Human Predators Stalk Haiti's Vulnerable Kids

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Did Laura think to ask the state of Idaho if a children's home would be permitted? The building of group homes and youth "ranches" is a very tightly controlled operation. Orphanages, as they exist in Haiti, are not allowed in the US as they don't follow the federal mandate of "least restrictive environment".

I'm trying to wrap my mind around the wanting to build an orphanage in Haiti. What I don't get is putting the cart before the horse. You pick up the kids, put them in a hotel, build the orphanage quickly....umm...I keep getting confused.

You don't think Laura thought it might be a good idea to teach the boys construction, do you? Like building their own described in the official definition of human trafficking?
Pink--I think that's because "a lie is a big fat story and the truth is what really happened."

(My eight year old daughter's exact words as she sat on the witness stand and was questioned by the judge concerning her credibility as a witness in our rape trial. BTW, she has severe developmental disabilities, is deaf, and has cerebral palsy. She knows what a lie is, though.)

"But, to Carol, when she got a text from a friend who also used to work at the company stating: "Laura's in jail in Haiti! Karma!" she couldn't believe it. The news of Laura's missionary work came as a shock — after two years with Personal Shopper, Carol had no idea that Laura was even a Baptist."
All I have to say is that "the truth doesn't change" and Ms. Silsby's story has changed how many times now?
I wonder if Laura Silsby's father is a dentist and has been involved with Operation Smile? Possibly he has traveled to Haiti with Operation Smile missions? Maybe thats why she has that section on her website?
A bit OT: In my googlings of "Laura Silsby", I've bumped into a bunch of directory-type hits for another Laura Silsby who's an LPN in New York. Poor woman. Can you imagine living with the name "Laura Silsby" right now?
Has anyone determined Silsby's maiden name? There was quite a list there on that one site. I don't see any orthodontists that fit the bill, though. I do find it plausible that her dad did some fine work in Haiti. I'd imagine that he's appalled at what's happened. At least I hope he's appalled.
Just to remind us of the great work truly being done:

"This week, trainers affiliated with Portland-based Mercy Corps took on a new task: helping community leaders aid the country's youngest victims.

The Comfort for Kids program is designed to teach adults how to help children overcome the emotional trauma caused by the Jan. 12 earthquake that killed an estimated 200,000 people.

The program includes training for grown-ups, a workbook for children and "comfort kits" with blankets, toothbrushes, toys, paper, crayons and pens.

In Haiti, the first training session was Thursday and included about 40 teachers, nurses and day care providers.

The training is in French and Creole, and the hope is that the people who attend the first sessions will train others.

Comfort for Kids was used after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina and other disasters. If those catastrophes are any guide, the training will continue long after Haiti begins rebuilding."

So, here we've got an agency with an impeccable reputation, international support, past successes, fluency in the survivors' first language, clear boundaries, and a PLAN. A set plan which will most likely bring untold amounts of comfort to hurting children.

This deserves to be on the front page...instead of Laura Silsby smirking and acting like she's line dancing with the Haitian guards.
Has anyone determined Silsby's maiden name? There was quite a list there on that one site. I don't see any orthodontists that fit the bill, though. I do find it plausible that her dad did some fine work in Haiti. I'd imagine that he's appalled at what's happened. At least I hope he's appalled.

Maiden name is Sander.

U.S. Ambassador Kenneth Merten showed up after 5 p.m. outside judicial police headquarters, where the defendants are being held.

"The U.S. justice system cannot interfere in what’s going on with these Americans right now," Merten told reporters. "The Haitian justice system will do what it has to do."

Members of Idaho’s congressional delegation said in a statement Thursday that they are working to ensure the missionaries have access to legal help and medical attention.
You know what else makes me really mad about what they did? This is the top story coming out of Haiti. That's not right. Grrrr...
Anybody - turn on CNN now if you can - nobody is here - shoot. 'Rick's list' is about to return from commercial break to talk about "a group of people in Haiti who were following God's law but have run into man's law".

Sounds like he may not have the whole story, huh?

These reporters have to work on doing their homework imo. This is rediculous.

Talking to an author, Jim Wallis, about his book on the subject of American values. JW stated that he doesn't know all the circumstances about the group in Haiti so he refrained from commenting. Good for him.
I just watched the video on msnbc concerning the court hearing. An "investigating judge" (who researched the case and interviewed all ten of the charged) gathered information and presented a report to the prosecutors. Then, the 10 were charged and detained by the presiding judge.

I find it remarkable that no representative from the US State Dept. was present in the courtroom. I'm actually shocked. Does anyone know if this is typical or more than a bit surprising? There was a comment that the Red Cross would probably be checking on the ten Baptists' welfare and that the State Dept. is keeping an eye on the situation.

