SPOTLIGHT CASE Human Trafficking Awareness Thread

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arrests made in Human Trafficking and Juvenile Prostitution investigation,

One girl and one man face 16 charges

Monday, September 10, 2012

On Saturday, September 8, 2012, the Toronto Police Service began an investigation into a
complaint regarding Juvenile Prostitution.
It is alleged that:
− two girls, a 14−year−old and a 15−year−old, from a group home northwest of Toronto, were
procured into prostitution in the Sherbourne Street area of Toronto.
On Saturday, September 8, 2012, at approximately 5:45 p.m., a 16−year−old girl was arrested
"TORONTO - Timea Nagy is a human-trafficking survivor who is helping other women become survivors.

The 35-year-old knows the empty promises made to young girls who come to Canada for a better life and, like herself, are thrown into the stripping industry or prostitution and are threatened by pimps if they try to leave.

But shockingly, the same alarming story happens for Canadian women from all walks of life and background.

"They get kicked out at the age of 12 or their own mothers sold them to drug dealers," Nagy said at the third-annual Walk for Freedom march Saturday in Toronto.

"One girl was (a dealer's) slave until she was 15 and then she broke free from him. But by then, her ribs, her legs and nose were broken and unfortunately, that's the typical story behind every Canadian trafficking case."
More female, teenage "pimps"

"OTTAWA - In the deathly stillness of night, Paul (not his real name) can hear his daughter toss and turn in bed, still wracked with nightmares of when she says she was forced into a teen prostitution ring".

"Friends of friends, they seemed trustworthy enough.

They told her they were having a party and she should come along.

“They essentially kidnapped her and later entrapped her,” Paul said


"They planned to sell her like a *advertiser censored*, and they dressed her for the part, Paul says.

According to Paul, the girls slapped makeup on her face, outfitted her in a miniskirt and dropped her unceremoniously on the doorstep of a john"

Human Trafficking On The Rise Across North Texas
September 21, 2012 6:13 PM

On Thursday, Nathan Tartarko was arrested for human trafficking and sexual assault of a child. Police say the former Army soldier picked up his 14-year-old victim as she was walking home from Ridgemar Mall in Fort Worth.

“First she said no, she wasn’t sure about that. He was persistent so she said, ‘Okay, you can give me a ride,’” Reyes explained.

Tatarko says the girl willingly went with him to an adult male friend’s home, where they gave her alcohol.

Police say both men had sex with the girl and taught the teen how to smoke meth.

Tatarko took the girl to at least two game rooms and had her ask patrons if they wanted her to dance for money, which she did, according to police.

Police say the suspect also took the victim to a Fort Worth Wal-Mart parking lot to solicit men.

Officers stopped Tatarko because his back windshield was broken out, which looked suspicious to police.

(What if his back windshield was fine!!!)

Officials say it’s a common story. Many times, suspects target girls who post comments about a negative home life on social media sites and chat rooms. Suspects then lure the teens by offering friendship, fun and a life away from home.

Using those same tactics a couple lured another 14-year-old victim from North Texas.

William Jacobs and Shayla Williams were arrested on September 11, 2012. Police say they trafficked their victim in eight different states, dirng a three-week period.

"Four people have now been implicated in a human trafficking and juvenile prostitution ring that preyed on susceptible girls, according to Toronto police.

“They’re vulnerable. Where there is blood in the water, sharks smell it,” Det. Mark Benallick said Thursday."


"Two girls, 14 and 15, were “recruited” and taken from a group home northwest of Toronto on Aug. 31 and forced into prostitution in the Sherbourne St. area, Benallick said.

The group home, a ministry-accredited facility, filed a missing persons report with the OPP"
This whole subject makes me really ill. The lowest form of scum do this to children...

But the focus, IMO, also needs to be not only on those sick individuals -selling- children for sex, but also on those -buying- them.

Who are all these thousands of adults paying for sex with children, who keep this multi-billion dollar a year industry alive? If they did not exist, how many children would be stolen? How many corrupted and abused? How many sold?

Are there really that many men (and women) in the world who want to have sex with a child? Wth. Just Wth.
There was a conviction and sentencing in the UK yesterday of a prolific, HIV positive sex trafficker who added voodoo to the mix to further terrify his victims. He was sentenced to 20 years, which IMO is not enough. This 'man' was clearly proud of his exploits and has no compunction or remorse, if the statements of his victims are to be believed. However, when looking back on other British cases, this is a huge improvement on previous sentences.

