Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #17

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Sadie's family & friends were devastated when her body was found. They were irate when they heard people say, its not MT thank God! Like MT was more special. Felt so sorry for Sadie's family. She was awesome......RIP Sadie! I personally knew her family!
Couldn't agree more. I would be enraged if my loved one was referred to in death as "not Mollie Tibbetts" and especially if people were expressing relief that it wasn't her. Sadie is still dead and that's very sad! :( She seemed like a bright and genuine person too...God Bless her and her family and may she RIP.
Good morning, I have been a long-time visitor due to personal missing person interest, as a classmate of mine has been missing since 1996. I have been watching the Mollie Tibbetts investigation daily. I am saddened that even though the investigation had been handled well from the minute anyone knew she was missing, she has not been found/returned. I hope whoever is responsible for her being gone just gives this family some peace.

A question that has been bugging me for a couple days is this one single report, and if it's been discussed, I apologize. 17 threads are difficult to read through!

There was a warrant served to search the property she was staying at, which is her boyfriend and his brother's home. Why did they need that? Wouldn't the boyfriend just let them in without one? They searched the pig farmer's house and the article says they asked to search it without a warrant, that seems like an odd difference in approach regarding the two properties. Thanks in advance if anyone can clear that up.
Sadie's family & friends were devastated when her body was found. They were irate when they heard people say, its not MT thank God! Like MT was more special. Felt so sorry for Sadie's family. She was awesome......RIP Sadie! I personally knew her family!
On the Fox interview - both Mollie's Mom and Dad did speak about Sadie and her family - and extended their prayers and expressed their sadness for the loss of Sadie.
One day, as I was walking to elementary school, someone- a stranger- tried to snatch me. He pulled up to me in a car & opened the passenger door for me to hop in. He only didn't succeed because my mother had told me to "be polite and say no thank you" to anyone I didn't know who offered me something. In this case, it was candy.

In the 40 years hence, I have run into *countless* people who told me a similar story. I believe, from my own life experience, attempted stranger abductions are more common than even the FBI knows, at least back in the 60s, 70s, when there was far less media awareness. Mine was never reported. My point is I wonder how often even these days kids don't tell their parents about someone creepy, who tries to suss them out. I never told until I was an adult & realized how close a call that was on my life. Just saying.
The same exact thing happened to my sister and I when we were outside playing in the the 1960s. A man stopped his car and asked us if we wanted some candy. Fortunately our mom had told us to never talk to strangers and we both immediately ran back to our house.
Missed this video interview from yesterday. Mystery co-worker & bus seat mate in SM photo is interviewed but not identified:
“I remember events that have happened & I want those back, and I think they can come back...”
What the heck is he saying?
Mollie Tibbetts' father: Someone she knows took her
JudgeJoe, I'm so relieved to be reading this! Someone's thinking as strangely as I do. We're forbidden here to sleuth anyone not named a POI, but I read with interest every single quote and post since day 2 of MT's disappearance... and that's all I'll say. I don't even know where the private room IS!!
I believe it’s her brother-in law.
Her boyfriend's brother right? Unless Dalton and she marry, then he would be BIL.

I wonder if that house was being prepared for a flip?
LE has said that if they felt like releasing some piece of information would help them to locate Molly, they would release it. Apparently, they haven’t felt that to be the case.

You know - I have been trying to come to peace with that statement - but I can't.

Isn't it circular? If they release information than the information would help them locate Molly - right

Well, wouldn't they have to know where Mollie was to make that argument?
I was almost kidnapped. Twice. One time I was four and my mom watched me walk down the street to the neighbor's house to play with the six girls who lived there. She couldn't see me walk to the door because their garage blocked her view. But I didn't reemerge so she figured I went in.

Unbeknownst to her, I sat on the porch and thought I'd wait and they'd come home. I remember that.

After what seemed an eternity, I gave up and went to the sidewalk to walk past the four houses between mine and the girls. But there was a man in a station wagon on the street. Staring at me. He then pulled into the driveway next door, blocking me from going through on the sidewalk. He stared. Saying nothing.

I felt weird.

He then backed out and backed up the street as I walked past. He stared. He then pulled into the next driveway and stared again. Blocking the sidewalk so I couldn't go past.

He did this three times and then after reversing while staring at me as I got to the yard between my house and the neighbor's, he held up an empty candy jar and asked if wanted any candy and to get in his car.

I had a sense of dread but just stood there and couldn't move.

