IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #2

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Roy Harrold said:
And frankly, I don't trust convicted sex offenders and I don't trust their motivations for promoting all this other stuff that so successfully takes people's minds off the fact of Gosch's abduction, and the reality that a convicted sex offender has attempted to confess his participation in kidnapping and raping the boy!

What is he promoting Roy? where is Bonacci doing TV shows, radio shows? where is his website? He told his story, was punished for it, recieved no royalties for the book, and now has a wife and family, and has questly dissapeared.

It appears to me that your being abused impacts what you think about this case a lot more than the facts do.
miles_draken said:
Johnny Gosch disappeared over twenty years ago, that is the one fact I know, and not one theory or opinion has yet solved this case. I guess what I want is resolution to a case that has haunted me for most of my life. I want to know what happened to that boy.

It's late, forgive me for preaching.
Really well written. And I am with you on the last part. I have been going over all the info I have, and it is still very painful to even think about. I just want to know too, and may never. But as I expressed to someone else, if he's still alive, and has internet access...well, who knows...if he ever ends up here, he will at least know how much people care even now.
Miles, thank you for an excellent post. Sometimes it helps to stop and clarify what our purpose is. Thanks.
Miles, I want to echo others....Great Post.

Bottom line, someone abducted him and he was immediately gone...to where we don't know.

Someone(s) should be held accountable for the crime, and specific to this crime, that has not happened. If they have been punished for other crimes, then so be it, but obviously nobody has admitted (other then Paul) or been charged with partaking in this specific event.

Would love, as I said earlier, to see the actual police reports and interviews, and go from there, but guess that is not happening for all of us right now. Too many questions, and not enough answers. Lets keep looking for the clues.

I have kids of my own, the same age as Johnny, and I hate to think that this guy or guys are still out there somewhere.
Due to copyright here are the first 3 paragraphs. The article in its entirety can be found at: http://franklinfiles.org/content/view/58/35

The investigation was moving rapidly in the Franklin case, as proof poured in by the bucketful. Then, I received a call from AMW producer for the show, Paul Sparrow.
"We are going to slow it down a bit on the Franklin story," Sparrow told me, "until you can get a break in the courts or get some responsible law enforcement to follow up some of the leads we have provided them. I don't know how to exactly say this, but I am beginning to understand what you are up against when it comes to certain law enforcement not wanting to pursue this story," Sparrow continued.

"What, exactly, do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well," Sparrow continued, "you must be aware of the fact that America's Most Wanted works extremely close with the FBI. In fact, without them we would not really be able to have a program. We really have never had any major disagreements in all our programming because we can’t afford to. Our success requires their cooperation and we are a tremendous benefit to them, which they could get nowhere else. But we are running into some severe problems on this Franklin thing. It is the first time that the FBI is refusing to cooperate. And, they are making it very clear that they want us off of this story particularly anything to do with the FBI."

William R Thomas said:
Roy, whats your motiviation here? You've made it known that your not interested in actually "solving" or Sluething this case, judging by all of the many rants and blogss that you have al over the net. You have formulated an opinion on this long ago. Your not looking for any clues, because in your mind, everyone involved has already been convicted.

If you would like me to start pulling your rants and blogs about this case from around the net, and osting them here, I will gladly do so.

It also seems you may have regurgitated the writings of some others, while here on webslueths.

Let's give it a rest and stick to the case please./
Godzorphan - I sent you something today, through a Hotmail account so it might end up in your "bulk mail" folder if you have one in your email processer.
Franklin Files - the FBI might have something to hide, who knows? I do know, and have posted info about this here, that they are doing some excellent work in tracking, arresting and producing convictions for people involved in crimes against children of all descriptions. That's why AMW works so closely with them, as stated above.

There is another possibility, other than trying to hide something. They could be attempting to prevent false accusations against their own members or other law enforcement from becoming the kind of disaster that played out up here in Martinsville Saskatchewan:


For those who are not aware of this - there was an attempt to railroad several police officers in Saskatchewan with false charges of child abuse. At the time this took place, I was working with Charles Ennis (Kerr Cuhulain) - a former airforce officer and decorated police officer in Vancouver, BC - as the Alberta Co-ordinator for his anti-defamation organization. In that capacity I served as an unpaid civilian advisor to the Integrated Intelligence Unit of the Edmonton City Police Department, specifically working with Detective Ken Montgomery. My role was to help them understand the meaning & purpose of symbols, tools, writings, etc. found at suspected crime scenes.

As the satanic abuse mythology developed, it became apparent to some of us that there would eventually be an attempt to frame large numbers of police officers as "satanic abusers". The developing mythology demanded that there must be secret satanist police officers inside every large police force, covering up the alleged crimes of the satanic abuse cults they themselves would supposedly be members of. I was one of several people who warned law enforcement personnel that a witch-hunt against cops themselves was brewing, and indeed that eventually played out in Martinsville, Saskatchewan.

