IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #2

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Yeah, I seriously doubt mom would chose Selena Gomez as her photo.

The other thing too. And, I did have this happen to me with one of my children on FB and ended up with some strange product shipped to me. Is with the games, FarmVille, FishVille, etc you can "earn" FB credits by signing up for certain things...such as Visas, dating sites, etc. And you have to complete the offer. So...she just fills in mom's info. Or...it autopopulates moms information from another site. Who knows. But, it was in 2011...
Maybe the picture of Selena was a safety thing, to not have her own picture on there.

But... her friends also answered questions about her...

Do you think your friend is a good kisser?
Do you think your friend could be a MILF?

She's 10?! I wonder how old her facebook friends are... geesh.
Wow... maybe the idea of her meeting up with someone isn't all that far fetched?

Seeing a good deal of this age group first hand, IMO, that idea is not far-fetched.
How close was she to her father? A young girl at that age will seek out someone to fill that void.
I hope someone hasn't already brought this up and I just missed it. I try to read all the posts but I can miss something. I was watching the video of today's presser and noticed this q and a between a reporter and the LE spokesperson (beginning just after 1:50 when there was a question about Mr. Carpenter, et al).

Reporter: Can you move the timeline up from the 12:15 with Grandma?

LE Spokesperson: No, that's the last time we have is at two.

LE says "No" but then he says "two." What's the opinion here? Do you think LE meant to say 12:15 (instead of two) or do you think LE thought the reporter had said "two" and not 12:15?

I guess my question is this...facebook often posts your web activity to your timeline, depending on settings and depending on the site. Meaning, if I am logged into facebook and searching in a google window for dating or certain sites, it will appear in my FB activity in some cases. If her FB was logged in and another person, say an adult was cruising the internet, clicked on one of those linked sites i.e. dating, hemmorhoid cream (there is a technical term for this linking I can't think of) it will show up on the facebook timeline. T<snipped for space>

Yeah it definitely crossed my mind that maybe Lyric was "cookied" into the site and that's how it could've happened. I hope that's the case. Technically she's not even old enough to have a FB account per their TOS - but yes I realize a lot of kids have them anyway. I do think they should check into her social media activity, but there are fairly easy explanations for things like this, friends being added when someone hasn't been online recently, etc.
"i just started my job at casey's so the last five days lyrics and eliz. had been playing at heathers everyday taking bikerides. as far a pattern, yes, could someone have been watching them there and seen that they play together, hang out together this last week. yes that could of happen. what she was saying (grandma0 at the end of the u that you were show, the trail comes around here, the bikes were found here, you come to end of it, this branches out into a wooden area and right here is a big patch of grass that you could pull your vehicle up onto and that's where we parked out vehicles to get back ON the trail and go back this way. that's what she was saying, someone could of very well come into that grassy area on the southside of the trail that ends as far as being able to walk or ride a bike"

end of NG interview w/ Misty

BBM. When did they park there to get back on the trail?
I am sure these people deserve a bit of a break. They had a lot of things going on. It is not like we are talking days. These are minutes. Yes, minutes count...but...they are human and I imagine anyone of us could easily not know the exact time in a situation like this. <snipped for space>

Totally agreed... unless I had a really set routine or I was say watching a show that came on at the same time every day, I'd have a hard time narrowing it down to an exact time. And I doubt g'ma was watching TV along with trying to keep track of numerous kids.
I hope someone hasn't already brought this up and I just missed it. I try to read all the posts but I can miss something. I was watching the video of today's presser and noticed this q and a between a reporter and the LE spokesperson (beginning just after 1:50 when there was a question about Mr. Carpenter, et al).

Reporter: Can you move the timeline up from the 12:15 with Grandma?

LE Spokesperson: No, that's the last time we have is at two.

LE says "No" but then he says "two." What's the opinion here? Do you think LE meant to say 12:15 (instead of two) or do you think LE thought the reporter had said "two" and not 12:15?

Wow good catch. I heard that and my mind didn't even register the two. Not sure.
BBM. When did they park there to get back on the trail?

she originally asked the grandma about when THEY first started to search and didn't understand her so she went to Misty to see what the grandma meant. I'm couldn't understand if that's when gram first went or misty and her went later and discovered this?! I would ASSUME it was later....
That is your value judgment about what you feel is appropriate. It may be a norm or acceptable for that area, for that family, etc to wear a lot of jewelry or that type. It does not really need to be sexualized or anything other than what it is : earrings. It is about self expression at that age. I have friends who wore earring like that at age 10, even more outrageous looking and I personally have never worn any, due to allergies. A pair of earrings is simply that though. It does not mean good parenting, bad parenting or anything of the sort. Just different people with different tastes. And how people choose to adorn their bodies does not make someone a poor parent or a better human being or a more suspicious character than another. In fact, she may have even put them on for the school photo. Kids wear one outfit to school and change while they are there into something cooler all the time...LOL.

I think the post was in response to a suggestion that perhaps the perp targeted Lyric, thinking she was in her early teens.

Since Lyric doesn't appear to wear makeup, some posters were trying to pinpoint why it is that she does appear to be older than ten.

There does NOT seem to be an overt effort to make herself look older with age-innappropriate, sexy clothes or hair/makeup, so a poster posited that perhaps the dangly earrings in her school picture were what made her seem more mature.

I don't think anyone was passing judgement on this girl or her folks. In my opinion! :)
I haven't seen the specific documentary but I remember seeing it on Dateline and such. And in my college psych classes.

