Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #20

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I feel strongly now, that there is more than one person involved
If we determine the "Who" and the "Why', the timeline may fall into place.
People are assuming this is a predator who is working alone. Not necessarily
Anything’s on the table, that’s for sure! It’s certainly important for none of us to get “tunnel vision” here. (Not that anyone here is, I’m talking to myself really, lol.)
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It's certainly possible...and with the supposed LE comments re: returning home safely and doing homework late into the night, even likely that something happened during a second, separate trip to her mom's. The main issue I see with that is that the direct route she likely would have taken...W. De Moines to fairly populated along the entire route. So, if it did occur not during a run, but on a later walk to her mom's, it would seemingly point to a "friendly ride" over a stranger abduction.
A “friendly ride” because you’re a young lady and it’s “getting dark outside” seems one of the more plausible scenarios to me. MOO
Could it be that MT wasn't the intended victim, and that it was her soon to be sister-in-law who was the intended target? She was the homeowner and was about to be married. Perhaps it was a case of mistaken identity? Maybe a jealous woman who assumed the woman at the house was who she was looking for, not realizing she was away that night and another woman was staying there.
Years ago when I had recently purchased my first house, my car windshield was smashed overnight by someone who thought the previous homeowner was fooling around with his wife and was still living there.
If you forcefully took a person, what would you do with the phone? Wait until final destination, throw it out along the way and if so on side of road or in creek/river while going over a bridge, or keep it, or keep it with person that was abducted?
If you have a phone in that town how close physically to its last location could you get and can you tell when and where it was turned off? I would think that the general location it was turned off would be where they would throw it out approx. if thats what they did.
Since it was turned off I believe that the suspect/s were aware of the phone/fitbit and new it would track them and how it would track them. How to stop it from tracking them. That makes the percent chance of it being someone younger and tech savy higher than say a person raised in the "before cellular years" say in the 60s, 70s 80s. I would guess this person born later 80s ,90s or later. Just a guess.

The only reason why a perp wouldn't throw it out on the street, immediately after the abduction or leave it for LE to find would be, her last communication/text/call/messages were to/from the perp and it would need to be destroyed by the perp to eliminate this evidence. So known person vs. stranger is more likely if there is no phone found.

If that doesn't make sense to you.. another example, think about ppl who overdose on drugs, typically their last communications on their phone before they die was to/from their dealer setting up the transaction and meeting place. They take the lethal dose immediately after the transaction and who was the last to see/hear from them? The drug dealer.
Stormy 21- your post regarding some SK's keeping newspaper clippings of the stories of their killings resonated with me and made me remember a very curious incident that happened when I was in my 20's living in Bremerton, WA.

I was a very trusting and naïve young girl at that time and but for the grace of God, or naïve good luck, I got into some crazy situations but never had anything really bad happen to me. I look back now and seriously shake my head at myself!

I met a man, probably at a bar, because I used to go out dancing all the time back then and even go by myself. He asked me out and our "date" was to meet for a bite to eat at a local diner type place.

I drove there and met him. He had a big scrapbook with him and in it were newspaper clipping after clipping about the murders of a couple who had disappeared off a ferry. I even remember him telling me that "it was someone they met on the ferry on the ride over that they befriended and thought was a nice guy" I thought it was weird. I thought the whole conversation was super weird. He seemed obsessed with this couple.
So it gets even weirder...while we are sitting there (and by the way, we never ordered anything, he showed me this book right away) a guy walks in..its his friend! His friend joins us...and the guy I met acts like this was the plan all along. Like, here she is, I told you about her....needless to say at that point, I say I have to leave and I did.

Never saw or talked to him again. Never thought much about it, but I always felt that I dodged a bullet.

Now come to find out, I am pretty sure it was this guy- and I think his friend was in on this...or knew of this...

A genealogy website helps crack another cold case, police say, this one a 1987 double homicide
Amazing story, thanks for sharing, it’s all so amazing, the advancements in forensic technology...we are in the new “GoldenAge” of DNA, Parabon, Snapshot, familial DNA, genealogy, etc etc (credit for that term “GoldenAge” (reference to EARS/ONS Golden State killer) goes to someone else in the CO cold case double “hammers murders” just cracked Bruce....wait omg there was a PC scheduled for this morning...ahhh..heading to thread)
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What time was the sighting on Des Moines? Do we have that information? I can’t see her on Pershing and Des Moines bear the same time, if she was seen in Des Moines after she was seen in E2nd she then could have possibly finished her loop, was in cool down mode and was walking in her running gear to her moms.
This article was published July 31: Mollie Tibbetts search: 'We are not giving up on any possible leads'

Neighbor DC, a retired maintenance director for the Brooklyn-Guernsey-Malcom school district, told The Associated Press that he was interviewed by investigators who told him that data from Tibbetts' Fitbit showed she jogged past his home that evening and made it home from the run safely. He said investigators told him she was doing homework on her computer later that evening.
Investigators can say anything to get to the truth. If this story is true and the investigators were truthful, it's possible she made it home but was NOT alone. She never got to the point of showering and changing her clothes or if she did, those clothes with her digital gear was removed. To me this doesn't change the who, only the minor details of the where.
Sarah Beckman‏ @SarahBeckman3 21m21 minutes ago
Rob Tibbetts is out at the state fair today, telling people about his missing daughter, Mollie. @weareiowa5news interviewed him, watch at 5&6 for full coverage and updates on her case.

