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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I am braced for a news conference that doesn't have a lot of new information. For those not following the case, the coverage of the presser will put the story into the news cycle...but for those of us following closely, I have a feeling the presser won't reveal anything new.

I hope I'm wrong and there is a bombshell of a development. That happens sometimes.

Thinking so much about Mollie has brought back a really old memory of mine. When I was 18-19, I worked at a restaurant on weekends. Sometimes I would need to take the bus there or home if I didn't have my parents car to borrow. One Fri or Sat night, after getting off the bus and walking like 3 blocks, I had to take my shoes off because there were killing me......and earlier in the evening, one of my contacts fell out, so I was truly half blind. Lo and behold, a car pulls up, but going the other direction/across the street. He stops and waves and says "Hey"....very friendly. I swear I thought it was a guy that I knew (Doug)....I thought, awesome, a ride home the rest of the way. So I approached the car on the passengers side and hopped in. It wasn't until I was IN the car that I realized it wasn't Doug....just some stranger with a similar car. I said, "Oh, I thought you were this guy that I KNEW".....now the car starts moving.....I said "My house is just a few blocks"....He complied with my directions, but as we got close to my house, I'm saying, "Stop, it's right here....stop!" He starts speeding up and went right past my house.....I guess he was getting a kick out of me being scared. Thank God he let me out then and I ran to my house and got safely in the door. I'm thinking how lucky I am, and praying the wrong person didn't pick up Mollie.
@gitana1 and JoJoJo (my quote went funky;) )

And I agree with both of you 1000% in this regard.
My sharing with truckers and drivers and others of all stripes is to get Mollie's picture and info out there. People do remember things that they casually saw passing thru a small town...it may prompt a memory.
It's a little more likely than a true serial killer/kidnapper on the loose. But we all know they prey among us every day. They strike like lightening and are gone as fast.
I too believe the answer is within the "area" where Mollie disappeared.
ETA a couple detectives not involved in any way in this case discussed it with me and at first glance they were concerned about a "serial", but on further inspection on the "40 missing" it does not seem likely.

Sharing with truckers and drivers is awesome. They see a lot.
LE absoloutely knows if she accessed her laptop and at what time!
Unless it wasn't Mollie who accessed her laptop.

Can't imagine there would have been time for that tho.

Then there's the Snapchat. IF sent by Mollie herself...and not while forced under duress.
It was my understanding that the farms that were searched were due to the owners freely allowing LE to search without requiring warrants to do so...Imagine doing a good deed like that and being paid back by people accusing you/your farm just because you were named as one of the places that was searched...It's so easy to have information mis-communicated and mis-quoted and that mis-information can do some real damage to reputations and peoples' well-being/livelihoods...

I mean it's not like they picked 2 farms 15 miles outside of Brooklyn at random and decided to swarm them with FBI, DCI and k-9 units. The first search started around midnight too. Something led them to the area. I definitely agree with not naming the farms or the farm owners at this point though, and I don't think any MSM has, although obviously it's fairly easily to find out who they are.

With how many misleading statements we've gotten I don't think anyone would be surprised if today they announce they actually did find evidence there but had to lie to protect the investigation.
I'm new here and this is my first post. I haven't been able to follow every post, so I apologize if this has already been addressed, but here is what I think the most important information is: They have the Fitbit info; the Fitbit tracks heart rate; the Fitbit tracks GPS; the Fitbit pinged at or near the hog farms. Hence, the big question is whether or not the heart rate monitor was still reading as active at the time the GPS pinged heading south of Brooklyn. My hope/hunch is that it was, and that is why LE is keeping things so close to the vest. Also, at some point did the heart rate monitor "spike," or did it stay steady? This will tell you if she was abducted or if she went with someone willingly because she knew them and was comfortable with them.
[QUOTE="gitana1, post: 14246135, member: 6459"]Well maybe that's what they're gearing up to do today.

But I keep going back to Katlynn Cargill. They knew what happened and who. Within days. But they released no info and quietly worked the case. Of course they found her body a couple days after she went missing. But they knew where to look.

It was until a few months later that there was an arrest. People were losing their heads over it. Just lambasting LE for being stupid and inept and refusing to turn the case over to the public (many of whom apparently feel they know more about how to conduct an investigation than LE).

But all all along they were waiting for forensic testing to conclude.

We shall see. Hopefully we will know more today.[/QUOTE]

It seems like initially we hadn't really heard much out of the investigation, local searches no real earth shattering things produced in the first couple of days. The FBI comes in and phone data/fitbit data/tip lead them to a local hog farm and they are searching it in the night, in the rain (according to a local on an earlier thread), in the not best of conditions for a hog confinement . I can't help but wonder if in the days following the disappearance any of those animals were taken to market or moved to another location as happens in these large confinements.
The next morning, Calderwood said her son, Tibbetts’ brother, texted his sister at 7:30 a.m. to see if she needed a ride home. She never responded.

Disappearance of University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts remains a mystery

Something just occurred to me that might've occurred to everyone else from the get-go, so sorry if this is not a new thought...

I've been assuming 'ride home' meant 'home after work', but now I don't think that's what he necessarily meant. Since she actually lived at home (I think) for the summer and was just overnighting at the boyfriend's to dog sit, her clothes, Etc, might have been back at her own home. When my kids have done house sitting they've still had to stop in at the house on the way to work to make their lunches, shower (they didn't mess with taking shampoo, razors, etc, to the other place for just a few nights knowing they'd be coming home to get their lunch stuff in the morning anyway), etc.

If this was the case, several possibilities exist.

- He didn't know if she had taken the next day's necessities to the bf's house or not, so he didn't know if she needed to get back home to get ready or not.

- Her red shirt might've been back at her own home and never at the bf's if she was keeping her clothes at home because she got ready at home.

