Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #25

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I noted in the press conference that search warrantS have been served. It's not easy to get a search warrant, you need probable cause and articulable facts to get a judge to authorize a search warrant. The language in the PC was very deliberate and their tone over the past 3 weeks, more so lately, has been very controlled.

No, sorry. That was my own interpretations based on what they did say. It's my opinion only... Reading between the lines and having "some" experience in investigations. Didn't mean to confuse.
Regarding search warrants: A while back I noted that a lot of the land surrounding Brooklyn was likely to be private property. The farmland might be owned by corporations. In order to search these private properties, LE would need search warrants. So my interpretation is that they are serving search warrants to some of the landowners, farm or otherwise, on the outskirts of town.
For the sake of argument, let's say she got hit by a vehicle. Occupant(s) is 'put' in the position that it would be less dangerous to throw MT in the trunk than it would be to call LE (driver has a record, etc.). Driver/occupant- by necessity now- have to take the chance of abducting an injured or deceased 20 year old, because to do otherwise, in their book, would be to run an even bigger risk of harm to themselves. Driver might be local, might not. Likely local to Iowa, I'd say.

I'd also say that at that level in the game of whatever criminal enterprise the driver's in, he/she knows the contingencies. He's thought several steps ahead. He knows what he'd have to do if such a scenario ever unfolded. He knows because he's thought it through, just in case. That night, the case came, and he did it.

Let's say, hypothetically, someone I know in Des Moines had their own meth lab. Accidents happen, no matter how carefully you cook. He thought ahead. The day came. With substantial burns on his body (later treated at UIHC), he still managed to fire up the grill & throw frozen meat on the kitchen counter. He took the vodka out of the freezer then chugged. LE arrived to find a drunk man in the midst of an very unfortunate barbeque mishap. He's so drunk, all he can do is repeat, "I was gonna cook the ribs, it blew up". But before LE pulls up, he's already gotten rid of the beakers & chemicals, every last trace, in a trash bin across the street.

Why? Because he thought it through. He knew what he'd have to do, & he did it. Did he see prison *again*? No. No he didn't. He wasn't going back for a life sentence this time. He was sure of that, oh yeah.

What type of criminal activities and who the local players are- if this was not a SK or stalker- is what I am, at this point, interested learning more about.

I feel like I'm duty bound as a defense lawyer to chime in and say if any of you are ever in a car accident with a pedestrian please immediately call the police and report it. If it was a true accident you may not face any charges. If you kidnap someone or steal a dead body, you are going to be much worse off.

Though I watch LivePD and you know when someone starts a high speed chase over a turn signal the guy definitely has 10 felony warrants and probably has a suitcase of cocaine in the trunk. So I know what you mean feralwriter. You're not envisioning a boy or girl scout.
So many posts ! I think LE and FBI need the community's help ! Teamwork ! I think they may even have samples of DNA but no records to associate with.
Help !! From people in town and out of town..
Wasn't there a special sports event that evening.. Young guys ?
Person not too fond of family member of MT ?
Collateral revenge ?
Mothers, Did your boy act strange these days ?
Neighbours, Did you see anything weird about those around you ? A sloppy neighbour cleaning his car all day ?
Wives.. who may have a husband whom they doubt ? May be very prude.. About young girls and maybe about MT ? Or opposite ?
Sisters, brothers, friends.. Anyone close trying to hide ? Hide feelings about MT or hide somewhere ? Someone you did not hear from since ?
So many questions.. But it is now in the hands of communities around.. IMO
I think LE and FBI have SOME info, but need us.. Mm.. not great help here though..
I am curious why they are limiting the hours to 10 PM. It makes sense to have an expiration if LE knows that she left the area at this time. How could they know this? Have they figured out the original send time and place of the Snapchat to DJ at 10 PM?
I'd say that the digital analysis probably shows Mollie going radio silent on July 18 at 10 pm forward. Probably completely out of character for Mollie not to engage in SM in the evening, and probably several friends came forward that they sent Mollie communications Wednesday that she did not respond to which was out of character for her (and most 20 yr old students).
If you rule out a perfectly executed abduction, then the option that leaps to mind again is that she went out to get high with a casual acquaintance (or two--or one and his girlfriend), maybe sitting on the hood of a car or truck in a remote area, advances spurned, anger turns to rape and she gets strangled or choked out, panic ensues and a solo or joint coverup. If it's someone local, she could be stuffed in a freezer until things calm down (not wanting to leave a trace, but not prepared to engage in a dump or digging a grave while high at 12AM), and the carwash used to cover up any latent evidence that might have shown a fight or her presence ("she's a fighter"). That might explain why they don't think it is an SK.

In terms of a POI, it could be that they can't narrow down because this person is older (think Wooderson in Dazed and Confused) and maybe someone on the low end of the economic ladder who doesn't carry a cellphone--so not an obvious digital footprint. Other alternative is that a couple of people met to get high (multiple correlatable tracking footprints), but split in different directions after something went bad, and they're not sure which one is involved and are hoping to get one to do the right thing to break the case open. That may explain divergent paths and multiple locations--you clean the car, I've got to ditch this Phone/Fitbit in a different location.

