Hurricane Ike and Topical Storm Hanna

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oh Kato-I hope it gets better soon! Do you have a generator?
oh Kato-I hope it gets better soon! Do you have a generator?

Nope. We have a friend in another town that just realized he had one we could've use but it's al ittle too late. Now that we're back at work we don't have time to drive there and get it. It'll be ok.
OMG, hi guys...I feel like I've been out of touch FOREVER!!!

Kato, I live in Spring and still have no power - ugh! There are subdivisions scattered all around me though and some of those have had power for a few days so who knows.

I'm currently at a friends house borrowing the net to catch up on everything and haven't had a chance to read this thread so I hope everyone faired okay during and after Ike! I had three huge trees fall into my yard but fortunately, fortunately, fortunately I had minimal damage to my house. I've got a roof leak, some water damage to my wood floors and a pool that looks like an algae pond with a million branches it but other than that I'm good.

Just an FYI, my mom lives in Galveston at 15th Street and the Seawall, right behind the Salt Grass Steakhouse and was one of those islanders who before the storm was adament about not leaving and planned to stay and ride it out, which was just a ridiculous stance in my book. Her house was one that survived the storm of 1900 so she always seems to have this tough girl thing going on when it comes to these storms. Anyhoo, I pretty much guilted her the evening before Ike hit, told her that she was being stupid and selfish, that the storm was coming my way too and I didn't need to also have to worry when and if my house blew over if my mom's dead body was a floating in the Gulf. Hardcore I know, but again, it is just so stupid to me to not take the better safe than sorry route! Anyhoo, already long story short, she woke up Friday morning to waves rolling over the seawall and water filling her street which has NEVER happened before, and mind you this was still 12-14 hours before the storm hit, it was sunny and beautiful outside, and needless to say she had a change of heart and evacuated. As of today her house still stands, some damage but at least the structure is still intact...which is probably both good and bad as with two destructive hurricanes down in her mind I suppose this will not be good for me in dealing with her on the next one!
OMG, hi guys...I feel like I've been out of touch FOREVER!!!

Kato, I live in Spring and still have no power - ugh! There are subdivisions scattered all around me though and some of those have had power for a few days so who knows.

I'm currently at a friends house borrowing the net to catch up on everything and haven't had a chance to read this thread so I hope everyone faired okay during and after Ike! I had three huge trees fall into my yard but fortunately, fortunately, fortunately I had minimal damage to my house. I've got a roof leak, some water damage to my wood floors and a pool that looks like an algae pond with a million branches it but other than that I'm good.

Just an FYI, my mom lives in Galveston at 15th Street and the Seawall, right behind the Salt Grass Steakhouse and was one of those islanders who before the storm was adament about not leaving and planned to stay and ride it out, which was just a ridiculous stance in my book. Her house was one that survived the storm of 1900 so she always seems to have this tough girl thing going on when it comes to these storms. Anyhoo, I pretty much guilted her the evening before Ike hit, told her that she was being stupid and selfish, that the storm was coming my way too and I didn't need to also have to worry when and if my house blew over if my mom's dead body was a floating in the Gulf. Hardcore I know, but again, it is just so stupid to me to not take the better safe than sorry route! Anyhoo, already long story short, she woke up Friday morning to waves rolling over the seawall and water filling her street which has NEVER happened before, and mind you this was still 12-14 hours before the storm hit, it was sunny and beautiful outside, and needless to say she had a change of heart and evacuated. As of today her house still stands, some damage but at least the structure is still intact...which is probably both good and bad as with two destructive hurricanes down in her mind I suppose this will not be good for me in dealing with her on the next one!

I know how you feel. If it wasn't for work and having access to the web here I'd really feel out of touch. The guy across the way got a generator. I've heard they are loud but now I know 1st hand. But I can't blame him. If I had the chance I'd be running one also. Nice to hear you had minimal damage and your mom's house survived another storm.
WHEW!!! All I can say is PRAISE GOD!!! We finally gor power back yesterday after a long 16 days. Anyone out there still without I know how ya feel.

Our tip was supposed to be the ceiling fan. So, thats's what we looked at all day. LOL All of a sudden the cats are looking, BF turns around and says the kithcen light is on. I said are you frickin' for real?? I run outside and start yelling, "We have power." LOL What a goofball. The news was even in our neighborhood asking people if they felt left out cuz everyone else around us had their power back on. As our luck of the draw we were in the lower 11% that still was without. Cable not back yet but that is quite alright. So, I took the day off to clean.
WHEW!!! All I can say is PRAISE GOD!!! We finally gor power back yesterday after a long 16 days. Anyone out there still without I know how ya feel.

Our tip was supposed to be the ceiling fan. So, thats's what we looked at all day. LOL All of a sudden the cats are looking, BF turns around and says the kithcen light is on. I said are you frickin' for real?? I run outside and start yelling, "We have power." LOL What a goofball. The news was even in our neighborhood asking people if they felt left out cuz everyone else around us had their power back on. As our luck of the draw we were in the lower 11% that still was without. Cable not back yet but that is quite alright. So, I took the day off to clean.

