IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #9

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All of us want these precious girls to come home alive, LE included. LE will never say they're anything but alive until they have FORENSIC evidence to say otherwise. Elizabeth Smart is a choice example, if LE had said something other than they believed she was alive, people may have discounted the sightings of her and never reported them- so until otherwise proven, they're alive.

Watch the video.... LE said they have evidence they are alive. Elizabeth Smart was also found alive. jmo
Which cousin (who's daughter) was Lyric with when she "disappeared" a few days before the Lyric and Elizabeth disappearance?

Lyric was alleged to have been with one of TB's daughters 4 days prior to Lyric and Elizabeth going missing. This was the cousin who she was out playing with and the girls (Lyric and unnamed cousin) did not return when expected. TB told the story on NG about how 911 was called to report the girls missing that day only to have the girls walk in as adult relatives were reporting them missing.

ETA I believe that incident occurred in Waterloo if memory serves.
Playing devil's advocate,

"Rick Abben, chief deputy with the Black Hawk County Sheriff's office, said investigators still had no single person of interest in the case. "Now that it's an abduction, everyone's a suspect," he said.


So, can't we sleuth "everyone"?

ok, I'm sure it won't work. I feel so juvenile even trying! I'll go to my room now. Just want the girls found, as we all do.
No, no official POI.

I'm confused. Someone posted a link the site which lists local arrests but the info I've seen on the thread so far is just what it said on that link. I know we cant sleuth her beyond what comes from official LE sources or MSM. Is the "who's in jail " list out of bounds?

I'm asking for clarification on that as well TGI. Since no one has been named a person of interest or suspect no one can be sleuthed and posted here is my understanding, I could be wrong and that's why I'm checking on that.

Lyric was alleged to have been with one of TB's daughters 4 days prior to Lyric and Elizabeth going missing. This was the cousin who she was out playing with and the girls (Lyric and unnamed cousin) did not return when expected. TB told the story on NG about how 911 was called to report the girls missing that day only to have the girls walk in as adult relatives were reporting them missing.

ETA I believe that incident occurred in Waterloo if memory serves.

BBM - bolded part above = BB?
Sorry Mods. We are trying really hard to stay within the TOS. But it is very hard because this case is so similar to Haleigh Cummings case. There is so much going on in the immediate surroundings, and some of it is probably connected to the disappearances. So it is hard to sit on our hands. Sorry. :angel: :angel::angel:
I am having a hard time with the idea that the girls bikes were left out on the trail, unattended, including the purse, for hours without them either being stolen or noticed by someone other than TG. I know there was supposedly another person who saw the girls on the bikes, and I thought one more confirmed sighting of the bikes on the path. (those details are very unclear to me)

Is this trail so secluded that it is possible only one or two people passed by the bikes, after they had been abandoned by the girls?

The reason I am asking is because if there was anyone else who walked by where the bikes were found, after the time TG claims to have seen them, and the bikes were not there then one of two things must be true: TG is lying or confused, or the bikes were removed and then returned at some point later in the day.

A question for locals: What kind of an auction house( e.g., the one in my area is farm equipment and vehicles) is the one where the surveillance video was captured?
Are there any businesses in close proximity to the lake that employ short haul drivers?

Is the lake area a spot where people who are employed near by come to eat lunch?
can someone link the video where FBi spokesperson states they have physical evidence the girls are alive? I have seen her say the evidence strongly suggests the girls are alive. I have seen where she has stated physical evidence has all been sent off for analysis.

I have never seen her state that LE has physical evidence indicating the girls are alive. If someone could throw up the link I would dearly appreciate it. TIA
has a person of interest been named in this case?

No official "person of interest" by LE that I know of, just "people of interest" in discussions among the WS community. Thanks for making me clarify...didn't want to start a rumor!
Bravo GGE! There it is, straight from the spokesperson for the Sheriff's office. Everyone is a suspect.

What do you say, Ima?

GGE posted:

"Rick Abben, chief deputy with the Black Hawk County Sheriff's office, said investigators still had no single person of interest in the case. "Now that it's an abduction, everyone's a suspect," he said.
BBM - bolded part above = BB?

not to my knowledge. The person who is in jail is 21, I do not believe she or her arrest are related to the girls disappearance. The person Lyric "lost track of time with" four days prior to being missing was described as TB's daughter and cousin to Lyric but in relating the story of that incident that day, TB gave the impression it was her daughter but also that she was an age peer to Lyric.