At the same time my mom was inside doing laundry. True story, she suddenly bolted up with fear, gasped, "Anna!" and ran out the door, finding me standing there frozen with a man in a car talking to me. She yelled at me, grabbed me, threw me inside, turned on the tv, told me to sit there, locked the door and chased the dude, in her little VW. She got his licenses nd came back home.

He was apprehended. We went to the police station and I got a lollipop. (Which I remember. That was exciting.).

My mom tells me that he had priors for molesting kids but he got away with it by saying he only asked me to lift my skirt (I guess that was okay on the 70's?) and did not try to get me in his car. So he wasn't charged.

I think he would've killed me if he got me in his car.

On another occasion when I was 11 a man approached me and two friends on the street and said he was looking for his "lost dog" and could we help him! One friend seemed about to. Me and one other knew he was a perv and screamed "run!" And we did.

Despite these experiences I actually think the stats as to successful stranger abductions are accurate and it remains quite rare!

I had an experience as a kindergartener getting off the bus to walk to my babysitter's house just down the street .It was pouring rain and someone stopped to offer me a ride. We had just learned about stranger danger at school and I immediately took off running. I don't know if he was genuinely going to give me a ride but always wonder what might have happened if I got in.

I, too, though believe the stats.
On the Fox interview - both Mollie's Mom and Dad did speak about Sadie and her family - and extended their prayers and expressed their sadness for the loss of Sadie.
I think the reference is to people online and initial MSM stories about Sadie's body being found. Most I saw said something akin to "Body Found in Rural Iowa is Not Mollie Tibbetts". I don't think anyone would accuse Mollie's dad being anything but graceful and classy during this entire ordeal. The strength this guy has shown is nothing short of amazing.
Sadie's family & friends were devastated when her body was found. They were irate when they heard people say, its not MT thank God! Like MT was more special. Felt so sorry for Sadie's family. She was awesome......RIP Sadie! I personally knew her family!
That is so sad cheko. Please let them know how devastated we were to hear about Sadie and that all of them are in our thoughts.
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I am very excited to join this website. As a native Iowan and someone with some experience in both science and the law, here are my 2 cents worth. Iowa, sadly, has had it's list of outstanding cold cases involving involuntary disappearances and/or abduction/murder. Mollie's case reminds me in many ways of Michael Klunder's MO in that he kidnapped women, sexually abused them and ultimately killed and disposed of them in hog confinement facilities. If you go back even to the early 80's, Iowa has had kidnappings (disappeareances) in both urban areas (the Des Moines Paper Boys) and rural areas (most recently Jake Wilson), Mollie, Jodie Huisentruit, Elizabeth Collins/Lyric Cook (found), Evelyn Miller (found) etc etc. For being a rural state, we sadly have our sickos. I've been to rural towns in central Iowa including Grinnell, Newton etc. Even in a semi-urbanized setting like that, it drops off into rural areas and corn fields/hog lots quickly. There is ample area in Iowa to dispose off someone and it doesn't have to be a cornfield. Hog confinements are now all in a building and the discharge/effluent pond is outside the building. It is a teaming cesspool and thick and nothing in there would be found even if dragged. I'm assuming the Iowa State Patrol, which does have aerial assets, used forward looking infrared (FLIR) to search the corn fields to detect a heat signature earlier in Mollie's disappearance. Even if she was deceased, her ambient temperature would be higher (initially) than a cool Iowa evening. I think people are over analyzing this disappearance. I am praying that Mollie is alive but all of these towns have one or two or three disaffected sexual degenerates. You can check that by looking at the Iowa Sex Offender Registry. I don't think she's that far from her home and I believe that whomever took her was either local or in a town or two over. I do hope she is found (safely) for the family to have closure. Other families like the Gosch's, Martins and Huisentruit's have literally been waiting decades. If you have Iowa questions you want answered, post them. I'll take a crack!

Welcome! Thank you for taking the time for your very informative post. I tend to think she was abducted while jogging by a sicko either someone infatuated with her or an abduction by opportunity by someone who’s done this before.
Why isn’t anyone talking about the hardware store attempted breakin? Small towns this stuff just doesn’t happen more than once every 5-10 years. I’m from one in iowa and if that happens it’s usually someone from a nearby town that’s into drugs or violence. Can someone elaborate on this as it seems to me this has to be tied to this case. Was the person attempting to burglarize houses too or were they potentially in the black suv. Any shed light on this. This might be the people who abducted her if that’s what has happened here.

I’m from a village if 600. Happens more often than you think. Bug robberies too. The local bank was robbed and an implement store had 18?pieces of farming equipment taken one weekend.. Access to highway is important. Druggies don’t care where they rob. We even had an 85 yo woman murdered raped and beaten. Never been caught. In a village 15 miles from flint. Lots of crime.
I happen to think there is a significant probability that she may be alive.

