I hope these cops never come across a real criminal!

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Dec 30, 2003
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At the link to the story about the 10 year old getting arrested for fighting with her sister, I noticed this link:


While I sympathize with the officers, it AMAZES me that the only way they could control a five pound dog was to shoot it. I have been able to subdue and control a way larger injured animal that was snarling and snapping out of fear and pain by having hubby distract the animal while I snuck up and threw a thick towel over the dog. Once he was wrapped up, he was easy to control and no threat to anyone. Was there no towel in the neighborhood? Did the police even THINK of ways to control an animal before dragging out the tazer? Heck, they could've thrown a laundry basket over the dog and held him that way until animal control officers could respond.

If these cops ever run across a real criminal, they'll probably haul out the atom bomb or something!

I am really sorry to say this, but I think we've left common sense behind and too many cops are to quick to respond with deadly force before simple methods have been exhausted.
Wow, I can't even think of what to say. That is just plain scary really. They had to KILL this tiny dog to get control of the situation? They couldnt call Animal Control????
Aww, that poor family. I agree, I hope they're never faced with an actual criminal.

Did you hear about those two cops that used a taser on a stuffed panther?
Aww, that poor family. I agree, I hope they're never faced with an actual criminal.

Did you hear about those two cops that used a taser on a stuffed panther?

LOL, nope! What was the panther doing? Failing to comply with the officer's command to move along?
LOL, nope! What was the panther doing? Failing to comply with the officer's command to move along?

Hahah, I guess someone decided to play a prank and break in to private property and plant a stuffed panther near a playground. A man spotted it and called the police. I just don't understand how they didn't realize it wasn't moving, or blinking... or breathing?!

Here's a video: http://www.clickondetroit.com/video/19475763/index.html

lol at "It's HUGE! It's like a 150 lb cat!"

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