IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #3

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It is. I'll see if I can pull the pertinent info and/or copy the pages.


Allegation of Child Sexual Abuse: Barney Frank September 15, 2008
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska:

I am running for Congress in the 4th District- MA. As an Educational Psychologist and Legal Advocate, I am writing to request information regarding allegations non-investigated regarding Barney Frank and child sexual abuse.

Article IV, Section 4. of the U.S. Constitution requires: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. On January 4, 2007, (*Congressional Record), Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), Chair., House Financial Services Committee, took the following oath:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.[9] Despite taking this oath to protect inhabitants of the States against domestic violence, in 1999, Mr. Paul Bonacci named Congressman Frank in a court of law as having sexually abused him when he was a minor. Mr. Bonacci was awarded $1,000,000. in damages in his suit against the agent who had arranged the contacts causing his victimization.

The question is, why was this allegation never investigated, and what does this say about our government's ability to protect this nation's children?

See evidence below:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allegation of Child Sexual Abuse: Barney Frank September 15, 2008 Article IV, Section 4. of the U.S. Constitution requires:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. On January 4, 2007, (*Congressional Record), Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), Chair., House Financial Services Committee, took the following oath:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.[9] Despite taking this oath to protect inhabitants of the States against domestic violence, in 1999, Mr. Paul Bonacci named Congressman Frank in a court of law as having sexually abused him when he was a minor. Mr. Bonacci was awarded $1,000,000. in damages in his suit against the agent who had arranged the contacts causing his victimization.
Dated February 19, 1999.


===== IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA PAUL A. BONACCI, (4:91CV3037) Plaintiff, vs. TRANSCRIPT LAWRENCE E. KING, Defendants. Hearing held before the Honorable Warren K. Urbom, Senior United States District Judge, on February 5, 1999 in Lincoln, Nebraska. APPEARANCES: Mr. John DeCamp Attorney at Law414 South 1lth Street Lincoln, Nebraska for Plaintiff I -N-D-E-X WITNESS Direct Cross Redirect Recross Noreen Gosch 5 Russell Nelson 36 Paul Bonacci 101 Denise Bonacci 155


PAUL A. BONACCI, (4:91CV3037)

Plaintiff, vs. TRANSCRIPT

LAWRENCE E. KING, Defendants.

Hearing held before the Honorable Warren K. Urbom, Senior United States District Judge, on February 5, 1999 in Lincoln, Nebraska.


Pedophile victim Paul Bonacci--kidnapped between the ages of 6 and 17--told U.S. District Court Judge Warren Urbom in sworn testimony [pp.105, 124-126] on February 5, 1999:
(Urborn) Q. Where were the parties?

(Bonacci) A. Like I stated, a lot of them were at the Twin Towers. In various apartments and penthouses. Some were at a farm house. Some were actually at Larry King's house. Which was on a, all I know it had a big hill on it. It was nice, nice house and stuff. Also down in Washington, D. C. We had parties in Kansas City, couple of parties in some place in New York.

Q. What was the nature of these parties?

(Bonacci) A. A lot of the parties when we went to, that we went to and stuff, the ones in the Twin Towers were basically for one reason. And that was for sex.

Q. Sex between who?

(Bonacci) A. There was sex between adult men and some other adult men but most of it had to do with young boys and young girls.

Q. Young boys and young girls with each other or with older folks?

(Bonacci) A. With the older folks. Also some of the parties, there was some parties above The French Cafe that they would bring people in and stuff that were from out of town. Those were specifically for sex with minors. Also in Washington, D. C. there were, there was also parties like Rusty had already talked about where there was parties after a party. Where they would have a party where they would have a legitimate party with like some politicians, businessmen. And a lot of them never knew about what happened at the after, you know, the party afterwards and stuff. Like in Washington, D. C. there was a lot ofparties where they would be senators and congressmen who had nothing to do with the sexual stuff. But there was some senators and congressmen who stayed for the parties afterwards. And one person that I'm not afraid to talk about because his, because Larry King always said him and this guy were on the opposite ends of the field because this guy was a Democrat and Larry King was a Republican. That's a known fact and stuff. And this guy, every time I see him on TV and stuff, my wife knows my hatred for him. Because every time I see him and stuff it disgusts me because it's --his name is Barney Frank.