This took place in a small town just 20 minutes up the road from my home.

His home was a secret staging post for vulnerable teenage orphans as they were smuggled from Africa to several European countries.
Detectives discovered evidence that at least 28 victims were smuggled in and out of Britain by Osolase over a 14-month period, earning him up to £1.5million.
But the true figure could run into hundreds as the paedophile was overheard by one girl boasting he had been operating for 15 years as he tried to sell her for £60,000.

I think I could become rather fond of this Judge

At Canterbury crown court on Friday Osolase was found guilty of five counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation, and one each of rape and sexual activity with a child.

Sentencing him on Monday, the judge, Adele Williams, said Osolase was "devoid of conscience, devoid of compassion to your victims".

She said he had put his victims in fear by using juju rituals to force their obedience and secure their silence. She said he was responsible for a "cruel deception" by promising the girls a better standard of life.

"You were dealing in exploitation and manipulation and degradation. You have been convicted on clear and compelling evidence," the judge said. "I have seen and heard you give evidence and you are undoubtedly a very, very dishonest man. You are arrogant and manipulative, you are devoid of conscience, devoid of any compassion to your victims."

She said Osolase treated the girls as objects to be sold as sex slaves. The fact that he raped one girl knowing he had HIV was a "seriously aggravating" feature, she said.

It was recommended that Osolase be deported after serving his sentence. Osolase, of Gravesend, Kent, showed no emotion as the sentence was passed.

There is a short video in the link below, which also confirms the sentencing

These are the guidelines, based on former cases, set out by the CPS for sentencing human traffickers in the UK.
Ugliness of human trafficking is coming out of the shadows ( link )

Human trafficking was, until recently, the biggest nonconversation we had. Hushed-toned talk, relegated to dark corners and dingy alleyways, helped this human-rights crisis flourish below the radar. But dialogue about the fastest-growing crime on the planet, with more people enslaved now than any time in human history, is finally beginning to resonate.


But if we realized our kids were being exported, while others were being imported, we would have cried foul sooner and much louder. It's a difficult concept to wrap our heads around. How do you explain to the concerned volunteer who canvasses neighborhoods, lakes and wooded areas for a missing person to consider searching shipping containers instead?
Just wondering if this is what is happening to our little missings ones on here.
Allot of our missing children have parents that are on drugs or drunk.
Could this be what these creeps target? Opportunity?
"OTTAWA - Hoping to prevent teens and young adults from falling victim to human trafficking and forced prostitution in Canada, the RCMP has launched a new youth education program.

The "I'm not for sale" campaign is meant to put educational materials in students' hands to warn them of the tricks traffickers use to lure their victims"
Quite the expose on human trafficking in Amsterdam. Seems they face the same problems as N America in terms of underage girls getting tricked and forced into prostitution by a certain type of charming man...
"A feminist revolution that cruelly backfired - and why Amsterdam's legal brothels are a brutal lesson for Britain about telling the truth on sex gangs and race"

By Sue Reid

PUBLISHED:01:42 GMT, 23 November 2012| UPDATED: 11:48 GMT, 23 November 2012

Read more:
Hey i graduated from the university 4 years ago and work in this field... and have a degree bA in criminology specialization sex trafficking ..PLEASE if you need help pm me..i have a lot of ressources in usa and canada and can help you. if you feel in danger please contact me. Julia Brunet

Admin please add me in ur ressources...
Hey i graduated from the university 4 years ago and work in this field... and have a degree bA in criminology specialization sex trafficking ..PLEASE if you need help pm me..i have a lot of ressources in usa and canada and can help you. if you feel in danger please contact me. Julia Brunet

Admin please add me in ur ressources...

BLESS YOUR HEART... this has to be one of the most heart wrenching jobs on earth.

Thank you.
I had no idea this was such a problem until recently when I met a woman who was involved in trying to help. She told me they target middle school and younger kids. So awful.
EDMONTON - Three men are facing human trafficking and pimping charges after teen girls were lured into Edmonton’s prostitution underground in two separate cases.

Police say one man lured an underage girl to Edmonton from Saskatoon for the purpose of prostitution in July 2012.

When the girl arrived in the city, police say she was plied with alcohol and drugs including cocaine. But soon afterward, she allegedly learned the less scrupulous nature of her benefactors.