However, if she is deceased and buried anywhere where there is vegetation, they would be able to find her body if they took advantage of the advancing improvements in the existing and emerging technology of Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI). If she is in the corn field or under it, for instance, it would be revealed by observing the corn stalks themselves. This is a development that I have been following closely in scientific journals. In plain speak, HSI is a technology that collects and processes the FULL range of light across the entire electromagnetic spectrum (so, not just visible light, but also UV and infrared light). Within the last decade, 50-year old mass graves have been discovered using HSI equipped drones. Most recently, and excitingly, they have been able to improve HSI tech and techniques to theoretically be able to find single graves. This latest research has been done using, ironically, buried pig carcasses.

HSI detects graves by analyzing the reflection of light from vegetation near the body. For several years, the decomposition of the organic material of the body is an incredibly strong detriment to the growth and health of a plant (something that may not be readily apparent by looking at the plant with only one part of the electromagnetic light spectrum). Under examination using HSI, the plants growing near or over a body very clearly don’t reflect light with the same intensity as other plants not near the decomposing body do. After roughly five years, the plants over a body begin to do the opposite -- greatly increasing the intensity of the light seen under HSI. In both cases, the vegetation near the body is obviously different.

It is thought that the ability to find a grave is theoretically possible very soon after a body is buried (or even if it is laid to decompose on top of or near vegetation). However, due to a smaller organic mass of one body compared to say a mass grave, the current practical time frame for HSI to make a positive discovery of a single grave seems to be about three months after the body has been in place. So, advanced grave finding technology is beginning to exist, it is just a question of when LE will start using it for investigations.
I was almost kidnapped. Twice. One time I was four and my mom watched me walk down the street to the neighbor's house to play with the six girls who lived there. She couldn't see me walk to the door because their garage blocked her view. But I didn't reemerge so she figured I went in.

Unbeknownst to her, I sat on the porch and thought I'd wait and they'd come home. I remember that.

After what seemed an eternity, I gave up and went to the sidewalk to walk past the four houses between mine and the girls. But there was a man in a station wagon on the street. Staring at me. He then pulled into the driveway next door, blocking me from going through on the sidewalk. He stared. Saying nothing.

I felt weird.

He then backed out and backed up the street as I walked past. He stared. He then pulled into the next driveway and stared again. Blocking the sidewalk so I couldn't go past.

He did this three times and then after reversing while staring at me as I got to the yard between my house and the neighbor's, he held up an empty candy jar and asked if wanted any candy and to get in his car.

I had a sense of dread but just stood there and couldn't move.

At the same time my mom was inside doing laundry. True story, she suddenly bolted up with fear, gasped, "Anna!" and ran out the door, finding me standing there frozen with a man in a car talking to me. She yelled at me, grabbed me, threw me inside, turned on the tv, told me to sit there, locked the door and chased the dude, in her little VW. She got his licenses nd came back home.

He was apprehended. We went to the police station and I got a lollipop. (Which I remember. That was exciting.).

My mom tells me that he had priors for molesting kids but he got away with it by saying he only asked me to lift my skirt (I guess that was okay on the 70's?) and did not try to get me in his car. So he wasn't charged.

I think he would've killed me if he got me in his car.

On another occasion when I was 11 a man approached me and two friends on the street and said he was looking for his "lost dog" and could we help him! One friend seemed about to. Me and one other knew he was a perv and screamed "run!" And we did.

Despite these experiences I actually think the stats as to successful stranger abductions are accurate and it remains quite rare!
So glad you're alright, jeez. Well, if the stats are accurate, what to think re all the thousands missing around the world.... people who vanish into thin air? I've read too many cases where the person was never found. I doubt they could all be suicides, runaways, drove their car into a lake, etc.
The same exact thing happened to my sister and I when we were outside playing in the the 1960s. A man stopped his car and asked us if we wanted some candy. Fortunately our mom had told us to never talk to strangers and we both immediately ran back to our house.
Good grief.... glad you survived. Good for our parents telling us to say no.
I have also been wondering this...and if they have questioned friends/family and co workers of the home owner ( boyfriend's brother) Perhaps one of their friends or co workers knew they would be gone? And, off the subject a bit, butI keep asking myself why did they make the fact she was wearing a fitbit so public at the git go? It might have gone unoticed, or in the least... the off chance her abductor wouldnt know what it was, and just assume it was a braclet or watch. She could have worn it perhaps a little longer and it might have helped track her better. maybe.
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