When it became apparent that completely innocent cops had been falsely accused of satanic abuse crimes, there was this ripple effect that ran through all the law enforcement agencies I had contact with and probably throughout all of North American law enforcement. Contact with "satanic abuse investigators" or "experts" was abruptly dropped. Severe skepticism became the order of the day, and instead of investigating the allegations made by satanic abuse complainants, police started investigating the complainants themselves! The satanic abuse theorists hade just gone too far, they had alienated law enforcement across the continent.

I remember talking to John Popowich on the phone after he was falsely charged. The man was dumbfounded. He told me he'd never even met any of the children who were alleging that he had abused them. I sent his lawyer boxes of documents on members of the satanic abuse "community", but in the end he didn't need any of that.
Popowich's lawyer simply had him sit amongst the spectators in the courtroom, and none of his accusers could correctly point him out - because they'd never met him! The judge ruled that not only was he not guilty, but that he was completely innocent.

Many lawsuits over many years, resulted from these false charges.

You're welcome!

I should clarify, about my posting on Martinsville.

There probably were sincere "satanic abuse" investigators and experts, who essentially got burned by the backlash to Martinsville. It's a shame if they got shut out as a result.

There have probably been cases with a "satanic" elements, since that time, that were not properly investigated by the police and there may even be cases where legitimate complainants were treated badly by their local police. That's regretable.

But - people who might be looking for someone to blame for that should be pointing their fingers at the satanic abuse theorists in Saskatchewan who went berserk and falsely accused cops of abuse crimes. That was the death knell for credibility in their community, and to some extent it's understandable that law enforcement agencies would come to view everyone in the satanic abuse networks as a potential threat to their members, after that happened.
I agree that there have been many mishandled cases re SA, and especially (IMO) in the 90's when there were a lot of cases involving false memories and regression. Sadly, some guilty people got off and some innocent people were charged. I think it's very difficult when a group of very young children are involved to handle the case correctly. There is a fine line between getting a child (who has been threatened by a perp) to talk about what was done to them, as opposed to prodding and badgering a child into talking (read that as making up stories) about what happened. The main reason sexual abuse of children has been able to go on, year after year, over the decades is because young children make very poor witnesses, young children are terribly impressionable, and young children are often scared out of their wits and don't even bother to report the crimes many times. Couple that with some of the therapy practices that went on in the 90's, and you have a recipe for disaster that probably ruined many lives and, even worse, allowed many offenders to go free.

And if the perp is the parent or relative of a child, it almost never gets reported. These are some of the saddest cases because the abuse goes on for years and the victim is usually just replaced with a younger sibling. And nothing is ever done to the perp, who many times will then just start molesting his grandchildren.
This is not the same thing we're discussing, but I certainly think it nicely illustrates the hypocrisy in our government and politicians as it relates to sex.

Florida Rep. Mark Foley's resignation came just hours after ABC News questioned the congressman about a series of sexually explicit instant messages involving congressional pages, high school students who are under 18 years of age.

More importantly...

In Congress, Rep. Foley (R-FL) was part of the Republican leadership and the chairman of the House caucus on missing and exploited children.

He crusaded for tough laws against those who used the Internet for sexual exploitation of children.

"They're sick people; they need mental health counseling," Foley said.
It's almost too pathetic for words. This man was CHAIRMAN of the House Caucus on missing and exploited children. For crying out loud, if you can't even trust who's guarding the hen house, then what good are these people?

That is very tragic, and scary, Heart of Texas.

Child *advertiser censored* stings have netted many people in positions of authority, and authority over children - teachers, child care professionals, clergymen and police officers among others. It is frightening, and sad.

It's a good thing if they get arrested and convicted if they are guilty, but there just never seems to be an end in sight. I don't know what 'the answer' is, but I pray there will be one someday.
There will never be an end. The problem is growing exponentially in our society. It's beyond sad, and it breaks my heart. It's so commonplace that there is not even outrage in our society about it.
There is outrage about it, here. And caring & compassion for victims.

I see you've expressed your own concern at least 2,430 times, here. :)

Thank you.
Roy Harrold said:
That is very tragic, and scary, Heart of Texas.

Child *advertiser censored* stings have netted many people in positions of authority, and authority over children - teachers, child care professionals, clergymen and police officers among others. It is frightening, and sad.

It's a good thing if they get arrested and convicted if they are guilty, but there just never seems to be an end in sight. I don't know what 'the answer' is, but I pray there will be one someday.

But God forbid that would consider that anyone other than Bonacci was involved. Theres storys like this all over...
I see you've expressed your own concern at least 2,430 times, here. :)
No, actually, most of the posts I've done on WS have related to missing children, like Anna Waters and Rose Cole. They weren't victims of sexual abuse... they just disappeared. But my heart is definitely with the youngest members of our society, the ones who depend on us and who are defenseless in the face of abuse.
godzorphan said:
At some point I might start another thread on the 1980's SRA phenomenon. I think it's important all sides of that issue get discussed.

Roy Harrold said:
There is outrage about it, here. And caring & compassion for victims.

I see you've expressed your own concern at least 2,430 times, here. :)

Thank you.

She's got a heart of pure gold.
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