Sounds to me that the US knows this is something dirty and is letting Ms. Silsby hang.

From the little bit I know on the subject from living in another country, if you commit a crime you are under that country's laws. The US reps cannot march in and fix things. When there is an US Embassy in the country there is usually a person assigned to handle relations with the host country regarding any prisoners that may be incarcerated there. Under normal circumstances, that employee may be able to fascilitate communications from the prisoner's family back home, arrange for the prisoner to have visitors and will physically check on the prisoner from time-to-time to include helping the prisoner obtain counsel and other legalities. But, they have no immediate power to reverse the prisoner's sentence or anything like that. That is all done at higher levels and through programs like prisoner exchange agreements wherein, after the prisoner has served many years of their sentence (even if it's a life sentence), they MAY get lucky and be sent back to the States to finish their sentence. After some time spent in the US prison system, they may get out when they never would have if they stayed in the foreign prison.

My guess is that the US, having gathered enough evidence that these peeps were not going by the rules, are not interferring now. That would be like shaking a big fist. If, however, this was a group of people who had done nothing wrong, but were apprehended on faulty charges, I would think/hope that our Government would be negotiating for their release and make a case for the group to be released. That doesn't mean they won't intervene on their behalf later to the extent that they can, but now it would be politically uncorrect to do so.

I can't help but feel badly for the youngest two in the group though; weren't they just playing follow the leader? It must be terrifying.
Treasure Valley contractor is not building complex in Kuna for Laura Silsby
By Cynthia Sewell - Idaho Statesman
Published: 02/05/10

"Eric Evans wants to make one thing clear: He is not building a multi-million-dollar complex for runaway children on a 40-acre lot in Kuna for Laura Silsby as reported in the Wall Street Journal on Friday.

Evans has been deluged by reporters calling him and knocking on his door wanting to know more about the Kuna project, which he had never heard of until today.

Kuna City Planner Steve Hasson also has not heard of any such project.

Evans met Silsby, who has been charged with child abduction in Haiti, a couple years ago when he sold her a house in Meridian. He has not worked with her on any other projects since then, Evans said."

So, where did the story in the WSJ come from regarding Eric Evans? From WSJ article: "Ms. Silsby had equally grand ambitions closer to home. The Idaho plan called for a "multi-million-dollar complex" for runaway kids on a 40-acre lot in Kuna County, Idaho, according to Eric Evans, owner of Eric Evans Construction in Meridian, Idaho. Ms Silsby said it would have an indoor swimming pool, tennis courts, and dormitories for the children, said Mr. Evans, adding that Ms. Silsby had discussed having him build the project." And he may not have worked with her on any projects but why, in the Idaho State Records does it show a couple of lawsuits against both he and Silsby? Here is one:
- On July 28, 2009, Disaster Kleenup in the Treasure Valley sued Eric Evans, Evans Construction and Silsby, asking for a lien in the amount of $3,225.79. A notice of voluntary dismissal with prejudice was recorded Nov. 8.

We do know from the WSJ article, that Mel Coulter was supplying them with a lot of the information. What does Coulter know about Silsby that he hasn't told yet? Why is he being so overly protective of his adult daughter? To the point of nothing being her doing?

Also, Laura Silsby has two kids that I have been able to identify. One is 19, the other is about 14. So, if Charisa was being a nanny for Silsby kids say two years ago, that would make those two 17 and 12. I don't know about a third kid. But, do 12 year old and 17 year old kids normally have nannies?
I see in an updated version of the WSJ article:

Missionary Stumbles on Road to Haiti

It identifies Silsby's father by name and includes this:

"Standing in his living room, which is decorated with portraits of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln praying, John Sander said his daughter's motives shouldn't be misconstrued because her group's efforts went awry. "In their intent to do something good they may have been a touch naive about what was required. You can be blinded by your ambition." He added: "We're hoping and praying the judge will see the intent of her heart was not to do anything wrong.""

The living room also has a life-size statue of Sarah Palin, and a lot of teapots.:crazy:


"Interviewed Thursday night, her mother said Ms. Silsby knew many of the children weren't orphans but that the parents had signed them over to her to give them a better life. "She has no desire to exploit, no desire to take advantage," Adonna Sander, at her home in Buhl, Idaho, said of her daughter."We knew they had parents, she knew they had parents. They're saying, 'Take this child.' ""
From the little bit I know on the subject from living in another country, if you commit a crime you are under that country's laws. The US reps cannot march in and fix things. . . . My guess is that the US, having gathered enough evidence that these peeps were not going by the rules, are not interferring now.

