IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #1

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miles_draken said:
Johnny still can't come home because his life and his families lives are in great danger. I have made requests for this story to be done in a televised forum. HOpefully something good can come from all these terrible things.
I think what bothers me most is that if Johnny is so scared he cannot come home, and other people have been silenced, why would he risk his whole family's lives by talking to his mother at all? If other people have been silenced, why hasn't his mother been silenced? The scenario make no logical sense if Johnny is in such danger (as he would be if he had been involved with slavers). That would mean the scenario goes like this:
"I am so scared I will be killed if the slavers find out where I am and what I am doing. I'll go visit my mother, who will write all about my story, because she loves me and wants me to be safe and home, and she will be in no danger at all from that."

Or can someone come up with something that actually does make sense that I'm just not seeing here? Why would anyone in fear of his life knowingly endanger his entire family, then leave?

Did his mother think "I'll write all about my meeting Johnny. The slavers who kept him imprisioned and under their control for the past 20 years won't think anything of it, then my whole family will be safe, and Johnny can come home."
Johnny came to see his mother in the early morning hours out of the blue with no prior contact and stayed only an hour and a half. He was there primarily to give her names, which she in turn took to the police and claimed to get form an informant, they did nothing. I can understand this story is a bit unbelievable, but I recently read the testimony transcript in the Paul Bonacci civil trial in which he was awarded 1 million from Larry King. If you know about the Franklin Credit Union Scandal then you know what I'm talking about. I'll try to get the link for the transcript, it's worth the read and pertains directly to this case as Noreen testifies. If more of us accept this is going on in our country the harder it is going to be for these sort of perpetrators to continue their evil ways.
Ghostwheel said:
Did his mother think "I'll write all about my meeting Johnny. The slavers who kept him imprisioned and under their control for the past 20 years won't think anything of it, then my whole family will be safe, and Johnny can come home."

I think Ghost; that his mother SO WANTED TO BELIEVE in anything. THEN when the "conspiracy groupies" got ahold of her, she fell into their trap. I have worked with NUMEROUS parents of missing & murdered children. Trust me; at their lowest point - you can make them believe anything because they so desperately want to believe. It gives them a piece of their child back. I'm so positive that Johnny & the other 2 boys (or more) from Iowa are dead that I'd bet my home & worldly possessions on it.

There are more good guys than bad in the LE, FBI etc that they would know about a slave group out there.

UHHHGGGGGG very frustrating and very sad. Just wish his body was found so this can be put to rest.
miles_draken said:
I'll try to get the link for the transcript, it's worth the read and pertains directly to this case as Noreen testifies.
I would like to read that. Thank you for the effort.
Either senario- whether Johnny is alive or not is pretty horrific, under the circumstances............. I would be interested to read the transcript though.

What baffles me about the whole thing is the conviction of Johnnys mother. Whatever happened, she REALLY BELIEVES she saw her son after all that time and that he is in some kind of trouble. She has written books about it, appeared on endless talkshows, given seminars and testified under oath in court. It is such a lot of effort for something that is untrue, yet it sounds so far-fetched.

I don't know what to think............
So many opinions about this case. After reading all I have I'm firmly convinced that Johnny is alive, it just seems the most plausible. There is simply too much evidence I believe, to discount the story Noreen is telling. She has spent the better part of 22 years with this case full time, hiring private investigators, and getting help from many others. It is my opinion, my very strong opinion, that Johnny, atleast in 1997, was still alive. Now, seven years later, I don't know. I remember hearing her say that she gets a phone call from him every Mothers Day, but as far as I know that is the only on going contact. Here is the court transcript, hopefully this will help some of you in your own opinion on this case.

I found this forum when I did a google search on Eugene Martin. 17 years ago I was in a restaurant in an affluent neighborhood of Chicago. As I was leaving I noticed a balled up dollar bill on a nearby table. The table hadn't been cleared yet and I thought someone might think that's garbage and throw it out. I picked it up to give it directly to the waiter. As I walked to the front of the restaurant I uncrumpled the bill and saw written on it "I'm alive Eugene Martin." I thought it was so strange that I kept the bill and a couple of days later I thought to call the National Center for Missing Children. I was shocked when they told me that he was an abducted child. I was told that he was 13 when he was kidnapped and would now be 17. I asked if they wanted me to send them the bill and I was told that I could photocopy it and send it in if I wanted. The person I talked to didn't convey any sense of urgency or even much interest in it.

A few days ago I suddenly wondered if he had ever been found. I have no idea why it occurred to me after all these years. I went to the NCMEC website and saw that he has never been found. For the first time, I read the story about his abduction. Somehow, finding out his story made it seem so much more real and it brought me to tears. I began to wonder if anyone had ever told his family about the message I had found so that they would at least know that he was still alive at that time.

I felt kind of silly but I called NCMEC and asked if there was any record of it and I was told there wasn't. She suggested that I contact the Des Moines police if I wanted any more information. I didn't do it as it seems like such a small piece of information from so long ago.

