I might believe them except....

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It is something I have seen people do as they begin to work through their grief and they realize there is nothing more they can do for their own child.

That is the key thing: As long as your child is living, most if not all people are simply not capable of diverting one bit of energy to organize efforts for other people's children. Yes, they make friends in the ICU waiting room and on an informal basis talk and offer support in an informal, emotional, personal way perhaps to other parents in the same situation.

But the organized, structured efforts--research such as Gerry McCann did when he came to the United States alone and met with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales--that simply does not seem to happen and it is easy to understand why not.

The only exception I know is a family whose son was diagnosed with cancer in infancy, they began a Christmas gift program through their church when he was a toddler, for families with children also in that hospital system, with cancer patient children. When their child passed away on Dec. 31st they continued the program that following Christmas. It was more an extension of the informal support and personal relationships they had developed while spending hours in the waiting and treatment rooms.

My friend whose two year old dropped dead suddenly from an undiagnosed condition spent 5 years in Compassionate Friends before she spent the next 5 years as a facilitator for the group to help other parents.

Really, it is not that people are selfish or incapable of helping others while grieving or suffering.

It is the degree of intellectual and emotional energy needed to organize, research, and argue for support from other organizations. (I fundraise for the ballet, and there is a big difference between the individual and the corporate level of fundraising.

Kelly Jolkowski, mother of missing teen, Jason Jolkowski, is the organizer of Project Jason, a foundation devoted to the missing and changing laws about missing persons. However, it wasn't until 2003, two years after his disappearance, that the organization was founded. Kelly posts here at WS.

Kelly Jolkowski, mother of missing teen, Jason Jolkowski, is the organizer of Project Jason, a foundation devoted to the missing and changing laws about missing persons. However, it wasn't until 2003, two years after his disappearance, that the organization was founded. Kelly posts here at WS.


Everyone is different.

People deal with grief in different ways.

Kelly if you are reading here, I am sorry about your son, peace be with you.
It is a very courageous thing you are doing, I wish you all the best.
Number 5 on the list is one that has always bothered me personally. With a highly recognizable and unique eye appearance, it always concerned me that Madeleine was not returned immediately for the reward--if she was abducted. The unique identifying factor meant that she would never be able to be successfully hidden or passed off as another person, no matter what her age or appearance--so an abductor might very well be tempted to just dispose of her quickly and quietly.

So why was the appearance of her pupil so emphasized? Even more than an up to the date photo?

If it is true that authorities warned the McCanns not to emphasize that (and it makes sense to me because it's one of the first things I thought of--that unique trait puts Madeleine very much at risk) and they did, then why?

If they didn't show emotion publicly because that was the advice from one expert, why would they not follow the advice that concerned Madeleine's actual physical well-being?

I have always wondered about that emphasis.
Call me crazy, but after taking another look at all of the discrepancy's, makes me come to 2 possible conclusions. 1. None of them are very bright, and they had absolutely nothing to do with Maddeleines dissapearence. or 2. that Madeleine's disappearance/death was certainly premeditated and that the entire group knew/took at least a small part in it for some reason...but why? There is a reason Madeleine is gone, a really, really good reason (to them) and they all know why.

Why would these 7 other people maintain their silence, meet in secret places, obtain attorneys, and basically ruin their lives and risk loosing their own children for the McCanns? I have a couple really good friends (and a DH) that might tell a white-lie for me, but I can not grasp the thought of 8 other people lieing to the end for me...not even for money. In a group of 9 individuals, there is always one Polly Purebred that "can't lie".

What made Maddie the chosen one? What was it about her that so many people are risking everything they have to corrupt the investigation? Did they think she was possessed by demon's? (the staunch Catholic approach) Did she have some sort of progressive fatal disease? (the Dr. Kevorkian approach) Was she a human clone? (the Gerry is not the Daddy approach) I feel the way to solve this case is to dig deep into Madelines medical records, (if she even has any).

The human clone things was supposed to be a joke, but after actually writing it, makes me wonder...
Why would these 7 other people maintain their silence, meet in secret places, obtain attorneys, and basically ruin their lives and risk loosing their own children for the McCanns? I have a couple really good friends (and a DH) that might tell a white-lie for me, but I can not grasp the thought of 8 other people lieing to the end for me...not even for money. In a group of 9 individuals, there is always one Polly Purebred that "can't lie".

Good points. I can't phantom why the Tapas group would lie for the McCanns either. This is the only thing that makes me feel they could be innocent. Surely someone in the group would have opened up by now; after all, this is not just a little thing but the possibility of a murder. The only think I can guess is that SOME in the Tapas group really don't know what happened, and their statements are honest, while perhaps others know what happened and are not telling everything they know.

Every other aspect of the investigation, plus the McCann's behavior, leads me to believe they are somehow connected to Madeline's disappearance. But, again, why?
Good points. I can't phantom why the Tapas group would lie for the McCanns either. This is the only thing that makes me feel they could be innocent. Surely someone in the group would have opened up by now; after all, this is not just a little thing but the possibility of a murder. The only think I can guess is that SOME in the Tapas group really don't know what happened, and their statements are honest, while perhaps others know what happened and are not telling everything they know.

Every other aspect of the investigation, plus the McCann's behavior, leads me to believe they are somehow connected to Madeline's disappearance. But, again, why?

I agree. Most, or some, of the Tapas 9 don't know all the facts, and they are genuine in feeling and expressing that all are innocent.

I am with you also in that every aspect of the investigation points to the McCanns not telling the entire truth/being involved. But why, indeed, is the question.
Why, indeed? Maybe because 4-year-olds tend to be very chatty, speak out at the wrong time, and reveal secrets.

