Hurricane Irma - #3

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West Jacksonville-Zone D has no water or sewer. People driving back, most of the welcome stations in FL have no water or power- I personally know the 1st one into FL on 95S has neither- son works there. Camden County has announced for travelers to keep going- no resources to assist them- so skip it. Glynn is not much better.
West Jacksonville-Zone D has no water or sewer. People driving back, most of the welcome stations in FL have no water or power- I personally know the 1st one into FL on 95S has neither- son works there. Camden County has announced for travelers to keep going- no resources to assist them- so skip it. Glynn is not much better.

Looks like many folks are on their way home. Friends who evacuated here from Pinellas County are going to wait a few days before heading home as to not be in the mire of traffic and shortages etc.

I'm about an hour from the Florida/Georgia line in a hotel. Most here staying put. Most are from hard hit areas
Florida Bar Survives Irma, but Final Damage Toll Still Looms
by Kalhan Rosenblatt

EAST NAPLES, Fla. — It was a slow Monday at Gator's Crossroads, but owners Kurt Stephens and Linda Pauly were happy just to have doors to open at all.

Nearly a dozen people sat drinking beer and dragging on cigarettes as a cool afternoon breeze weaved through the restaurant, its doors propped open with leftover sandbags.

Hours earlier, Gator’s Crossroads had acted as a makeshift shelter for five regulars who had nowhere else to go as the eye of Hurricane Irma roared its way up the state’s west coast.

“We were all nervous, but none of us really showed it,” Stephens, 53, said. “I guess it was an experience because we didn’t have the windows boarded up. We actually saw what was happening.” ...
I just heard from my uncle in the Panhandle near the coast south of Tallahassee. He said they dodged Irma and their one night evacuation was for naught. I was afraid he'd stay in his home, so I'm glad he got out. He's almost 90 but I'm sure he thinks he's much younger! :)
Glad to see so many members affected by Irma checking in to let us know they're safe! Whew!

Hearing that Big Pine Key got hit really hard makes me sad. When we lived in Miami we were involved with a huge astronomy club that sponsored a yearly star party at the Girl Scout Camp Wesumkee on West Summerland Key. It managed to get through prior hurricanes with only minor damage but it looks like Irma got it.

Preliminary info from the Girl Scouts say it's badly damaged. Meteorologist Reed Timmer has video of the Keys on his FB page. He said just a few people stayed on West Summerland Key and one man lost his roof but he's okay.

I was happy to see that video of the Key Deer running down the road! Thanks JerseyGirl, for that and everything you contribute - it means a lot to me and I'm sure the other members!
Here's video of the Boy Scout Camp Sawyer, which abuts Wesumkee. That part of the key is called Scout Key, for obvious reasons. The good news for both camps though is that there are few buildings - Wesumkee has 6 chickee huts which went down before and are easy to rebuild. There are a few bath houses and a 2-storey building with a kitchen. Those are pretty strong. The caretakers' house is up on stilts and probably got hit hard. I just hears that they had indeed evacuated and are safe.
We were hiding out from TS Irma at my daughter's house last night, so I'm way behind on this thread. Could someone please tell me if anyone has heard about 'boat guy'?
They made it just fine. He was on facebook live, which was a relief!

We were hiding out from TS Irma at my daughter's house last night, so I'm way behind on this thread. Could someone please tell me if anyone has heard about 'boat guy'?

I have the joy of knowing or power will be restored by September 22 (!!), landlord came by to remove the boards so that we have some light and air circulation - if I live to be 100, I will never know what appeal Florida holds for so many.

Oh and I returned to work today. Boss is generous enough to allow us to recharge our cell phones and laptops provided we have our own cables. Oh joy.

And my stomach settled down finally with some chicken and snow peas Chinese food for lunch today.
I have been busy today, so fingyere were any updates I probably missed them. This is the latest list I have.... several have not checked in.

[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Turanna= Jupiter/West Palm Beach[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Shin Masamura = Lakeland[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Tripplogan = Jacksonville[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Cat99 = Jacksonville[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]southernmimi = South Georgia[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]katsrfun = Vero Beach, FL[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]KinderedSpirits = Miramar (close to Miami)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Lonetraveler = Wilmington, North Carolina[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]ATasteOfHoney= barrier island - Orlando now[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]SeesSeas= [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]West Central FL, Pinellas County, half mile from Tampa Bay[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]AC's Grandma = near Miami[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]fraudqueen= 3 streets from Ocean, north-central Florida[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Tabirey= Myrtle Beach, South Carolina[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]bluedivergirl = near Ocala[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Moxie Vi = Ocala[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]THATchick1021= [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Dunedin. Zone E[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display]

