Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #21

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What I found interesting about that, was in the comments someone asks if the issue is resolved and would they post it. The county states calls for that time frame will not be posted. I took that to mean ever.
This going missing never to return thing: makes me think that the first step I'll do next time someone is missing is go straight to that person's town's police call log & do a screen shot....
Plus a girl might have gone off reading books or went to the BR. I really don't see the connection?

Agreed. I think the sentiment is that if it were not a legitimate police officer, it could indicate someone who was fixated or following Molly. But, I think this could be determined by police. If there was a call, there would be a log. And like I previously mentioned, other people, such as library staff, would have been aware.
I honestly believe the incident at the library is unrelated. It may sound odd but it really isn’t. My daughter went with us a year ago for a holiday dinner. She was 20 at the time. A waitress stopped her in the buffet line and was concerned she wasn’t with her parents for quite some time. Turns out the waitress thought she was 12 and couldn’t apologize enough for the mix up. Apparently some people are not good at figuring ages....that’s all.
Also, if she was wearing a pink coat and is 5'2" as someone mentioned, that might cause someone to think she is younger than she is.
She went missing on a night that all THREE roommates were gone. Not a coincidence IMO. I still say this is someone who knew her and knew they would all be out of the house.

And as I said before, no running items have been located. She never made it back from her run.

Keeping it simple.
Early Thursday morning but
This link works:
New theory in search for missing college student Mollie Tibbetts

From the video, we hear that "if someone came to her door", the absence of a struggle implies that she may have recognized that person. That's not exactly earth-shattering. The interviewee does not allege that anyone is a suspect, or that a co-worker is in any way connected to Mollie's disappearance.
Also, although the absence of a struggle is very telling, if a perpetrator threatened her with a gun and told her to put the dogs somewhere, I have a feeling she would have been compliant and done whatever he told her to do. That is the only other situation in which there may not have been signs of a struggle.
So, what can be discussed?
One individual, a farmer, was discussed for dozens and dozens of pages; but another possibility cannot?
I don't get it.
WC has been in the papers, has been interviewed by the police. That's why we can discuss him. If the person you want to discuss has not been named in the mainstream or by law enforcement we cannot discuss him.

Hope that clears things up
<modsnip: snipped reference to quote that was removed>

IF someone was playing the long game, a stalker type and approached MT in the library under the pretext of a lost child, it may have been a way to establish they were a "safe" person, i.e. law enforcement, campus security, etc, so when the opportunity said person was looking for presented itself, such as her being alone for the week, there was a certain level of trust already established. She may also have seen this person later on campus and exchanged greetings, chatted or whatever, without thinking a thing of it.

I'm still leaning towards a stalker, either one she knew peripherally or one known to her, but in a "safe" sort of way. Since her SM was open, it would have been fairly easy to track her general movements.
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Oh, I forgot that they said her glasses were left at home. Maybe she DID go on a jog, then come home and the Snapchat WAS from her boyfriend's house (but he was so tired that he couldn't get a good visual so to speak of her Snapchat she sent). Someone showed up at her house and she answered the door. Maybe it was someone she knew well and trusted them. Maybe the dogs were making all kinds of noise, and she locked them up because she thought this was a friend and like I said she trusted them. Maybe when she got back from locking the dogs up they subdued her (could have even been something like chloroform on a rag right at her door and so quick that no one would ever notice). But then I would THINK someone in the neighborhood would have saw all this happening (they would see an unknown vehicle drive up to her house or in the neighborhood). MAYBE also the unknown black SUV could have been the vehicle that showed up at her house.

AGAIN it could have been someone stalking her all along on social media and they KNEW she would be alone and jogging that day because they knew her routine. MAYBE she was late that day and that witness DID see her jog pretty late by his house. But I would think if she was jogging late at night she WOULD need her glasses (and her glasses were found at home). So I am still leaning toward someone showing up at her house that she knew and they subdued her so fast that she didn't know what was happening. If there was no signs of a struggle then she must have knew the person (and trusted them) and didn't feel threatened. Maybe it happened fast enough for no one in the neighborhood to notice.

Maybe he grabbed her right at her door and put her in his vehicle and took off as soon as he grabbed her right outside her house. Then he could have came back later that night (since it would be dark and he would hope no one would see him) and found the Fitbit, headphones, red shirt, and phone. I am thinking he KNEW about the red shirt because he either worked with her or he knew everything about her from following her on social media. He may have forgotten about the glasses. She probably didn't have the glasses on when he kidnapped her because she was just in her house and didn't need them. I know I don't wear my glasses when I am in my house most of the time. I only need them to see up close (that's the only time I wear them--when I am watching a movie or doing something up close like homework). He could have purposely planted the shirt on WC's property. Then he could have purposely synced the Fitbit and phone with his property to make it look like that's the last place her phone and all pinged at and wanted to make it look like she WAS jogging when she was kidnapped (if you can even do that--not sure if that's possible). Maybe the person who kidnapped her still has her headphones, Fitbit, and phone (he probably has it all turned off now so he can't be tracked--he probably took it to WC's property so it would sync there and destroyed it all right then so there would not be traceable to anywhere else). He could be trying to frame WC.