Q. Did you have relationships with him?

(Bonacci) A. Yes.

Q. Where?

(Bonacci) A. In Washington, D. C. And also I was sent to a house, I believe it was in Massachusetts in Boston where I believe it was his house because there's pictures on the wall that, with him and with different people and stuff. And that he had met I guess. But it was in his basement.

THE COURT: Mr. DeCamp, sorry, maybe we better break for lunch.

MR. DECAMP: Want to do it that way? Otherwise 15 minutes we can be done. We can break for lunch, whatever you say.

THE COURT: I think we better break for lunch. Can we come back, what, 1:00 o'clock?

MR. DECAMP: Yes, Your Honor.

THE COURT: All right. Be in recess till 1:00.

(12:04 to 1:00 p.m., recessed.)

Warren K. Urbom
United States Senior District. Judge

99 F E B 22 AM 8 : 15



PAUL A. BONACCI, 4:CV91-3037




IT IS ORDERED that the plaintiff shall have judgment against the defendant Lawrence E. King in the amount of $1,000,000 and taxable court costs in accordance with the Memorandum of Decision of today, together with interest at the rate of 4.584 percent per annum.

Dated February 19, 1999.



Warren K. Urbom

United States Senior District Judge


My question is, why was Mr. Paul Bonacci's allegation against Congressman Barney Frank D-MA never investigated as required by the State of Nebraska's child protection statutes?


Susan F. Allen, M.Ed.
122 Westbourne Terrace
Brookline, MA 02446

Iowa Gurl:

Barney Frank is someone who has dodged mainstream exposure of his wrong-doings. Any attempt to bring his deeds to light is a welcome development for those who believe in no one being above the law.

Unfortunately, often the people who assume the forefront in such battles are the wrong people because they are perceived as being "fringe" or "kook". (i.e. Napolis and her lawsuit against Aquino - as bad a guy as Aquino is, when the plantiff has been convicted of celebrity stalking and blames the voices in her head on CIA "ray guns", ya' gots problems with credibility. Napolis may be 100% correct in her accusations, but she is starting out in a hole based on her history.)

Susan Allen may not be claiming to be attacked by beams that put the voice of Jennifer Love-Hewitt in her head, but she is a fringe political candidate with some very radical views. Going beyond the obligatory calls for the immediate impeachment of Bush and Cheney, she calls for the immediate indictment of Obama and McCain also: http://www.susanallenforcongress.com/~wudukes/?p=37 Her website is filled with the standard tax protester and 9/11 "truth" stuff that all of the far-left and far-right seem to have in common.

In other words, she may be saying the right things about Barney, but I wouldn't get your hopes up of anything of substance coming from it. Allen is too easily dismissed by the media and the public.
Was not /am not aware of Susan Allen, her campaign or otherwise, guess i ought do some reading I think Kudo's to her for hashing this around after all this time, maybe someone that the media and public will listen to will pick up the story.
As many of you know, I have been critical of parts of the investigation into Johnny Gosch's abduction. My posts here detail where I believe that mistakes have been made.

However, it is easy to be critical - it is much more difficult to try to positively impact the search for the truth about Johnny. It dawned on me that if was going to avoid becoming merely a troll nipping at other's heels, I needed to stop complaining and start helping.

I do not believe that a large organized ring of the rich and powerful with ties to the White House took Johnny...based on the evidence that I have seen. However, it can be said with certainty that someone took Johnny and I believe that the evidence saying that more than one person was involved is credible.

It is at this level of the investigation that I have chosen to offer my assistance and Noreen Gosch has been gracious enough to accept. We have made some major progress toward identifying the names of those who were directly involved with abduction.