Jax49 = Jacksonville, Florida--40 miles inland [power back on; minimal damage]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Henry2326 = Charleston, South Carolina [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]did ok ... is that right, Henry?)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]CARIIS = Orlando [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]survived, will check in tomorrow (Wed.)[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Momrids6 = SE GA Coast [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]about an hour from the Florida/Georgia line in a hotel.][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]JaxFlaGirl = Callahan, FL, 20 miles NW of downtown Jacksonville. [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]Callahan FL, northwest of Jax. All families in our community are safe with minimal damage. The community has no power, cell coverage, internet, not landline phone][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]oceanblueeyes = south Georgia (Lee County). [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]never lost power; strong winds, limbs down, gazebo roof gone[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]MaryG12 - [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Sarasota. [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay] power out, 9/11/17 [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]NIN (No it's not) = [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Bonita Springs[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold], FL 1 1/2 miles from the beach. [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]left home this morning, 9/10/17, but there is a lot of damage in her area, could not get to her home to check][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Greater Than = Miami. [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]fared very well. I didn't lose power][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Skully - just north of [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Tampa. [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]very loud and scary last night, 9/10, but all is good. Have power][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]What'sThatClue = near Orlando. [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]no power, but went to S. Carolina/son's home[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]BUF = near Orlando [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]9/11/17: all ok! Lots of debris, trees down, fences down (one into the pool pump!) House survived as did we! Power is out][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]eucalyptuz = just moved north from Orlando [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]house took a beating there[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]msphilosopher = [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay][safe, power back on.][I was in North Port, just north of Naples; back on the E side of FL, Miami area now.][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display]

[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Archangel85 = Puerto Rico. ([/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]About Irma, we're ok. We almost got hit by the eye, but the last hour it went up in latitude.)[/FONT][/FONT]
Checking in from Jacksonville==just got electricity back. YEAH!

Have minimal damage. Three trees down: a pecan tree took out part of the privacy fence and some planters, but nothing hit the house, barn or pump house.

It was not fun when the screened in porch flooded during the storm and I was worried it would get in the house. Road is flooded a block from me and some driveways are washed out.

Hope everyone gets their electricity back soon--it makes you feel human again. Going back to read how others fared.
I'm just happy I can get some computer work done but I'm one who is of the "Make things work/Make it happen" school of thought
Checking in from Jacksonville==just got electricity back. YEAH!

Have minimal damage. Three trees down: a pecan tree took out part of the privacy fence and some planters, but nothing hit the house, barn or pump house.

It was not fun when the screened in porch flooded during the storm and I was worried it would get in the house. Road is flooded a block from me and some driveways are washed out.

Hope everyone gets their electricity back soon--it makes you feel human again. Going back to read how others fared.

Welcome back, Jax49! I have been worried a tad about you (assumed your power was out .... but darned, your area got hit hard!). Glad you could stop by. Do be careful with the cleanup work --- no need to get hurt now.
I have been busy today, so fingyere were any updates I probably missed them. This is the latest list I have.... several have not checked in.

[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Turanna= Jupiter/West Palm Beach[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Shin Masamura = Lakeland[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Tripplogan = Jacksonville[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Cat99 = Jacksonville[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]southernmimi = South Georgia[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]katsrfun = Vero Beach, FL[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]KinderedSpirits = Miramar (close to Miami)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Lonetraveler = Wilmington, North Carolina[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]ATasteOfHoney= barrier island - Orlando now[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]SeesSeas= [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]West Central FL, Pinellas County, half mile from Tampa Bay[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]AC's Grandma = near Miami[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]fraudqueen= 3 streets from Ocean, north-central Florida[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Tabirey= Myrtle Beach, South Carolina[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]bluedivergirl = near Ocala[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Moxie Vi = Ocala[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]THATchick1021= [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Dunedin. Zone E[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Display]

Jax49 = Jacksonville, Florida--40 miles inland [power back on; minimal damage]
[FONT=.SF UI Display][FONT=.SFUIDisplay-Bold]Henry2326 = Charleston, South Carolina [[/FONT][FONT=.SFUIDisplay]did ok ... is that right, Henry?]

All good...thanks for asking, Spell! Glad to hear from everyone!

Sent from my VK815 using Tapatalk
I did a shout out earlier of things to learn from friends that were evacuating up thread to a shelter.

Real life again recommendation on something to think of in the future.

If you have people from Florida coming to evacuate and you have gas cooking... recognize they have never cooked on gas they don't understand it they just are used to electricity where they turn the knob to what it is supposed to be.

Do not let them touch the stove unless they totally understand it!

Came back into the kitchen and smelled gas!!!!

OMG they had turned it on before I went in the shower to medium to cook something... but they forgot to ignite it !!!! so my gas was on for 10 minutes in the house!!!

Everyone evacuated and I turned on my Whole House Fan and opened all my windows.
Cell service is still very iffy in Jax. For the last 36 hours mine has shown "emergency calls only" most of the time. When calls can be initiated they don't connect.
Hi everyone. I've been following these Irma threads because son & family are living in FL. Thanks to all who have made so much info available. Unfortunate timing, but son had to be up here last week and is now trying to get back home. He has been in SC for 8 hours now in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Can anyone tell me how to update the Google traffic map? I am very tech-challenged. Thanks so much.

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