Anyway, I just thought I'd add that information here. I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of this website is, but people here at least seem interested. I felt so upset that I had apparently been sitting right near Eugene and then found his note and that there was no happy ending.
That is an intriguing story about finding the dollar bill. I wonder if Eugene himself had actually sat in that restaurant, or if the dollar bill had been passed around for a while. It does not surprise me too much to hear that someone said that no record of your call exists. It might actually be in their files, but buried behind other tips and papers. Some old cases have boxes and boxes of papers, notes, tips, etc. Others are probably pretty bare.
Do you still have the bill? I wonder if anyone could do any kind of hand writing analysis on it.
As you have pointed out, a nice thing about this forum, and other websites like it is that these cases are kept alive and people are kept aware of them.
Hi Richard,

At the time, I had the distinct impression that Eugene Martin had actually been in the restaurant because the dollar bill was crumpled up in such a strange way. It was in a very compact ball shape and, after I read what was written on it, I thought that must be why it was crumpled up like that. The person wanted it to be noticed and not just put back into circulation. I certainly noticed it and I've never given any thought to tips left on restaurant tables before or since.

I was much younger then and when I was told that he was 17 I thought well couldn't he get away? Now I realize that an abductor can have enormous power over a victim of any age.

I don't have the actual dollar bill any more. A friend at the time took it to a psychic and then threw it out. I may still have a photocopy of it. I don't know who I'd even give it to.
greenray said:
I don't have the actual dollar bill any more. A friend at the time took it to a psychic and then threw it out. I may still have a photocopy of it. I don't know who I'd even give it to.

Personally, I'd give it to the Des Moines police.....every little bit counts, ya know?
The reason for the story "Johnny came home one night" was mearly financially motivated. Why? John Decamp and Paul Bonacci.

Mr. Bonacci filed a multi million dollar lawsuit against Larry King and some others, they needed a story that would be "absolutely fantastic" to win the suit. They got their story and guess what? Mr. Bonacci won his case along with a million dollar judgement.

The facts are as follows:

1. Paul Bonacci (The one who says he helped kidnap Johnny) is a pedophile himself. While serving time in prison in Nebraska for molesting a boy, he came up with this story about Johnny. There are numerous affidavits from prison authorities that Mr. Bonacci researched the events and got to know the Gosch family from print. He in essence fell in love with Johnny and wanted to be part of the story which in a sense makes him part f the family. Psychosis speaking of course.

2. A P.I. by the name of Roy Stephens miraculously comes across the Bonacci story and informs the Gosch family. Noreen visits him in prison with Stephens and is taken in by this story. Now keep in mind there is still a reward out for this kid. Stephens is financially motivated here to make something stick so he can get the big bucks. So he more or less feeds Paul the information to tell the Gosch's.

3. As the stories come out of this unbelievable story from Omaha a lawyer comes into the picture, John Decamp. Again what I call a Glory Seeker becomes Mr. Bonacci's attorney. Mr. Decamp is also backed by a right wing religious group called the Nebraska Leadership council, headed by Earl Weaver, the potato chip king. (Lots of money)

4. America's Most Wanted: Actually hired a ex-fbi profiler to get into the case, called in the show "Jimmy" this person gains deep access into the families and groups involved. Spends like 6 months talking and interviewing everyone involved.

5. AMW Gets the 86 Notice: After the initial couple of shows with the investigator under cover, AMW gets a notice from the FBO to stop airing the information about the case, why? Because it is now a FBI fraud case with the Securities Exchange Commission and the IRS.

6. The future: This has been a 12 year ongoing case; started in 1992 and will be closed in a short time to come. The Feds are just trying to align all their ducks in a row and do know the whereabouts of the Gosch child. You will see a complete opposite result as what has been told so far. Bonacci and Decamp as well as Noreen Gosch are in some deep water here along with all the others involved in the Post Events since the kidnapping.

7. Is Johnny alive? That is hard to say, in my mind probably not and was probably killed a day or two after the kidnapping. One thing is for sure he is still on this planet. Nothing leaves the earth.

I personally think someone in that family knows and is responsible for the incident. I also think that is what is going to come out when the indictments are un-sealed sometime in the future by the US Attorneys office.
Thank you for that post! Finally a theory that makes sense(but of course Ill say that because it goes along with what Ive been saying from the getgo-Johnny was kidnapped and unfortunately some scuzzy people are out for personal gain and are exploiting him and his family-period.)Please keep us posted on this if you can.Id like to see this resolved so this nonsense can stop.

Take off your tinfoil hats people of earth! Another conspriacy has been debunked!
I too agree that your theory is very interesting and quite possible.

I never believed for a minute that Johnny came after all these years but is still in hiding...

I too believe that Johnny died long ago.

It's sad to think htat his family may have something to do with it - could that be her reason for saying he came to her.... ???
Hello all,
This is my first post to WS. I came across this subject and felt I had to chime in. The Decamp perp profile is the only profile I am concerned with. The complete story hits close to home as I have lived and worked this area of the country for several years.

Next, let me say that I don't have any new information on Johnny, I don't know who took him and I don't know if he is alive. Yet I believe the Decamp story.

Searching for a metaphore, this story is a BIG piece of meat and is best digested by cutting up into smaller portions.