- She actually does get ready at the bf's and sometimes other people give her a ride to work and she told him she'd let him know what her day's plans were the next day.

- He did mean 'home from work later in the day' and the brother wanted to know - early in the day - if the car was available to him all day long and his day was his own, or if he was free to make any plans he wanted because she had another means of transportation from a friend.
1 hr. 25 minutes

Actually, I believe it's happening at 1:30 CST so currently it's 2 hours, 10 minutes away.
Dad was trying to keep her case out there in a Nationwide broad cast. I was proud as a parent to see his strength and composure, I don't think I would be able to keep it together like that. Keep Mollies info out there !! And keep up the prayers for family and friends ! Guess we try to remain positive about "News Conference"
I agree it was reported both ways.

I can vouche that early on it was reported as a ride TO work, and when I went back to that same article I saw where they had changed it to say it was a ride "FROM work".

We all know the inconsistency of reporting has been really difficult in this case and that was one example.

Thats why there has been so many questions and confusion about this one topic about the ride. It was reported both ways and got changed from the very early reports.
Thanks, maybe I've only seen changed articles. But I still don't recall reading any that stated her brother asked if she needed a ride from work, either. I've read he did give her a ride, and then asked if she needed a ride home (from where not specified), but in the context of the articles, it was in relation to her mother asking if she was leaving the boyfriend's to come home for dinner.
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People are free to search all they want. Interestingly, her family and friends don't seem to be conducting any searches and they are 100% free to do so.

It's shocking to me that people think if a person isn't found within days, that means LE doesn't know what it's doing and the public should take over the investigation.

Again, her family have expressed total confidence in LE. How can we know better than they do?

Interestingly, her family and friends don't seem to be conducting any searches and they are 100% free to do so.

This detail slipped me by. I wonder why there is no activity (searching) from her family, BF..?
So they want the public to help but all we know for sure is her description and she was jogging somewhere between 7:30 and 8. There may have been a crime, there may not have been a crime. The public may be safe, the public may not be safe. Thanks for all the information there Mr. Rahn. I'm assuming they are giving the parents more info, but if I were the parents and that is all the info they were giving me, I would be so pissed and would have a private investigator.

Well they're not pissed. They are praising LE and have expressed their confidence. Don't you think they have far more to lose than you? So why should we be critical when they're not?
I'm new here and this is my first post. I haven't been able to follow every post, so I apologize if this has already been addressed, but here is what I think the most important information is: They have the Fitbit info; the Fitbit tracks heart rate; the Fitbit tracks GPS; the Fitbit pinged at or near the hog farms. Hence, the big question is whether or not the heart rate monitor was still reading as active at the time the GPS pinged heading south of Brooklyn. My hope/hunch is that it was, and that is why LE is keeping things so close to the vest. Also, at some point did the heart rate monitor "spike," or did it stay steady? This will tell you if she was abducted or if she went with someone willingly because she knew them and was comfortable with them.
I don't believe we are certain the Fitbit led them to the farm, are we? We know "a tip" did...be it data from the Fitbit, or a call or email to a tip line. I think LE has been vague about how they came up with the farm. I think we speculated it was her Fitbit data, but I wouldn't take that as fact.
Interestingly, her family and friends don't seem to be conducting any searches and they are 100% free to do so.

This detail slipped me by. I wonder why there is no activity (searching) from her family, BF..?

I don't know. Maybe because they know more than we think?

I feel like I would be, as a parent. Going door to door. Begging for info. Searching row after row of corn.
Asking people everywhere if they've heard of anyone acting strangely or missing work. Questioning her friends.

I know it's a needle in a haystack but I feel like I wouldn't stop.

Maybe they know something.
Do you recall the timeline for those snippets? Exactly when each was supposed to have occurred?

And this was all done by the SHERIFF? or was this going to be done by DCI team brought in.

As of when had every home in Brookly been visited - not searched - does that mean a grid search was not done?

Don't think I have to say anything other than JESSICA LUNSFORD ---

Do you recall the timeline for those snippets? No, but there are many articles about the searches and a timeline in one of them that has been updated with search activities.

Exactly when each was supposed to have occurred?
See answer to your first question.

And this was all done by the SHERIFF? or was this going to be done by DCI team brought in. I'm sure the sheriff had help. The articles are out there if you take the time to look for them. Many of them are posted on page 1 of every thread and also here in the media thread: IA - MEDIA, MAPS & TIMELINES - NO DISCUSSION - Molly Tibbetts,20, Poweshiek County

As of when had every home in Brookly been visited - not searched - does that mean a grid search was not done? I'm pretty sure this has been discussed. Are you familiar with the search function here? If not, there is a search bar at the top right-hand side of your screen underneath your Username. It can be very helpful when you have questions like these! :)
I mean it's not like they picked 2 farms 15 miles outside of Brooklyn at random and decided to swarm them with FBI, DCI and k-9 units. The first search started around midnight too. Something led them to the area. I definitely agree with not naming the farms or the farm owners at this point though, and I don't think any MSM has, although obviously it's fairly easily to find out who they are.

With how many misleading statements we've gotten I don't think anyone would be surprised if today they announce they actually did find evidence there but had to lie to protect the investigation.
YES YES YES! <modsnipped>but it really isn't important. Search a hog confinement, in the middle of the night, and in the rain I believe one local had stated, there was some type of reasonably credible evidence to be there.

<modsnipped rumor>
I have read that article. It does not say the brother asked if she needed a ride home from work.
From that article (also attached as screenshot):
The next morning, Calderwood said her son, Tibbetts’ brother, texted his sister at 7:30 a.m. to see if she needed a ride home. She never responded.
Are you interpreting the "ride home" as not from work? I interpret it as from work...Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 12.28.50 PM.png
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