Hulk Hogan's son seriously injured another boy in car wreck

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on this story .... and when they opened the phone lines to the callers .... I was sickened by the people who called in and stated it was wrong in having the family release the video of their son in the hospital and they were outraged that the media was portraying the victim in the way they were to seek sympathy.

Here we have rich and famous HULK Hogan on Larry King feeling sorry for his sad *)(*)(* irresponsible kid ... who states ... cant wait till I get out so that I can do a reality TV show on my story!

I was very happy to see the CNN Hostess ... say point blank to the callers .... I must and I have to say that I 100% respectfully disagree with you .... and believe the family HAD every right and should have released the video because their son and the public needed to see why he cannot explain his side of the story.

So very sad ... and I pray this young man recovers .... a proud Marine
who now faces life long challenges beuond comprehension.

Omg, I had no idea people were fussing because John's family released the video of him.:mad:
I'm going to see if that will be replayed tonight.
That poor family doesn't need to do anything to 'get sympathy'.
Besides, anyone with a heart would be sympathetic towards them, imo.
Yes the CNN show hostess ... was coming down on the Hulk for his interview with Larry King ... saying it was ill advised ... and insensitive to the victim's family. And then to top it off ... wanting to make money on a reality TV show based on the event. This did not sit well with the host or the viewing public .... as the Larry King show was getting negative feedback on the interview.

She then said ... lets open the phone lines ... and I think the first 2 callers were in support of Hulk Hogan and his family making comments like ... the passenger vicitim was old enough to know better ... no one forced him into the car ... if he felt it was usafe or unwise ... he should not have got in ... and then she began to critisize the vicitm's family by releasing the video to the media to portray synpathy with what happen to him. That is when the hostess interrupted and stated in direct tone I have to say that I 100% disagree with you ... and redirected support to the victim.

By that time I was yelling at the TV .... unbelievable ..... if it were her brother, father, husband, boy friend .... she would surely feel differently!

bahaaa, I yell at the tv too.
I can't thank you enough for the information about the show.
I didn't see HH on Larry King either. I need to pay better attention to the tv guide. ;)
bahaaa, I yell at the tv too.
I can't thank you enough for the information about the show.
I didn't see HH on Larry King either. I need to pay better attention to the tv guide. ;)

You can see the entire show on U tube . Just type in Hulk Hogan on Larry King live show....
I am wondering at what point everything turned so hostile? In the beginning, Johns Mother even issued a statement to the Press on how Hogan fam had been so nice to her, etc. I think I can find the article.....
You can see the entire show on U tube . Just type in Hulk Hogan on Larry King live show....
I am wondering at what point everything turned so hostile? In the beginning, Johns Mother even issued a statement to the Press on how Hogan fam had been so nice to her, etc. I think I can find the article.....

I'm thinking John's father is the one who turned things so sour. He certainly didn't share any of his wife's sentiments.

Or maybe it turned sour once the Bollea's started blaming John in the press for not wearing his seatbelt.
Just heard the alledged telephone threats to the telephone of HH ...
although I could not understand much of the dialog as it was something like;

You ....beep .... bleeping .... beep .. and you ... bleep ... bleeping ... bla bla bla ... beep ... beeping ... beep ..... etc.

Kinda reminded me of the tape phone call from "dog the bounty hunter' and his son .... remember that one? Yuk.

Incredible .

This media expose' on this tragedy really needs to stop .... save all of the evidence for the trial .... and please STAY AWAY FROM THE INTERVIEWS ON LARRY KING AND OPRAH.

It is not looking good.

ooo, after seeing that video of John I'm sick.

I can't look at a Hogan again without disgust, after all of their media whoring and total lack of disregard for this courageous young man and his family.

YUK, I used to like them even though you could tell their show was a set up like the Kardashian one.

No more Hogans, ever.
Just heard the alledged telephone threats to the telephone of HH ...
although I could not understand much of the dialog as it was something like;

You ....beep .... bleeping .... beep .. and you ... bleep ... bleeping ... bla bla bla ... beep ... beeping ... beep ..... etc.

Kinda reminded me of the tape phone call from "dog the bounty hunter' and his son .... remember that one? Yuk.

Incredible .

This media expose' on this tragedy really needs to stop .... save all of the evidence for the trial .... and please STAY AWAY FROM THE INTERVIEWS ON LARRY KING AND OPRAH.

It is not looking good.


I think it's petty and vindictive of the Hogan's to release these so called tape trying to make it look like they are the victims and John's family are the aggressors. The Hogan's are a piece of work who just don't get it... I say, let the media keep printing things like this... It's fun watching the Hogan's dig deeper and deeper and deeper...
I have a question...since John is Military will he be eligible for VA Hospital help (for life) or does it have to be "military related"? Surely he will be able to get disability....I was just wondering.
From the video, it doesnt look too good. It has been months since he was injured:confused:
As far as not watching LKL, well Hulk Hogan lied on that show and said Nick was NOT speeding. Listen to the local witness on the 911 tape. Why would they lie? I know the area, it is very heavily traveled, there wouldve
been alot of people who saw this crash, they will probably be called as witnesses.
I have never seen the "Hogans" reality show and never have been a fan of the family but I always thought Hogan was a semi-classy guy but I was wrong.

Hogan and his son bashing the victim, the mother out skanking around with a 19 year old boy, the daughter looking like a 45 year old, color blind drag queen. The whole family is a total mess!!

