IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #2

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guys.. whatever was in lyrics missing photo.. come on.. they were dangly earrings.... so she chose to wear them that day? the most recent photo has also been posted of her NOT wearing those earrings (link is upstream) so she seemingly wore them for the picture.. maybe her mom didn't even know she had them on until they got the pictures back? That has happened with my son with shirts in pictures.. he took another one and changed into the one he wanted...

it is called the tween wars.. it happens..

let us just all find these girls! I am so worried for them! They should have just been able to ride around for their tween-estimated short bit and returned but they didn't and something is really wrong here...
A firm timeline is desperately needed and I agree there isn't one and it doesn't appear that there will be a definitive one any time soon. Wish there was one as it would certainly pinpoint the exact window of opportunity any perp may have had.

I agree that it's been hard to get a handle on the timeline for this one.
There is something about these (man and woman who live two blocks from the lake) witnesses that make it difficult for me to trust their account. They seem like good folk, but are they sure it was the same girls?

On the video @ 1:30 the woman mentions how she sees E every night riding her bike...that little E always stops to talk to people (every night), and she's a friendly little girl. To me this sounds like a child in the immediate neighborhood, surrounding blocks. The man says that they could not tell the police the color of the bikes because the children all ride their bikes so fast. If they could not see the color of the bikes, how could they see the girls up close enough to know? Surely, there could be other bike riding girls in their neighborhood?
I am just not sure how they could positively ID "kids" they never met.


I have started writing this same post almost word-for-word three different times today. I'm glad you wrote it!
At about 9:30 a.m. today, a representative from Kwik Trip Inc, a convenience store chain based in La Crosse, Wis., called food coordinators to say a semi from the company containing several pallets of food and goods — 1,000 hamburgers, 1,000 hot dogs, buns, fruit, bananas, etc. — would arrive later this afternoon.

Thank you Kwik Trip Inc.

I've been reading here since I read about this case yesterday on CNN and finally decided to join up and join in.

Here are my thoughts on this case so far:
1. If even one of the girls went swimming, she would have taken off socks and shoes and left them on the bank first. It is (in my view) unlikely either would swim of their own accord without doing at least this much first. Now, if one went in, and got in trouble, the other just might hop in after her without a thought as to her attire. But the first one, no way. To me, that seems unrealistic.

2. I want to know why the officer in the presser tonight wouldn't comment as to what forensics uncovered if anything about the bikes? Did they find DNA or prints not belonging to the girls? If so, could they identify who it belonged to? I bet the tires were gone over with a fine tooth comb as well looking for trace evidence that would be there - dirt samples might show where the bikes had recently traveled (eg: if they had been ridden around the lake or not). Might show traces of blood or blood spatter (if one kid or both were injured, or if a perp were somehow injured in an abduction). Why did the police decline so firmly to answer such a valid question this evening? To me, if they were certainly ruling out abduction by family or stranger, they'd have answered this one with a firm "we checked, and nothing was found of concern". So what the heck did they find??

3. I would like to know why the police have NOT confirmed in the presser tonight the man who was watering his lawn who said he saw the kids on his street between 12-3pm? We heard it in the media from the man himself, so why are police not able to verify his story and confirm it publicly?

4. What about the guy who told the aunt he'd seen the kids a few minutes before he was approached about them? Have police interviewed him yet?

5. In the presser, did someone ask if there were any persons of interest etc along the trail? Or did I completely miss what was happening in that segment? I thought the officer indicated something that made me think there WERE others on the trail of concern? Pls clarify. Thanks.
What kind of vehicles could drive on the path in between the fence? If there was an emergency would a vehicle be able to fit or would it have to be a avt/gator/etc ???
I never really associated earrings with prostitution either. They just seemed like fun dangle-y earrings to wear for a school picture. I am concerned when I have a daughter I will approve of something now that will make people talk :/

I want to test something with the zoosk profile, but I sort of don't want to because I am afraid all my friends will see me joining zoosk on facebook and think I am cheating on my SO. Maybe I can delete right away?
guys.. whatever was in lyrics missing photo.. come on.. they were dangly earrings.... so she chose to wear them that day? the most recent photo has also been posted of her NOT wearing those earrings (link is upstream) so she seemingly wore them for the picture.. maybe her mom didn't even know she had them on until they got the pictures back? That has happened with my son with shirts in pictures.. he took another one and changed into the one he wanted...

it is called the tween wars.. it happens..

let us just all find these girls! I am so worried for them! They should have just been able to ride around for their tween-estimated short bit and returned but they didn't and something is really wrong here...

Amen Beemer ... amen - couldn't really give a care about their choice of jewelry or clothing ... just find the girls. Thanks button just wasn't enough.
not to mention.. there was no cell phone with the girls but a dud one.. there was no calling to parents or anyone else telling them where they were..

the timeline will go to the eye witnesses.. and grandma if she can figure out the time..

other than that we have two abandoned bikes by the lake and no girls... where are these girls? If they were outdoorsy like a parent said I would see them walking back up to the home after being lost.. they know the area.. but they haven't that means something else has most likely happened. (and the bikes may not yield nothing at all if they were lured from the lake on foot or to a vehicle)
Maybe the picture of Selena was a safety thing, to not have her own picture on there.

But... her friends also answered questions about her...

Do you think your friend is a good kisser?
Do you think your friend could be a MILF?

