IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #20

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thinking of the girls this morning.... good to see you on the thread Ollipop!
So sad. So many cases of missing children going colder. Press coverage drying up. No new leads to follow. Sleuths stuck spinning their wheels.

Something has to break somewhere right?

So sad nothing has developed. Some naive part of me assumed that two girls missing+the semi-public area and small town would equal a faster resolution.
I feel like I am a broken record here, but again, I live very, very close to Evansdale and I remember the details of this weekend very vividly. For one, it was my son's birthday weekend, and two, my family goes camping every weekend. We stayed local that weekend (at Deerwood) because of my son's birthday party.

Since we go camping, rain tends to cause problems. However, due to the drought this Summer, the rain was welcomed and I was hoping the burn ban would be lifted if we received enough rain.

I believe the official rainfall totals are recorded at the Waterloo Airport. This is on the far Northwest edge of town. I remember it raining early the morning of the 13th, all through the morning. It tended to be a sprinkle/mist from about 5-6am to about 11am. It was enough of a nuisance that a client of mine had a daycare fieldtrip cancelled that morning. The sprinkling started again around 3pm, when I left work that day. This was a very, very short-lived bout, but with unusually large raindrops. After rain in Iowa, the humidity becomes unbearable! I have assumed there were not many people out that day due to the sprinkling rain in the morning, and then the humidity afterwards.
Thank you so much for sharing your local perspective!

Re: BBM#2 - Deerwood - It would be interesting to know if the wetness at Deerwood on the 13th made it appear that Deerwood had had more rainfall (or less rainfall) than your home/job did that day. I'm not asking that question though, because even with your excellent memory for details, there would be no reason for you to remember that! :)

Does anybody happen to know the answer to this question?
Re: BBM#3 - drought/burn ban - This made me wonder if Evansdale would have been on watering restrictions, such as watering only allowed late in the day/evenings or watering only allowed on even or odd numbered days? (I searched for the answer, but without luck.)
Thank you so much for sharing your local perspective!


Re: BBM#2 - Deerwood - It would be interesting to know if the wetness at Deerwood on the 13th made it appear that Deerwood had had more rainfall (or less rainfall) than your home/job did that day. I'm not asking that question though, because even with your excellent memory for details, there would be no reason for you to remember that! :)

Does anybody happen to know the answer to this question?
Re: BBM#3 - drought/burn ban - This made me wonder if Evansdale would have been on watering restrictions, such as watering only allowed late in the day/evenings or watering only allowed on even or odd numbered days? (I searched for the answer, but without luck.)

Personal opinion only - but I doubt Mr C would be out watering in broad daylight at midday if there was a watering ban on.

Even at its worst here (our last drought lasted 8 years or so) you still had "watering days", odd numbered houses watered on Monday, even numbers Tuesday, and so on.

This was clearly published everywhere, every paper, and on every tv channel and radio station - there were heavy fines if you broke the law.

In my opinion if there was such a ban, you would have found it.
There were no restrictions on watering the lawn July 13th, 2012.
Personal opinion only - but I doubt Mr C would be out watering in broad daylight at midday if there was a watering ban on.

Even at its worst here (our last drought lasted 8 years or so) you still had "watering days", odd numbered houses watered on Monday, even numbers Tuesday, and so on.

This was clearly published everywhere, every paper, and on every tv channel and radio station - there were heavy fines if you broke the law.

In my opinion if there was such a ban, you would have found it.
One would certainly like to hope, wouldn't one?!?! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I used to refer to Google as "my best beau" until they did away w/search within results. Grrrh...

Seriously, your "Even at its worst here (our last drought lasted 8 years or so)...", IMHO, made it sound as though you are a local. For board/subject clarification I hope it's not against TOS for me to ask whether or not you are local to IA?!? Thanks!
Personal opinion only - but I doubt Mr C would be out watering in broad daylight at midday if there was a watering ban on.

Even at its worst here (our last drought lasted 8 years or so) you still had "watering days", odd numbered houses watered on Monday, even numbers Tuesday, and so on.

