IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, West Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 #4

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A few weeks ago Beth Holloway's show, Vanished, featured Johnny and the other missing paperboys. It went into tons of detail about the actual abduction. I saw it on Comcast On Demand but I'm thinking you could probably watch it on Lifetime's website, if you're interested. Be forewarned, it's depressing and creepy.

A lot of it also interviewed his mom Noreen and she does NOT come across as a kook if you ask me.
Hi all, this is my first post here, what a great website. What led me here was this case. I caught it on the Vanished show and that was the first I heard of it and that led me to research on the web. My heart aches for these kids and others that are missing. But this case is really something with all of the associations that goes with it.

I have two questions that I can't seem to find any info on.

1. Regarding Paul Bonacci, is there any info on how exactly he got abducted into that sex ring? Who were his parents? Where was he born? When was he abducted? I feel more info on that could clear up some credibility issues with him.

2. Who was the owner of that ranch that Bonacci was at and was there ever a complete search done there?
Mstrbill - its difficult to find any accurate info about Paul Bonacci online, indeed its difficult to find any mention of him at all outside conspiracy theory websites. What I do know is that the only time his claims were ever tested in court, they were declared to be "part of a carefully crafted hoax", and Bonacci was convicted of perjury.

The other court case, in which he was awarded a million dollars, he only won by default - ie, his claims went uncontested because the defendant didn't show up to defend himself. Personally, I don't believe a word he says.
It seems like alot of people have muddied this investigation, to where unless Johnny reveals himself to the world and tells the truth (Which could save thousands of kids from the same fate because people would wake up) or his remains are found, we will continue to run in circles chasing down imaginary leads.

I know his mom comes off as a kook to some people.....but if you think about it, its a kooky story. if you sat down and tried to tell someone all the aspects and theories of this case I think their head would explode. I know I have gotten a few headaches just reading about it. LOL

Sadly the person who actually took Johnny is a happy camper.
Mstrbill - its difficult to find any accurate info about Paul Bonacci online, indeed its difficult to find any mention of him at all outside conspiracy theory websites. What I do know is that the only time his claims were ever tested in court, they were declared to be "part of a carefully crafted hoax", and Bonacci was convicted of perjury.

The other court case, in which he was awarded a million dollars, he only won by default - ie, his claims went uncontested because the defendant didn't show up to defend himself. Personally, I don't believe a word he says.

I've wondered the same thing: where did Bonacci come from? If I remember correctly, there was some mention on one of the conspiracy sites (which, if what they are saying is true, is a complete and utter nightmare or epic proportions-and I'm not sure if I buy into any of the conspiracy theories surrounding this case) about Boys Town. Supposedly Bonacci and some of the others in that credit union scandal were from Boys Town. I don't know how true this is, but I definitely recall reading this/hearing about it in that documentary about the credit union scandal (it's on You Tube, but beware-it's very disturbing).

I kind of think that the abductor was someone involved with coordinating the paper boys or someone from that neighborhood. I don't know if I buy into these conspiracies. Sure, pedophile rings probably exist (disgusting and horrifying to think about but sadly it's true), and I guess these theories are possible, but the truth is probably somewhere just short of what the theories are claiming. This is a very sad case and I truly hope that Johnny's family are able to find the answers they are looking for.
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed in the photo posted on December 21, 2006 to http://www.johnnygosch.com/ in the second last photo down the boy with his eyes closed seems to be giving the middle finger.

The boy in the next picture down is holding an untied rope from his legs in his hands...

Does anyone no if johnny was wearing a gold crucifix necklace when he went missing?

Also the ropes don't seem to be tied in a way kids tie them to play around... the location and the way the ropes are bound to the child look more towards an adult tying them not another child.
Color me confused but I don't think that boy in the photos looks like Johnny at all.
No, I don't think he looks anything like either. I can see a strong resemblance to Taj Narbonne, and I know another poster here forwarded the photos and their source to the police department investigating Taj's disappearance.

We haven't heard anything else about that yet though.
I dont think he looks like the pics either. his nose is smaller for one thing.......and even if you break a nose I dont think it would grow longer.
Is there any evidence at all from Paul Bonacci's early childhood? Any record of him being kidnapped? Or school records that prove he wasn't?
Is there any evidence at all from Paul Bonacci's early childhood? Any record of him being kidnapped? Or school records that prove he wasn't?

Have not been able to find anything on Paul Bonacci re being kidnapped/school records = nada/nothing. Makes me wonder if this is his real name.
I live in Iowa and this case has always intrigued me. I don't necessarily believe Johnny was abducted to be used in a pedo ring. My reasong is this, if Johnny was, his abduction happened in 1982, it is now 2011. Like another poster said, whoever was involved in Johnny's abduction would surely be deceased by now, so what is stopping Johnny from coming foward? If Johnny is alive and he came forward, it would be a big deal, regardless if he went to the media or to Noreen's doorstep, the media would find out and be all over his story. Personally, IMO, I don't believe Johnny was abducted for a pedo ring, I think Johnny was abducted by a serial pervert. I've never necessarily believed in conspiracy theories and with Johnny's case, it's no different. If there was some pedo ring going on with the credit union scandal, that was 1982, and like I said, it is now 2011, there would be no need to hide out still, it's all over with and the majority of those people are probably deceased.

And yes, my first post, lol.
My reasong is this, if Johnny was, his abduction happened in 1982, it is now 2011. Like another poster said, whoever was involved in Johnny's abduction would surely be deceased by now, so what is stopping Johnny from coming foward? If there was some pedo ring going on with the credit union scandal, that was 1982, and like I said, it is now 2011, there would be no need to hide out still, it's all over with and the majority of those people are probably deceased.

