IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #21

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I just have no words.....I have no idea that the girls had been found. This is so bitter sweet. I am glad they have been found, so they can have a proper burial, their parents, family, friends and the entire community can say goodbye. But damn it.....WHY DO PEOPLE KILL OUR CHILDREN??? :furious:

I am so angry, sad, upset....just all over the board here. These precious girls....."our" girls are gone. I am so glad that they were at least together. I hope they know who did this and that person/s burns in the flames of hell for eternity. :furious:

Lyric & Elizabeth: Fly high you beautiful angels. You have both touched so many lives. Many people who have never met you, loved and cared for you both so much. We are all so sad that your life on earth is over. Rest in paradise you precious, sweet girls.
I have missed the post or news stating the girls were murdered. Posts keep referring to a 'perp' but how does anyone know how these girls died? How does anyone know the girls were actually abducted?

Is it possible they could have left their bikes and hiked around - getting lost in the woods?

the bodies were found over 20 miles from where the bikes were. I doubt they wandered that far on their own.
I have missed the post or news stating the girls were murdered. Posts keep referring to a 'perp' but how does anyone know how these girls died? How does anyone know the girls were actually abducted?

Is it possible they could have left their bikes and hiked around - getting lost in the woods?
Highly unlikely. They were found twenty miles away from where their bikes were located. No one in Iowa is going to give two little girls a ride out into the woods and not ask where their parents are on a hot summer's day where heatstroke can happen in a heartbeat without fluids.
I wonder if there are any game/wildlife cameras in the 7 Bridges area. If so, I hope one of them captured something that might be helpful to LE.

I am not surprised the girls were found so close to home, nor am I surprised they were found together. I have always felt the girls were targeted for some reason other than perverted sexual urges, and I believe they were killed quickly after their abduction. JMO

Unfortunately, I believe the perpetrator is someone known to the family in some way, and that this person probably participated in searches, vigils, etc. I also believe this was planned, rather than spur of the moment, and the perpetrator knew exactly where he was going once he abducted Lizzie and Lyric. Again, JMO.

Because of that, I feel fairly confident that an arrest will be made in this case. Now that we know where the girls were found, maybe it will jog someone's memory and they will come forward.

Every day I have come here to see if there was anything new. Many times, I "bumped" the girls up, and I know a few others have been doing the same thing. I'm glad there have been so many loyal WS'ers who have cared about what happened to two little girls from Iowa.

It is REALLY going to hurt when I first see "Found Deceased" next to their names on this thread.
I am really thinking about Dan & Misty today. I know both of them seem to have struggled with drug dependency problems in the past. Recovering addicts would surely be tempted to return to using in such an event like the discovery of their child's remains. It seems like this wold be a tigger for them. I have a problem with food and know when something stressful happens, I have to fight the urge to go buy a box of oreos and eat them all myself in one sitting. And whatever stressful event happens to me is nowhere near what Dan & Misty are going through. I am sending love & light their way as they deal with the discovery of the bodies plus their continued struggles to not return to using.

I am also thinking of Misty and her health problems. This seems to much for a physically well person to be able to handle.
If I ever go missing, I would hope to have this group looking for me. I've been especially impressed by Gracelin, Palaminodee, Christee, Peeples and Peachy for their work in the Scanner thread during the fastest/craziest times and the slowest/dullest. Sorry if I missed somebody, but those are the names that stand out most. Just for the record though; if I ever go missing, I'm probably just lost!

On a more serious note. I really hope that the fact that they were mainly identified by their clothes means they weren't sexually assaulted in addition to whatever caused their death. At this point that, and hoping for a quick arrest and conviction, are about all there is left to hope for. I'm glad all the prayers did bring them home for Christmas, but I wish it didn't have to be this way.
The new systems all have a hard drive so you can save as much footage as you want.

You can save as much footage as the hard drive space will allow. The quality of the video recording and if compression is used has everything to do with how much space is taken up on a hard drive.

ETA - IF compression is used, it complicates the use of video footage in a trial (as evidence). You need and expert to testify on how the compression/decompression works. Essentially the courts need to be sure details are not lost in the comp/decompression process. For example, in video footage of a large store parking lot you can make out a car with license plate "XYZ 123". The courts need to be sure the "1" is not an "I"....

I really hope that LE has had a suspect in this case all along, and now, with finding the girls' bodies, they will be able to find the proof they need to make an arrest.
I said an extra prayer today for Wylma Cook. I know this has been so terrible for the entire family, but that poor woman was watching the girls the day they disappeared. I imagine she has second-guessed herself about a million times or more. I wish I could give her a hug and let her know how much we all cared about the girls.

KCRG crew in Bremer Co. reports that white sheets are covering two spots inside wildlife area, near a bend in the river. #evansdalesearch

If I ever go missing, I would hope to have this group looking for me. I've been especially impressed by Gracelin, Palominodee, Christee, Peeples and Peachy for their work in the Scanner thread during the fastest/craziest times and the slowest/dullest. Sorry if I missed somebody, but those are the names that stand out most. Just for the record though; if I ever go missing, I'm probably just lost!

On a more serious note. I really hope that the fact that they were mainly identified by their clothes means they weren't sexually assaulted in addition to whatever caused their death. At this point that, and hoping for a quick arrest and conviction, are about all there is left to hope for. I'm glad all the prayers did bring them home for Christmas, but I wish it didn't have to be this way.

Amen to all that!

And special thanks to all the posters who give a running commentary here when news is breaking.

And thanks to poster angelainwi for the breaking news yesterday that stopped that long chain of bumping posts.
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