Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #16

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OT but one case five or so years, Tiffany Tehan...she was a young married woman with an infant, highly religious background (conservative Christian I think?)Vanished one Saturday, her car was found with driver’s door ajar in a park when she was meant to be shopping. Anyway she had fallen in love with a guy she met at the 7/11 and run off to Florida with took a few weeks to track her down. Last I read she is divorced and either married to 7/11 or living with him...
Checking in to see if there was any change in the case status over the weekend. Is the time posted for Tuesday's press conference?
Really? How so?
I get the impression she was having second thoughts about the direction her life was heading. I also get the impression she wasn't as upbeat as she seems on fb. It also seems to me there was someone she was telling that to.
She has a photo of the Ed Sheeran song "Save Myself" among other things. Look at the lyrics.
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OT but one case five or so years, Tiffany Tehan...she was a young married woman with an infant, highly religious background (conservative Christian I think?)Vanished one Saturday, her car was found with driver’s door ajar in a park when she was meant to be shopping. Anyway she had fallen in love with a guy she met at the 7/11 and run off to Florida with took a few weeks to track her down. Last I read she is divorced and either married to 7/11 or living with him...
Yes well what woman isn’t bowled over by those nachos and slurpees. Romance at its finest!
This! Interesting new avenue to consider although given the way meds are manged not sure how easy they could confiscate. I do hope regardless that they are checking attendance of employees, as well as whether anyone has been behaving strangely.

On that thought, in any of the pressers has LE asked people to be vigilant of someone who may be following the case/wanting to discuss it in an obsessive way, someone who may have changed their sleeping/eating habits or started using/drinking, changed appearance etc since her disappearance? If not, I wonder why.
I agree, it would not take a lot to overpower or force someone Mollie's size into a vehicle, but Mickey Schunick was 5'1 and about 115 soaking wet, and damn near killed the sob that took her. I hope that if the need arose, Mollie had that kind of fight in her.
I agree, and her family has said several times from the beginning that she's a fighter & "is fighting to get home", and "let's go get her" presumably based on any clues, trying to be valiant and positive in the face of no clues. However, Mollie could also have decided to "play along" for awhile because she sussed out that this would be a safer approach (he was known to her and she thought she could talk him/her out of going in a bad/worse direction, or the abductor was sooooo scary and violent/crazy/had her tied up and/or drugged, she didn't dare physically try to challenge him and is biding her time). I think her dad is just holding out hope that without evidence showing she's been killed, she is in some sort of captive situation with her abductor possibly "reachable" with Mollie doing everything she can to be released unharmed.
Yes, and an active conversation with the person who took Mollie. Dad is forgiving and compassionate.

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander
be put away from you, with all malice,
and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
Oh, I think he is stunned, broken, and then mad as heck. MT is not my daughter but chest tightens when I allow myself as a parent to think about this situation for more than a few seconds. I cannot imagine the pain. He is doing so well for her. They all are. I spend most of my nights with a KJV so it is OK to quote. He is a good man.
I get the impression she was having second thoughts about the direction her life was heading. I also get the impression she wasn't as upbeat as she seems on fb. It also seems to me there was someone she was telling that to.

Someone mentioned earlier how all the pictures of Mollie are of her smiling and laughing. They should put that one serious, very different-looking picture of her from her VSCO on the missing posters. Just because she might not be smiling and laughing right now.
No one knows what really took place the evening or morning of her disappearance. I certainly don't. But I can't get past my belief that she was taken in the morning. I think she was picked up by 'whoever', thinking she was on her way to work. She was going to the fair that day with kids, which is why I believe she had no purse, no ID, nothing that would require her to not have both hands free, making it easier to hold kids' hands. Just a little cash possibly in a pocket. And I have the feeling this is a jealousy/anger issue. I don't know.... I just pray she is alive.
"It's totally speculation," Rob Tibbetts told ABC News, "but I do believe that Mollie is with someone who she knows, probably someone who cares about her. But that relationship was misguided, misinterpreted and went wrong, and I think they're in a place with Mollie and don't know how to get themselves out of this horrible situation." Mollie Tibbetts' father: 'We can get her home'

After reading the fathers latest interviews a thought popped into my head. This is in no way accusing anyone but to change our lines of thought. Mollie worked at a holiday program. I'm in Australia so I'm guessing this is a kids holiday day camp for the summer. Mollie has worked at this program for the last couple of summers. Is it possible that a parent/family member or caretaker of a child could of had a infatuated (yet innocent ) interest in Mollie? It could of been growing over the years and for some reason they decided to act on it. Mollie knowing the connection with the child didn't feel threatened around them, this person could of even offered her a lift to work. In following that it's possible the child was in the car when she was picked up but said child was asleep or drugged so doesn't realise that Mollie was with them. The person could of taken Mollie to a place that was planned for keeping her, then had time to take the child to the summer camp without suspicion being had.

I don't know if I believe what my mind has thought up as it seems like a movie plot and I don't want to come across as being insensitive. I am also not sure if this has been brought up before. I have been a long time member but rarely post, I hope I haven't broken any rules and only hope we can have a answer to Mollies whereabouts soon. MOO
Mollie apparently jogged every day and was a "creature of habit". I assume that means she usually took the same route at around the same time of day. Who was regularly around her route at that time?
Here is the link for the 2017 FBI MiSSING PERSON NCIC REPORT/DATA -
2017 NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics

Look under MISSING PERSON FILE for the following sentence -

"As of Dec 31, 2017 there were 88089 missing person cases... 36.5 percent or 32,121 were juveniles..."

Now get your calculator out and do some math.

I believe you will find that 36.5 percent of 88089 is actually 32,151 not 32, 121.

So which is wrong the percentage or the whole number?

I could keep you busy for over a year when it comes to the number crunching where Missing Persons are concerned in the USA.

It is shameful in my opinion. And sloppy and disconnected and ripe with conflicts and impossible to reconcile.

I tried for several years. There are just too many oddities.

Mollie's case highlights a few -

She is 20. In IA that is ADULT for NCIC that is JUVENILE.

In IA she is classified as "OTHER ADULT MISSING"
Missing Persons

That won't work for the FBI because of Mollie's age.

One reason why I hoped the FBI would take the lead. We seem to care more about children than adults when it comes to mobilizing and searches. That is why CART exists and rapid response teams train and have over a 90 percent success rate of finding children.

I had to wonder though with what you pulled - not sure of the source? - if you think the FBI should be involved at all with Mollie's disappearance?

The FBI could not have considered Mollie as involuntary on their own, that comes from the SHERIFF.

So along with the DATE of the MISSING PERSON REPORT is the INCIDENT TYPE also wrong?
I honestly don’t know how to answer any of your questions really. I could be wrong, stats could be wrong. I totally get your points, but think they are a bit nit picky to a degree. I believe FBI should be on the case, not sure if I believe that the number of them that are, should in fact be on the case. I never said I know anything for a fact, I have just followed enough of this stuff for a long enough time to realize that the amount of resources being used is unusual and I believe that if resources had to be pulled back that that would be reasonable to expect. You are far more technical than I, and I don’t have the energy to go head to head with you, nor do I disagree with anything you have said. But I am going to leave this part of our conversation at that. I hope you are able to get the gist of what I am trying to say.
Checking in to see if there was any change in the case status over the weekend. Is the time posted for Tuesday's press conference?
The LE PC for Tuesday (tomorrow) was rescheduled for Friday, no explanation. Mollie's family may be doing a separate one on Thursday I read in one of the previous threads, but don't have a MSM link.
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