IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #10

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Quick story on the news now, with a brief interview of Drew and Heather, reporting their daily meetings w/ LE.
And was the 3:58 confirmed somewhere official from LE as the find by the fire fighter? I still haven't been able to find that.

I keep thinking that was when the other LE types showed up.

This has been discussed at length throughout all threads. Rather than trying to recreate the wheel, so to speak, it might be a good idea to read through all the posts (yes, I know there seem to be millions of them) and take notes of what has been discussed. That way when trying to create a timeline or list, you'll know what has already been discussed, ruled out, etc. JMO

ETA: here is a link that provides a fairly good synopses of what has happened to date.


I just feel so frustrated, and want to focus all this great intelligent energy going on in here on finding the girls like everyone else does, but try as I might, I just can't think of anywhere else to "back up" to but the video surveillance tape.

If they were going west (or northwest) on Brovan on that tape, what other businesses would they have passed?

There has to be another one with a camera... IMO..

Or even private residence with security cameras pointing at their driveways. There must be more video somewhere.
Maybe we could divide up the tasks? One person gather all of MCM's statements, one person gather all of DM's statements, two or three dozen people try to gather all of Tammy's statements (agh agh agh, couldn't help myself), someone gather all LE mentions of timeline, etc.

I dunno, gonna go stare at my wife for a while.
Just in staring at the photo of Lyric, I knew that her father was somehow involved. I believe that because she looks older than her age. Today when I brushed up on this case it was confirmed that the father's mother felt he was involved because of meth dealing. Meth is a very ugly drug when it is combined with pedophiles. Even though these children were most likely kidnapped by an ugly person in the drug trade, I suspect the very worst. Not only the very worst, but a torture and then kill scenario. The perp is in my opinion known to the family as either an ex of someone or a neighbor. I believe the girls circled because Lyric recognized a vehicle or a person. I think that person probably went back and dropped the purses, etc near the lake to give them time. The little one in this case was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are beautiful girls and it makes me sick that drugs are involved Drug dealers should be hung from the closest tree.
Considering that she passed the drug tests and evaluations, I think there's a chance that she was telling the truth.

The part about the pants and flat tire was too good to be faked and certainly fits the description "bumbling."

Sorry I am late to this. I always mean to respond quickly but seem to end up distracted and behind. :blushing:

Respectfully, I wonder if we read the same document? I have linked the one I read as it shows that TB did not, in fact, pass her drug tests. Both a hair and urine specimen tested positive for meth.

Nor was her eval considered a "pass'. Due to deception on the part of TB, the CD evaluator was not made aware of the positive meth tests, which negates the accuracy of the evaluation.

IMO, the whole episode from start to finish, smacks of a typical drug user attempting to manipulate the system- and at every turn. I can't think of motive for anyone but an addict to try to fudge UA and/or eval results.

Not one of my bumbling friends/relatives has faced any of the legal issues described in this document, much less the entire list of legal troubles.

Honestly not trying to bash anyone, nor be disagreeable. I just personally find it helpful to be realistic and neither cast people in a too negative or too positive light. jmo

I see this alot, and I think that's what many are trying right now. The problem is, not every "law-abiding family" is willing to take in all the children of families in crisis. And, tbh, there aren't many families that aren't touched by this in some way.

Its easy to say, "lock em all up and throw away the key," until its your own son, brother, mother, cousin, or friend that got caught up. You know they are good people, you know a different choice here and there should have been made differently, you know that if they had the right help and support they could get out of the life.

Would you turn your back on a loved one because they smoked a joint or took a Xanax?

I hardly think we're talking about smoking a joint or taking a Xanax here, but answer to your question...YEP!

I certainly wouldn't sugar it the behavior or enable it!
In my opinion Meyers lake is not easy to find, but if you took the bike path east of Fayette st it takes you straight there. Straight to where the bikes were found I might add.

Do you know when the bike path was constructed?

My guess is that the suspect pool includes anyone who has lived in Evansdale since the bike path was constructed (including people who moved away) and serious recreational bicyclists.
Good point, M2CC! Let's look at this again:

Some points from this Jane Velez-Mitchell Interview on July 17th: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIP...7/ijvm.01.html

VELEZ-MITCHELL question to Dan Morrissey: “Where were you? How did you find out?”

D. MORRISSEY “I was in Waterloo at my mom`s house with my son. And I was taking a nap, and my wife called and woke me up and told me that Lyric was missing. This had just happened probably four days before, that where she was supposed to go to, you know, a certain destination and then come back, and after a while she hadn`t come back. And they went to that destination and she wasn`t there. And so things got stirred up. My wife called me then and told me the same thing, that she`s missing. And I told her to call the cops. And they went around to drive around some more, and all of a sudden my daughter`s calling me from my wife`s phone and saying, "Daddy." You know? So four days after that I`m getting another call from my wife and saying the same thing, you know. So I`m like what? And so she was out looking for her and I guess, you know, the police got involved and...”

VELEZ-MITCHELL to Dan Morrissey: “I`m not -- I`m not sure I understand. Are you saying that there was an incident prior to the Friday incident?”

