IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, West Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 #4

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I came upon this report by by Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.). He published this full length report in 2000 and I believe mysteriously passed away afterwards. The report is Gundersons own found evidence of corruption linking the FBI, CIA, some top political figures, the Franklin case, missing children, including kidnap-victim Johnny Gosch, satanic abuse, CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control, Iran-Contra, and new arrests of possible American terrorists in Mexico.
The extensive information given by the FBI Senior Agent is documented in the following link....everyone should read it.

I'm surprised at how many people I know don't know about this.
Ted Gunderson has a long, colorful history since his FBI. Basically, he claims to have investigated numerous high profile crimes as has made some provocative claim and drawn some interesting conclusions. He is considered by some to be a hero and a victim of government repression for what he has uncovered. To others, he is a nutcase, a wacko conspiracy theorist.

Take him seriously at your own discretion.
I hear you. I don't agree with everything he claims but do agree with some things. For example I don't think Jeff Gannon is Johny and I don't think Johnny visited his mother in 1997

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Thanks for the reply & the info. I wanted to gauge the 'Emilio' angle. Do we know if Emilio was a real Guy,and if he really could have abducted Johnny? If so, I have found somebody that may be Emilio,but I do not want to share his info publicly,but I would like some feedback via PM,and would share the info via PM. I would like to hear from People who may be experts in this case,or have extensively studied it. Please PM me if you think you may be able to help me vet a potential POI

I've narrowed it down to two people I think may be "Emilio" but I am not 100% sure.
I hear you. I don't agree with everything he claims but do agree with some things. For example I don't think Jeff Gannon is Johny and I don't think Johnny visited his mother in 1997

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Trenchmouth, I agree with you, 115 1/2%.

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Trenchmouth, I agree with you, 115 1/2%.

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There is just no way I'd let my son walk back out the door after being kidnapped and potentially abused for years. No way no how. Even if he told me if he stayed it would jeopardize his or his mom's life. I would have called FBI immediately and requested to go in to witness protection.

I feel for her. I don't know if she made up the story to keep media and FBI focus on the case or maybe she was delusional and made it up as a way to cope with her pain.

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The Des Moines Register Tribune has always been weak on this story. Very weak. They are more concerned with ragbrai and being the iowa caucus media epicenter than admitting they had two innocent boys.. their employees.. vanish. Des Moines old school people are pretty weak. The Register lost two employees. They cover it lightly.
Have been following for years, just started compiling a timeline of "verified" events and players in this case. Great discussions here guys, came across a wild card on another website, curious what you all think! Sadly we may be running out of time to solve this as no one involved is getting any younger, the smoking gun could be in someone's attic or aging mind at this point. Anyway, on Iowa Cold Case a user recently posted a few posts stating his alleged experiences as a paperboy in the area of JG, opening post as follows: "I was a newspaper carrier the same time Johnny was kidnapped. Just a short time after Johnny turned up missing, a young, dark haired man with a mustache tried to get me into his car. I was able to run away. The man was wearing an orange, paramedic type jacket and driving a white Ford Fairmont (the same car involved in Johnny’s disappearance). I called the West Des Moines police back then, but no one ever came to speak with me. Maybe a year later, I saw the same dark haired man with Wilbur Millhouse, a pedophile who worked as a newspaper carrier manager for the Des Moines Register. Millhouse was a manager in West Des Moines, but transferred to the east side shortly before Johnny turned up missing. On a couple occasions, I heard Millhouse say that “Nothing would have happened to Johnny if he would have just kept his mouth shut.” Millhouse practically bragged that he and his pedophile buddies were responsible for Johnny’s disappearance. I got the impression back in the 80’s, though, that no one really wanted to solve this case." looking forward to hearing your thoughts all!
Kind of a weird question about JG, so I understand he took his pet dachshund with him on his paper route at the time he disappeared.

Was the dachshund ever used as a potential "witness" to initially track down the car/individuals who abducted JG?
I dont think the DMR wants it solved.

I hate to say it but they're not the only ones. IMO when the mother of a missing child claims he's still alive and she's seen him as an adult and he says he wants to stay in hiding, that mother doesn't want the case solved either.
Have been following for years, just started compiling a timeline of "verified" events and players in this case. Great discussions here guys, came across a wild card on another website, curious what you all think! Sadly we may be running out of time to solve this as no one involved is getting any younger, the smoking gun could be in someone's attic or aging mind at this point. Anyway, on Iowa Cold Case a user recently posted a few posts stating his alleged experiences as a paperboy in the area of JG, opening post as follows: "I was a newspaper carrier the same time Johnny was kidnapped. Just a short time after Johnny turned up missing, a young, dark haired man with a mustache tried to get me into his car. I was able to run away. The man was wearing an orange, paramedic type jacket and driving a white Ford Fairmont (the same car involved in Johnny’s disappearance). I called the West Des Moines police back then, but no one ever came to speak with me. Maybe a year later, I saw the same dark haired man with Wilbur Millhouse, a pedophile who worked as a newspaper carrier manager for the Des Moines Register. Millhouse was a manager in West Des Moines, but transferred to the east side shortly before Johnny turned up missing. On a couple occasions, I heard Millhouse say that “Nothing would have happened to Johnny if he would have just kept his mouth shut.” Millhouse practically bragged that he and his pedophile buddies were responsible for Johnny’s disappearance. I got the impression back in the 80’s, though, that no one really wanted to solve this case." looking forward to hearing your thoughts all!