Sorry, I have to disagree with you there - that was not even thirty years ago. I don't think this is a safe assumption to make. The 'kidnappers' could hypothetically have been anywhere from the ages of 16 years old or older. Making 45 years old or older today. Lots of people these days are living well into their 80s.

If his kidnappers were in their 50s/60s back then, then they would be in their 80s/90s today if they are still alive. Which in that case would mean they may very well be deceased.

But if the kidnappers were under 50 back in '82, chances are they could very will still be alive today. We just don't know.
I live in Iowa and this case has always intrigued me. I don't necessarily believe Johnny was abducted to be used in a pedo ring. My reasong is this, if Johnny was, his abduction happened in 1982, it is now 2011. Like another poster said, whoever was involved in Johnny's abduction would surely be deceased by now, so what is stopping Johnny from coming foward? If Johnny is alive and he came forward, it would be a big deal, regardless if he went to the media or to Noreen's doorstep, the media would find out and be all over his story. Personally, IMO, I don't believe Johnny was abducted for a pedo ring, I think Johnny was abducted by a serial pervert. I've never necessarily believed in conspiracy theories and with Johnny's case, it's no different. If there was some pedo ring going on with the credit union scandal, that was 1982, and like I said, it is now 2011, there would be no need to hide out still, it's all over with and the majority of those people are probably deceased.

And yes, my first post, lol.

welcome, Ozzie! well done on your first post here at Websleuths. i have no idea what happened to Johnny, but his case is very different from other missing children cases. i cannot imagine missing my child for 30 years without knowing what happened to him. i also dont believe Johnny's mother, Noreen, is a liar or a kook. as for Johnny coming forward now, imo, if all is true then he would be in danger. likely he is a pedophile himself and possibly has done even worse than that. in coming forward, he would be called to answer for those things at the very least even if his abductors are dead and he has nothing to fear from them. imo, if Johnny is alive and was held by this alleged group for years, then he is not normal any longer and would be unable to live a normal life. imo, if he is alive he surely knows it. it just amazes me how many missing children there are who's remains have never been found. it makes me wonder how many are being help like Jaycee was, by a single sicko. no pedo ring there, just Jaycee with those sick people and a lax parole system who missed the chance to save her for a very long time. that is easier to believe than a complicated and far reaching ring of powerful people snatching kids.
i have no idea what happened to Johnny, but his case is very different from other missing children cases.

I have to disagree with you on that one. His case is almost identical to that of Eugene Martin, and very similar to that of Marc Allen. The most likely explanation for that is that they were all abducted by the same person - a local serial killer, possibly with an accomplice. I don't believe for one second that they were caught up in any paedophile ring, and certainly not such a wide ranging and powerful one as that proposed by the Franklin conspiracists.

I'm also very uncomfortable with someone describing a missing, and probably deceased, child as a "paedophile", "worse than that", "not normal any longer", and things like that. There is no evidence that this poor child was anything other than an innocent victim.

As for Noreen Gosch - she may be neither a liar nor a kook, but she has plenty of friends who are both.
I have to disagree with you on that one. His case is almost identical to that of Eugene Martin, and very similar to that of Marc Allen. The most likely explanation for that is that they were all abducted by the same person - a local serial killer, possibly with an accomplice. I don't believe for one second that they were caught up in any paedophile ring, and certainly not such a wide ranging and powerful one as that proposed by the Franklin conspiracists.

I'm also very uncomfortable with someone describing a missing, and probably deceased, child as a "paedophile", "worse than that", "not normal any longer", and things like that. There is no evidence that this poor child was anything other than an innocent victim.

As for Noreen Gosch - she may be neither a liar nor a kook, but she has plenty of friends who are both.

i am very uncomfortable with someone snipping my post in order to twist my words and justify a confrontational response. i would NEVER disrespect a victim, and i am saddened that my beloved websleuths is allowing ugliness where none has been allowed before. my post will stand with its original intent, and that will be the end of it. my post upthread reads in full as follows :

welcome, Ozzie! well done on your first post here at Websleuths. i have no idea what happened to Johnny, but his case is very different from other missing children cases. i cannot imagine missing my child for 30 years without knowing what happened to him. i also dont believe Johnny's mother, Noreen, is a liar or a kook. as for Johnny coming forward now, imo, if all is true then he would be in danger. likely he is a pedophile himself and possibly has done even worse than that. in coming forward, he would be called to answer for those things at the very least even if his abductors are dead and he has nothing to fear from them. imo, if Johnny is alive and was held by this alleged group for years, then he is not normal any longer and would be unable to live a normal life. imo, if he is alive he surely knows it. it just amazes me how many missing children there are who's remains have never been found. it makes me wonder how many are being held like Jaycee was, by a single sicko. no pedo ring there, just Jaycee with those sick people and a lax parole system who missed the chance to save her for a very long time. that is easier to believe than a complicated and far reaching ring of powerful people snatching kids.
I didn't snip your post for any bad reason. I was just struck by that one phrase so I quoted it rather than quoting the whole lot and bolding the sentence. Your post is directly above mine anyway, so I don't think my snip would have mislead anybody.

And I'm sure you didn't mean any disrespect, nor did I when I expressed my opinion. However, my opinion also still stands - I'm uncomfortable with such descriptions of a missing child. MOO.
here's the thing, Capp and with all due respect to your opinion, please understand that i was not describing Johnny as those things, i personally doubt he is still with us. i was responding to Ozzie's query as to why, if Johnny were alive, he would not come out of hiding. i too would have a problem with someone saying he is those things, but i did not do that.imo, if Johnny were alive, if the conspiracy theory were true, there are valid reasons why he might not reveal himself. those reasons cannot be sugar coated.
Sorry then, I took you up wrong. I didn't realise you were speaking hypothetically, I get what you mean now.

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