I do not have a link to transcript where TB described that afternoon and the "missing" girls but I am sure it is in these threads.

ETA IMO BB does not = cousin Lyric was "missing" with prior to being abducted.
MOO...Returned to the lake to "look", which would have given them an alibi for having their scent or trackable evidence at the lake from being there earlier.

Who was last known person(s) to see the girls?
Who went to the lake to search for the girls before anyone else?
Who had the ability to place the bikes at the lake without being noticed?
Who had to leave and "run an errand" in the midst of the search?
Who has had the most inconsistent stories of what happened?
Who has done most of the talking (and a lot of it) and interviews?
Who shared indirect family connection to both girls without being a parent?
Who was knowledeable with the family's schedules?
Who had plenty of time and opportunity without fear of getting caught?

Just going through the basics here. Nothing too complicated or out there, like CSI stuff. "Criminal Minds"?, maybe! :jail:

I agree with you to an extent-- I think the two family members who have been REALLY talking to the media a whole lot know more than they're letting on, but it begs the question:

Why just these two girls? Elizabeth has three more siblings, and Lyric has one. Why just these two kids out of all of them?
I'm going to insert my answers to your questions inline, in red:

I got behind, catching up...

I lean that way, too. But consider:
  • His last name is not all that uncommon around here. Fair point. Still makes me wonder if he knew them, or at least knew the house was vacant.
  • The paddleboat is not in front of that house, but two doors down, and we don't even know if it was involved or just possibly used by a potential witness. Too close for comfort for me. Easy to borrow.
  • I know Bertch Cabinets seems close, but honestly, it is not a quick drive. I've never even been anywhere close, and by looking at the map you might think I'm in that neighborhood. Besides, a job could be an alibi. He was working at JD that day, not Bertch. Do you know where JD is, in relation to the lake?
  • Lyric never "went missing," but was late, IIRC. She would be in his neighborhood because her mother was dating him, not by some suspicious coincidence. Its a neighborhood she'd be expected to be in, and in which she'd be likely to have made friends. But she was late enough that her mom got concerned enough to call the police. Lyric showed up right as the police did. Something had Misty spooked.
  • His criminal record is not all that outstanding, considering some of the players in this game. It doesn't include anything like kidnapping or a sex offense, though. (Does it? I could be wrong here.) Just lots of drug offenses, like many of the other players.
  • I would expect them to break up, considering the weight something like this would put on the likely-fresh relationship, and the fact that she is going to need, because of the circumstances, to be around her estranged husband frequently. Dan hasn't broken up with his girlfriend though. I still find this odd. This would be the time to lean on your significant other. Not add the pain of a break up to the pain of your kid missing.

Not saying I'd rule him out, by any means. Just that when I step back and see it, I can tell I'm drawing lines that aren't really there (oh, but I want them to be).

And OMG, how did I get so far behind again, lol? I never should have gone down to Deerwood for that fishing date. LOL!!
The timeline given is they were last seen at 12:15 on Cctv and then they disappeared. Their bikes were found at 3:58. Grandma looked for them from 12:30 to 1:30 and could not find them. Then she went home and met Tammy. Then they were called back by Drew to help look and headed to the lake at 2:45. The bikes were found 73 minutes later.

I still don't know what happened.

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Grandma saw them at 12:15, then "went to look for them" from 12:30 - 1:30.

Which way were the girls riding on the cctv? I know it was West. But is west TOWARD the Collins home, or away from it?
Is there a donation site? How much has been donated if so? Who is in charge? Are there laws regarding use of the donations or are they considered donated no questions asked and no recourse..... Just thinking about the Zimmerman case.
Grandma saw them at 12:15, then "went to look for them" from 12:30 - 1:30.

Which way were the girls riding on the cctv? I know it was West. But is west TOWARD the Collins home, or away from it?

Edited because the map is hard to figure out ... it almost looks like the camera would have been almost directly across the street ... so west would be away from the house.
Grandma saw them at 12:15, then "went to look for them" from 12:30 - 1:30.

Which way were the girls riding on the cctv? I know it was West. But is west TOWARD the Collins home, or away from it?

I don't think they'll discuss it publicly but would love to see the beyond the section we are seen in those surveillance clips. If Grandma was out driving around, those areas would likely have been passed. Should be a vehicle that matches hers also trekking around town from 12:30-1:30 yes?
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