Simple, perfect post.
I don't know what right they had to be "clarifying" any details about the investigation to begin with. They're not part of it to my knowledge.
True. But witnesses don't have to go on the news. That's a choice.
It was always bad advice to go submissively with a bad guy. Predators never rape or kill where they encounter the person. Going with someone or allowing them to transport you means death.
My dad taught me the Three T's.
Predators go according to a pattern:
Test: They test the victim. This can be something like crossing the street to cross the victim's path to see how they react. Whistling at them. Asking for the time or directions.
Don't pass that test. Men have no right to ever approach a woman alone for any reason. Ask another man.
Women and girls are socialized to be pleasing and polite. We have to change that. My dad taught me to be tough and aggressive in those situations. Example? A man attempts to approaches me in a parking garage. "Excuse me, ma'am?"
"Uh, no! Get the f..k away from me!"
I don't care that I may seem crazy or rude. I don't care how embarrassing it may be. I just "failed" a possible test and could've saved my own life. Predators don't want difficult victims.
Threaten: After you pass their test they will try to threaten you in some way. It can be a comment or it can be a gesture like invading your physical space. Don't allow this. Example: When I was young a man at a bar came up and was socializing with our group. He was leering at the women. He made some comment about "If that was my wife I'd smack her." That could be a threat. Sort of a message of his propensity for violence. My response? "If some man hit me, I'd wait until he passed out, I'd sew the top sheet and bottom sheet together, I'd get a bat and beat him to death."
I said this while leaning forward and making aggressive eye contact. All taught by my dad.
You stop a threat and they pick a different victim. With physical threats same thing. Don't let people invade your personal space. Get loud, aggressive and physical. Like the recent waitress who grabbed and threw a grown man to the ground after he grabbed her butt.
Transport: They will always transport you to another location, if they are preying on you (unless they attack you in your home). Don't let this happen. Ever. I'd rather be shot or stabbed where I might be found and possibly rescued, then put in someone's trunk, and tortured and repeatedly raped before being killed.
Never ever go. Period.