I'll be heading to the fair this weekend. I wonder if he'll be there again, since it goes till the 19th. It's definitely a good place to get the word out. I really feel like LE has no leads whatsoever at this point, or the family wouldn't be going to the fair asking for leads. They really think she could be anywhere.
Yes, she had to run N/S somewhere, I just skipped all of that mumbo jumbo because we have no idea where to start. She could have went on Jackson, Mills, North Orchard St., etc.

It is hard to map out an accurate running route based on the info we have now, especially considering she liked to run long distances up to 45 mins.
There was an account posted of her being seen near the funeral home on Jackson. Not sure if it said she was on Jackson, but the funeral home is near the intersection of Jackson and Pershing.
This article was published July 31: Mollie Tibbetts search: 'We are not giving up on any possible leads'

Neighbor DC, a retired maintenance director for the Brooklyn-Guernsey-Malcom school district, told The Associated Press that he was interviewed by investigators who told him that data from Tibbetts' Fitbit showed she jogged past his home that evening and made it home from the run safely. He said investigators told him she was doing homework on her computer later that evening.

I don't get it. If investigators could reveal that information to DC, why couldn't they reveal it to the public in their PC?
What time was the sighting on Des Moines? Do we have that information? I can’t see her on Pershing and Des Moines bear the same time, if she was seen in Des Moines after she was seen in E2nd she then could have possibly finished her loop, was in cool down mode and was walking in her running gear to her moms.

You have to remember, these are eyewitness accounts and they are all giving estimates...did the first guy see her at exactly 7:30? Most likely not...probably between 7:15 and 7:45. Same goes for all the other have to assume 15 minutes at least on either side. It's not like they saw Mollie and looked at their watch...they were trying to remember after the fact what time it was. So, there is really not any sense in getting too hung up on the points along her jogging path and the times, if you ask me.
I couldnt DISAGREE with you more.

Being a LE employee, for over 30 years.
I have made several posts defending the intregity of the on-going investigation.

It is not amateurish, IMO. You have to
Have knowledge of crime investigation, and standard procedures, to understand.

Disturbing to me, that so many people, on this site, "liked" this comment. I doubt the person posting this, has any professional investigative experience?

To form such a conclusion, about the quality of this investigation, is baseless, IMO.

**** Some people on this thread, have lost the focus of this investigation. Hopefully, finding MT alive. Taking "cheap shots", at LE, is misguided at best.

I base my opinions on fact, and not mere speculation.

By and large, citizens expect members of LE to be dedicated, well-trained, diligent in pursuit of facts and truth and relying on decades of broadly-accumulated experience in the profession. I expect we'd all agree that covers at a minimum, 95% of LE. But, we must remember they are *human*, and humans make mistakes no matter what the profession so we must account for that fact in any investigation.

That being said, we are not privy to much of what LE knows, has done and are doing in this case. Even what we *think* might be facts have not been set in stone because this investigation has kept the public at distance regarding facts... to a near-ultimate degree. That tells me something. That the extreme veil of silence leads me to thinking a possible theory, that lead agencies in this investigation have not ruled out one of their own (in a broader sense) as a potential suspect. Keep in mind MT's library incident. This is an outlier theory, but possible, none the less.
I have a lot to catch up on and I'm new here, so I'm going to repost something probably a million people have posted. Sex traffic angle? Agree/Disagree? I feel like the FBI/local authorities would share more of a timeline if it was, but at the same time maybe they don't want to scare people??
The only reason why a perp wouldn't throw it out on the street, immediately after the abduction or leave it for LE to find would be, her last communication/text/call/messages were to/from the perp and it would need to be destroyed by the perp to eliminate this evidence. So known person vs. stranger is more likely if there is no phone found.

If that doesn't make sense to you.. another example, think about ppl who overdose on drugs, typically their last communications on their phone before they die was to/from their dealer setting up the transaction and meeting place. They take the lethal dose immediately after the transaction and who was the last to see/hear from them? The drug dealer.
Mollie typically put her phone in an armband when she jogged. It may have taken the perpetrator a while to get it away from her.
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