Amy is the only source for the idea that Todd was violent and might kill her & was ultra controlling.
There aren’t any measurable facts that support this ( domestic violence arrests, police calls w/o arrests , gps tracking , lack of ability to leave farm etc ) .
Everyone who reported those characteristics as being attached to Todd were only going solely on Amy’s say-so.
Amy was justifying her actions. She shared the knowledge of her affair with people and then also subsequently justified it. I think it’s fairly obvious.
I can’t diagnose anybody of course but she seems to me to have some Borderline/Histrionic Personality Disorder. Maybe Todd is Narcissistic as Narcs and Borderlines tend to attract, but I don’t think that means he’s a Pitchfork murderer by any stretch.
Not Guilty IMhO
Prosecutor wasn’t good - Investigators were not good and seemed to obviously have a strong case of confirmation bias - “Damning” google searches weren’t what they were characterized as & systematically defused one after another .
Even if he did it ( possible imo ) or if he and Tristan did it/covered it up ( also possible) The case as argued did nothing much to convince of those potential possibilities.
I almost thought this one could have been dismissed before closing arguments , but I know that never really happens.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Jerry Frasher re-emerges as a suspect in the future.
I think he was cleared due to his GPS/Phone tracking showed him elsewhere. How easy is it to leave your phone at home while you do something you don’t want to be associated with? The secret of Cell Phone tracking in court cases is very common knowledge now, not hard to avoid that pitfall.