M. MORRISSEY answer: “Yes. A week before this, Lyric and her other cousin, Tammy`s daughter, K----- (ph), who were in Green Briar, which is another division of Waterloo, and they went walking to the park. They were gone for an extended amount of time. We went looking for them at the park, and they weren`t there. So we called the police. They -- right when I called the police they came walking up to the house.”

VELEZ-MITCHELL follow-up question: “So I`m trying to process all this. And you know much more about it. Please don`t take anything I`m asking personally, but is it possible that the little -- one of the little girls may have wanted to run away or been overly curious about just going off? Getting to that age where they want to just maybe take off?”

M. MORRISSEY answer: “No.”

D. MORRISSEY answer: “Absolutely not.”

M. MORRISSEY answer: “No.”

VELEZ-MITCHELL follow-up question: “Is there any commonality? Is it just a coincidence that these two incidents happened a couple of days apart?”

M. MORRISSEY answer: “I think so, yes. The first incident, you know, a week prior, her and K----- (ph) were just playing at the park. You know, just playing, being kids. And it really wasn`t that far away. It wasn`t -- they were gone a little bit too long, but they weren`t that far away.”

Yeah, so if they were just playing at the park and gone a little bit too long - why weren't they there when you went there looking for them?!!!

I'd still like to know how long the girls were missing in this incident before LE was called. I think it could be telling. And yes, where were they?

I hardly think we're talking about smoking a joint or taking a Xanax here, but answer to your question...YEP!

I certainly wouldn't sugar it the behavior or enable it!

Gosh, I'd smoke a joint right now, if that is all it would take to get some of my family to leave me alone...
Does anyone know for sure if Lyric was with KB or HB when she was gone too long 4 days before? Are KB and HB two different people? The transcript said Tammy's daughter "K". Just wondering if they got her name wrong. Anyone know?

With K. the 11 year old.
I'm going to question your first fact. Sorry. I know there is still debate over whether there is one video or two. But, before the more zoomed out video (the 12:11 version) was released, everyone was saying the last sighting was at 12:15, per the more zoomed in video. Did that first video have a time stamp on it? Did anyone actually SEE a time stamp on EITHER video?

(I'm just wondering if maybe the girls were doing laps around that block, and passed the camera at 12:11 AND 12:15)

The second video had a visible time stamp on it reading 12:11 pm. The owner of the Cornbelt Auction House said that the camera was 8 minutes slow according to his cell phone from US Cellular.

Personally, I think there are two different videos shot relatively close together. That makes sense since the two businesses share a common side wall.

I think you are probably correct that the girls were riding laps.

Or even private residence with security cameras pointing at their driveways. There must be more video somewhere.

LE has requested all such videos, but it's possible someone hasn't complied with that request. Also, I believe footage from an ATM camera near the Collins home has been subpoenaed, so something may come from that. JMO
Without knowing who else was out and about, up to no good at the time they went missing, I can't see how it matters if it was 12:11, 12:15 or ten minutes later. I mean, there doesn't seem to be anything useful on tape, that we know of. LE appears to be stuck, as in no arrests, no named suspects or POI's, and they know more, presumably than we do.

I just can't see a way out of this standstill of a case, like so many others, unless someone confesses. And that very seldom happens in cases involving children. No one is coming forward for the reward, apparently.

I hate being so negative, but these vanishings happen time after time, and the worst part is never knowing if the children were taken by random sex predators, or were harmed and hidden by one of their own parents or relatives.

I keep reminding myself that about this time with the Sierra LaMar case, LE didn't look like they knew anything. And yet, it turned out they already had a suspect.

One discouraging thing to me, though, is that I have a hunch that there may well have been more cctv cameras in California than there are in Evansdale.

At least, more cameras on private homes in Morgan Hill.
The reason I ask is because Lyric posted this on her FB and I didn't think HB was a "little cousin".

I dont think myhh lil cousin should b using foual language. lol h---- b-----
Share · July 2, 2011 at 4:38pm ·

Ok, I think I figured it out. HB is 14. KB is 11. I guess she really did name her 2 daughters with rhyming names.
Hopefully this can help at least part of the confusion --

I took screenshots from the first video released (said to be timestamped 12:13) and then from the second video released (said to be timestamped 12:11, with the 8 minute variable, by Mr. Pahl, manager of the auction house where the camera was located - the building is connected to Ledermans) -- the screenshots are attached - They look to me to be from the exact same camera, which has led me to believe for awhile now that they did, indeed, circle the building.

I agree that the cameras in those two shots are the same... but did the cameraman in either shot make a mistake?
Ok, WEIRD. I thought KB and HB were definitely 2 different people, but now that you say that, it could be a mistake in the transcript because their names rhyme, and who would name their 2 daughters with names that are SO close to one another?!

Lyric's FB friend list has an HB and a KB
Maybe we could divide up the tasks? One person gather all of MCM's statements, one person gather all of DM's statements, two or three dozen people try to gather all of Tammy's statements (agh agh agh, couldn't help myself), someone gather all LE mentions of timeline, etc.

I dunno, gonna go stare at my wife for a while.

Great idea! All the statements by the family members that include a time of where they were. I think LE mentions of timelines includes the time stamp on the video and when the bikes were found. I sure would like to believe the biker guy too because didn't they verify what time he called his daughter to talk about the bikes? I know, I know.... LE hasn't confirmed he saw the bikes.
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