This makes perfect sense, that it was someone that worked for the paper. I really don't get why this case hasn't been solved ..... or maybe I do. :mad:
I came upon this report by by Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.). He published this full length report in 2000 and I believe mysteriously passed away afterwards. The report is Gundersons own found evidence of corruption linking the FBI, CIA, some top political figures, the Franklin case, missing children, including kidnap-victim Johnny Gosch, satanic abuse, CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control, Iran-Contra, and new arrests of possible American terrorists in Mexico.
The extensive information given by the FBI Senior Agent is documented in the following link....everyone should read it.


I've read this before. Gunderson died of cancer at the age of 82, nothing mysterious. This whole thing is so bizarre it sounds like something out of a sick, delusional mind to me. Or maybe a Hollywood movie. I'm not saying there's not, or was, possibly some corruption in law enforcement, or possibly within the Des Moines Register, but this really stretches it. jmo
This makes perfect sense, that it was someone that worked for the paper. I really don't get why this case hasn't been solved ..... or maybe I do. :mad:

Was this individual (s) ever looked into?

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I'm pretty surprised, with the plethora of information now out there, that there are still so many naysayers. Still so many that want to discount Noreen so much.

As human trafficking is getting more attention, it is high time to take the blinders off. It is hard for me to believe these things happen - but they do. Just because they are so crazy as to confuse a normal mind doesn't mean they didn't happen.

I "lived" through this case. I was the same age as Johnny in this town when it happened. I remember, as a child anyway, the insanity. Then Eugene a couple years later. And another boy a couple years later. It changed our outlook on life, as children. I remember how so many perceived Noreen as a nutcase, who'd gone overly emotional due to the loss of her child. It was played out that way in the media. That was what my young mind believed, too - because it WAS portrayed that way.

Let's fast forward. Human trafficking is coming to light. We're hearing more and more of it now. Stop and think - if it is just now coming to our awareness, just HOW LONG has it really been going on? It is estimated, conservatively, that half a percent of the US population are pedophiles. That's 16 MILLION people. A conservative estimate. Do you think those 16 million people are only the downtrodden? No. Some are in high positions. With money, with power. With the ability to buy what they want. The evil that comes with money and power should never be underestimated.



:confetti: :up: :confetti:

We are glad your are here

I'm pretty surprised, with the plethora of information now out there, that there are still so many naysayers. Still so many that want to discount Noreen so much.

As human trafficking is getting more attention, it is high time to take the blinders off. It is hard for me to believe these things happen - but they do. Just because they are so crazy as to confuse a normal mind doesn't mean they didn't happen.

I "lived" through this case. I was the same age as Johnny in this town when it happened. I remember, as a child anyway, the insanity. Then Eugene a couple years later. And another boy a couple years later. It changed our outlook on life, as children. I remember how so many perceived Noreen as a nutcase, who'd gone overly emotional due to the loss of her child. It was played out that way in the media. That was what my young mind believed, too - because it WAS portrayed that way.

Let's fast forward. Human trafficking is coming to light. We're hearing more and more of it now. Stop and think - if it is just now coming to our awareness, just HOW LONG has it really been going on? It is estimated, conservatively, that half a percent of the US population are pedophiles. That's 16 MILLION people. A conservative estimate. Do you think those 16 million people are only the downtrodden? No. Some are in high positions. With money, with power. With the ability to buy what they want. The evil that comes with money and power should never be underestimated.

Welcome to the forum.

I hate to start out by disagreeing with you, but I have to - human trafficking does not consist of snatching paper boys from the Mid West whose parents will be out looking for them within hours. Human trafficking is exploitation of people from poorer countries who are desperate to get into the rich, first world countries looking for a better life, or exploitation of children who are either runaways or throwaways. This isn't a human trafficking case, its a kidnapping and almost certainly a murder case similar to that of Jacob Wetterling.

Given the disappearances of Eugene Martin and Marc Allen in the same area around the same time it wouldn't surprise me if there was a serial killer in Iowa who has gone undetected and is responsible for all three disappearances.
Welcome to the forum.

I hate to start out by disagreeing with you, but I have to - human trafficking does not consist of snatching paper boys from the Mid West whose parents will be out looking for them within hours. Human trafficking is exploitation of people from poorer countries who are desperate to get into the rich, first world countries looking for a better life, or exploitation of children who are either runaways or throwaways. This isn't a human trafficking case, its a kidnapping and almost certainly a murder case similar to that of Jacob Wetterling.

Given the disappearances of Eugene Martin and Marc Allen in the same area around the same time it wouldn't surprise me if there was a serial killer in Iowa who has gone undetected and is responsible for all three disappearances.

Yeah. If there were some kind of "white slavery" ring targeting middle class kids from middle class neighborhoods, US presidents would be screaming about it and human trafficking legislation would be much more a part of our political debates than it is now.

There have been a few cases where teenagers from good, working class families have been snatched and forced to prostitute themselves. But the vast majority are runaways/kids into drugs from dysfunctional families, adult prostitutes, and/or immigrants who are taken advantage of or victimized as well as slaves form foreign countries who are brought here when the families that enslave them immigrate.

The shadowy network that Johnny's mother describes, of pedophilic traffickers that trade in young boys and girls for sex and who allow those kids to emerge and show up on their families doorsteps once in awhile once they're grown, only to disappear moments later back into the sex slave world they're supposedly part of, is the stuff of fantasy and delusion. IMO.

There has been no credible evidence substantiating what Johnny's poor mother has described.
Johnny Gosch was a boy many Iowans grew up with but never met.

It's been 35 years since the 12-year-old was kidnapped while delivering The Des Moines Sunday Register near his West Des Moines home.

In 1982, when an American child disappeared, authorities tended to respond cautiously, frustrating relatives. The Gosch case was one of several in that period that experts say transformed the pattern and improved the likelihood of children being returned.

Gosch's face was plastered on Anderson Erickson milk cartons — an early example of increased visibility of such abductions that also imprinted Gosch's story in the minds of a generation.

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