What secret is so worth keeping that it requires the death of an innocent child?
Everyone is different.

People deal with grief in different ways.

Kelly if you are reading here, I am sorry about your son, peace be with you.
It is a very courageous thing you are doing, I wish you all the best.

Thank you.

I don't read in here often as I do not have the time, but popped in here today and saw this segway.

Yes, everyone is different in how they handle grief. It was actually 3 months after Jason's disappearance when we felt that God was calling us to help others, too. We did not and do not feel strongly that Jason is dead, although we realize he might be. At the 3 months point for us, there wasn't much more we could do. We had tried for national publicity and had a good amount of local. LE had done a thorough job of investigation, and a pro-bono PI had as well. It seemed only right to us to help others. We vowed that no one would go through this alone if we could help it.

Some people are just natural activists, whether they realize it or not. (I had no idea.) Colleen Nick, mother of missing Morgan Nick, started her foundation a year after Morgan was kidnapped. Colleen feels there is a chance Morgan is alive, and always did. I know there are several others who began their organizations not long after their loved one went missing. Other examples would be Robert Cooke, father of Rachel Cooke, and Doug and Mary Lyall, parents of Suzanne Lyall. Of these two, they both feel that their child is most likely deceased. I cannot say, however, if that is how they felt when they began their org. I think not.

Having worked with hundreds of families of the missing, most do not do much or anything for other families. I would estimate that 80% only work for their own missing loved one, 15% will do some assistance for others, such as poster placement, support, etc, and perhaps 5% will do something that goes beyond the simple, such as pass a law, start an org, etc.

My personal feeling is that in reaching out to help others, I have some self-healing. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. We truly believe God called us to do this and that Jason would want us to do this work.
Good post but I must point out this statment:
The media circus, the PR activity following her disappearance has been unprecedented.

That isn't true. The JBR case had much more PR activity than Maddie's. And to this day that case has a huge following. Just ask Tricia. ;)
Despite being advised by police that revealing Madeleine's eye defect could be her death sentence, Gerry chose to go ahead with what he described as a "good marketing ploy." So, you can see where his priorities lie, in money-making and not Maddy's safety. Of course, he knew she was dead already, so it really wasn't an issue. They are now squandering £50,000 a month on a fruitless search by a gang of fraudsters, who are harrassing innocent individuals. How many more people are they going hurt and how many lives are to be destroyed to maintain this diversion from the fact that they alone are the suspects?
Yes, when they went to see the Pope they left the twins entirely behind.

You have to wonder at the trust they still had in the resort employees and the creche, given that their older daughter was abducted from that location. Would you trust anyone but perhaps yourselves and family members to be with the children?

if my child went missing I'd never let any of my other children out of my sight again. I'd be panicking and terrified to let them out of my sight.

I think Kate and Gerry knew the twins were in absolutely no danger. Thus leaving them was not a problem.
Thanks to Steveo (http://www.the3arguidos.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=13673)

From: Truth For Madeleine - Admin [mailto:Admin@truthformadeleine.com]
Sent: 26 May 2008 14:27
To: info
Subject: Child neglectors endorsing Missing People

We notice that your very commendable charity is aligning itself with Kate and Gerry McCann.

To remind you of the situation;

1. They claimed that the window to their apartment was jemmied – this was subsequently found to be 100% untrue by resort manager John Hill.
2. They claimed the room was only 50 yards from where they dined – this has been independently verified as a distance of between 110 and 120 yards depending on where they sat in the Tapas Bar.
3. They dined at Chaplin’s Bar (500 metres from the apartment) and they left those three toddlers alone in the room.
4. They never looked for their “missing” daughter on the night and early morning of May 3 & 4 – the “looking” was done by other tourists, the police and the locals. Kate and Gerry stayed in all night and only came out at 6:30am.
5. They already had posters printed and prepared on the morning of May 4 – clearly ridiculous given that their daughter could easily have been found within that time period.
6. The British Foreign Office released a news story to the Daily Telegraph that was published at 1 minute past midnight on May 4. This “abduction” story was released too early to be viable or credible. Lieutenant Costa Cabral of the GNR (ordinary police), only received a call at 23:50 hrs.
7. The two British cadaver dogs smelled the scent of death on various items belonging to the McCanns. To counter this, Kate McCann claimed that she had been in contact with six dead bodies in the weeks before she went on holiday. This is strange – how does that account for the scent of death on the car key and boot lining in their hire car?
8. The dogs found a square of parquet floor tile under the sofa where the blood had drained around the edges of the tile. The tiles had evidence of cleaning material being used. The blood allegedly matches Madeleine DNA.
9. They recruited the best defence lawyers money can buy. Considering they haven’t been charged with any offence, why would anyone do that?
10. There is no evidence of a missing child here at all. The police have always maintained that Madeleine died in the apartment and the parents concealed the body and disposed of it.

It is very disappointing that your charity links itself with these people.

Sure, they are innocent until proven guilty.

These self-admitted child neglectors facilitated the easy abduction of any of three toddlers by leaving them in an unlocked room while they partied in a location too far away to be practicable as a monitoring situation.

These neglecting parents refuse to go back to Portugal to look for their daughter or help the police with the investigation. Despite this, they align themselves with organisations like yours and they make television appearances where they claim they will never stop looking for Madeleine.

The truth is – they have NEVER looked for Madeleine.

Does Missing People condone their actions in leaving toddlers alone every night?

Can someone in your organisation please make an intelligent reply to this email and in that context, please tell us why you are allowing the McCanns to endorse your charity?

Thank you,

TRUTH For Madeleine
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