Hurricane Matthew - Sept-Oct 2016

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Will be watching with you guys and gals! Thanks for the links!
I can't find the link right now, but a link was posted yesterday evening with a podcast of a very interesting man who compared European and US models, and his model was exactly correct - that the hurricane would slowly move up the Florida coast, go up to South Carolina, and then loop around. He was urging anyone in the Florida path to leave right away, and not to wait for some sort of official announcement.
Just fire that baby up - casue by tomm your heating pad is gona be not so hot! I did car gas yesterday today no d batteries Lowes, ended up having to buy flashlights for $24.99 (all that were left). What a 2499 flashlight can possibly "do" better than a 399 stuns me !
I hear ya!!! We have gassed up also and making plans for the family to stay here at our home when it comes our way. We have those massively tall top heavy pine trees that worry me a ton. Our house however has the least chance of one falling on the house. But still could happen. I'm also concerned about our pecan trees. That's a huge income for us during this time of the year. The farm tends to take a beating during storms. We will more than likely loose most of the pecan crop this year. Bummer. But as long as we are alive then we will be fine! Praying for everyone in this storms path. I'm watching that pressure for signs of strengthening. The weather channel just said something about signs of it strengthening right now. Scary. I'm telling y'all that water is hot down there in South Florida. It's possible it will breed the perfect storm. Lord help us.

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He takes a bit of getting used to ---slow ----calm---but actually very very good starts at 900!

Is that you in chat?

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Hi everyone,

Stay safe, will be thinking of you, praying too! I have family in Florida, so don't forget me too!

Thanks ~
351 this mornings GFS run

I can't find the link right now, but a link was posted yesterday evening with a podcast of a very interesting man who compared European and US models, and his model was exactly correct - that the hurricane would slowly move up the Florida coast, go up to South Carolina, and then loop around. He was urging anyone in the Florida path to leave right away, and not to wait for some sort of official announcement.

I think Cariis just posted the link on the previous page. I am watching it now.
Is that you in chat?

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No, I am pleased with myself for getting to figure out this site!!! I am too chatty to chat on chat by the time I got done with my chat the chat would be off chatting on something else !!

Native FL - never exp anxiety before- love them - they are amazing entites - but with age the thought of being w/o AC at this point is mortifying!!

Def anxious- the reality here is it is gonna clobber such a l o n g stretch there are only so many power guys , for those who have never seen it unreal, CHarely, the power truck caravons were amazing.

They are like 45 power trucks, from all over the country, all different colars, and when the first truck changes lanes, its just like a train they all move over one right after the other.

But most hurricanes direct impact and there is an area. This thing is gonna be like a tree trimmer across the coast of the entire state - this is a power restoration issue

Charlie average time for folks anywhere between 8-25 days w/ o power

Ike some were 6 weeks!
Yeh weakened a bit, water ahead very hot --will pick up again imo

He has been the longest cat 5! WOnt hit 5 again but will resume 4
Possibly 6 weeks w/o power? Oh my! Just went w/o AC for 3 days 2 weeks ago and it was 89 in the house with ceiling fans. It was mortifying! Had a small AC unit to put in bedroom so at least 1 room would be cooler. I still have 5 or 6 female hummingbirds. The males left with the first little cool front that came thru!

Definitely praying for Floridians that Matthew weakens. A category 3 right now.
I hear ya!!! We have gassed up also and making plans for the family to stay here at our home when it comes our way. We have those massively tall top heavy pine trees that worry me a ton. Our house however has the least chance of one falling on the house. But still could happen. I'm also concerned about our pecan trees. That's a huge income for us during this time of the year. The farm tends to take a beating during storms. We will more than likely loose most of the pecan crop this year. Bummer. But as long as we are alive then we will be fine! Praying for everyone in this storms path. I'm watching that pressure for signs of strengthening. The weather channel just said something about signs of it strengthening right now. Scary. I'm telling y'all that water is hot down there in South Florida. It's possible it will breed the perfect storm. Lord help us.

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really hot they must have 80 to start - he is strolling into 89 good luck to you my dear it is quite obvious to me that I will not have any of you once the sh$t hits the power line!!!

If I drop dead from heat stroke you all have been a delight on every story we have discussed!!
Yeh weakened a bit, water ahead very hot --will pick up again imo

He has been the longest cat 5! WOnt hit 5 again but will resume 4

Wow! I remember Ike. We had 80 mph winds with Ike, but that was after he had slowed down a bit too! I was just looking at the pics you posted of the headlines....
Hurricne Charley hit orlando a a cat three

Here was landfall other side of the state



Where were these pictures taken?
The guy is so good -- things worse - the storm has the most kinetic energy of any storm
Only in FL some schmuck who apparently lives on the ocean is telling a reporter that he has screens on his porch ????

Is this a medication non complaint indiv!!

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