Officially, they can't, but in the case of a country such as Haiti, which is a perpetual recipient of large amounts of US aid, the reality is that all they would have to do is ask, and the Haitian government would quickly arrange for the case to be handled however the US requested.

I'm sure you're absolutely right that the US officials quickly gathered info on Silsby, and perhaps also have some lesser "dirt" on some of the others, and decided this was a good opportunity to ensure that Silsby gets what she deserves (which there's no way she'd ever get in the US "justice" system"), and that the rest get a much-needed lesson in addition to serving as well-publicized examples of why it's not okay to run off to a foreign country to "help" somebody who's claiming to be running a religiously-motivated mission, without thoroughly checking out the person's claims and the details of the plan. I expect the Southern Baptist Convention will be following up on the mild chastisement they've already issued, with a more formal recommendation on the need for individual churches to check out people who are organizing "missions" and educate their members on how to spot scammers who prey on people using religion as a hook.

I feel the same way as you do about the teenagers, though. I'm sure if they were even a little under 18, the US officials would have had them out of there by now, because it would have easy to formally distinguish them from the others by pointing out that they're legally "minors" at least under US law (though I'm not sure what the Haitian age cut-off is for minor vs. adult). The fact that they're a bit over 18 means a slightly more convoluted approach is needed, and they may end up getting out at the same time as the rest of the non-Silsby adults. My guess is that all except Silsby will be out soon, and probably face little more than temporary passport revocation from US authorities.

I really, really hope that the US decides to leave Silsby to the Haitians. She's right where she belongs, in a "fetid" cell with a mattress on a concrete floor. I'd be happy to have my tax dollars quietly used to reimburse the Haitian government for the minimal cost of keeping her in whatever conditions are standard for Haitians who are jailed for crimes. They could keep her for a decade for less than a month in one of our prisons would cost.
Also, Laura Silsby has two kids that I have been able to identify. One is 19, the other is about 14. So, if Charisa was being a nanny for Silsby kids say two years ago, that would make those two 17 and 12. I don't know about a third kid. But, do 12 year old and 17 year old kids normally have nannies?

What's your source for that info? I've been baffled by the complete lack of ANY mention of Silsby's children. I realize it wouldn't be appropriate to start spraying their names and details of their lives around the media, but even all the babbling church members and relatives in the first couple of days didn't say a word about Silsby even having children of her own, being a great mom, or anything along those lines. I seriously think she may have lost custody of them and they're living with their father. The nanny is obviously not serving as a nanny right now, and if Silsby's children were stranded back in the DR, where their mother and nanny had expected to return to them quickly after the grab-and-run child-shopping expedition into Haiti, I think we would have heard something about it. So far I also haven't heard a word about any additional members of Silsby's "team" having stayed behind in the DR to prepare for the arrival of the children.

Re the age of the Silsby children and their having a nanny, it's certainly very common for families in which both, or the only parent works, to have a nanny if they have any children under driving age. A 17 year old may be at sports practice or out with friends after school, while a 14 year old needs to be driven to dance class, and somebody needs to get dinner on the table. I think it's usually more of an overall housekeeping job , including laundry, cooking, shopping, being home for repair people, etc, than solely child-care.

No early release for US missionaries in Haiti

"Ten U.S. Baptist missionaries charged with child kidnapping returned to jail Friday after failing to persuade a judge to grant them provisional release pending the outcome of their case, their lawyer said.

The weary looking Americans were led one by one into the back of a police van after spending half the day at a courthouse in the rubble-strewn capital. A judge scheduled three more days of hearings next week, starting Monday, defense attorney Edwin Coq told reporters."
i.b.nora--I'm laughing so hard--well you know. I'm sure everyone's noticed that I've been quiet. Little seizure break, nothing to worry about. I hate them as they slow me down. Anyway, I've been trying to catch up and your post made me burst out laughing. I needed that. Life size...huh? Do you know where I can get me one of those? And teapots. I used to love teapots. Certain people are spoiling that for me.

I know O/T but couldn't help myself. It was just the jolt I needed!!
Wading into murky waters here. Do we have any posters who lean strongly to the right and listen to Rush, Glenn and other news sources of this sort (can you tell I was raised to be a gracious and respectful girl?). Anyway, if so, what is the word on the street?

Many Baptists are highly conservative and I'm sure listen to these news shows. Has there been a lot of coverage on the Silsby group? I'd be very interested. My husband keeps me posted on NPR but I haven't heard from the other side of the aisle.

Interestingly enough, in all my research on orphanages in Haiti, it seems that the majority are run by evangelical Christian groups. I know of one run by Mennonites and several Catholic ones. But most seem to be tied to American evangelicals IMO.

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