Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #28

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Hopefully we can politely agree to disagree. I agree with you in some ways, but it seems you are asking us to have blind faith in LE. When LE is so tightlipped all we can evaluate is the results....after 4 weeks they think a POI is a single, divorced or widowed male. Disappointing. The performance of the FBI and LE needs to certainly be looked at; it seems that this case is getting away from them.
BBM (Bolded By Me, LOL) I just want to point out that the source for there being a POI who is a single, divorced, or widowed male is a rag that is not permitted to be used as a source on this forum. Credible sources have NOT quoted LE stating that as fact. As to the rest of your statement regarding the performance of LE and the FBI, I prefer to think that they are working diligently to solve this case. This case is more complicated than most for various reasons; 1) the crime occurred in a rural area with few security cameras, 2) the boyfriend was ruled out very early on (as were her family members), 3) no obvious POI, 4) lots of private farmland to search.
The ignore button is certainly an option. But I think it is a mistake to utilize it. Though you may disagree with someone's position, content, or manner of presentation I think it is important to be aware of such. Choosing to ignore someone or information you disagree with just increases your own rigidity.

People fail the actually think before posting in most cases. I mean how many posts have there been on a certain piece of cloth found at a farm that is not related...
Question for runners only: Just how sweaty - gross are you after a run?
I wasn't being sarcastic at all and never have been in all the years I've been a member WS. That's not my style.
I don't need to go back and read it again because I've already done that twice.
I referred to the back and forth because I've read all those posts.
I never disputed the known facts.

Let's leave it at that.

I meant I was being sarcastic when I said the known evidence was two secondhand accounts. There is zero evidence that she returned to the house. There is some evidence (and I am not saying evidence means it 100% happened that way, because evidence can be misleading for a multitude of reasons) that she never returned from her jog.
Welcome “Truthisfreedom”.
Great insightful info & thoughts.
I strongly disagree regarding the randomness of this crime though.
I think it was very much a random crime of opportunity.
I don’t think Mollie was an intended target, I think she was targeted randomly by a previous rapist/ sex offender. This previous sex offender may not be in CODIS though if this is his first abduction.
I think “randomness” is evident by lack of arrest of any local “suspect”/ parolee/ registered sex offender in the immediate area.
I just think he isn’t the right guy.
I think this perp was hunting for a victim and Mollie was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or even more possible- very much like the Morgan Harrington case- perp saw a spontaneous opportunity and acted on it- rather than trolling for a victim.
I’m not thoroughly convinced that Mollie was snatched during her jog rather than early the following morning though or possibly after the rains started in the middle of the night.
I see NO evidence that snaps on Snapchat are indeed saved to a server. I believe wholeheartedly -100%- that MT’s bf opened a “good night” snap that Mollie HERSELF sent while back at his house after her jog.
FBI is UNABLE to retrieve the photo. I would be surprised if they can’t confirm it was sent though. Per bf saying his 7:30 am “good morning” snap to MT was unopened she went missing before 7:30 but not necessarily before early morning.
I’m honestly a bit miffed by detectives asking for witnesses in the circled spots for limited evening hours and not a wider timeframe.
This leads me to think that POSSIBLY the circles are tracking WC’s device- or another suspect signal- not MT’s devices necessarily.
Per Mollie’s dad- the dogs were in “great shape” when he saw them after her disappearance.
They should have some idea- based on amount of dog poop/pee in basement- how long the dogs were alone when first person entered the house after Mollie disappeared to relieve them.
If there was NO MESS there’s a good chance she went missing later -we’ll-trained labs can hold their load for 8 hours or more.
If there was ABUNDANT MESS she went missing earlier in the evening not the following morning.
This reminds me very much of the Vanessa Marcotte case in the fact that an astute officer had an eye out for the suspicious vehicle (in this case eyewitness placed black SUV near area of the crime) THEY NEED WITNESSES TO PLACE PARTICULAR VEHICLES IN THE CIRCLED AREAS.
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Just because LE states publicly that someone is "cleared" does not mean that they are cleared by any stretch of the imagination. It is no more a truth or lie than any other statement. I wouldn't be surprised if they came out and said folks were cleared as a favor to the family or to keep sites like this from being intrusive. If LE was honest about their suspicions we would probably have this solved by now. I will just wait 10-20 years for the documentary to expose this. I should try to be more positive for the rest of the day :)
Does anyone here think it makes sense that she was taken near the house on her way back......say someone was laying in wait at the TPI parking lot. They close at 4:00 and suuposedly the cameras were out so it would be easy for someone to loiter there until she returned. That would make sense as to the theory she never went back inside the house.
and the missing articles are evidence of that.

