GUILTY IA - Evelyn Miller, 5, Charles City, 1 July 2005

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So so very sad...I'm sick right now. WHEN will this stop? Something HAS to be done!!!!!!
This really needs to stop. The officials we vote into office need to step up NOW and do something about htis. Who would want to harm a child? I don't understand it. This child did nothing to this person. Nothing. And she's trown away like garbage?

It seems like it's everyday a child is taken and they are either found alive, traumatized by what happened to them, or they are found dead.

I can't take it anymore. Enough is Enough.
If it were at all possible I would have a GPS tracking device implanted in my kid. Like the on-star thing in cars... and you can get little tracking chips in your pets. You'd know where that kid was right now. The kid could have it taken out when they reached 18. Some people I'm sure will think this idea is an infringement upon freedom but I'd rather have the ability to pinpoint that kid's location in a minute.
miimaa said:
If it were at all possible I would have a GPS tracking device implanted in my kid. Like the on-star thing in cars... and you can get little tracking chips in your pets. You'd know where that kid was right now. The kid could have it taken out when they reached 18. Some people I'm sure will think this idea is an infringement upon freedom but I'd rather have the ability to pinpoint that kid's location in a minute.
If it worked that way I would have one put in all of my kids in a second..oh yes!!
However I don't think it works like that..our dog has a chip and the chip is basically useless unless someone takes him to a vet. and has that area scanned then our information pops up so they can contact us. If someone is dognapping my dog (lol) they most likely arent going to take her somewhere to have her scanned to see where she belongs too.
Prayers and tears for little Evelyn. :(

SOMEbody has to do SOMEthing to protect this nation's children NOW! :banghead:
I hate having a suspicious mind, but last night on Nancy Grace they showed a clip of an interview with Evelyn's mother. She kept referring to Evelyn in the PAST tense. "She was a good girl ..." "She was really smart ..." Once, she caught herself and changed it to "is," but she said it enough times that my alarm bells went off. It was weird. Keep in mind that this is when she was still missing, and by what I know, she was missing for less than a day at that point.

miimaa said:
If it were at all possible I would have a GPS tracking device implanted in my kid. Like the on-star thing in cars... and you can get little tracking chips in your pets. You'd know where that kid was right now. The kid could have it taken out when they reached 18. Some people I'm sure will think this idea is an infringement upon freedom but I'd rather have the ability to pinpoint that kid's location in a minute.

In light of SO many recent abductions and murders, I have been looking into this for my son. I have found some products that are out there....only thing is they are a bit bulky and some children might not want to have it on all the time.

I can't stand this anymore. It is time for action, too many children are being killed by the predators amongst us, who should have never been released from prior offenses. This seems to be the case too much lately.
kate312 said:
Very sad, just like the Riley Fox case in IL.
Little Riley Fox came to my mind as well. :(

These cases are happening entirely too often. When will we learn that we have monsters among us? It is time to change the laws to protect society, not to continue to protect the criminal.
You know, I was thinking the Evelyn even LOOKED a bit like Riley Fox...

For those who are fed up with our laws and predators hurting our children...go check out the thread in the Lunsford's titled Million Mama March...there are some of us who are trying to organize a campaign to fight for changes...we are just throwing around ideas right now, but are very serious.
BaltoMom said:
I hate having a suspicious mind, but last night on Nancy Grace they showed a clip of an interview with Evelyn's mother. She kept referring to Evelyn in the PAST tense. "She was a good girl ..." "She was really smart ..." Once, she caught herself and changed it to "is," but she said it enough times that my alarm bells went off. It was weird. Keep in mind that this is when she was still missing, and by what I know, she was missing for less than a day at that point.


Sandy, I sure hope you are wrong. LE has really played this one close to the vest, though. :(
BaltoMom said:
I hate having a suspicious mind, but last night on Nancy Grace they showed a clip of an interview with Evelyn's mother. She kept referring to Evelyn in the PAST tense. "She was a good girl ..." "She was really smart ..." Once, she caught herself and changed it to "is," but she said it enough times that my alarm bells went off. It was weird. Keep in mind that this is when she was still missing, and by what I know, she was missing for less than a day at that point.

I think people have question the tense of words in other cases...not sure that it necessarily means anything. Think about it...with all that has happened with missing kids this year alone a parent subconsciously has to think that they may never see their child again when they go missing.
BaltoMom said:
I hate having a suspicious mind, but last night on Nancy Grace they showed a clip of an interview with Evelyn's mother. She kept referring to Evelyn in the PAST tense. "She was a good girl ..." "She was really smart ..." Once, she caught herself and changed it to "is," but she said it enough times that my alarm bells went off. It was weird. Keep in mind that this is when she was still missing, and by what I know, she was missing for less than a day at that point.

I had noticed that too and my bells went off also. I hate to say it but every time I hear a boyfriend/fiance' they are always my first "suspect".

What makes me mad is last night on the Nancy Grace show was the first I had heard about this poor little girl. She had already been missing five? days.

So sad for her family.
nvfc said:
I think I can answer that. To me it is much worse when it is a family member. Sex offenders are sick and depraved and family members are supposed to do everything possible to protect their children from sex offenders. When the family itself turns into the sick and depraved, it becomes much worse for me.

One of the last things I told myself last night was to again call the Floyd County sheriff's office first thing this morning to get further information about Evelyn. Sadly this is not necessary.

I am beyond words, mixed with anger and sadness. How can these things happen to Matel and now Evelyn continue to happen. I hope the guilty parties never see daylight again.
I just found out from a friend today whose friend is a victim's advocate and writes books on these cases ... the perpetrators of these sexual crimes are given a lesser sentence in some states if they are RELATED to the child ... I guess as if they are proprty of the family!!
How ridiculous are those laws!