This was clearly published everywhere, every paper, and on every tv channel and radio station - there were heavy fines if you broke the law.

In my opinion if there was such a ban, you would have found it.

I am not aware of the summer watering rules in urban Iowa, and we have a well, but family and friends who live in towns and cities here usually have water restrictions of some sort during the summer months, even if there has been rain and the lakes and resorvoirs are full. Unfortunately, there are folks, if there are not rules, who will just leave a sprinkler going for days. Here odd-numbered houses sprinkle on odd-numbered days and are allowed only early in the morning and after supper. The cooler times of the day.

There are things that could have come into play that fateful afternoon. Rules and routine. Here you can water any time, any day, if you are holding the hose. You can have a nozzle on the hose. So we do have folks out watering their lawns every day here, not with a sprinkler in the middle of the day, but holding their hose fitted with a nozzle, and they have the right to do so.

These are mostly older people who have watered with a hose like that all their lives and carry on their routine, they enjoy the comardarie of chatting with those passing by them as they are out in their yards, and generally keep a beady eye on things going on in their neighbourhood. Perhaps this is the scenario of the man watering along the girls' possible route that day? It didn't matter too much about how much rain had fallen, he was following his usual daily routine.
You could still hand water here, just at certain times on certain days.

Oh btw I'm in Australia, the driest state in the driest continent so we are almost obssessed with water. We have no lakes and only a couple of rivers.
I'm a little early but... Happy 11th Birthday, Lyric! (tomorrow 10/2) I so desparately hope that the girls will be home soon to celebrate belated birthdays with their loved ones. I know odds are against it but I have to keep hope alive in my heart. Better yet would be them returning tomorrow in time for Lyric's birthday party!


For those who didn't know - I think this is OK to post here since it's a public event and organized in part by Elizabeth's Mom Heather: https://www.facebook.com/events/449841618399436/. They're getting together with family and friends, sounds like also children from both Lyric and Lizzie's schools and fellow church members to honor Lyric's 11th birthday. The kids will be making beaded bracelets with Lyric and Lizzie's names, frosting/decorating cookies, and making cards for Lyric. From one of the organizers "I have learned that she loves the color purple and likes jewelry and animals."

Happy Birthday beautiful girl. I hope we get to see your smiling face soon!!
(PS I wanted to add... huge kudos to everyone who is organizing Lyric's party, contributing to it, keeping their names out there and hope alive. I'm too far away to do a whole lot of good physically/in person but it's been incredibly inspiring seeing people pull together for these girls. Thank you, to all of you!)
I wonder if they checked who had appointments at the covenant clinic that day. What kind of clinic is it? Drop-in? Rehab?

Just general family practice physicians. It is a small local clinic affiliated with one of the hospitals in Waterloo. Good idea about checking the appointments!
Re: BBM#3 - drought/burn ban - This made me wonder if Evansdale would have been on watering restrictions, such as watering only allowed late in the day/evenings or watering only allowed on even or odd numbered days? (I searched for the answer, but without luck.)

Burn bans are usually due to fear of fire rather than to drought.
Happy Birthday Lyric!!

We are wishing you and Lizzie would return home.. :blowkiss:
Happy Birthday Lyric :) Wishing that you would come home.
County Chief Deputy Rick Abben said authorities are still asking people to call the tip line. Still, he said it's been a long, hard case with not a lot of answers.

&#8220;We&#8217;re still getting calls in, but we would have expected more and for people to see something [about] what happened,&#8221; Abben said. "It&#8217;s frustrating for us that we haven&#8217;t found them yet, but we&#8217;re not giving up.&#8221;

Lyric&#8217;s birthday marks day 82 of the investigation.

&#8220;As long as we&#8217;re able to keep putting the resources forward to do that, and the state is helping us with that, as is the FBI,&#8221; Chief Deputy Abben said. &#8220;So, we just keep moving along with it and working as we can.&#8221;
Birthday Wishes for Lyric's safe return. And if its not too much trouble, maybe little Lizzie could be found as well.
This is so frustrating hearing that LE has nothing, but then again maybe they do and just are not saying.
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