IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #35

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I want LE to take their time & have all their ducks in a row when they make their arrest/announce the person(s) responsible for this horrendous crime so the charges stick.

And just how much time would that be? A year ago I called this a cold case....I still feel that way. An arrest would have been made a long time ago if LE had a clue. If I was a betting woman I'd bet the farm these precious girl's murders won't be solved for years ...... If ever. Jmhoo
And just how much time would that be? A year ago I called this a cold case....I still feel that way. An arrest would have been made a long time ago if LE had a clue. If I was a betting woman I'd bet the farm these precious girl's murders won't be solved for years ...... If ever. Jmhoo

Hoping the case is already solved , just not made public yet..
just checking on our gals. Hoping for news.
2014! My how time has passed. Our girls will have been gone 2 years this year. For Lyric and Elizabeth, time stands still. They will be Forever Young. The silence in the case is deafening. Maybe it is how the old saying goes, "no news is good news" and the killer is in prison. I just don't feel it in my bones though. The person in prison doesn't make my hair stand on end like Klunder.

It makes me angry Klunder killed himself. I hate him even more for doing that to the good people of Evansdale. He could have answered so many questions if he hadn't hung himself. Saved the state some money, but I think he could have been easily ruled in or out as Elizabeth and Lyric's killer if he had some decency about him and lived. Spineless, worthless ba$t*&d.
Just checking in. Waiting, unpatiently I might add.

:seeya: Hiya Cinder! Long time no see! I must say I'm right there with you, impatiently waiting for some Justice in this. Looks like it is going to be a Cold Justice. Dangit! :facepalm:
Slightly OT, but a local example of how slowly the wheels of justice sometimes grind . . . even when LE has motive and the murder weapon. Keep faith, fellow Websleuthers!


Thank you for the link! Glad LE caught him. I believe they have a good link with the .410 and initials KG. Poor Evelyn. Trying hard to keep the faith. :banghead:
I've been reading a little bit about Forensic Hypnosis which is an interesting subject. Below is a case in 1976 where it was used.

1976 Chowchilla kidnapping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Ray was able to remember the license plate number of one vehicle under hypnosis, which led to the capture of the kidnappers as they attempted to flee to Canada."

I wonder if they could use this on the three people who saw the "white boxy" vehicle near the park that day. Maybe they would remember more details. As far as I can tell right now Texas is the only state that is using this. I have to go back as see what case they used it for. It seems that it is more effective with incidents that have happened recently opposed to long term memory incidents, but it can still be used in long term memories if there is information in the memory recall that can be checked out for accuracy.

Fascinating indeed! I watched something not too long ago in which a witness was hypnotized. It was not the Chowchilla kidnapping though. I'd like to put the entire family under hypnosis in this case. :tantrum: LE is missing the link IMO. I just think we would know if "ducks were being lined up" for an arrest. The press kept us informed about Dan. So, maybe one duck is in prison, but I believe there is one duck that has not quacked :rubberducky: :rubberducky: :rubberducky: because LE :cop: has not :poke: the right :rubberducky: .
And just how much time would that be? A year ago I called this a cold case....I still feel that way. An arrest would have been made a long time ago if LE had a clue. If I was a betting woman I'd bet the farm these precious girl's murders won't be solved for years ...... If ever. Jmhoo

They are usually solved - it may take time.

Daniel Morecombes case took 8 years, an undercover jail sting, and a coronal inquiry until the perp was finally arrested.

God alone how many sheer man hours led up to the arrest - thousands, tens of thousands, at least.
Could other charges be filed in this case not involving the perp? Could someone be arrested for obstructing the investigation or lying to LE? I know I'm grasping at straws here.
Could other charges be filed in this case not involving the perp? Could someone be arrested for obstructing the investigation or lying to LE? I know I'm grasping at straws here.

Yes, they could.

A West Branch man facing child *advertiser censored* charges works with a local daycare provider, according to a weekend statement from the school district obtained by KCRG-TV.

Over 2 years...
And still waiting!
Nothing new has been reported since the early days of the disappearances and finding of the bodies. There have been many complex horrific crimes solved recently in which arrests have been made, the cases have gone to court, and the criminals have been sentenced (many to life or death) within a year (including one in which my family member was a witness) and this case has gone nowhere! I cannot believe the family, friends, and community of these 2 girls are not demanding answers! It's as if no one cares!

In my opinion, the people who committed these crimes have been responsible for other crimes in which they have gotten away with or have been able to avoid jail time in the past, and it appears that they will continue to do so! I also believe these 2 girls were targeted for specific reasons and the perp had some affiliation with the family or their activities because there appears to be no fear among LE or the community that the perp will strike again, and I am not aware of any other crimes of similar nature reported anywhere since this one. Some may argue that Klunder committed similar crimes, but I would think we would have known by now if it was him, since it has been over 2 years, and it doesn't take that long to process phone records, DNA, cars, etc. or track whereabouts of someone.
And just how much time would that be? A year ago I called this a cold case....I still feel that way. An arrest would have been made a long time ago if LE had a clue. If I was a betting woman I'd bet the farm these precious girl's murders won't be solved for years ...... If ever. Jmhoo

I'm right there with you. I don't think this case will be solved in the near future. I don't believe LE stopped asking for help b/c they have all the answers, they didn't ask for much help to begin with and have been very quiet from the beginning. I don't think they had a clue the girls were abducted, I don't think they had any idea what happened until their bodies were found.

