IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #3

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Thank you RBeck on the information about Rusty Nelson. I had not heard this information about what he was arrested for before. Interesting...

In his testimony on the Franklin Case, Rusty Nelson stated that King hired two photographers. Nelson would take the legit photos and the other person took the *advertiser censored* pictures. Nelson stated that the other person impersonated him and that he was "set up" as a fall guy. His testimony set off a "red flag" for me. At the time, I wondered if Rusty was actually more involved (taking the *advertiser censored* pictures himself) and he was laying groundwork to cover his own tracks.

Some time later, I listened to the Bonacci interviews, where Bonacci names his molesters. Bonacci stated that there was a photographer that molested him named Rusty Nelson. Hmmm... Was it REALLY Rusty Nelson or the impersonator?

When I read that Nelson was arrested for child *advertiser censored*, I automatically assumed that my initial thoughts on the case were correct - that Nelson probably WAS Kings *advertiser censored* photographer.

Now I don't know what to believe... need to do more research.

Whether or not Rusty Nelson is a pedophile, the jury is still out as far as I'm concerned. But, I DO believe that he holds some key information in this case.
Thank you RBeck on the information about Rusty Nelson. I had not heard this information about what he was arrested for before. Interesting...

In his testimony on the Franklin Case, Rusty Nelson stated that King hired two photographers. Nelson would take the legit photos and the other person took the *advertiser censored* pictures. Nelson stated that the other person impersonated him and that he was "set up" as a fall guy. His testimony set off a "red flag" for me. At the time, I wondered if Rusty was actually more involved (taking the *advertiser censored* pictures himself) and he was laying groundwork to cover his own tracks.

There are no "Franklin" *advertiser censored* pictures. There never were any. None have ever surfaced. Of the hundreds of thousands of child *advertiser censored* pictures seized by American Customs, FBI and other law enforcement from the 1960s to the present day, none have ever been proven to depict Johnny Gosch, Paul Bonacci or any of the men Bonacci claims to have been involved with.

Some time later, I listened to the Bonacci interviews, where Bonacci names his molesters. Bonacci stated that there was a photographer that molested him named Rusty Nelson. Hmmm... Was it REALLY Rusty Nelson or the impersonator?

When I read that Nelson was arrested for child *advertiser censored*, I automatically assumed that my initial thoughts on the case were correct - that Nelson probably WAS Kings *advertiser censored* photographer.

Now I don't know what to believe... need to do more research.

Whether or not Rusty Nelson is a pedophile, the jury is still out as far as I'm concerned. But, I DO believe that he holds some key information in this case.

Rusty Nelson is a convicted child pornographer, and no BS stories about "impersonators" can ever change that fact.
So many "what ifs" and "could haves" and "maybes" get in the way of the true facts, I think. What do we know?

-- Johnny went out early in the morning on a Sunday to deliver papers.
-- He was usually accompanied by his dad; this was his first time alone.
-- He was seen by another paper carrier sitting on the grass, folding papers.
-- He was seen by another paper carrier talking to a man in a (blue?) sedan; Johnny said, "That guy is weird. I'm going home."

What else do we know for sure?
Ok. But I reserve the right to confront & debunk (respectfully) all false statements, in detail.

Roy - Absolutely! Like I said, ALL posters should be allowed to discuss and contribute. How can this be a discussion if only one theory is allowed to be presented?
I must differ from Roy's position somewhat. It would make sense that if you want to find out the workings of a pedophile ring, it would require the testimony of some of those insiders. These accomplaice/whistler-blowers should not be raised up as heroes, but their stories should not be dismissed simply because they are also guilty of the same crimes. That is, if there was a conspiracy...

Conspiracies do exist, but not all conspiracy theories are true. As a general rule of thumb, the larger the suspected conspiracy, the more likely that it is false. And the idea that the Federal Government and the military are in cahoots with Satanists and local pedophiles to maintain a stable of child sex-slaves for the global elite is about as big as they come.
Doogie - here's the "Jimmy Gibson" info that you were confused about:

On the Des Moines Register blogsite, there is a claim to responsibility for sending the photos to people associated with Noreen Gosch and the conspiracy theories about her son over the years:


