Huckaby told friends she was raped by a cop

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I'd like to see something about how Melissa supposedly even met this cop, if he just stopped her for running a light, or what. The officer may have been able to prove that he never knew Melissa or ever stopped her on the street. Melissa did say that he asked her for a date then attacked her in the back of his car, so it sounds like she was claiming date rape. I'd like to know if she actually did go on a date with him though.
What bothers me a little about the officer being "cleared" is that often the police will cover for crimes committed by their own.

Still, considering the source of the accusation, I tend to think the officer probably did not rape her.

Good god that is true...Not that I feel for the defendant but anyone who has been raped might feel a sting from some of the comments on here.- It can be hard to prove.
Good god that is true...Not that I feel for the defendant but anyone who has been raped might feel a sting from some of the comments on here.- It can be hard to prove.

I agree. I am on the fence about this because I know that cops protect their own. Rape is often hard to prove especially date rape. But then I think if she was raped she would know how it felt and wouldn't want to cause an 8 year old that kind of pain. JMO
Happens all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if he did get away with it. Anyone know the name of the officer in question?

I don't think it "happens all the time." More and more we are seeing police departments take down one of their own who has disgraced their department by breaking the law and they are being held accountable for crimes they commit, including sexual assaults.

I tend to think this officer had a false allegation lodged against him by a woman who's credibility is in shambles. She seems to dwell on trying to play the victim. Whether her intent is to seek attention or that she is just plain diabolical, I don't know.

There is no reason why this officer's name should be disclosed. I am sure the mere allegation made against him as already caused him and his family much embarrassment.

So this officer is the Cypress PD connection to the investigation. Interesting. It sounds like the investigation was NOT done until recently, after MH's friends repeated the story they heard from MH.

I'm going with the officer on this one because for all intent and purpose it does NOT appear that MH told anyone but the friends about the rape. If the story is true, why did she not file a complaint/press charges against the officer at the time?

To me, this story is very similar to the stories KC told about her brother and father. She told these stories only to her boyfriends.

In my opinion again, I think this is part of the "rescue me" syndrome that we are seeing both in this perp and in KC. It amazes me how similar some aspects of these two cases are.

So this officer is the Cypress PD connection to the investigation. Interesting. It sounds like the investigation was NOT done until recently, after MH's friends repeated the story they heard from MH.

I'm going with the officer on this one because for all intent and purpose it does NOT appear that MH told anyone but the friends about the rape. If the story is true, why did she not file a complaint/press charges against the officer at the time?

To me, this story is very similar to the stories KC told about her brother and father. She told these stories only to her boyfriends.

In my opinion again, I think this is part of the "rescue me" syndrome that we are seeing both in this perp and in KC. It amazes me how similar some aspects of these two cases are.


She did file a report and an investigation was conducted at that time clearing the officer of the allegations. I am attempting to track down this report and subsequently, the name of the officer in question.
So you think we should have more sympathy for a woman who has been charged with burglary and theft. Who was questioned in a drugging of another child, been questioned in an arson case. We should have more sympathy for her than an innocent 8 year old little girl?

I'm not talking about sympathy. I'm talking about objectivity and fairness in regards to the uncovering of the truth.
qna, what do you mean about bias toward the victim? That is disgusting!

When I first started posting on this site I was told by another member that the majority of posters on this site tended to be more sympathetic towards the victim. I was just repeating that statement in reply to this post.

If you read through all the posts since this case began you will see we have questioned most statements made by LE. Start with posts regarding the suitcase.

Logic and critical thinking run rampant on these threads, and each statement made by LE, or anyone else, is evaluated individually by those standards. Keeping that in mind, along with verifiable facts from MH's past, don't be surprised if you find most people typically side with LE over MH. It's likely a trend that will continue.
I'd like to see something about how Melissa supposedly even met this cop, if he just stopped her for running a light, or what. The officer may have been able to prove that he never knew Melissa or ever stopped her on the street. Melissa did say that he asked her for a date then attacked her in the back of his car, so it sounds like she was claiming date rape. I'd like to know if she actually did go on a date with him though.