This person could have known MT for a LONG time and gained her friendship (and she trusted him) so that he could wait for the perfect moment to take advantage of her. He probably had had all this planned out (like framing WC) all along. Premeditated. That's also WHY he knew everyone was out of town and she was home all alone. He had the timing perfect. Makes me think he COULD be tech savvy like someone else said on here, for him to be able to sync the Fitbit and all to WC's property to make it look like MT's last ping was at that location. I don't know, because I don't even know if you can do that or not. If you can't then I am probably wrong. Just grasping again at straws here.

Just all MY thoughts on that.
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To all of you, thank you for educating me on walking while wearing my earbuds. I love to listen to podcasts as I walk. Although I remove them when I cross an intersection, I plug them right back in once I’m on clear sidewalk and ready to power-walk.
Life is too precious to risk being caught off-guard due to being unable to hear what’s going on around you.
So, I’m still gonna walk. I’m just gonna soak up the songs of the birds and greet the runners who pass me.
After the murders of Karina Vetrano and Vanessa Marcotte, I really changed my running habits. I wear old school "over the head headphones" at a VERY low volume. If I do wear an "around the ears" style buds, I run with one out. I used to run on alot of very secluded trails and now run mainly on paths in town or on a treadmill at the gym. I always have my phone in a small pack around my waist and more than one app is tracking my run. In my hand is pepper spray.
Her family has to hope it was someone she knew...the idea of a stranger means she is very likely never coming back. Their hopes are not based on knowledge, I almost guarantee it. It may be the case that she knew the person on some level but not that she went willingly...I think grabbed while running seems most likely from what little we know. Jmo
Oh my gosh, please let the pc release more details. All this guessing is torture. I am about to look the lady up a few threads back who claimed Mollie having three sets of double consonants in her name was a very telling clue and see how that panned out.
She went missing on a night that all THREE roommates were gone. Not a coincidence IMO. I still say this is someone who knew her and knew they would all be out of the house.

And as I said before, no running items have been located. She never made it back from her run.

Keeping it simple.

"No running items..located". That's important. A person not returning from exercise on the street suggests something nefarious in town or just outside.

Stalker? I would think one could pick out a stalker in a small town. Unless you are not paying any attention.

Drive-by? Maybe, but she was in shape. Likely could out-sprint any old guy chasing her. She looks like she can handle herself with a swift kick.

Trucker? Like you don't see that coming.

Someone known to her? Pick you up for a soda? Let's talk? Something funny going on and we need to discuss? Now that sounds like the sort of 'vanish without a trace, no struggle' episode.

Hit and run? Only if the perp were really stupid and on probation.
Take this for what it's worth, as it's just an anecdote, but I live in a city surrounded by cornfields, rural areas, and rural highways. Part of my drive to work every day is on the 55 MPH rural highway. In warmer months, I would say on average once every week or every other week, I see someone running on one of these roads (different people--not the same person). They run against traffic and in the gravel area just off the road before you get to the grass/ditch.

I always assume they are people who live out in the country and want to run from home rather than drive into town. IDK, like I said this is a personal anecdote and doesn't necessarily mean anything about where Mollie would or would not have run, but I have seen it happen before and somewhat regularly. This is always daylight/daytime.
Happens all the time. Well, often.

There was a bad outcome like that in Waterloo a few years ago. A Texas physician with a wife and 4 kids started hitting on a 20ish lab tech. He was in state for a 'locum tenums'. Resulted in a nasty murder suicide.

Something with a married man is entirely possible. Those situations always end badly. Sometimes in violence.
When people feel "their" territory is threatened, anything can happen.
I speculate Mollie had a friend from college she would occasionally have sex with, who took the relationship far more seriously than Mollie did, who would not take too kindly to her ending it or finding out that she has a boyfriend...

I speculate she was picked up after her run by said friend, she breaks up with him or tells him she's in a relationship, and he responds with violence, killing her by accident in a fit of rage. Maybe he punches her in the face and she falls and hits her head? He freaks out and hides her body.

It would explain why the dad might think shes alive: he may of known of this relationship and, probably in denial, assumed her daughter ran off with him. That super long phone call she had with her dad before she went missing might have been about the trickiness and regret of being unfaithful to her boyfriend.

I don't think she is the type to be dishonest to her boyfriend like that behind his back, and I believe her dad keeps saying she's alive because who wouldn't think that if their child was in this situation. Also, the long conversation between a child and parent who have a good relationship is normal. They enjoyed each other's company discussing multiple topics.
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