This military HERO made a bad decision. He got in the car with his friend and they raced another car.
A wreck happened and now his is in terrible shape for the rest of his life.
Nick Hogan only has to serve less than a year in prison then he will be out partying.

I hope the family sues and takes everything the Hogans own including anything they may make in the future.
I have a question...since John is Military will he be eligible for VA Hospital help (for life) or does it have to be "military related"? Surely he will be able to get disability....I was just wondering.
From the video, it doesnt look too good. It has been months since he was injured:confused:
As far as not watching LKL, well Hulk Hogan lied on that show and said Nick was NOT speeding. Listen to the local witness on the 911 tape. Why would they lie? I know the area, it is very heavily traveled, there wouldve
been alot of people who saw this crash, they will probably be called as witnesses.

The first party responsible for the medical expenses will be the auto carrier insurance of the driver - Hogan. Once those benefits are exhausted ... and they will go quickly (100,000 / 300,000) the military benefits under the veterans administration will take over. Major problem is that most ... although not all ... services are provided in the VA Hospital setting and most people prefer to seek medical care at "non-VA" type hospitals. In john's case ... his needs are so intense that he may be able to have lifetime care at a specialty spinal / rehab center ... covered by the VA.

This only covers medical benefits .... I believe the young Hogan could still be liable for loss of lifetime income, pain and sufferring, etc. via a civil lawsuit that could be in the millions. Will be interesting to find out if the car and insurance was in Big Hogan's name ... or if the son actually owned the car and was insured on his own? Curious minds would like to know.

Just curious ... was the other driver of the car in the alleged race ... Dodge Viper ever charged with street racing .... and was it ever determined that the Viper may or may not have been owned by the Hulk?

Little Hogan was just a teen ... so i am not sure he owned the car on his own or was self insured .... but what do I know as I never had the money to throw away like they do.

From St. Pete Times:
Last news we heard in the Nick Bollea Toyota Supra crash story (See the photos of the smashed-up Supra here!) came yesterday, when we heard the son of Hulk Hogan may have been engaging in some stoplight to stoplight racing with a Dodge Viper. Although we knew yesterday police believed the Hulkster was not the driver of any vehicle involved in the crash nor was he on site at the time of the crash, there's now rampant speculation one of his Vipers was involved. According to state records, Hogan owns three of the snake-like Dodge speed demons — "a 1994 roadster, a 2003 roadster and a 2006 roadster coupe." Police haven't ruled out the theory someone else may have been driving one of the former wrestlers Vipers yet. The other bit of news we're hearing comes by way of the St. Petersburg Times:

"Rabih Cheaib, 20, who watched the high-speed race and was at the scene shortly after the crash, said he saw the Viper return to the area after the accident. He recognized the driver as Dunedin resident Danny Jacobs, whom he knew through friends."
We're assuming with 22-year-old John J. Graziano, the passenger in Bollea's Supra, still in critical condition, the St. Pete's police are probably going to have a few questions for Mr. Jacobs. [via St. Petersburg Times]

I'm pretty sure that it was determined that the Viper did belong to the Hulk, but was driven by one of Nick's friends.
The first party responsible for the medical expenses will be the auto carrier insurance of the driver - Hogan. Once those benefits are exhausted ... and they will go quickly (100,000 / 300,000) the military benefits under the veterans administration will take over. Major problem is that most ... although not all ... services are provided in the VA Hospital setting and most people prefer to seek medical care at "non-VA" type hospitals. In john's case ... his needs are so intense that he may be able to have lifetime care at a specialty spinal / rehab center ... covered by the VA.

This only covers medical benefits .... I believe the young Hogan could still be liable for loss of lifetime income, pain and sufferring, etc. via a civil lawsuit that could be in the millions. Will be interesting to find out if the car and insurance was in Big Hogan's name ... or if the son actually owned the car and was insured on his own? Curious minds would like to know.


Thanks Peace.:blowkiss:
It was something I wondered about. Im pretty sure he is in Bay Pines.
Watching the video, it amazed me just the equiptment they needed to get him out of bed. *and into the wheelchair*

I am pretty sure the car was in Hulk H. name, Nick has just turned 17 at the time of crash. There is no way he couldve afforded a car like that on his own? Unless he got paid for the hogan *un*reality show......

I couldnt blame Johns parents to sue on his behalf and try to get him more specialized care, even new experimental treatments and that is costly. Look how Farrah Fawcett went all the way to Germany for treatments. Even the guy dragged (Roy?) by the tiger had experimental
treatments and I hear he is almost walking now!
I won't watch her show either:,2933,380121,00.html
AP: What made you want to do another reality show?
Hogan: The first four times we did the reality show, I didn't have my stuff together with my music career. So this time, I'm like, all right, I have to start recording an album and using this TV show to my benefit, other than just letting these cameras come into my life to make ratings (laughs). And plus, I have to admit I really do miss the guys when they're gone, because they're like built-in family now, all the cameramen and stuff. So it's like, "Ah man, I really hate being followed all the time, but OK, come back. You guys are cute." (Laughs.) (more at link)

Granted, I don't have cable anymore, but I wouldn't watch it if I did!!
That family looks like America's answer to the Corbys. Getting this young man all the specialists and care he needs should be this family's top priority if they had any conscience.
Graziano's Struggles Are Lifelong
Posted Jul 19th 2008 2:00PM by TMZ Staff
John Graziano finally will be able to receive reconstructive cranialplasty surgery to replace the hole in his head -- now that the swelling has lessened enough for doctors to operate.

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