her explanation of events (because initially she's relieved that her child is okay and wants to try to work out how this became to be, talks to the LE).

The adult sister then reports in media interview that after about a half an hour the child isn't acting right, sleepy, slurring words...etc.

They go to the ER.

At 10:00 PM the second phone call is recieved by LE, it is then reported that the child from the first call has tested positive for benzo's.

So I can clearly see how LE would have had a difficult time tying the ingestion of benzo's with MH given the time span between drop off and test results. In order to arrest and charge MH they would have to have a lot more evidence than just she was with the child from approximately 1:30 to 5:39 PM. I don't see how they could have gotten SW's for her car, for her home (to look for meds) based on that connection. It just wouldn't have happened in my mind.

Now, when Sandra went missing it should have been something that they looked at right away to rule out all ppl residing at the MHP. Looks like they did look at her because we see that the executed SW's not only against her vehicle but the home she resided in and the church she had access to.

As always JMHO.

I wonder how quickly she was seen by a doctor at the ER? If they were at the hospital by around 6 p.m. and didn't (or weren't able) to report the drugging until 10 p.m., maybe it was the wait time at the ER that held them up. Hopefully I am not stating the obvious here. But it seems like the ER would put a little kid who was potentially drugged at the head of the line. Please understand I'm not criticizing the ER, just trying to account for the weird time line.
New Article:

Missing girl's mother pointed finger at Huckaby early


"Soon after the family reported the missing girl that day, Huckaby drove back with Polk’s daughter about four hours after first taking her, according to Polk and police records. It was early evening at that point, and the little girl seemed fine, Polk said, just emotional because police cars were at her home and her mother was frantic.

It was around dinnertime that police left, so Polk headed out with her daughter for some fast food. But in the car, the little girl started to slump over as if she were falling asleep. She slurred her words.

“She was not acting right,” said Polk. “It was really scaring me.”

Polk went straight to the emergency room at Sutter Tracy Community Hospital. Hours passed, and at about 10 p.m. that night police showed up again. They started peppering Polk with questions and told her that the doctors had found muscle relaxers in her little girl’s body.

Police asked for permission to search Polk’s house.

“Of course, I let them,” said Polk, who lives with her grandparents in Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park, where Sandra lived before she was murdered and where Huckaby lived with her grandparents before her arrest.

Child Protective Services then took Polk’s girl to the Mary Graham Children’s Shelter in French Camp, where they kept her overnight. Polk said she walked home from the hospital by herself at about 2 a.m. on Jan. 18.

Later that morning, they said Polk could have her back if the girl passed a complete physical exam. She did, and the girl was returned home that morning."

Thankyou. At least the little girl doesn't remember the trauma of the ER and being detained at a children's shelter overnight. She does remember Huckaby giving her water that tasted like medicine. This makes me so mad. Someone drives out of a neighborhood with a child and it's just fine. Then they turn around and accuse the mother of being on crank. Sandra's death may could have been prevented if kidnapping charges could have been filed. I wasn't aware that it's legal for anyone to just load up someone else's child and take them for hours and return them doped up. Too bad she didn't whoop the living daylights out of Melissa some night when her back was turned. There was no reason to take the child from her family even overnight. Anyone, especially LE should have been able to put two and two together. The child was kidnapped, taken for 4 hours, returned doped up, and taken immediately to the ER.
I guess if Melissa got off with barely a slap on the wrist for stealing and did get off scott free on kidnapping and doping a child, then she must have really thought she would get away with murder.
I didn't catch the whole story on NG but I'm pretty sure I heard them saying this other girl's mother told someone (?) that her daughter said MH gave her "water from Wendy's & it tasted funny like medicine"..Can anyone confirm any of this from tonight's NG show? TIA!
I suggest you read the new news articles, or read the other thread on this same topic.
I wonder how quickly she was seen by a doctor at the ER? If they were at the hospital by around 6 p.m. and didn't (or weren't able) to report the drugging until 10 p.m., maybe it was the wait time at the ER that held them up. Hopefully I am not stating the obvious here. But it seems like the ER would put a little kid who was potentially drugged at the head of the line. Please understand I'm not criticizing the ER, just trying to account for the weird time line.

I am not even sure the mom knew for sure her daughter had been drugged. She may not have known what was wrong with her or why she couldn't walk without help and it was said the little girl was crying.

I have seen people in the ER deathly sick and they have to wait for hours. I have seen people with blood coming out of their wounds have to wait for hours and hours just to be seen.

The mom said she took her about 30 to 45 minutes after she came in and I guess she wasn't seen or the blood test didn't come back until around 10.

I suggest you read the new news articles, or read the other thread on this same topic.

TY! Soon after posting this I noticed the other thread (very similar to this one :confused:) & probably should've used that thread instead?

I'll try to read some of it & definitely will read the news articles to catch up on what I've missed this past week.
I didn't catch the whole story on NG but I'm pretty sure I heard them saying this other girl's mother told someone (?) that her daughter said MH gave her "water from Wendy's & it tasted funny like medicine"..Can anyone confirm any of this from tonight's NG show? TIA!

Yes I heard that too. I looked at the Nancy Grace transcript page on CNN and it has not been posted yet.

When it is, I want to go back and review what was said too.

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