Some of my previous concerns about seemingly unexplainable behavior by Team Gosch have now been satisfied once I was made aware of information that was not public knowledge. Other concerns that I have expressed before remain in dispute (such as the Patricia Johnson-Holm affair), but we have agreed to set those differences aside to work together toward common goals

One specific point I want to clarify from my previous concerns involve the origin of the composite of "Tony" - one of the alleged participants in Johnny's abduction. There is no disagreement that the composite was created by the Hayward Police Department in connection to the 1988 kidnapping of Michaela Garecht. Michaela's mother (Sharon) brought a copy of the composite to a taping of the Leeza Gibbons Show where Noreen was also a guest. Noreen recognized that the description of Michaela's kidnapper also fit the description of one of the participants in Johnny's abduction. She obtained the composite and showed the picture to Paul Bonacci who confirmed that this picture also looked like "Tony" who he said was involved. All parties are in agreement concerning composite's origin and subsequent history. There was a confusingly worded post on JohnnyGosch.com that appeared to indicate a different origin to the picture, but this is a matter of improper grammar, not of any deception or untruthfullness.

I cannot share the details of what I have been looking into involving Johnny, but I can say that I and others have found some rather intriguing information that indicate that we may be on the right track. I am grateful to have an opportunity to help on this case and appreciate that Noreen and her team have been as accepting as they have been considering my past criticisms. Hopefully, my contributions can help finally solve this question of what happened to Johnny.

P.S. The heading of this post says "Part 1" because Part 2 will be after I have a phone conversation with Ted Gunderson to smooth out our differences. This will hopefully occur soon.
Dr. Doogie-
I am looking forward to what you find out. Very interesting and thanks for sharing. Despite the many disagreements in this case, everyone would like to see the same thing - to find out the truth and find Johnny.
Wow....I think it's awesome you're actually getting somewhere and involving Noreen to some aspect....and even talking to Gunderson. Wow. I can't wait to hear what you can tell us.
Dr. Doogie,

Now that you have insider information from Noreen, do you believe as well as she and many who work with her do that Johnny is alive?
Do I believe that Johnny is alive? I do not know, because I have heard the same info that you mention, but have absolutely zero personal knowledge as to the veracity of the claims. I HOPE that they are correct, but nothing about this case is straight forward and as it seems. I do know that there have been claims by more than one person that they have talked to Johnny in recent years / months / even days. Whether they actually talked to Johnny, someone claiming to be Johnny, or are making up these stories, I do not know.

And I should clarify that I am not part of Noreen's inner-circle. Her foundation has several people helping her out. I am working on one small part of the investigation and am not privvy to all (or even most) of what is going on. I do know that the portion that I am involved with has shown some strong promise, but other things may be happening that I am not aware of.
I am working on one small part of the investigation and am not privvy to all (or even most) of what is going on. I do know that the portion that I am involved with has shown some strong promise, but other things may be happening that I am not aware of.
It's all fascinating and interesting to me....whatever, if anything, you can ever tell us, please do. To hopefully maybe get some real answers of some sort, even to minor things, would be a good step forward in this case.
I can share this much since this info was posted on another site by a member of the JG Foundation:

There is reason to suspect that the same person may have been involved in both the abductions of Johnny Gosch in Iowa in 1982 and Michaela Garecht in Hayward, CA in 1988. This link is based on the similarity of descriptions of the perp in both kidnappings. The composite from the Garecht case was shown to a witness to the Gosch abduction (Paul Bonacci) who stated that it looked like one of Johnny's kidnappers.

Bonacci stated that this man's name was "Tony". The other kidnappers were identified as "Emilio" and "Michael". The Foundation has reason to believe (I am not sure where they obtained this info) that all three men are related. A tip came in from an unidentified witness that said that he/she had lived across the street from a family in Omaha, NE who had three brothers that matched the names of Johnny's kidnappers. The tipster also indentified the composites of Tony and Emilio as matching the neighbors that he/she knew. From this tip, the Foundation now had a last name to match up with the first names. (For obvious reasons, I cannot provide that name publicly.)