As soon as I track down the actual complaint/report filed by Huckaby at the time I will post the details on it.
When I first started posting on this site I was told by another member that the majority of posters on this site tended to be more sympathetic towards the victim. I was just repeating that statement in reply to this post.
We are protective and compassionate towards victims. We are their voices.
It is also mentioned in the TOS:

Terms of Service

11. Please note that Websleuths is a victim friendly forum therefore we do not permit name calling of victims. Please tread carefully in this area. Discussion of victims and families is permitted but name calling and foundless accusations will not be allowed.
When I first started posting on this site I was told by another member that the majority of posters on this site tended to be more sympathetic towards the victim. I was just repeating that statement in reply to this post.

Who wouldn't be the MOST sympathetic toward the victim of a crime?

Without the victim and the crime itself there would be no perps and POIs to be suspicious about or "sleuth" in the first place.
I don't think it "happens all the time." More and more we are seeing police departments take down one of their own who has disgraced their department by breaking the law and they are being held accountable for crimes they commit, including sexual assaults.

I tend to think this officer had a false allegation lodged against him by a woman who's credibility is in shambles. She seems to dwell on trying to play the victim. Whether her intent is to seek attention or that she is just plain diabolical, I don't know.

There is no reason why this officer's name should be disclosed. I am sure the mere allegation made against him as already caused him and his family much embarrassment.


The reason is simple. Investigation. Without knowing his name it would be a daunting task to ascertain whether or not the officer in question has had similar complaints lodged against him and if so what were the outcomes. This would have a direct bearing on the credibility of Ms Huckaby.
Who wouldn't be the MOST sympathetic toward the victim of a crime?

Without the victim and the crime itself there would be no perps and POIs to be suspicious about or "sleuth" in the first place.

Probably someone trying to ascertain the truth without letting their feelings or emotions bias their objectivity. This detachment is necessary in order to assure an accurate interpretation of the facts. It is not permanent or a reflection of a persons ethics and/or morality but just a mechanism to be turned on and off as needed.
Probably someone trying to ascertain the truth without letting their feelings or emotions bias their objectivity. This detachment is necessary in order to assure an accurate interpretation of the facts. It is not permanent or a reflection of a persons ethics and/or morality but just a mechanism to be turned on and off as needed.

QNA... I have read many of your threads. I have some questions: why do you tend to always assume the perp is innocent, especially MH in this case? Also, you have cited some info that has not been verified to the public. One example is that you stated that the park the prior drugged child was taken to was within the mobile home park. Where are you getting your information? Are you a friend/relative of MH? I am just curious because your postings seem very one-sided, and your information seems unfounded. Forgive me if I am perceiving this incorrectly. I am only curious...
QNA... I have read many of your threads. I have some questions: why do you tend to always assume the perp is innocent, especially MH in this case? Also, you have cited some info that has not been verified to the public. One example is that you stated that the park the prior drugged child was taken to was within the mobile home park. Where are you getting your information? Are you a friend/relative of MH? I am just curious because your postings seem very one-sided, and your information seems unfounded. Forgive me if I am perceiving this incorrectly. I am only curious...

According to a second hand account from a questionable source it was later revealed that Huckaby had taken MP to three different parks as well as to Wendy's. Link.

This raises the question on which park she was found at. We don't know where these alleged parks are but we do know that there is a park within the Orchard Mobile Home Park. If we look at the timelines we can deduce that she was found in a very close proximity to the Polk home and not 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20 miles away in some other park. Here's why...

It was elsewhere reported that "...According to the police documents, a family who resides in the Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park reported at 5:17 p.m. that their seven-year-old daughter had been missing for four hours on the afternoon of January 17. Police arrived quickly and reportedly discovered at 5:31 p.m. that she was with Melissa Huckaby at the park....

When Huckaby found out the girl's family was worried, she returned the girl to her mother at about 5:43 p.m..." Link.

Let's analyze this:
-She was reported missing at 5:17pm and police arrived quickly... let's say that means no more than 5 minutes. That puts them at the Polk house at say 5:22pm. Since you have to assume that the first area of the search is Orchard and that she, MP was located with MH at 5:31pm -9 minutes elapsed, you would have to conclude that the park she was found at was the one located within Orchard.