Glad to hear you are back in the saddle. 16 days is a long time to be without power.....Whew!!!!
WHEW!!! All I can say is PRAISE GOD!!! We finally gor power back yesterday after a long 16 days. Anyone out there still without I know how ya feel.

Our tip was supposed to be the ceiling fan. So, thats's what we looked at all day. LOL All of a sudden the cats are looking, BF turns around and says the kithcen light is on. I said are you frickin' for real?? I run outside and start yelling, "We have power." LOL What a goofball. The news was even in our neighborhood asking people if they felt left out cuz everyone else around us had their power back on. As our luck of the draw we were in the lower 11% that still was without. Cable not back yet but that is quite alright. So, I took the day off to clean.

I can't even imagine going that long without electricity.
The local news said they found 3 more dead bodies yesterday in Galveston. They are pending ID.

I wanted to say that my heart and prayers go out to anyone affected by Ike. I cannot even begin to share the rest of my feelings on this having grown up in Galveston and having family members and friends forever changed by Ike. Even now I am starting to tear up.

I can only say thank you to God that we were not living there and have an open door and extra room for those whose homes are no more. And thanks God. I knew there was a reason I never learned to cook small meals. I guess He knew one day I would be cooking for a small army, lol.
On the local news yesterday they had a lady on who was looking for her firiend (they lived on Bolivar). She got a cell phone call from her asking for help and that's the last she heard from her.
On the local news tonight they said that there were over 300 people still unaccounted for. Hopefully most are sheltered somewhere and just lost in the shuffle. Time (and the tides) will tell.
They are officially starting the search in the debris for the missing/unaccounted for today in Galveston and then moving into Chambers Co.
I was on the Hurricane Ike diet and I lost 5 lbs. You get tired of eating those non-perishable items. LOL
I wonder if any of those missing/unaccounted for are people from the Galveston County Jail. They DID NOT evacuate those people. I can't tell you how angry that made me. I was on the phone for hours before & after the storm trying to find out what became of them & was not given any info because I am not a family member of an inmate. Sue me for having a sense of humanity, but I was really worried about those people :(
I wonder if any of those missing/unaccounted for are people from the Galveston County Jail. They DID NOT evacuate those people. I can't tell you how angry that made me. I was on the phone for hours before & after the storm trying to find out what became of them & was not given any info because I am not a family member of an inmate. Sue me for having a sense of humanity, but I was really worried about those people :(

Not only that but some could have or could be wreaking havoc on society. That's what happened after Katrina.
I wonder if any of those missing/unaccounted for are people from the Galveston County Jail. They DID NOT evacuate those people. I can't tell you how angry that made me. I was on the phone for hours before & after the storm trying to find out what became of them & was not given any info because I am not a family member of an inmate. Sue me for having a sense of humanity, but I was really worried about those people :(

That made me angry too! It shows how our society has changed over the years. Now, if someone had left a kennel of animals all locked up with no way to escape, people would go crazy. Yet, you are the first person(that I have seen) that said they cared about the prisoners, who are human beings. There may be others like myself who lacked the courage to say anything for fear of starting an argument. I love animals and certainly don't think they should be locked up and left to drown. I just wonder when animals became more important than humans.
That made me angry too! It shows how our society has changed over the years. Now, if someone had left a kennel of animals all locked up with no way to escape, people would go crazy. Yet, you are the first person(that I have seen) that said they cared about the prisoners, who are human beings. There may be others like myself who lacked the courage to say anything for fear of starting an argument. I love animals and certainly don't think they should be locked up and left to drown. I just wonder when animals became more important than humans.

Dang, I just plain forgot about reading it. Wonder if there's any way to get them to make a statement or find out if they've notified the families to let them know if their loved ones are ok or not? :mad:
I wonder if any of those missing/unaccounted for are people from the Galveston County Jail. They DID NOT evacuate those people. I can't tell you how angry that made me. I was on the phone for hours before & after the storm trying to find out what became of them & was not given any info because I am not a family member of an inmate. Sue me for having a sense of humanity, but I was really worried about those people :(

:eek: I remember hearing this on the news during the storm and thinking WTH? Inmate or not, these people are human beings and deserve the right to live. Supposedly LE felt the jail would withstand the storm, but after seeing pictures of the damage left by Ike, I'd like to know if this is true.

OT/Maconrich, I love your avatar.
Exactly! This is a county jail...people awaiting trial, DUIs, bad checks, etc. Basically a mandatory evacuation was ignored. I would love to get some info on them because even the congressman's office wouldn't tell me anything 3 days after the storm :( It seems these people were given the sentence "death by hurricane" as a matter of security reasons. That I don't understand. Hurricanes aren't random. We know way in advance when it will hit. Arrangements could & should have been made for those people.
ok, looks like the jail and everyone in it fared well...

'The sheriff’s office, which operates the jail, faced some criticism when it didn’t evacuate inmates, Leonard said.
We knew what our building could do, he said.'

(TY CaliKid :))

:blowkiss:Thank you so much for the link. All I had been able to find was a bunch of comments left on Houston area blogs about how they "deserved whatever they got" because they were criminals. I'm so glad to hear that they were all ok.

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