It was at this point that I became involved. Armed with a first and last name, I and other researchers looked into anything that we could find about Tony. I discovered two interesting facts: (1) That he could be placed living in Nebraska in 1982 during the Gosch kidnapping and also living in California during the 1988 kidnapping of Garecht, and (2) the vehicle that he registered when he moved to California matches the general description of the vehicle used in the Garecht case - a "older" tan sedan.

It is important to remember that these two facts were discovered AFTER the Foundation had been given the last name. They both lend credence to the name being the correct. If we had found that he was living in Hawaii and driving a Volkswagen Beetle in 1988, then this would point away from his involvement, but both location and vehicle information aligned with details about Michaela's kidnapper.

This information has been given to the Hayward PD detective in charge of the ongoing investigaton into the Garecht case. Police are usually pretty tight-lipped about sharing information, but he did say one thing very significant that I cannot share at this time. But I will say that it was enough of a blockbuster that I changed my opinion of this identification being correct went from "possible" to "very probable". I now believe that we have the name of the kidnappers in both cases.
I can share this much since this info was posted on another site by a member of the JG Foundation:

There is reason to suspect that the same person may have been involved in both the abductions of Johnny Gosch in Iowa in 1982 and Michaela Garecht in Hayward, CA in 1988. This link is based on the similarity of descriptions of the perp in both kidnappings. The composite from the Garecht case was shown to a witness to the Gosch abduction (Paul Bonacci) who stated that it looked like one of Johnny's kidnappers.

Bonacci stated that this man's name was "Tony". The other kidnappers were identified as "Emilio" and "Michael". The Foundation has reason to believe (I am not sure where they obtained this info) that all three men are related. A tip came in from an unidentified witness that said that he/she had lived across the street from a family in Omaha, NE who had three brothers that matched the names of Johnny's kidnappers. The tipster also indentified the composites of Tony and Emilio as matching the neighbors that he/she knew. From this tip, the Foundation now had a last name to match up with the first names. (For obvious reasons, I cannot provide that name publicly.)

It was at this point that I became involved. Armed with a first and last name, I and other researchers looked into anything that we could find about Tony. I discovered two interesting facts: (1) That he could be placed living in Nebraska in 1982 during the Gosch kidnapping and also living in California during the 1988 kidnapping of Garecht, and (2) the vehicle that he registered when he moved to California matches the general description of the vehicle used in the Garecht case - a "older" tan sedan.

It is important to remember that these two facts were discovered AFTER the Foundation had been given the last name. They both lend credence to the name being the correct. If we had found that he was living in Hawaii and driving a Volkswagen Beetle in 1988, then this would point away from his involvement, but both location and vehicle information aligned with details about Michaela's kidnapper.

This information has been given to the Hayward PD detective in charge of the ongoing investigaton into the Garecht case. Police are usually pretty tight-lipped about sharing information, but he did say one thing very significant that I cannot share at this time. But I will say that it was enough of a blockbuster that I changed my opinion of this identification being correct went from "possible" to "very probable". I now believe that we have the name of the kidnappers in both cases.

This is amazing. Do you know when this information (the full names) will become public? Do you know where "Tony" (and any of the others) are today? I know one of the suspects works selling hot dogs in downtown Des Moines.

I think a lot of this information came from Paul Bonacci, possibly confirmed by eyewitnesses. Many people doubt the veracity of Bonacci's statements. Have you changed your mind about Bonacci (if I recall, you were one who doubted him; if not -- nevermind)? If you have changed your mind about Bonacci, what happened to change it?
This is amazing. Do you know when this information (the full names) will become public?

I would suspect that any names would not be released to the public until (and if) any charges are filed. We are a LOOONG way from that possiblity happening.

Do you know where "Tony" (and any of the others) are today?


I know one of the suspects works selling hot dogs in downtown Des Moines.

That would be Sam Soda, a private investigator who approached Noreen Gosch early in her search for Johnny. It turned out that he was allegedly the "spotter" during Johnny's abduction.

I think a lot of this information came from Paul Bonacci, possibly confirmed by eyewitnesses. Many people doubt the veracity of Bonacci's statements. Have you changed your mind about Bonacci (if I recall, you were one who doubted him; if not -- nevermind)? If you have changed your mind about Bonacci, what happened to change it?