I am cautious to accept information that needs a line ahead of it saying that it is fact, especially when some of the info refers to the future.

I would say it is imposible that Paul came up with this on his own for money reasons. A person by the name of Lisa Washington first came up with this story in 1985 and was told to a social worker/writen down. It was not believed at the time. This predates Paul's bringing it out and Lisa was not in prison with Paul. Her story included her sister Tracy while being held by a foster home in the Nebraska area. A fantastic story doesn't make it more believable, but just the opposite. I feel that it is important to note that a court judgement was made in favor of Paul and another person, so it was examined in court. Kathleen Sorenson was the original complainant in the Franklin case.
I will add that all the credit card slips for payment of sex was sealed by the judge in Kings case.(lets let all the offenders go free???)

There was 80 children that came forward that was involved with the skandal.
Four made statements with two recanting, later the reason for this was given as a lie or die situation. Lisa W. nor her sister was a part of this group. It is also interesting to note of the 80 children, only the two that held to their story, ended up in jail sending a warning to any others that might want to talk.

It is interesting that John Decamp was also a Republican senator exposing part of the Republican party. I don't find it unusual for a faith based group to support a Rep senator, it seems like more the norm. What is interesting is that this was not a partisan attack. If John was interested in furthering himself he sure wouldn't attack the party he was a member of. A person that follows John's history would find a person that is fairly sqweeky clean. A 10% lawyers fee is not that much and John really doesn't need it. How many senators would you say has a house worth one million? Many!

The many questions of why Paul doesn't do this or why Johnny doesn't do this, to me is meaningless. Brainwashing isn't a very good term for this situation, it might apply better to Patty Hearst, but not Paul, Johnny, or the many other children that was involved. It would be good for anybody to gain depth on this by talking with psychotherapists and deprogrammers on what happens to the developing mind when submitted to torture. Issues of fragmentation and compartimentalism will certainly come up. An organisation in Iowa estimates 3 million people in the U.S. has been exposed to extreme torture. This is based upon the studies of a social scientist, researcher, and deprogrammer. You might get more info by searching on "lynnsart.net".

Loreen devulged Johnny's visit to her, because this was asked of her in court. She certainly had the background to know her own son, including the many different activities they shared. It was through Loreen's work that we have a immediate response from LE in abductions. Iowa was the first and seven more states in the next year.

It is also interesting how many have lost their life over this story.
Owens bro
Boners bro Shawn
Troy Boner
Danny King
Kathleen Sorenson(original complainant in Franklin case)
Gary Caradori and son(investigator for Nebraska senate)
Sheriff at Caradori crash site in Ill.

In cutting up this piece of meat, Mk-Ultra comes up. The book "BlueBird" is excellent on the topic, as well as the CIA's own declassified papers.

The Washington Post paper scan is available on the net with the story of the midnight tours by call boys.

In closing I will add (in the past) that I know several cult deprogrammers and a few survivours of cults in the area of question. With that infomation(much which I am not able to reveal) I find the info by Decamp very believable.

I align myself with Miles and would very much desire more contact with Blaster.



"Your silence will not protect you"-Audre Lorde
Then if you look at it more.....Decamp's name shows up all over the place as well as the Nebraska Leadership Council.

Trust me the whold thing is a scam......I know I was there....
cppweb said:
Then if you look at it more.....Decamp's name shows up all over the place as well as the Nebraska Leadership Council.

Trust me the whold thing is a scam......I know I was there....
As I indicated before I don't think that is unusual at all. We have no reason to trust each other. Many people were there period. It would be interesting to know in what capacity you were there.
May I suggest you follow your own direction on this and I will mine, which mine is to protect other survivors, not in finding Johnny. I can not help that some of my leads connect to Omaha.

Based on info from the missing persons website, statistics favor Johnny being alive.

I will venture a guess that he alive, but is not in hiding, at least not from the perps. I further believe he is being used as an example to others to show the level of control. Just a guess.
Sorry but statistics DO NOT favor Johnny being alive.
I'll go back and look under overt sadism again, but it could be I read it wrong. This part was only a guess anyway.
My reference from the site.

How many missing children are found deceased? What hours are most critical when trying to locate a missing child?
Answer: According to a 1997 study by the State of Washington’s Office of the Attorney General “the murder of a child who is abducted ... is a rare event. There are estimated to be about 100 such incidents in the United States each year, less than one-half of one percent of the murders committed”; however, “74 percent of abducted children who are murdered are dead within three hours of the abduction.”
If this whole fantastic story is tru then why don't the kids involved step forward. I've heard they are scared and this group is dangerous, but, there a million and 1 people who would be willing to protect and back these kids up were this story true. If Johnny were being monitored and was fearful for his and his families life then why in the world did he show up at his mom's front door? Why risk her life if he undoubtedly would be followed there? Now the child pornographers know where she lives. SHe kept it quiet for 2 years, then tells that he came home that night and about the *advertiser censored* ring. If all this is true she shouldv'e been killed years ago to keep her quiet, right? Why hasn't she been silenced in some way? I don't know if he is alive or not, I hope he is, but nobody can't be expected to belive that the government and LE are involved in a child *advertiser censored* ring.
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