Solo, flawlessly performed attack seems less likely than a duo who have some familiarity with MT and a mutual desire to cover up what might have been something between an accident and a violent attack.

Wow. That would not have crossed my mind, still not, doesn't seem possible, respectfully.
Devils Advocate here: if they have potential persons of interest, couldn't they cross reference their IP addresses and see if there's an unusual level of interest? Say a POI who claims they aren't following the case and then thousands of views from their IP? I know there are ways to mask your IP but assuming the person is not very sophisticated and just logs on from home.

I ask because I can see the IP addresses of the people who view my professional website and I am a sick competitive person so I always look through to see how many times a specific competitor views my site when we put up new information.

Good points, and thankfully I know a bit about what you are trying to get at, and my answers:
- What is a "usual" level of interest? Everyone here was hammering the site when it first went up. I assume everyone here will be checking the site regularly for updates. Is that unusual? I'd say yes, it's certainly not normal for most of the population.
- "Say a POI who claims they aren't following the case and then thousands of views from their IP?" There are lots of technical reasons why this traffic may not be what it appears to be. You mention IP masking, I assume you mean VPNs, which isn't technically masking but just re-routing your request.
- "I know there are ways to mask your IP but assuming the person is not very sophisticated and just logs on from home." Using a VPN is actually dirt easy. You download software, run it, that's it. I used a VPN when I worked overseas to check email. I'd say installing a VPN is as difficult as surfing the web.
As far as 5-10pm, I think LE knows she was taken while running and is allowing time either side of 7:30-8:30ish for any cars that may have been seen in her running routes during that period that stood out. I think they have ruled out her working on computer later on and determined she sent the snap chat earlier. But...jmo
If LE had a specific car in mind...hey we are at four weeks, they would say “a gray car was seen” and we would like to contact the driver is late in the day to be playing mind games, hoping locals will pick up subconscious hints...the general public is not crime obsessed like many of us, knowing what to look for etc...if LE has any clues they need help with, it is past time to spell it out. Many perps have been caught driving the same vehicle once LE put out an alert for it.

I don’t understand the lack of searches, to include the public or outside search groups. Many missing people are found on organized searches. I hate the feeling that right now the focus seems to be more on the elusive perp than where Molly might be, and evidence is being destroyed if she has been deceased this whole time. I can’t even see a reason for the perp to be especially worried right now...all JMO of course.

BBM. Me too, unless they have solid proof that she is no longer in the area.
Am I allowed to link to a Reddit post? Someone posted an image of the D & M Car Wash that shows what appear to be 4 white cameras on the outside of the car wash.

I hope the LE has video from the car wash. If possible. The problem is that many places have dummy cameras — cheap decoy cameras, usually placed so that they are highly visible, which act as a fairly good deterrent.
What is an "unusual level of interest"? If it's someone local or relatively local, would it be unusual to be nearly obsessed with this case? If this happened in my back yard, I certainly would be and it wouldn't mean I did it. So even if they suspect someone, I don't think seeing them checking the site would really be all that meaningful.

It's a data point. If the person says they have no interest in the case and don't even know who the girl is, yet they have 682 visits to the site when the average across all IPs is 3, I think that's a valuable data point. You can then ask the person about it. It would certainly throw someone off guard.
It's all wrong so there is no place to start.

There's no rule saying that government can only keep track of incoming IP addresses on a .gov domain and not an .org domain.

Keeping track of IP addresses? There are probably hundreds of thousands of people who have visited the site, just to view information on a case with major news coverage. You seriously think the cops are going to look at every IP, get a subpoena from a judge where the justification boils down to "this person went to a website we publicized during a press conference about a missing person whose case has been on national news", not have the judge laugh, not have the ISP laugh, then do what, go find Granny who is "concerned about that young girl who went missing in Iowa" and grill her at the police station about where she was on July 18th? Maybe do good cop-bad cop?

BBM: PaulR, while I agree with you that it's hard to envision LE trawling through hundreds of thousands of IP addresses in this case, I'm going to go slightly O/T here and predict a time is coming in the not-too-distant future when this type of sweeping data pillage will be standard operating procedure. Our society is becoming increasingly and frighteningly Orwellian. To quote Winston Smith in "1984": "Down with Big Brother." JMO.
Very simple page.... I don't even do computer programing, nor build websites, yet this is so basic it's sad. If there is a tracking unit on that page, it's not included in the code.

I don't think I've seen a .gov site recreated by officials in a missing person case. Any one else??

It was definitely set up very quickly by someone. One of the spots on the map maybe has details, but it hasn't been properly linked if it does. Another one has a broken link. very basic and sloppy. My guess is that the page will go down briefly at some point for them to upload a fix. There's the obvious which is the street she is living on. They are interested in the car wash either because of body damage or cleaning up from hauling a body and the truck stop. I have no idea what the other 2 dots represent. I think you would have to be a local to have an idea.
Some of the roads are small and narrow and probably not well lit in the evenings. A driver could have been intoxicated, sleepy looked down at a text message or phone call hit her her and panicked but If that’s the case I would think there would be some blood on the road. Perhaps that’s why LE asked about the car wash. Could have been a young or adult unlicensed driver. LE needs to look at list of DUI offenders living in the area. At this point folks it could be anything.
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