I am not trying to imply the LE dept is inept but I just don't think they had many clues or looked for the right clues. IMO, they thought the girls drowned and started the investigation with that theory in mind.

I had followed several cases before Jessica Ridgeway, she was the first case I followed where an arrest was made. It was so shocking, I didn't even know what happened after an arrest was made b/c all of the cases I'd followed weren't solved. To me Lyric & Elizabeth is another unsolved case.

Interesting info here...http://projects.scrippsnews.com/story/child-dies-every-day-unsolved-homicide/

Police report they don't know who committed more than 10,700 killings of children from 1980 through 2008. Of the 51,753 murders of juveniles 17 or younger, nearly 21 percent were unsolved.
Over 2 years...
And still waiting!
Nothing new has been reported since the early days of the disappearances and finding of the bodies. There have been many complex horrific crimes solved recently in which arrests have been made, the cases have gone to court, and the criminals have been sentenced (many to life or death) within a year (including one in which my family member was a witness) and this case has gone nowhere! I cannot believe the family, friends, and community of these 2 girls are not demanding answers! It's as if no one cares!

In my opinion, the people who committed these crimes have been responsible for other crimes in which they have gotten away with or have been able to avoid jail time in the past, and it appears that they will continue to do so! I also believe these 2 girls were targeted for specific reasons and the perp had some affiliation with the family or their activities because there appears to be no fear among LE or the community that the perp will strike again, and I am not aware of any other crimes of similar nature reported anywhere since this one. Some may argue that Klunder committed similar crimes, but I would think we would have known by now if it was him, since it has been over 2 years, and it doesn't take that long to process phone records, DNA, cars, etc. or track whereabouts of someone.

I'm right there with you. I don't think this case will be solved in the near future. I don't believe LE stopped asking for help b/c they have all the answers, they didn't ask for much help to begin with and have been very quiet from the beginning. I don't think they had a clue the girls were abducted, I don't think they had any idea what happened until their bodies were found.

I am not trying to imply the LE dept is inept but I just don't think they had many clues or looked for the right clues. IMO, they thought the girls drowned and started the investigation with that theory in mind.

I had followed several cases before Jessica Ridgeway, she was the first case I followed where an arrest was made. It was so shocking, I didn't even know what happened after an arrest was made b/c all of the cases I'd followed weren't solved. To me Lyric & Elizabeth is another unsolved case.

Interesting info here...http://projects.scrippsnews.com/story/child-dies-every-day-unsolved-homicide/

Police report they don't know who committed more than 10,700 killings of children from 1980 through 2008. Of the 51,753 murders of juveniles 17 or younger, nearly 21 percent were unsolved.

RANT AHEAD :truce:

If this little snippet doesn't solidify the lack of certainty about LE 'round here, I don't know what will:


Authorities said Michael Klunder is considered the suspect in the case. He had been released early from prison after serving time in a different kidnapping case.

SUSPECT? REALLY?!! Still a SUSPECT? :banghead:
What more does LE need on Klunder to actually freaking say the words that he was THE KILLER of Kathlynn, ABDUCTOR of D, and not continue to pussyfoot around and call him a suspect?

Whatever you do LE, do NOT go out on a limb and call him THE killer...because....what?...STILL not quite sure on Kathlynn's case either?!

Words fail me...:banghead:
No trial = no guilty verdict = he will forever be The Main Suspect.

Heck maybe it wasn't him, maybe his cousin or brother or BFF.

Maybe Kathlynn knew and liked him. We know both girls went willingly for some reason.

Its frustrating as hell but technically correct.

Also we had a SK down here who confessed to killing a certain little madam, was sentenced etc, only to have her pop out of her (much older) boyfriends wardrobe alive and well a couple of years later. My point is, stranger things have happened.

Natasha Ryan in the Leonard Fraser case if anyone's interested.
Yes I agree with everything that has been said I just wish as the rest of W/S's we would be able to get a conclusive answer Kulnder not just a suspect . I often wondered if Klunder may have figured he killed Kathlyn Shepard D got away thank God and if they could trace him to the cousin's and he decieded rather that go to jail kill his evil self . Who know's but, we should get some kind of answer's the town should demand and they do not it is so very sad .God be with Wylma Cook and all the suffering she has been put through .
No trial = no guilty verdict = he will forever be The Main Suspect.

Heck maybe it wasn't him, maybe his cousin or brother or BFF.

Maybe Kathlynn knew and liked him. We know both girls went willingly for some reason.

Its frustrating as hell but technically correct.

Also we had a SK down here who confessed to killing a certain little madam, was sentenced etc, only to have her pop out of her (much older) boyfriends wardrobe alive and well a couple of years later. My point is, stranger things have happened.

Natasha Ryan in the Leonard Fraser case if anyone's interested.

So no DNA tests would be run, or no "closing of the case" with actual PROOF that he did it even for D's "case" - she's still alive.
You can't try a dead person in this country, so yes, Klunder will technically never be more than a suspect. They can close the files and mark the case closed, though.
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