"Hi my name is Jimmy Gibson. I am writing you to tell my side of the recent development.
About 3 weeks ago I recieved 3 photos to my email, I do not know who sent them nor do I know where they came from, it was a anom email account probably sent froma proxy server. I was quite shocked when I saw them and debated on wether I should send them to Noreen Gosch or not. Yes the photos indeed look like it could be Johnny Gosch but like everything in this world you are never really sure. So I thought about it for a while and then I edventually sent them to a contact of Noreen Gosch, Tim White who has been working with her on this case.
I went back to the email and looked and one of the images was not an actual copy but a image linked pic. So I traced the image back to the url (Which appears below)"

I will not reproduce the URL, as the writer above claims the website contains *advertiser censored*. He goes on to say:

"I only emailed them to Tim White and Michael Corbin. As far as the images being found on Noreen’s doorstep I have not a clue.
From what I know, Tim White emailed them to everybody he could think of, Decamp/Gosch and so on and who knows how many other people. I believe Mr. White blew this whole thing out of proportion and acted irresponsible"
Ok. But I reserve the right to confront & debunk (respectfully) all false statements, in detail.

Roy - Absolutely! Like I said, ALL posters should be allowed to discuss and contribute. How can this be a discussion if only one theory is allowed to be presented?

Ok. Here's a theory for you:

After going through all the publicly available info relating to the Gosch case, in the wake of the Gosch=Gannon farce, and systematically stripping away everything that was not a verifiable & undisputed fact - I was left with Paul Bonacci's confession of involvement in kidnapping and sexually assaulting Johnny Gosch. (The confession is a fact, not necessarily anything contained in the confession)

I was discussing this with some friends and it occurred to me - what if some elements of Bonacci's confession were descriptions of real events, but other elements were not?

What if Bonacci had a need to relieve psychological pressure by confessing his participation in horrific crimes, but was
a) minimizing his own responsibility by weaving his confessions into a tale in which he himself would appear to have been "a helpless victim"
b) masking the identity of the real participants (and victims) in the crimes by making them fantasy characters or real, public figures that actually had nothing to do with the crimes?

This is a known phenomenon. People who commit horrific acts have been known to confess to them in convoluted ways, minimizing their own responsibility and sometimes burying the true facts within elaborate fantasies that can never be corroborated.

So what if some of Bonacci's description of the kidnapping of Gosch and his own involvement in it was factual - enough for him to be 'sincere' when he meets Noreen Gosch and sobs out how sorry he is, and get the relief of pressure he needs - but the identities of his real accomplices in the deed are being masked or hidden in that confession? For example, what if the real "pedophile ring" Bonacci was involved in was actually himself and some older friends...like Troy Boner, Boner's older brother and possibly Alisha Owen's older brother?

What if the rape & murder of a boy described by Bonacci as happening at Bohemian Grove, actually happened somewhere in Nebraska or Iowa? What if the victim was not some unknown, random boy, but was really Johnny Gosch or Eugene Martin?

What if Paul Bonacci, who has readily admitted to be mentally ill, is really far more disturbed than even the people closest to him since he made his 'confession', realize?

What if he is a psychopath who has been playing John DeCamp, Ted Gunderson & Noreen Gosch like fiddles for years - all thw while chuckling to himself in some dark corner of his person that he has so tightly wrapped up that even those closest to him never see it? What if the fox has been hiding safely in the henhouse all these years?

I'm sure that all these people would say - but Paul's not like that! Well, Gacy wasn't "like that", Bundy wasn't "like that", Gary Ridgeway wasn't "like that" either.
There's also Barbara Hartwell's theory that John DeCamp and Ted Gunderson are the real masterminds of an inter-continental child sex slavery ring and the whole Franklin Coverup story is an elaboarate smokescreen designed to hide their own involvement...
Roy - I've gone down the exact same path that you have. Bonacci
CONFESSED to the kidnapping of Johnny. He also CONFESSED to some other very sick crimes! Why isn't his testimony made public? Why wasn't he charged for the crimes that he admitted to? Things that make me go hmmmm...
There's also Barbara Hartwell's theory that John DeCamp and Ted Gunderson are the real masterminds of an inter-continental child sex slavery ring and the whole Franklin Coverup story is an elaboarate smokescreen designed to hide their own involvement...

That theory has crossed my mind too. But, why would they continue their efforts to keep the case "active" instead of just letting it die? Doesn't make any sense to me why they would keep this case in the spotlight if they had something to hide.
That theory has crossed my mind too. But, why would they continue their efforts to keep the case "active" instead of just letting it die? Doesn't make any sense to me why they would keep this case in the spotlight if they had something to hide.