Our country has a judicial system that sets a term of so many years to child molestors and pedophiles ... and when they sever their time, they are free to go under the court of the law and the sentencing they received.

In my opinion, the terms needs to be stricter!!
Not 5 years for a molsetation or a rape... those crimes are just as evil as murder. Those crimes are violations of people's rights to not be touched or handled...

I'm so disgusted right now!
PrayersForMaura said:
In my opinion, the terms needs to be stricter!!
Not 5 years for a molsetation or a rape... those crimes are just as evil as murder. Those crimes are violations of people's rights to not be touched or handled...
Not to mention that although these crimes do not kill one on the outside, they do kill one on the inside.

I firmly believe that child predators are hard wired to be that way. No amount of touchy-feely emotional coddling will rehabilitate them. Eliminate these scumbags from the gene pool the first time! :furious:

When will law makers realize that we must protect our children?
RPPaolin said:
This is horrible! Horrible! How many more babies do we need to lose to predators until "SOMEBODY" wakes up and realized these creeps need to be exterminated......not rehabilitated. pftttt......

I cant take it anymore!
This is horrible- besides being a country that allows sexual predators to roam our streets without effective monitoring; we're also a society that places our children at risk every day. This mom was working a late night job. 2 men with past criminal records- one imprisoned for robbery for 5 years were in this home late at night. Mom and her fiance are probably trusting people. Things like this don't happen in small town Iowa! Sad to say they do!
Risks- nonadequate day care for working moms
drug and alcohol use- the Groene case
know who is in your home around your kids
Lock your doors and pray a sexual predator isn't your neighbor!
Electronic monitoring of predators may be helpful
*advertiser censored* on the web- My husband gets indecent proposals by e-mail every day. you should have seen the web sites I got when I was looking for "Laura Ashley" bedding. My partner's daughter got into filth by looking under Dr Seuss on-line.
We do all we can to protect our children but sometimes it's just not enough!
I will pray for Evely, Shasta, Natalie and every other missing and murdered child.
miimaa said:
If it were at all possible I would have a GPS tracking device implanted in my kid. Like the on-star thing in cars... and you can get little tracking chips in your pets. You'd know where that kid was right now. The kid could have it taken out when they reached 18. Some people I'm sure will think this idea is an infringement upon freedom but I'd rather have the ability to pinpoint that kid's location in a minute.

most cell phones have GPS tracking, go to menu options and see if yours doesn't have it, turn it on and give it to the kids, phones are cheap now, 10-20 bucks each and can be located pretty easily...

plus they can give you a call to see if it's OK to help the creepy dude find his puppy...
Rocky said:
most cell phones have GPS tracking, go to menu options and see if yours doesn't have it, turn it on and give it to the kids, phones are cheap now, 10-20 bucks each and can be located pretty easily...

plus they can give you a call to see if it's OK to help the creepy dude find his puppy...
Thats fine and dandy but not very logical for abductions.
If a child is abducted and they have a phone that will be the first thing thrown out by a perp. Yes a phone is good if a child is lost like the boyscout in the woods and situations like this but not for child abductions
My friend asked me this question, and before I give her my answer, I'd like to hear from any of you.

With all the news of Jessica, Shasta, and now Evelyn (and many more heard and unheard), my friend asked me if she should report her dad somehow. He molested her when she was little, though she doesn't remember a lot of the details, thankfully. This was about 20-25 years ago. She speaks to him now occasionally after all these years, and feels he is a different person, but worries some because his wife's son has a little girl. She would like to give a warning, though it would have to be anonymously. She worries that if this was a one time thing and his life has truly changed, would she be destroying a family by this news of the past?

Your thoughts please!
snoopy said:
My friend asked me this question, and before I give her my answer, I'd like to hear from any of you.

With all the news of Jessica, Shasta, and now Evelyn (and many more heard and unheard), my friend asked me if she should report her dad somehow. He molested her when she was little, though she doesn't remember a lot of the details, thankfully. This was about 20-25 years ago. She speaks to him now occasionally after all these years, and feels he is a different person, but worries some because his wife's son has a little girl. She would like to give a warning, though it would have to be anonymously. She worries that if this was a one time thing and his life has truly changed, would she be destroying a family by this news of the past?

Your thoughts please!
Hi snoopy. I love your name!
I think your friend is being too kind and too enabling for what she was put through. She was never given the choice of her life being destroyed when her father chose to do what he did.

I saw a movie based on a true story very similar to your friend's story... and the adult daughter realized that her niece was now being molested by her father (the little girl's grandfather).
Once an offender, always an offender.
She shouldn't feel bad. HE should feel bad for what he did.

I think she should report it and at least have him listed in the directory as a sex offender. You never know what he's done in the years after he was done with your friend :(
That's my :twocents:

PS ... today, I heard that if a male child is abused -- especially sexually -- and never get help, they usually grow up to be these monsters.

We give pity on these children when they are molested but want to crucify them when they become adults and commit these same awful crimes that were perpetrated on them.

I want to reiterate that I have no pity on those who molest. Just because it happens to someone when they're young doesn't excuse someone from doing it to someone else later in life.

Kids who are abused sexually and mentally need counseling so that they don't become the monsters who violated them.

I don't think any of us choses to be bad without something wrong inside our minds. Our memories. Something we've seen or experienced in the past.

It's just awful that these crimes keep happening ... and are happening to someone else right now. :(

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