She's 10?! I wonder how old her facebook friends are... geesh.
Wow... maybe the idea of her meeting up with someone isn't all that far fetched?
"i just started my job at casey's so the last five days lyrics and eliz. had been playing at heathers everyday taking bikerides. as far a pattern, yes, could someone have been watching them there and seen that they play together, hang out together this last week. yes that could of happen. what she was saying (grandma0 at the end of the u that you were show, the trail comes around here, the bikes were found here, you come to end of it, this branches out into a wooden area and right here is a big patch of grass that you could pull your vehicle up onto and that's where we parked out vehicles to get back ON the trail and go back this way. that's what she was saying, someone could of very well come into that grassy area on the southside of the trail that ends as far as being able to walk or ride a bike"

end of NG interview w/ Misty
I've been reading here since I read about this case yesterday on CNN and finally decided to join up and join in.

Here are my thoughts on this case so far:
1. If even one of the girls went swimming, she would have taken off socks and shoes and left them on the bank first. It is (in my view) unlikely either would swim of their own accord without doing at least this much first. Now, if one went in, and got in trouble, the other just might hop in after her without a thought as to her attire. But the first one, no way. To me, that seems unrealistic.

2. I want to know why the officer in the presser tonight wouldn't comment as to what forensics uncovered if anything about the bikes? Did they find DNA or prints not belonging to the girls? If so, could they identify who it belonged to? I bet the tires were gone over with a fine tooth comb as well looking for trace evidence that would be there - dirt samples might show where the bikes had recently traveled (eg: if they had been ridden around the lake or not). Might show traces of blood or blood spatter (if one kid or both were injured, or if a perp were somehow injured in an abduction). Why did the police decline so firmly to answer such a valid question this evening? To me, if they were certainly ruling out abduction by family or stranger, they'd have answered this one with a firm "we checked, and nothing was found of concern". So what the heck did they find??

3. I would like to know why the police have NOT confirmed in the presser tonight the man who was watering his lawn who said he saw the kids on his street between 12-3pm? We heard it in the media from the man himself, so why are police not able to verify his story and confirm it publicly?

4. What about the guy who told the aunt he'd seen the kids a few minutes before he was approached about them? Have police interviewed him yet?

5. In the presser, did someone ask if there were any persons of interest etc along the trail? Or did I completely miss what was happening in that segment? I thought the officer indicated something that made me think there WERE others on the trail of concern? Pls clarify. Thanks.

Welcome!! Good post!!

I agree with point 1, wonder the same thing about points 2 - 4, and regarding point 5 - I need to go back in this thread and check because I did post about that when I was listening to the presser.

The sheriff doing the presser didn't seem to be very knowledgeable about all the details. I have been wondering why he keeps saying last seen at 12:15 by gma when the family has now been stating 11:30.
And maybe it is not the Mom's account. It is on Lyric's fb page between July 3, 2011 and July 15, 2011 that says Lyric stated using Zoosk. The zoosk account was supposedly created using the same picture Lyric uses on her fb profile.


That was last year and she was 9. Again...if FB was logged into L's account and mom logged into her Zoosk it would provide a link to the activity. It seems more reasonable after all that the family went through those years, mom and dad broke up for a while from the stress. If it was L's...it was over a year ago and I can't imagine a child without a cell phone or organized enough to have a cell phone utilizing that site. If anything, she was more upset, because mom and dad weren't together and maybe tried to sabotage it. IMOO. :twocents:
Maybe the picture of Selena was a safety thing, to not have her own picture on there.

But... her friends also answered questions about her...

Do you think your friend is a good kisser?
Do you think your friend could be a MILF?

She's 10?! I wonder how old her facebook friends are... geesh.
Wow... maybe the idea of her meeting up with someone isn't all that far fetched?

That actually can be a sign of a hacked facebook account. A few of my friends do not actively use facebook and had their accounts compromised. FOr some reason, a bunch of questions like that pop up OR Picture of the Day type spam. When I looked at her facebook account I honestly thought it may be inactive and compromised because a lot of the posts look auto-posted or like from a spam account.
<snipped for space> Has anyone seen the documentary that attempts to lure children and almost all of them went despite being taught of stranger danger? I will look it up and post it... shocking... almost all of them went.

I haven't seen the specific documentary but I remember seeing it on Dateline and such. And in my college psych classes.

As much as I hate to admit it, if the story was compelling, I'd have been easy to lure. "Hey little girl want some candy?" NO WAY would that've worked. But if it involved a family member hurt/injured/sick and needed me and maybe the person looked familiar as a neigbhor (or even maybe not)... if my pet was hurt or got out of the yard... if they wanted help with an animal in distress... I can think of a lot of scenarios that probably would have worked. Heck I was in my early 20s and had someone try to grab me after he asked me for directions and I stupidly walked too close to his car door to point something out on the map he was holding.

Sorry didn't mean to get all off track.
Welcome!! Good post!!

I agree with point 1, wonder the same thing about points 2 - 4, and regarding point 5 - I need to go back in this thread and check because I did post about that when I was listening to the presser.

The sheriff doing the presser didn't seem to be very knowledgeable about all the details. I have been wondering why he keeps saying last seen at 12:15 by gma when the family has now been stating 11:30.

he didn't even know they taped off the shoreline when we were watching it on twitter :banghead: Didn't seem to have it all together IMO...I'm sure he is tired and exhausted as well, but c'mon----having a presser w/ no updated info?!
Ok Blue - here is what I found from my earlier post:

asked about coming across unknown suspects from talking to ppl on the trail -
he didn't really answer

So yeah, no clear info on that.
he didn't even know they taped off the shoreline when we were watching it on twitter :banghead: Didn't seem to have it all together IMO...I'm sure he is tired and exhausted as well, but c'mon----having a presser w/ no updated info?!

Right. And he didn't know for sure if you can make a 911 call from an inactive cell phone which you can.
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