“Through online conversations with a third party, she came to Edmonton and basically was caught in a very difficult situation,” said police spokesman Scott Pattison, adding she was “sexually assaulted, beaten . . . and basically threatened and put into the sex trade industry.”

"Police were alerted to the situation and began an investigation last week that led to the arrest of Hamid Fazli Ghejlou, 31, and Shahin Ranjbar, 23, on Thursday".
National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2013 ( link )


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This month, we rededicate ourselves to stopping one of the greatest human rights abuses of our time. Around the world, millions of men, women, and children are bought, sold, beaten, and abused, locked in compelled service and hidden in darkness. They toil in factories and fields; in brothels and sweatshops; at sea, abroad, and at home. They are the victims of human trafficking -- a crime that amounts to modern-day slavery.

As Americans, we have long rejected such cruelty. We have recognized it as a debasement of our common humanity and an affront to the principles we cherish. And for more than a century, we have made it a national mission to bring slavery and human trafficking to an end.

My Administration has been deeply commited to carrying this legacy forward -- beginning with trafficking that happens on our own shores. We have strengthened protections so all workers know their rights, expanded efforts to identify and serve domestic victims, devoted new resources to dismantling trafficking networks, and put more traffickers behind bars than ever before. In the months ahead, we will continue to take action by empowering investigators and law enforcement with the training they need, and by engaging businesses, advocates, and students in developing cutting-edge tools people can use to stay safe. We will invest in helping trafficking victims rebuild their lives. And as one of the world's largest purchasers of goods and services, the Federal Government will keep leading by example, further strengthening protections to help ensure that American tax dollars never support forced labor.

Our commitment to stopping human trafficking does not end at our borders. As a leader in the global movement to combat this scourge, the United States has renewed sanctions on governments that harbor the worst offenders. We have partnered with groups around the world to help men, women, and children escape their abusers. And recognizing that no country can meet this challenge alone, we have aided others in addressing modern slavery's root causes, and encouraged nations across the globe to pass comprehensive anti-trafficking laws, enforce them rigorously, and care for survivors.

We know the road ahead is long, and change will not come easily. But as we renew our pledge to erase modern forms of slavery from the face of this earth, let us also draw strength from the movements of the past. We recall the words of the Emancipation Proclamation -- that every life saved is "an act of justice," worthy of "the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of an Almighty God." We reflect on the Amendment that wrote abolition into law, the decades of struggle to make its promise real, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that has drawn nations together in the pursuit of equality and justice. These achievements once seemed impossible -- but on this day, let us remember that they were not, and let us press on toward the future we know is possible.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 2013 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, culminating in the annual celebration of National Freedom Day on February 1. I call upon businesses, organizations, faith-based groups, families, and all Americans to recognize the vital role we can play in ending all forms of slavery and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.

This young lady was another victim of a conniving 'boyfriend" who finally had the courage to text a detective from a Mississauga motel to ask for help.

"OTTAWA - A 16-year-old Catholic schoolboy “pimped out” his girlfriend as a stripper, demanded she have sex with strangers and punished her with paintball gunshots and Taser blasts, the young woman testified Wednesday.

The boy, now 17, is on trial for charges including human trafficking, living off the avails of prostitution and assault causing bodily harm.

The slim, soft-spoken woman, now 18, testified they started dating in August 2011. Within days she was using fake ID to strip in local clubs, letting “disgusting” men grope her for $20-a-song lap dances"

CHICAGO—A Chicago man is facing a mandatory minimum of 10 years and a maximum sentence of life in prison after pleading guilty today to transporting a minor from Wisconsin to Illinois for prostitution. The defendant, Carl Brandon Smith, also admitted that he engaged in forced sex trafficking of the victim, as well as of a second minor and two young adult women. Between 2010 and early 2012, Smith forced his victims to engage in commercial sex acts, used physical violence, and threatened to kill them if they ever left him
Just in the last two years, my office, which covers the area of Northern Virginia, Richmond and the Tidewater region, has prosecuted 48 defendants; helped 34 juvenile victims seek justice; and secured substantial sentences, to include 40-, 50-year and life terms in prison. These cases involve young girls approached by traffickers at the Metro, at bus stops or even at school, luring them with empty and false promises. These predators have adapted for the modern technological era- using Facebook and other social media outlets to prey on young victims, from all walks of life. Victims have ranged from runaway teens to girls on the high school honor roll, but they all have one thing in common: they need our help.

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