As much as I hate to admit it, if the story was compelling, I'd have been easy to lure. "Hey little girl want some candy?" NO WAY would that've worked. But if it involved a family member hurt/injured/sick and needed me and maybe the person looked familiar as a neigbhor (or even maybe not)... if my pet was hurt or got out of the yard... if they wanted help with an animal in distress... I can think of a lot of scenarios that probably would have worked. Heck I was in my early 20s and had someone try to grab me after he asked me for directions and I stupidly walked too close to his car door to point something out on the map he was holding.

Sorry didn't mean to get all off track.

I've been theorizing it could be somebody they DO KNOW. With a story, such as - "hey, my dog had pups, cat had kittens - wanna see go see them?" What kid could resist, especially if one of the girls knew him/her/them and felt comfortable getting in a car with them - maybe had done so with nothing bad happening before?
"Here, let me put your bikes in the back and I'll drive you guys over". "It's not very far, but it's really hot today..."
And the girls hop in the car, truck, whatever and?? He later takes the bikes and purse over by the lake and dumps them to avoid having anything connecting him/her/them to the disappearance.
It's happened before. Every sex offender has to get caught that first time - they weren't born on the list.

I just hope these girls are alive and we find them soon!
Hey guys, let's not get this thread shut down!

If you take issue with a post, just use the alert button to let a Mod know.

It takes Mods a long time to go in and clean up snark in a thread and frankly, I am maniacally checking this thread and would likely have a conniption if it got locked.

Hey guys, let's not get this thread shut down!

If you take issue with a post, just use the alert button to let a Mod know.

It takes Mods a long time to go in and clean up snark in a thread and frankly, I am maniacally checking this thread and would likely have a conniption if it got locked.


it is not going to get locked.. you guys can keep it under control, right? stick to main stream media links and tweets and be careful on speculation on the family. They are victims. They are missing their children tonight and want them home.
Noreen Gosch and Richard and Linda Christie have been through it. They said they wanted to reach out to the families of Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins, both of whom were last seen in Evansdale on Friday afternoon.

Gosch's son Johnny was kidnapped while delivering newspapers in West Des Moines nearly 30 years ago. Police never found him.

"It is the single worst thing that has ever happened in my life," Gosch said.

It's also the single worst thing that happened to Richard and Linda Christie. Their granddaughter, Evelyn Miller, went missing seven years ago
this month. It took search crews six days before they found Miller’s body in the Cedar River.

"It's just the luck of the draw: It's like winning the lottery; only a bad lottery,” Richard Christie said.

No one has been charged in Miller’s killing.

Read more: http://www.kcci.com/news/central-io...15568808/-/1pql2qz/-/index.html#ixzz20w1Jf2XG
I have a question about the location of the purse and bikes. Was the purse on the other side of the fence? If so, is it possible it was dropped by a taller person over the fence, either in teasing (at first) or ultimately means to lure the girls away from the area? Thanks and sorry if this has been answered.
I've looked and looked and looked. Maybe I dreamed it, but I thought I read that someone riding (on the road/trail where the girls' bikes were found) rode his bike around them, and then went to call that they were there?

No finger-pointing, but I know I wouldn't assume anything wrong, I'd ride on by and not think twice about the bikes. Kids leave their bikes everywhere, to take a walk, to run into the woods to answer nature's call. One stands guard for the other etc...

But to see bikes and call and report them? Did I dream that up?
I can't find where I saw that - or I'd have linked to it.

There may be more info that I missed, but does anyone else think that's odd? :waitasec:
I am local as well. Some thoughts:

1. The man on lake St told the police that he had seen the girls when questioned on Friday but we heard nothing about that until today and not from LE.

2.grandma says she last saw them at 1130 but LE still reports 1215.

3.LE wont confirm or deny what was found from proscessing the bikes and wont state what agencies are working the case. Per 400 press release.

4. Info regarding a new agency working the case was posted on Facebook this afternoon but then was deleted. LE is monitoring that site.

It almost seems as if they have a good idea of what's going on but don't want anyone to know. In fact, the timeline may not be important because they know.
I've looked and looked and looked. Maybe I dreamed it, but I thought I read that someone riding (on the road/trail where the girls' bikes were found) rode his bike around them, and then went to call that they were there?

No finger-pointing, but I know I wouldn't assume anything wrong, I'd ride on by and not think twice about the bikes. Kids leave their bikes everywhere, to take a walk, to run into the woods to answer nature's call. One stands guard for the other etc...

But to see bikes and call and report them? Did I dream that up?
I can't find where I saw that - or I'd have linked to it.

There may be more info that I missed, but does anyone else think that's odd? :waitasec:

He saw the bikes, rode by, went to use washroom and made a call to his daughter at 12:27. He did not report it until after he heard the girls were missing. It was originally posted on fb. I have seen it other places too. And now there is a msm article about it. Don't have the link though.
I've looked and looked and looked. Maybe I dreamed it, but I thought I read that someone riding (on the road/trail where the girls' bikes were found) rode his bike around them, and then went to call that they were there?

No finger-pointing, but I know I wouldn't assume anything wrong, I'd ride on by and not think twice about the bikes. Kids leave their bikes everywhere, to take a walk, to run into the woods to answer nature's call. One stands guard for the other etc...

But to see bikes and call and report them? Did I dream that up?
I can't find where I saw that - or I'd have linked to it.

There may be more info that I missed, but does anyone else think that's odd? :waitasec:

He reported seeing the bikes after he learned of the girls going missing and LE finding the bikes.

Here is a link from WCF courier with a map and timeline of events. I didn't realize how far away the grandmother's house was from the lake. Or maybe the map makes it seem that way. I wonder now if this was not the scene where they went missing.
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