This is what's tripping people up. We are using terms loosely. That's it. If you out there, dear reader, want to use terms closer to their legal definitions, go ahead. But not all will adhere to your specific definitions. That's fine. It's a public website of pure speculation. Yes, it's preferable to go from facts on the ground. Not all are going to do that. That's why we have the ignore button.
BBM (Bolded By Me, LOL) I just want to point out that the source for there being a POI who is a single, divorced, or widowed male is a rag that is not permitted to be used as a source on this forum. Credible sources have NOT quoted LE stating that as fact. As to the rest of your statement regarding the performance of LE and the FBI, I prefer to think that they are working diligently to solve this case. This case is more complicated than most for various reasons; 1) the crime occurred in a rural area with few security cameras, 2) the boyfriend was ruled out very early on (as were her family members), 3) no obvious POI, 4) lots of private farmland to search.

Keep in mind, along with all you stated, that as far as we know and as far as I believe...they don’t even have a crime scene. No victim (not fully known that she didn’t leave on her own) + no POI (as far as we know) + no crime scene = trouble solving. IMO
I admittedly watch way to many real life and tv/movie drama who dunnit murder mysteries, and something that keeps crossing my mind is the reality that this could be something as simple as she saw something she wasn't supposed to see, brings to mind the store vandalism, maybe that wasn't all that was intended but it got stopped by a witness, or a drug deal , or hell even a well known member of the community seen romantically with someone who wasn't there spouse this is all a stretch I know but we quite literally have nothing to go off which makes me wonder if this could be someone who doesn't fit the profile because it was truly a wrong place wrong time crime. This isn't my theory just shower thoughts, and of course JMO
I don't think anyone has brought this up. I am going to mention it anyway. Was Mollie really into social media? I am also guessing that she was always on her phone which was connected to social media. I am starting to wonder now if this perp was following her ONLY through social media (and she didn't know him at all--stranger). Maybe the same thing happened in the Evansdale murders and Delphi murders. I can't remember if in the Evansdale murders if the girls were on phones and whether or not they were on social media or not.

I know a while back this guy was following one of my friends' friends and she got scared because he was in the state (not far from her) she lived in. I am a member of several forums online because I have chronic illness. Well, this guy apparently became a member in all those groups just to stalk women. Then he followed this one woman (didn't even know her personally) through her digital footprint so to speak via her phone location online (or something like--I don't have a phone with wifi so I don't know everything about Iphones and such). Anyway this guy found out where she lived (this happened about 2 months ago) and broke into her gated community. Apparently from what I heard the cops never caught him. I don't know the full details, but I heard she was safe and nothing happened to her thank goodness. Then when the authorities (from what I heard) went into his Facebook page it was all fake (it was another guy's name, a completely different city and everything). So now no one knows where this guy is. He could STILL be in forums online under another fake name (and fake Facebook profile) and stalking other women under another Facebook account.

This guy COULD have followed Mollie not necessarily through HER Facebook account, but through a friend of a friend's Facebook account if the setting on her Facebook account were not locked. You would have to lock them (I have mine locked) so that friends of friends can't get into your account. But then there could be other ways probably to follow people on social media (I wouldn't know). Wondering how much Mollie actually broadcasted about her social life on social media?

I think I remember with the Delphi murders that the girls broadcasted (if I am not mistaken) that they were going on that trail that day on social media. People on Mollie's social media may have already knew Mollie jogged every day maybe through Facebook posts or something. Maybe somehow someone heard (through her social media) that she was going to be alone that night. And this perp found out.

Just a thought I had.
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Question for runners only: Just how sweaty - gross are you after a run?
Everyone is different. I don't sweat easily, I don't run very fast, and I live in a part of the country that is not hot, even in the summer. After my slow-ish run, I will be sweating on my face and back, maybe a bit on my arms, but I will not be dripping.
To my knowledge and please correct me if I'm wrong, LE publicly stated that the bf, his brother and her 2 brothers have been cleared. I don't think they mentioned anybody else.....I just want to clarify who they did publicly clear specifically.
I don't think anyone has brought this up. I am going to mention it anyway. Was Mollie really into social media? I am also guessing that she was always on her phone which was connected to social media. I am starting to wonder now if this perp was following her ONLY through social media (and she didn't know him at all--stranger). Maybe the same thing happened in the Evansdale murders and Delphi murders. I can't remember if in the Evansdale murders if the girls were on phones and whether or not they were on social media or not.

I know a while back this guy was following one of my friends' friends and she got scared because he was in the state (not far from her) she lived in. I am a member of several forums online because I have chronic illness. Well, this guy apparently became a member in all those groups just to stalk women. Then he followed this one woman (didn't even know her personally) through her digital footprint so to speak via her phone location online (or something like--I don't have a phone with wifi so I don't know everything about Iphones and such). Anyway this guy found out where she lived (this happened about 2 months ago) and broke into her gated community. Apparently from what I heard the cops never caught him. Then when they went into his Facebook page it was all fake (it was another guy's name, a completely different city and everything). So now no one knows where this guy is. He could STILL be in forums online under a fake name and stalking other women.

Just a thought.

This is VERY easy to do. With just a fake Facebook name someone can get your real name, phone number and address in about 30 seconds
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