How does the verification work here? I mean how does one go about being verified that possitively verifies that you are who you say you are?
to get verified as an insider, here is the process
If you would like to add youself as an expert in a certain field or an insider to a case, please contact Admin.
If you do not wish to be identified as an expert in a certain area, we only ask that you refrain from answering questions that are specifically directed to those that have been verified as specialist in their area.
If a member posts with "expertise" please check to make sure they are on this list. If not, please do not take their post as professional information, but rather just as another opinion ;much as you would with any member of the general posting membership.
Locals who are describing the area or are members of the gyms and that sort of thing do not need to be verified.
We only verify people who know the players or have been named in the media, etc.
If a member wants to post as a professional (a lawyer, shrink, and so on) or as a local/knows the people involved then they must email us at the following email:
Please include:
The case
Your Websleuths name
Your phone number and a good time to call
Your real name.
In the subject line please put your user name and which case you are asking to be verified on.
All info will be kept strictly confidential.