IA - Jetseta Gage, 10, abducted & murdered, Cedar Rapids, 24 March 2005

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DNA Solves
Cass, when I did the Minnesota search, Dru's abductor's photo (was his name Aljendro Avila or something?) was still on the site. His current address was listed as out of state, Corrections Dept. He is yet another sick son of a , and thankfully one less on the street. I did notice that there was an offender registered in my sister in law's small town. Most were registered with addresses in Minneapolis and the larger suburbs, these were level three and there was not an extremely large amount for a city. Sadly, if I was a pervert I would consider driving to the country to find my prey. Quiet, isolated, many times deserted roads with few witness's. It is for those reasons that no one is safe no matter where the offenders are registered. And like I said, a new scum probably crawls out of the gutter every day.
MistyGirl said:
OMG that is terrible I would move I don't think I could feel safe knowing that many were so close. My thougths are with you!
I am moving...hopefully this year. Thankfully I don't have young children anymore, but I fear for other peoples children. My grown daughter was nearly abducted and had her life threatened in what the police called an "attempted carjacking" (what I want to know is if the creep only wanted her car how come he didn't pull her out of the car instead of hold her in the car)...I know how I felt that night. She was lucky, she fought him off, threw her keys out the window so he couldn't drive away with her and screamed bloody murder. I would almost put money on it that the creep had a record. He was never caught, it was an attempted carjacking so it didn't warrant much attention.

I am praying this doesn't end up as another Jessica Lunsford case. I don't want to blame the mother, but she said "My son said he saw my daughter in the truck...she has permission because because we've known him so long. I got back at 8:30 and she was gone." It doesn't matter if you know them...if you think I haven't checked the sex offender registry for people I know then you are mistaken. Parent's MUST be wary!!
MistyGirl said:
If the laws were ZERO TOLERANCE he would have been locked up after the 1st time he was convicted of a sexual crime against a child....but no HE get rights and HE deserves to be set free and become a Registered Sex Offender who WILL re-offend AGAIN AND AGAIN until they are caught....he just did. This poor child and her family...this was a senseless crime that could have been PREVENTED had he not been allowed back on the streets again. This makes me sick that these low life pieces os sh$t are allowed to harm our children again. Are system is JOKE.

I know MistyGirl! And what's frustrating is that no one seems to want to do anything about it (lawmakers that is). These freakin offenders have all these rights and their victims have (or had) none. When is it going to stop?
Lil said:
Cass, when I did the Minnesota search, Dru's abductor's photo (was his name Aljendro Avila or something?) was still on the site.
Aljendro was Samantha Runnions murderer I think...Dru's murderer was [size=-1]Alfonso Rodriguez

I think we all agree that we need to be heard loud and clear. I am going to be sure to do my part to not let any of these get forgotten.
Yikes, it proves I have been reading too much about perverts, I am getting my child abductors confused!
I was really surprised at the number of sex offenders in the state of Florida,I used to live in a fairly decent size town in NJ and there is only one registered sex offender there,I live in a small strawberry farm town here in Florida and there are 3 pages of sex offenders.
kk's mom said:
You name it, I've checked it. And I am familiarizing myself with all these guys faces. My sister thinks I am paranoid. But I'd rather be safe than sorry.......
You are not paranoid, you are responsible. I'm surprised that anyone would call a parent who regularly checks the registry paranoid. :waitasec: If this family was friendly with this guy for a long time, and let their daughter go with him willingly, I would suspect that they haven't checked their registry & might not know that he's an offender. Too many people don't check, and too many people don't know how to - especially if they're not online. Instead of making people seek out this info, and fill out forms & such to get it, it should be mailed out periodically. Add the cost to our property taxes if money is an issue. This is ridiculous.

I can't believe that we're watching this happen all over again, not even a week after Jessica's body was found. I don't know what else to say. :confused:

God be with this child.
CinnamonGirl said:
I was really surprised at the number of sex offenders in the state of Florida,I used to live in a fairly decent size town in NJ and there is only one registered sex offender there,I live in a small strawberry farm town here in Florida and there are 3 pages of sex offenders.
Hey Cinnamon!! I didn't even notice, you are my neighbor. Yes, thats our county I was talking about with over 1200 sex offenders (1282 to be exact). Sickening isn't it :(
lady-eowyn said:
Hey Cinnamon!! I didn't even notice, you are my neighbor. Yes, thats our county I was talking about with over 1200 sex offenders (1282 to be exact). Sickening isn't it :(
Very sickening,I just moved here in August and didn't know this till this all happened with Jessica and I looked it up,now I am scared to send my daughter to school in the fall.I am getting prepared with every gadget I can find and doing the best I can to protect her.
Oh God no!!! Not another one??


I can't find a news story either...oh this is making me so sick
lady-eowyn said:
Oh God no!!! Not another one??


I can't find a news story either...oh this is making me so sick

They found her body in a wooded area I believe. They have the guy but haven't charged him yet. Waiting on more news.......
That is so upsetting,what was the mother thinking letting this beast even near her child.What a scumhole,he needs to be locked away forever.They need to open up Alcatraz for these scum and put them all there and let them try and survive on their own.
How many times does this have to happen before they keep these animals locked up.
Let that guy spend a few hours in general population and I'll bet he'd be willing to say where she is.
I think we need to set up a penal colony somewhere....in a very harsh climate...lock them all in together...let them fight over food and water...let them kill and rape each other. Creeps

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