IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #13

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I don't know. The entrance off Arbutus to the sewage lift station is visible. Low life drifter drives in there to drink or do drugs and realizes he can drive past the building and keep going a ways. Wasting his life away that afternoon, two girls playing hunger games stumble into his view and he thinks they will be perfect addition to his one dude party and he snatches em up and throws them in the car.

Not trying to spam but this fell on last post of page and may have been seen. Any thoughts on this simple uncomplicated theory?
The difference has been discussed many times.

In the upper midwest a Paddle Boat is a boat that uses pedals to push Paddles.

I have never before heard anyone call them a pedal boat.

I'm in MN (cabin in WI) and I agree, people do often call them paddle boats but that's not correct. I only mentioned it because if it is an important part of the case, it is important that the correct name is used IMO. Just trying to get the correct term out there, that's all.
Ok call me crazy but this "Maiden Lane" that has come up - this "lane" isn't some place a car could really hide per se without being seen from say, the parking lot, right? I find it VERY hard to believe that a vehicle could be sitting anywhere along the inside of that fence trail and NOT be seen by people at the lake...

I guess when I look at the pictures of the lake (taken during the early stages) it looks like you can look almost all the way around the lake (trail) except for the little stretch where it's hidden - however, if a vehicle were parked on the INSIDE of the fence (literally next to the lake) it isn't thick enough brush that a vehicle wouldn't be seen is it?

I need to get my bearings on this I think...

I think it's possible a vehicle could have backed in far enough to be hidden from the road, trail and lake. But, I just wonder how many other vehicles have parked in the grassy area or backed up to woods before? A white van that looks as though it could be a service vehicle could easily have pulled or backed up by the lift/pump house. IMO

In thinking about how any one could know about Maiden Lane...just remember if anyone goes down that trail in another season besides summer, it will be very visible. No leaves, weeds, etc. Look at the different view we have between Bing and Google maps because of the time of year.
Not trying to spam but this fell on last post of page and may have been seen. Any thoughts on this simple uncomplicated theory?

If they were going to play hunger games in the woods, why leave their bikes the length of an entire football field away on the trail? Why not just leave them at the end of the fence, or wherever else they entered the woods?

Looking at this picture again, I can see it could be wide enough between the fence and the drop off to walk on. But, it doesn't look as out of sight as I think it's being made out to be. I don't think it would be very hard for someone on the trail to see one/two perps and a couple of girls pushing their way through the weeds.

Just a note: According to locals, the lake was down a few feet on the day this pic was taken because it was being drained. There would have been less room to walk on the day the girls were abducted. IMO it would not have been easy, but not impossible. IDK, staging the bikes without being seen may have been more difficult, but again, not impossible.
I'm in MN (cabin in WI) and I agree, people do often call them paddle boats but that's not correct. I only mentioned it because if it is an important part of the case, it is important that the correct name is used IMO. Just trying to get the correct term out there, that's all.

Paddle boat is correct. Google the term and you will see that online retailers sell them under the name paddle boat. There are lengthy discussions and tons of links about this in previous threads.
If I remember correctly, the Collins were caring for Lyric during the time Misty was in prison. I wonder why Lyric was removed from the Collins and put in the care of the 70 year old Grandmother.
I honestly can't get my head around the paddleboat theory, the main reason being...have you ever been in one of those things?

Even getting in is a triumph let alone getting the things to go in the direction you want them to.

There would have been a lot of noise...two girls giggling, splashing, yelping, trying not to tip it over.

They are FUN! But awkward and clumsy.

Whatever happened, happened quietly.


So the 'friend' tells the girls that he borrowed the boat but they need to be really quiet until they get across the lake. So he gets them to quietly paddle to the little wooded area where the car is hidden. He says quietly, we need to pull in here for a minute.

Lizzie was 8 yrs old and not at all street smart. I think she would do as told. Lyric may have been persuaded at one point by a knife to her throat for example.
If I remember correctly, the Collins were caring for Lyric during the time Misty was in prison. I wonder why Lyric was removed from the Collins and put in the care of the 70 year old Grandmother.

Could be when E's mother began having her health problems.
Do you know how many feet along the fenceline the perp would have needed to walk the girls to be hidden by the weeds and trees? I noticed that the strip widens as it approaches the wooded area. Is there a spot that it would be possible to hunker down and hide as someone passed by on the trail? Level of difficulty is no so much an issue (these perps walk into peoples homes at night and somehow keep children quiet enough to walk them right out of the door or window knowing Mom or Dad are sleeping in the next room.) The most important question is "Is it possible?"

Even if he/she/they or the girls didn't walk among the weeds and trees by the fence, the water would not have been that deep to wade through. And I'm sure a perp would. Not familiar with leech invested lakes, but would they be right at the edge if someone waded in? TIA

We need Ollipop to take photos of the SE corner of the lake from the inside of the fence from the jetty looking toward the woods and the trail.

What time would they get into a "stranger's" paddleboat? If it did happen, it was not a stranger IMO.
If I remember correctly, the Collins were caring for Lyric during the time Misty was in prison. I wonder why Lyric was removed from the Collins and put in the care of the 70 year old Grandmother.

Due to Heather's failing health.
I need to be more clear at what I am trying to say. Which is nothing against the family. What I am trying to say is, Lyric was living with the Collins and when Misty was released she was sent to Grandma. I just wonder why.
The bikes were found near the END of the bike trail. (locals please correct me if I have any of this wrong tia).

The dogs traced them from the bikes to the wooded area which is at the very end of the bike trail. This tells me that locals would rarely go there because they would only have to double back right?

So putting these two facts together, the "trap" is pretty deserted most times.

What we have to figure out is how or why they got from their bikes, to the wooded area.

Once they were in the wooded area, they could easily be led to a waiting vehicle on Maiden lane.

Again, only locals would know about this.

So...again, I keep coming back to the placement of the bikes. Were they laying across the path, and the purse obviously thrown? Or were they, as was earlier reported, propped up against the fence with the purse sitting neatly as if placed?

Bikes thrown down implies a rush, which would follow with a sudden abduction.

Bikes and purse PLACED neatly, would imply staging. Sherrif Abben apparently felt they were staged, he was one of the first on the scene.


The bikes were not found at the end of the Evansdale Trail. They were found at the SE tip of Meyers Lake, near the gate to the drainage pipe.
If I remember correctly, the Collins were caring for Lyric during the time Misty was in prison. I wonder why Lyric was removed from the Collins and put in the care of the 70 year old Grandmother.

Heather's health issues. Her heart.
I keep wondering if someone had been stalking them. And the lunch time hour 12-1 makes me wonder abt a perp on their lunch hour.
I believe this is a reporter paraphrasing what gma said, which was that they had gone out biking together, usually checked back about every hour for V-8 or something to drink, and that they had done that millions of times...(that is me paraphrasing what I remember, cause I don't have the link) MOO

Makes sense, as does the "trip" being around the block. I wish I could have found the link to the original story but at this point it doesn't seem worth spending the time, since it didn't come up easily when I looked earlier. I don't think it'll get anyone closer to finding the girls. :(
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