Hurricane Irma

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JerseyGirl, I am so sorry to hear how you are suffering through this. Living through Sandy and now seeing this must be torture for you. Take care of yourself.
I waited to come here, my anxiety level is on such an extreme high-alert. I was afraid of what might have been posted. I cannot remember ever feeling this anxious over a storm (hurricane, tornado, flood) as this one, I think it is the "knowing what is coming" aspect that is making this worse.

although, for those in affected areas, the knowing is an asset in making proper plans to GET OUT!

I feel a bit like a pampered (and guilty) princess being sheltered from the storms you all have to endure. Michigan has actually been good to me, weather wise. Having friends and distant-relatives and my WS-kin being hit with such terror, mine can only be a tip of your anxiety. I cannot imagine what you are thinking or doing. Truly beyond comprehension if you haven;t been there.

please, be well everyone. my prayers and hopes continue every minute of the day.
I hear ya Spellz. Worst we endure is snow storm and the rare ice storm. Even then when I go to grab milk, bread if we know a storm is coming it's gridlock. My Danish Mother In Law will call us with a list. She says "I have to stack up" (stock up). No calls yet worrying if we will be affected like I did during Harvey lol
Update from friends who evacuated last night from Marco Island: They left at 10:00 last night and finally arrived in Gainesville at 2:30am due to traffic (and forced to take back roads between the Bushnell exit up to Gainesville where there was heavy traffic).

They also said that while travelling north on I-75 from Naples to Tampa, that there were literally thousands of people camping at the rest areas.
I didn't sleep well last night. So worried for so many. There was a report on CNN last night that left me reeling. Young Mom with a toddler and a baby only a few months old riding it out in her home in Homestead! A couple and their 2 dogs staying on their boat! I cant remember their location but I think in one of the keys. What is wrong with people!

I hadn't heard any of that but a story that left me reeling is one CNN posted on their Facebook page(link to the video is below) of a man with his dog. He tried to board a flight out of FL with his dog and the airline wont' let him on because of the dog not being in a carrier. This poor man looked in 10 different stores for a pet carrier and couldn't find one so he decided to stay back and ride it out. The dog is so happy in the video and now is going to be so terrfied over this storm. I've posted the video below but yeah I was just left sick over it. I pray that him and his puppy will be okay. God bless him for staying back with his Dog. I probably would do the same thing with my cats. I couldn't imagine leaving my cats behind in something like this. I'm thankful I live in PA and don't have to deal with this type of weather. Prayers for all who are out in the way of this storm.
I hadn't heard any of that but a story that left me reeling is one CNN posted on their Facebook page of a man with his dog. He tried to board a flight out of FL with his dog and the airline wont' let him on because of the dog not being in a carrier. This poor man looked in 10 different stores for a pet carrier and couldn't find one so he decided to stay back and ride it out. I was just left sick over it. I pray that him and his puppy will be okay. God bless him for staying back with his Dog. I probably would do the same thing with my cats. I couldn't imagine leaving my cats behind in something like this. I'm thankful I live in PA and don't have to deal with this type of weather. Prayers for all who are out in the way of this storm.

I saw that too. Airlines need to make exceptions IMO. I hope they made it to a pet friendly shelter.
I'm off for a bit. I'll be back later. Stay safe!
I hear you, having gone through Sandy I believe I have PTSD and can not watch the devastation and clean-up in Texas knowing these people have a long road ahead of them. And now I have anxiety knowing that millions of Floridians are going to go through the same thing that Texans are going through, that we went through. I'm still out of my house, hoping to get back in before Summer 2018.

Sandy wasn't scary or dangerous, just shocking. Irma is a combination of all three.

You've been through a very traumatic event with Sandy. A lot of Katrina survivors eventually landed in Oklahoma permanently after that storm, and I see them coping with very similar anxiety right now, too. The recent and impending devastation brings back PTSD-like symptoms for me, too, of completely unrelated events like the 1995 OKC Bombing and massive 1999 and 2013 Moore (Oklahoma) tornadoes.

My prayers and thoughts are with everyone. My heart just aches and aches. ❤️

You've been through a very traumatic event with Sandy. A lot of Katrina survivors eventually landed in Oklahoma permanently after that storm, and I see them coping with very similar anxiety right now, too. The recent and impending devastation brings back PTSD-like symptoms for me, too, of completely unrelated events like the 1995 OKC Bombing and massive 1999 and 2013 Moore (Oklahoma) tornadoes.

My prayers and thoughts are with everyone. My heart just aches and aches. ❤️


Well, I think I also have PTSD from fleeing 9/11, but that's another story - and the anniversary is Monday, so now we'll relive it all over again this weekend.
DH and I switched back & forth from CNN/Weather Channel last night. CNN provided a platform for several FL residents who were determined to ride out the storm in their respective homes, including some who live on watercraft. Just seemed wrong for these folks to ignore authorities and decide for themselves to do their own thing and promote it on cable TV. Hard to have sympathy for folks if they lose their homes or family members because they failed to heed expert advice and warnings. :moo:

That is one of the reasons I don't get my weather disaster coverage from CNN. I had just read last week where one of the reporters on the ground during Harvey staged a fake rescue. I find that outrageous if true which I imagine it is since CNN has been exposed lately for making up news stories.

