IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #2

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...I was saying too that the police force in this case was inexperienced with regard to investigating serious violent crimes, rather than lazy...I think the police tried to do their best with this, but they didn't have the expertise...
I finally saw Conspiracy of Silence. Chilling. It was a rough-cut copy, so the quality wasn't very good. If Paul Bonacci really did have a hand in abducting Johnny, all I can say is -- how frightening. To me, Paul is a very scary-looking guy. If that did happen, Johnny must have been terrified.
Roy Harrold said:
Yes, thank you!

And that her insinuation that she could do a better job, personally, of investigating crimes against persons is also unsupported by the facts.

exactly, the latest buzz from her is that a woman named Patricia Holms has claimed the boy lying next to her son in the photo is her missing son. Now this boy never was reported missing anywhere. His mom (Holms) is a self proclaimed conspiracy theorist who believes that Washington is not a state, aliens aided in her birth at rosewell,and is totally supportive of the frnklin cover up tehory as proved by her posts on various message boards and blogs. Noreen Gosch has even posted on the same message boards as her on the same day covering the same topics.
I wrote Noreen a letter, and she says she never knew Holms prior to the lady contacting her, but it is obvious by documented blog archives that they new one another.
Why does Noreen do this to herself? I am asking some of you honestly who hold her in high regard. Why would she let this woman make these claims without finding out a little something about her? Why wouldn't she check her bases and make sure that this boy was even ever reported missing before she posted on her site that she found the other boys parents?
It is killing her investigation and her credability.
Why would she do this? I am really very interested, I promise I am not here to flame, I am just looking for some understanding as to why this woman would let herself be so open to manipulation.:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
...it gives her hope that her son is still alive, and keeps her focused on and occupied looking for him....If this were taken away from her, I'm not sure what would happen to her...(see my response also on the "no conspiracy" thread...)

It's very sad, but, and is also getting in the way of any other investigation that could be going on...
I wrote Noreen a letter, and she says she never knew Holms prior to the lady contacting her, but it is obvious by documented blog archives that they new one another.
I just wanted to be clear: Is there something in the content of the posts that suggests or proves this, or are you assuming that they knew each other because they were involved in a discussion on a blog?

I'd like to see the one about the alien obstetrician.
Pablo said:
I just wanted to be clear: Is there something in the content of the posts that suggests or proves this, or are you assuming that they knew each other because they were involved in a discussion on a blog?

I'd like to see the one about the alien obstetrician.
They are listed in the same discussion about Johnny posting messages under their names on the same day back in 2003. Noreen in her email said she had never posted on a message board in her life. Holms states in one of her postings that her existance stems from events that occured at roswell. So to be clear. They may not have met face to face, but they did frequent the same message board that day, and Holms has connections with Tim White of aka Gannon Gosch fame. I find it very coincidental that a woman who was posting with noreen about Johnny's case 3 years ago, has now come forward to say a son she lever listed as missing can be found lying bound and gagged in a photo next to Johnny Gosch. So I guess I am assuming they new each other face to face, maybe not let me repeat.....I have no proof other than the archived messages from the both of them 3 years ago on teh same message board. Read the last two days of discussion on the what if no ring got Johnny thread and you can catch up.
from kcksum
She also in one post believes her existance is the result of events that occured at roswell.


hey this woman says she was the product of aliens at roswell
Did you decide this from this statement from Patricia: "You might as well know my birth had to do with Roswell. Birthdate is 7-9-47 in Longview, WA"?

Or is there more info that supports your quotes?


kcksum may have engaged in a little hyperbole - a literal reading is merely saying that her birth was somehow related to Roswell. She does go on to say that this "fact" had prevented her from being allowed to fill out her profile on Yahoo until now, so it is not much of a stretch to infer that this Roswell link is still controlling her life. She also has posted on several sites with rather "X-File"ish theories of aliens descending to Earth and trying to take over control of the planet. She also stated that GW Bush (and GHW Bush) were desendants of these aliens.