No, no, WSTarheel - John DeCamp & Ted Gunderson are NOT pedophiles.
Hartwell's "theory" is blatant libel. I only mentioned it to demonstrate that the Gosch case really is used as an excuse to slander and libel innocent people.

Bonacci, on the other hand, is suspect numero 2 in my estimation. John Joubert, the serial killer of newsboys is suspect #1 - the match of MOs and victim profiles, the fact that he had two victims in Nebraska shortly after Gosch went missing - those things scream that the FBI "disqualified" him for reasons that are in fact quite trivial, and that he ought to be considered the prime suspect.

Bonacci was a child prostitute, I don't doubt that at all. I'm sure that's how he met Troy Boner, who was a heroin-addicted boy hooker a few years older than Bonacci. I think that they could have had a "Dean Corll - Wayne Henley" relationship with Bonacci playing the role of Henley.

In fact, I've even considered the possibility that John Joubert might have picked up Bonacci at the air base - where I'm certain that some of Bonacci's "johns" must have taken him - and recruited him as an accomplice in luring the boys that Joubert killed. It's possible that Boner & Bonacci might have kidnapped and murdered Eugene Martin, after Joubert was in custody, in imitation of what Bonacci had seen and experienced as Joubert's "little helper".

There's also Barbara Hartwell's theory that John DeCamp and Ted Gunderson are the real masterminds of an inter-continental child sex slavery ring and the whole Franklin Coverup story is an elaboarate smokescreen designed to hide their own involvement...

Among those deep into the conspiracy mindset, they often see other conspiracy believers in paranoid terms. Thus, we have Tim White, Barbara Hartwell, Stew Webb, Alex Jones, etc. all accusing each other of being disinformation agents or actual part of whatever conspiracy they individually believe in. It is actually quite entertaining to watch them slander each other as crossdressers and perverts. :crazy:
Thank you RBeck on the information about Rusty Nelson. I had not heard this information about what he was arrested for before. Interesting...
In his testimony on the Franklin Case, Rusty Nelson stated that King hired two photographers. Nelson would take the legit photos and the other person took the *advertiser censored* pictures. Nelson stated that the other person impersonated him and that he was "set up" as a fall guy. His testimony set off a "red flag" for me. At the time, I wondered if Rusty was actually more involved (taking the *advertiser censored* pictures himself) and he was laying groundwork to cover his own tracks.
Some time later, I listened to the Bonacci interviews, where Bonacci names his molesters. Bonacci stated that there was a photographer that molested him named Rusty Nelson. Hmmm... Was it REALLY Rusty Nelson or the impersonator?
When I read that Nelson was arrested for child *advertiser censored*, I automatically assumed that my initial thoughts on the case were correct - that Nelson probably WAS Kings *advertiser censored* photographer.
Now I don't know what to believe... need to do more research.
Whether or not Rusty Nelson is a pedophile, the jury is still out as far as I'm concerned. But, I DO believe that he holds some key information in this case.
Youre welcome thats exactly why i wanted to share this information most people dont know the whole story about him. also you mentioned Paul in his debeifing being molested by a Rusty Nelson i heard that too but if you watch the debriefing again (i know its long over 4 hours) but you will see Paul say there are 2 Rustys in Omaha ones a phographer the other one is a local businessman. the businessman was the one who molested him. i looked the guy up in the omaha phonebook i think i found the guy. youre damm right Rusty holds some key information on this case why do you think the FBI raided his parents farm house 3 times in 1989 and 90 ripping out the walls looking for his evidence.by the way incriminating pictures was not the only evidence he has. Rusty stole computer disks, ledgers, copied internal documents and memos from the credit union. he risked his life doing that Larry would have killed him if he got caught.i think Rusty might have taken some of the *advertiser censored* pictures out of obligation to his employer but thats just speculation Larry King is the kind of guy you dont say no to.
Among those deep into the conspiracy mindset, they often see other conspiracy believers in paranoid terms. Thus, we have Tim White, Barbara Hartwell, Stew Webb, Alex Jones, etc. all accusing each other of being disinformation agents or actual part of whatever conspiracy they individually believe in. It is actually quite entertaining to watch them slander each other as crossdressers and perverts. :crazy:

ROFL! Yup.
My favorite Rusty Nelson story is told by Gunderson in one of his radio broadcasts. I call it "The Quest For The Pictures That Never Were".