I mostly watch the Weather Channel or Janice Dean on Fox. I followed her all during Harvey, and she was spot on.

CNN just interviewed guy with wife and two young children who plan to stay in their 11th floor apartment and ride out the storm. Shame on these parents for deliberately putting their children in harm's way. They've been told to evacuate, and CNN is even offering to help them leave their apartment and get to a shelter. They don't want to go. :rolleyes:

It's difficult, if not impossible to NOT judge families in this situation. I keep reminding myself that I'm not in their shoes and don't know their reasons. Maybe they're in shock or denial. Maybe they have nothing else; no other family to give them support. It's almost suicidal. God, it's just so hard to wrap my head around it.

I hadn't heard any of that but a story that left me reeling is one CNN posted on their Facebook page(link to the video is below) of a man with his dog. He tried to board a flight out of FL with his dog and the airline wont' let him on because of the dog not being in a carrier. This poor man looked in 10 different stores for a pet carrier and couldn't find one so he decided to stay back and ride it out. The dog is so happy in the video and now is going to be so terrfied over this storm. I've posted the video below but yeah I was just left sick over it. I pray that him and his puppy will be okay. God bless him for staying back with his Dog. I probably would do the same thing with my cats. I couldn't imagine leaving my cats behind in something like this. I'm thankful I live in PA and don't have to deal with this type of weather. Prayers for all who are out in the way of this storm.

I'm bawling at work right now. This is so tremendously sad. All of it.

It's difficult, if not impossible to NOT judge families in this situation. I keep reminding myself that I'm not in their shoes and don't know their reasons. Maybe they're in shock or denial. Maybe they have nothing else; no other family to give them support. It's almost suicidal. God, it's just so hard to wrap my head around it.


You also have to be sympathetic to some who can't afford to leave. It's an added expense to fill up a car once, twice or more, and/or find a room for a few days, food, etc. And they are still price gouging I'm sure, those who are gouging will eventually be caught. I read that Florida received over 4,000 calls since yesterday. After Sandy we couldn't afford to relocate as the only availability was a seedy motel room outside Atlantic City that would normally be $40 a night was now over $200 a night.

It's expensive to leave if you have no family to take you in.
What a difference an hour makes. 11:45 am screen shot. Folks now backed up from

Jacksonville to past Tallahassee on I-10 headed west is solid back up

East Florida all now almost solid back up to Atlanta (ETA: As of 12:15, it is solid slow now)

Savanah and Charleston folks, more back-ups for them

Back-ups now showing going into North Carolina

Well, I think I also have PTSD from fleeing 9/11, but that's another story - and the anniversary is Monday, so now we'll relive it all over again this weekend.

I certainly think the 911 anniversary will add to the depression some may feel already overwhelming at this time. There is so much on our plates now as a country that makes us worry and may make us depressed.

1.Texas hasn't even begun to overcome from the damage from Harvey.
2. Now we have Irma coming right in on Florida and could result in one of or the worst hurricane in our history of the Atlantic.
3. Last night Mexico sustained an 8.0 earthquake with already 32 known lives loss and the fatality count will probably drastically rise.
4. Hurricane Jose is not far behind Irma
5. Monday will be the anniversary of 911.
6. And tomorrow the obese crazy leader of NK will show off his military might which may include most likely firing off another dangerous missile. Where will this one go and what country will he terrorize this time?

We certainly are being stressed to the max but it is times like this that truly brings out the strength and goodness in the American people. It doesn't matter if they too may be at risk of losing their own life or their homes. No matter what may come or how bad it gets Americans always come together to do the very best they can for others in time of need.

You also have to be sympathetic to some who can't afford to leave. It's an added expense to fill up a car once, twice or more, and/or find a room for a few days, food, etc. And they are still price gouging I'm sure, those who are gouging will eventually be caught. I read that Florida received over 4,000 calls since yesterday. After Sandy we couldn't afford to relocate as the only availability was a seedy motel room outside Atlantic City that would normally be $40 a night was now over $200 a night.

It's expensive to leave if you have no family to take you in.

I have thought about how the expense of leaving could be prohibitive for some.... gas or airfares (for a family of 4 at cheap rates, there and then home again, would be enormous for many) are just a small portion of what they will need financially. So much for them to evaluate right now, the stress alone can be risky.
Isn't that what churches are for?

Maybe .... but if your area is not safe, what makes the church any safer? Where do they go without the finances or ability? (Not meaning to sound uppity, I hope this didn't come across that way.). I honestly don't know how people are doing this, especially those who don't know what/how to do it, or where they can manage to get to.
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