I do not know how much of what Bonacci has provided is true or false. Opinions about his testimony vary wildly. I know that the Foundation trusts his word - I am agnostic about it. Much of his story seems fantastic, but that is not to say that it is not truthful. I am operating on the premise that his testimony concerning the perps involved in the physical abduction is correct - especially when corroborating evidence backs it up. Bonacci's story becomes less believable (for me) the higher up the conspiracy chain it goes which is why I am concentrating on the one portion where the facts are indisputable - that Johnny was kidnapped by someone and I would like to see those people brought to justice. If evidence is developed that points to a broader conspiracy, then so be it. (Of course, many believe that that evidence already has been discovered and that I am hiding my head in the sand. For me, I have not seen convincing evidence that will cause me to completely re-evaluate my view of my government and my country. I need more than I have seen...yet.)

The ultimate goal is to find the truth wherever it lays.
Thank you for sharing what you can Dr. Doogie. I have visited the website of Noreen's and I have seen the composites, including the one made famous in Michaela's case (which, I might add, scared the living crapola out of me when I saw it on unsolved mysteries...she was very close to my age). I've also seen the videos and the links to the guy walking around Omaha showing off a "pedophile heaven." I'm not sure what to think of that. I've also found a website that Noreen appears to endorse, justiceforjohnnygosch.com where it names his dad as part of it. This isn't necessarily new information to people who have followed this case closely, however I have not (including have yet to read her book or the Franklin Files book) but I find it interesting that there is now a website publicly naming suspects (without last names) and Mr. Gosch himself. I am excited that you are involved in this case, even in a small way, as I have loved watching your work with the Anna Waters case.
I'm new to the board, and to cold cases in genreal. I just came across this case Sunday. Never had heard of it before.

I looked on Noreen's site. Has it been verified that any of those pictures are really of Johnny? To me he looks nothing like the photo they use of Johnny for his missing posters. Of course all the other photos of Johnny before his abduction aren't that clear and don't show his face that much.

Also, it puzzles me why there are just photos of him and others tied up. Had there been photos more graphic people would HAVE to act faster and better to get this case solved. I realize ANY child tied up is a graphic photo but something is fishy with this case.
Brice, this case is one of the most confusing that you will find anywhere. There have been decades of claims and counter-claims by numerous parties that have made this so complex. There are so many varying agendas by the principals involved that is easy to get so overwhelmed and walk away.

This is why I personally have been focusing on only one small portion of it - the actual physical abduction of Johnny. My hope is that by bring just one portion of the entire story into focus, it will help clear up other parts that are not so clear now.

Noreen, her fellow Foundation members and others do believe that the pictures are of Johnny. I must admit that I do not see a strong enough resemblence to the known pictures of Johnny to say definitively that it is him. But the important thing to remember is that only a few small pre-abduction pictures of Johnny exist and may not be a good representation of how he looks. The boy in the bondage pics may look exactly like Johnny, but we have such a small sampling of what Johnny looks like to make that determination.

Beyond the question of "does this look like Johnny?", there are major questions as to the origin of the pictures and how they came into the possesion of Noreen. I believe Noreen's story of how she received the pics, but not necessarily the story of the pics BEFORE they got to her. Without going into detal here, I believe that determining who originally "found" the pictures may answer the question of whether it is Johnny or not. I believe that the possibility of them being a red-herring designed to confuse and deceive investigators is very strong, but that is my opinion based on my gut, not any provable facts.
I believe that the possibility of them being a red-herring designed to confuse and deceive investigators is very strong, but that is my opinion based on my gut, not any provable facts.

Wow, that's exactly what I thought. I'm glad you are going back to the abduction. Keep us posted on what you can.
It's weird...I think the pictures look just like Johnny. The eyebrows, the eyes, and the spattering of freckles across his nose -- if it's not Johnny, it's a kid who looks just like him. If only there was a photo of the kid without the gag.

One of the eeriest aspects of the photos is the fact that they were obviously taken over a period of time; the kid's hair length changes throughout the series of photos.
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