Gunderson tells of picking up Nelson, either bailing him out of jail or paying off fines of Nelson's, and then taking Nelson on a cross-country tour. Nelson had claimed that he had stashed incriminating pictures all over the countryside, so Gunderson drives around following Nelson's directions and paying for everything along the way.

After something like ten days of fruitless driving and searching, Gunderson is out thousands of dollars and no pictures were recovered - but Gunderson claims that only proves there is a conspiracy, because some black-ops team must have been racing around of them and removing the hidden pictures shortly before they arrive at each alleged location.

I thought to myself after listening to that - this Gunderson dupe will surely be interested in buying some Ocean-front properties in Saskatchewan from me. :)
Why is that? asks WSTarheel?...snipped to shorten...

You are right, however, that it's not my place to decide if a given posting is spam or not. Perhaps I should relent and just let "the conversation" flow wherever it will, eh?

Ok. But I reserve the right to confront & debunk (respectfully) all false statements, in detail.

That might be nice. The moderators on this sight are fully capable of moderating, and are very good at doing so IMHO.

Don't let it consume you dude...
I hope that you will think about Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake, from time to time. Don't let this obsession consume you. Please.
That might be nice. The moderators on this sight are fully capable of moderating, and are very good at doing so IMHO.

Don't let it consume you dude...

I quite agree.

Nevertheless, I believe we all have a moral duty to speak out against socially irresponsible behaviour taking place around us. We teach children, now, not to be silent when they witness bullying at school or on the playground, but to speak up and say - "hey, that's not right!"

In this setting, I'm constantly astounded by how casually people accept things like the posting of slander & libel. In this case specifically, there are legal judgements dating back to the 1980's that certain statements by Bonacci & Owens were perjuries. Everytime those statements are subsequently repeated by other persons, our civil system is violated and thwarted. It astounds me that few people seem to care about that.

I care about that. I won't stand by silently and watch it happen.

...After something like ten days of fruitless driving and searching, Gunderson is out thousands of dollars and no pictures were recovered - but Gunderson claims that only proves there is a conspiracy, because some black-ops team must have been racing around of them and removing the hidden pictures shortly before they arrive at each alleged location...

And that is one of the biggest problems with debating the existence of these type of conspiracies: True believers will use the lack of evidence as evidence of a powerful conspiracy. As Roy pointed out in one of his above posts, there have been zero arrests or convictions for based on Noreen and DeCamps crusades. Many believers will agrue that there have been no arrests because the conspirators have been able to prevent any real investigation into their dastardly deeds and that this lack of arrests proves how powerful the conspirators are.

If I believed that a band of elves were sneaking into my garden and stealing my tomatos, the fact that I never see any elves would only go to convince me how sneaky they really were. It is circular reasoning that no contradictory evidence can counter.
Roy, I have a feeling that you are not going to be receptive to my inquiry but here goes anyways -

Has Wadman ever taken a DNA test to prove that he is not the father of Alicia Owen's child?

I would gladly eliminate any of the paths in this case if evidence was presented. I would like NOT to believe that law enforcement was involved in this case (and the coverup of it). It's been 20+ years... why haven't those that have been implicated in this case presented evidence to clear their names? Instead they move to NC, UT, or whatever. If they're REALLY innocent, they should present their case... Otherwise, those of us who are still following this case are only left with questions.
Roy, I have a feeling that you are not going to be receptive to my inquiry but here goes anyways -

Has Wadman ever taken a DNA test to prove that he is not the father of Alicia Owen's child?

I would gladly eliminate any of the paths in this case if evidence was presented. I would like NOT to believe that law enforcement was involved in this case (and the coverup of it). It's been 20+ years... why haven't those that have been implicated in this case presented evidence to clear their names? Instead they move to NC, UT, or whatever. If they're REALLY innocent, they should present their case... Otherwise, those of us who are still following this case are only left with questions.

In some cases, there are already judgements that have "exonerated" them - either by declaring that accusations against them were perjury, or by the dismissal of lawsuits against them by DeCamp. Why should they ever confront such accusations again? I'm sure they all have lives to live and wouldn't want to waste their time & money answering to every Tom, Dick & Harry that comes along for the next 20 years...

Bonacci is unique, as far as this goes. As you've said, Bonacci has attempted to "confess" to committing kidnapping, rape, torture and murder, and has never been exonerated of any of his allegations against himself.
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