My postings only seem one sided because I will always give the benefit of the doubt to anyone accused until I see all the facts. That coupled with my objectivity and seeming lack of concern for the victim further enhances this erroneous view.
qna... I think the "three parks" may have been misreported. In the raw phone interview with Huckaby she said the girl had been to the park with her three times that week and wonder if that is where media picked up on the three. I personally think there was only one park and it was close to the trailer park.
QNA... I have read many of your threads. I have some questions: why do you tend to always assume the perp is innocent, especially MH in this case? Also, you have cited some info that has not been verified to the public. One example is that you stated that the park the prior drugged child was taken to was within the mobile home park. Where are you getting your information? Are you a friend/relative of MH? I am just curious because your postings seem very one-sided, and your information seems unfounded. Forgive me if I am perceiving this incorrectly. I am only curious...

Perhaps he/she assumes the perp is innocent because in our country you are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!! I think many folks on this forum sometimes confuse someone wanting to investigate all avenues with sympathy for the accused. And somehow that gets twisted with a LACK of sympathy for victim??? How on earth does one draw these conclusions??? Does a police officer who is investigating a crime have a lack of sympathy for the victim if he/she decides to question an alternate suspect??? How about if he requests evidence regarding some other crime against the suspect??? NO! He/she is just investigating and it has no bearing on his/her personal feelings.

And once again...this really gets me...a poster is accused of being related to the suspect simply because he/she isn't agreeing with the masses. Matter of fact, I think THAT is against the TOS! Accusing someone of being related to the suspect or being the suspect has to be the most unintelligent way of trying to debate another poster. It's like being in a debate on abortion and crying out, "But I was RAPED! Do you expect ME to have the baby?" I mean, really, where do you go from there?

QNA - maybe you should submit a DNA sample and any other evidence proving you are a critical thinker.
My postings only seem one sided because I will always give the benefit of the doubt to anyone accused until I see all the facts. That coupled with my objectivity and seeming lack of concern for the victim further enhances this erroneous view.

While I can not say I always do the same, I admire your UN-biased investigative tactics. Keep up the good work!
Perhaps he/she assumes the perp is innocent because in our country you are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!! I think many folks on this forum sometimes confuse someone wanting to investigate all avenues with sympathy for the accused. And somehow that gets twisted with a LACK of sympathy for victim??? How on earth does one draw these conclusions??? Does a police officer who is investigating a crime have a lack of sympathy for the victim if he/she decides to question an alternate suspect??? How about if he requests evidence regarding some other crime against the suspect??? NO! He/she is just investigating and it has no bearing on his/her personal feelings.

And once again...this really gets me...a poster is accused of being related to the suspect simply because he/she isn't agreeing with the masses. Matter of fact, I think THAT is against the TOS! Accusing someone of being related to the suspect or being the suspect has to be the most unintelligent way of trying to debate another poster. It's like being in a debate on abortion and crying out, "But I was RAPED! Do you expect ME to have the baby?" I mean, really, where do you go from there?

QNA - maybe you should submit a DNA sample and any other evidence proving you are a critical thinker.

Perhaps you need to go back and review all of these postings. I did not "accuse" anyone of anything. I simply ASKED if this person was a friend because in their prior postings, they seem to include "information" that was never released to the public, that seemed like it could only come from someone who is knowledgable in a first hand manner. I am wondering where some of the past details are coming from, because again, they have not been made public by any source! The park location was only ONE example of this.

I do believe that everyone deserves a fair trial, and we all know mistakes have been made, and innocent people sent to prison. We, the public, are not allowed to see the proof in this case. You are correct on that. And one can argue that it may well be that MH is completely innocent of this crime. We just don't have the proof in OUR hands.

But the judge does. Yep, she sure does. And to come out and make a statement like she did, that she is sealing the evidence to quell public outrage, and assure MH of a fair trial is TELLING. I have to say, I think I give more weight to the judge in this case rather than to a defendant who is a DOCUMENTED liar!!!
With the personality traits we are seeing in the suspect, I believe he is innocent and she lied to play the victim card. This isn't surprising to me.

Being willing to brand the officer as a potential rapist after he has been cleared, but defending the woman who raped and killed a little defenseless girl to me is telling. I see no reason to know the officer's name as he is not part of this case, imo. Dragging more innocent victims into this is not acceptable.

Thank you SS, I think that PPL are having a hard time with the crime at hand, so some minds want to think that somebody did some think to cause the suspect to do what they did. I for one believe that she did this out of pure evil, nothing more nothing less. There are opposites to just about everything, and I guess that is why evil stands alone. I can only put a face to the word.

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