Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #20

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Thank for info
Thus does that give fitbit prior ping would've been 30 min prior and fitbit/phone could have remained near one another for up to another 30 min before last observed ping, additional time lapse allowing for additional possible travel beyond ping associated with farm?

My fitbit syncs with my phone constantly. I don't think I've ever had it take 30 minutes to sync data from fitbit to phone. Maybe 5 or 10 at most. Perhaps if the fitbit is out of bluetooth range of the phone it tries every 30 minutes? But if you carry your phone with you on a run, it's updating more frequently, in my experience. You can also force a sync by tapping a button in the app.
He is a desperate and very loving father imo. If it were my child I would be looking everywhere, anywhere everyday. I do not think fear would be part of my vocabulary. In fact I know so. My daughter had a stalker for years. We as parents will go to the ends of the earth for our children.
Of course not everyone has family or parents like that. It's fortunate in this case that the missing person has that kind of loved ones. I think in a lot of the unsolved cases, especially unidentified victims, it is because the person just didn't have the family with resources to stay on the police, the press, etc. I only say this from experience. My parents would be sad if I went missing, but I have no illusion that they would do anything but shrug and let the authorities do whatever. It's not that some parents are less caring, but not every family would go to the ends of the earth for another incessantly. For whatever reason, financial, social.
While I’m absolutely convinced that Mollie made it home from her run and left voluntarily with someone unknown later in the evening, I believe it’s most likely she intended to return before morning. And honestly, I believe LE knows that already. They just don’t know who she left with, where they went or what happened that she didn’t return.

I'm not convinced of that at all. There are still too many unknowns from our vantage point.
This just makes me so sad. To see Mr. Tibbett's out there at the fair, looking for his daughter. A life shattered into a million shards- a life sentence of pain. There is just no way I can not feel the enormity of this situation.
Mollie would not hurt her loved ones like this intentionally.
Lord and angels above please bring Mollie home!
I just cannot imagine. :(:(
Of course not everyone has family or parents like that. It's fortunate in this case that the missing person has that kind of loved ones. I think in a lot of the unsolved cases, especially unidentified victims, it is because the person just didn't have the family with resources to stay on the police, the press, etc. I only say this from experience. My parents would be sad if I went missing, but I have no illusion that they would do anything but shrug and let the authorities do whatever. It's not that some parents are less caring, but not every family would go to the ends of the earth for another incessantly. For whatever reason, financial, social.
Absolutely true. This case has garnered a lot of media attention, which has helped greatly. It also helps to generate a reward if the circumstances of a person’s disappearance are indicative of likely foul play.
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Thank for info

Thus does that give fitbit prior ping would've been 30 min prior and fitbit/phone could have remained near one another for up to another 30 min before last observed ping, additional time lapse allowing for additional possible travel beyond ping associated with farm?

Yes (According to the fitbit website, the device automatically syncs every 15 to 30 minutes). My guess is that they did not find the Fitbit.
My gut from the start was suicide. Don’t have anything to back that up. Maybe she fell into a hole, or pond. I think about that couple from Oklahoma that disappeared in the 1970’s and were just recently found, in their car, in a pond. It’s a stretch.
"July 28
Family members tell KCCI new evidence reveals Tibbetts’ was doing homework on her computer late into the evening on July 18, suggesting she returned to the home where her boyfriend, his brother and the brother's fiancee live."
Instagram DMs could possibly be acquired through Instagram. Snapchat could possibly provide friends list and anyone she had streaks with. Find my iPhone would have last known location and iCloud automatically has all photos/videos. I’m sure LE already has access to all.
I don’t think the prep thought all of that out but im just giving info on why the phone hasn’t been located.
My gut from the start was suicide. Don’t have anything to back that up. Maybe she fell into a hole, or pond. I think about that couple from Oklahoma that disappeared in the 1970’s and were just recently found, in their car, in a pond. It’s a stretch.

I was thinking this also, not suicide, but an accident. Like if she decided to take a swim after a run, or like you say, fell into a pond or off a ledge. (I speak with zero authority tho cuz I have no idea if anything such as cliffs or ponds are nearby). But I think it's possible to have a freak accident resulting in death.
My goodness ! The family and Crimestoppers could come into quite a bit of money, if Mollie is not alive when found or stays missing.

Ah, my guess is the large donors driving this record reward (that folks up-thread have mentioned) would get / take back their money should Mollie not be returned alive and well (based on info provided etc).

They/the large donors only wanting to chip-in for a best-case-scenario result--Mollie returns alive and well--might account for the non-standard language in the donation agreement.

That is, most every crime stoppers reward I've seen refers to "arrest and conviction" of persons responsible. Mollie's reward notice has that subjective--based on Crime Stoppers judgment--language about her "safe return". I'm guessing the big donors wanted that? Dunno.
My gut from the start was suicide. Don’t have anything to back that up. Maybe she fell into a hole, or pond. I think about that couple from Oklahoma that disappeared in the 1970’s and were just recently found, in their car, in a pond. It’s a stretch.
Wasn’t there two cars found within feet of each other in that pond?
I'm not convinced of that at all. There are still too many unknowns from our vantage point.

Agreed, not to mention, voluntarily left home without her wallet, dressed in her full running gear? Not saying it’s impossible...she very well did make it home, but I, too, am far from convinced that this is what happened.
"July 28
Family members tell KCCI new evidence reveals Tibbetts’ was doing homework on her computer late into the evening on July 18, suggesting she returned to the home where her boyfriend, his brother and the brother's fiancee live."

So maybe she did vanish in the morning, in the red shirt. There, I said it.
This is a complete wrong take on the matter. What gives you this impression?
I hope Mollie is alive and the money is rewarded to whomever earned it. In my opinion , that is a lot of money( to me anyway), given by caring people or companies, that would be kept by Crimewatchers and/or the family if she is never found or is no longer alive...... Maybe the donors will all be refunded...... I hope that justice comes for Mollie and her family soon.
This thread is moving so fast, I can’t keep up!

Do any of you think the police had the father/FBI profiler give their “theories” to “shake the tree” and rattle someone in particular? I’m thinking a male friend of the boyfriend or boyfriends brother...
I think the dad was doing it on his own, although LE might have had some input. The profiler commented because she was asked by the media, and she opines frequently on cases like this.
Many of us have followed cases here on WS for many years, and with each other. Sometimes, the grief and tension can be eased by a relevant but off topic anecdote, about a similar incident, or similar crime. This usually happens more during the long, empty waiting periods between more evidence being revealed.

It it very easy to just roll and scroll if one is not interested in a particular post. Takes about a hundredth of a second to do so...JMO MOO

BBM for focus: I really appreciate the way you expressed your thoughts here, KD23. Cases here on WS can be intense, frustrating, grim and often terribly, terribly sad. I think it's very healthy, and important, for there to be short breaks at times in the sleuthing "action" to allow the group members to decompress with a humorous aside or O/T observation. IMO, it's a healthy coping strategy.
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