If you, or any other of the readers out there, have not googled "Patrica Johnson-Holm" yet, I highly recommend that you do. Follow the links to the yahoo groups sites that she is involved with and/or moderates. You may have to join the group to read her posts, but it is very informative about the veracity of Noreen's newest "source". I suggest that you each do the research yourselves so that no one can claim that this woman's beliefs are being misrepresented. And then, judge for yourselves.
And for those who are curious, here is the link to one of her sites where she says that Washington never was ratified a state.


You will have to join to gain access, but once you do, look in the members list on the left for her profile (which is where the Roswell reference is made).
Thanks Doogie,

kcksum doesn't have to reply, I think you've covered it. I thought that she might have said that literally somewhere else.

I've already been introduced to the ideas you mention, so her exporation of those things doesn't sway me regarding whether or not she has a missing son.

You'd think it would come to light soon!
Pablo said:
I've already been introduced to the ideas you mention, so her exporation of those things doesn't sway me regarding whether or not she has a missing son.

You'd think it would come to light soon!
That, to me, is the real big question here (not her beliefs in oddities). Does she have a son named David Leonard Johnson? Was he kidnapped? Why is he not on any of the usual missing children websites? Why does she spend her time online either trying to have Washington secede from the U.S. and promoting looney alien invasion theories instead of searching for her son? (At least Noreen, if currently misguided, is sincerely searching for what happened to her son. Somehow, Patricia Holm seems to never discuss her son...until now!)
But I gather not every parent turns 'outward' with something like this (post websites, etc.).

A name thing is the only thing I can think of that makes him un-findable.

I guess I don't know how to look for these things. It would seem the location and date would help narrow it down.
Patrica Johnson-Holm seems to have also claimed that her husband (Terryle Holm) should be investigated as the Green River Killer. This means this woman's birth was somehow related to the alien crash at Roswell, she married the Green River Killer and her son was kidnapped by the same pedo-ring as Johnny Gosch. Quite a sensational life this woman has led... :waitasec:
Yes it does all look odd.
I noticed this from a 'freak' site:

I wonder about the accuracy of this part (talking about Mark Ridgeway, the guy busted for the killings:

"He had often told casual acquaintances that he worked for the CIA and often arrived home in an agitated state and would have to watch TV for several hours to calm down."

The CIA link would apply to the Franklin scenario. I haven't looked hard but haven't seen this on some other 'green river killer' info sites. Apparently he wasn't alone.
Ted Gunderson, the retired FBI agent who has been retained by Noreen Gosch to investigate the disappearance of Johnny and to expose the "Conspiracy" is also a believer in the "alien" aspect of this case. From tedgunderson.com (his own website, in case anyone thinks that this is "dis-information" put out by his enemies to discredit him) in his own words:

"The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, *advertiser censored*, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control, child slave labor for underground alien-controlled facilities, white sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert CIA operation called "The Finders". "

That means that Patrica Johnson-Holm, Ted White and Ted Gunderson are all adherents to the belief that an extra-terrestrial race of aliens are actively seeking enslave humans through the abduction of children (and other dastardly deeds).

The more I find out about who Noreen has chosen to surround herself with, the less credibility she has. It is sad - she was a respected advocate for missing children. It appears that the stress of her struggle has put her over the edge.
Dr. Doogie said:
...That means that Patrica Johnson-Holm, Ted White and Ted Gunderson are all adherents to the belief that an extra-terrestrial race of aliens are actively seeking enslave humans through the abduction of children (and other dastardly deeds)... QUOTE]

Oops, make that Tim White.
The quality of the photo does not look like early 80's it looks newer. The pants look like the ones popular in the late 80's. I don't know the name of the style of pants but i call the "Slater from Saved By The Bell pants", the ones that are kind of puffy with all the pockets and seams on them. I am not saying that this picture isn't legitimate at all, but it is not Johnny. And he doesn't even look like Johnny, to me, I am not his mother though, But if Noreen told me the sky was blue, I would have to run outside and check b/c she has zero credibility to me.
...it is also completely suspect that she would be the only ones receiving these photos, and that she is now receiving them "faster than ever" since her credibility has been challenged...I would really like to get Des Moines PD's "take" on her, because I am sure there is a lot we don't know about...
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