Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #8

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I thought the same thing. I thought they were all out of town together.
All the articles for awhile, except maybe the first one or two, had them in separate places.

Wonder why still there? Police hoping it may flush out something/someone?
RSBM regarding the fake Facebook profile. Facebook is notoriously slow to respond to reports about face profiles and hoaxes...
It probably depends on whether the 'investigator' is FBI or just the local police. In small towns, people know each other and are quite likely to speak as friends in situations like this. It seems like protocol is what it is and is always followed, but when you're dealing with policemen / women who are neighbors looking for neighbor kids and they're people you sat by during hometown ballgames and whose homes you've taken your kids trick or treating... things are just apt to be far more familial and conversational than professional, especially if it's information that's common knowledge to the locals.
Always possible.
Oddly in that article (and other articles as well right now) is that they have the wrong first name for the fiance.

But this stood out ...

Why would investigators tell him about FitBit and her route or she made it home safely or even that Mollie was doing her homework later that evening?

I don't know what to make of that.

Investigators obviously are vicariously releasing information they deem appropriate to be in the public realm through others. That always gives them plausible deniability. If they're asked to confirm what someone else said, they can always answer "Sorry sir, we can neither confirm nor deny that." I doubt the family would have released some of the information they have without LE pre-approval. It is not an unheard of technique.
With regard to her leaving, I keep coming back to they would not be spending this much manpower if they didn't have reason to suspect foul play. She is an adult, she is not a danger to the community or a danger to herself (as in they have never stated she is a missing person in need of her medication, etc), if they truly had no reason to suspect an abduction they would not have PCs at all, they would have no need to have called in the FBI, etc. Adults are allowed to leave, sometimes the way they do it is crappy for the people they leave behind but it doesn't make it wrong in the eyes of the LE and certainly doesn't warrant coverage like GMA and PCs and what not.

I agree. It was a possibility to me at first but that possibility became dimmer after the FBI got involved.

Boyfriends brother canceled wedding.

“Blake Jack says the cancelled wedding plans are nothing compared to what the town is going through. ”

The Latest: Missing student had trip planned for wedding | WTOP

Wow. Made me tear up a bit. Good for them. I'm glad they made that choice.

Seems odd that LE would release that information to a neighbor and equally as odd that said neighbor would have any reason to be dishonest. So, maybe LE was intentionally dropping misinformation as a tactic?

This is baffling. Why on earth would LE tell that guy crucial info like that? And why would he reveal such info to the media?

It probably depends on whether the 'investigator' is FBI or just the local police. In small towns, people know each other and are quite likely to speak as friends in situations like this. It seems like protocol is what it is and is always followed, but when you're dealing with policemen / women who are neighbors looking for neighbor kids and they're people you sat by during hometown ballgames and whose homes you've taken your kids trick or treating... things are just apt to be far more familial and conversational than professional, especially if it's information that's common knowledge to the locals.

You may be right. Heads are likely going to roll for that one.
I'm glad the thread was temporarily closed (thank you mods) because it gave me the chance to watch the presser KARE 11 again and re-read through all your thoughtful posts. Nothing really changed or stood out for me except for at about the 18:30 mark when he says, " we cant tell you why Mollie is missing" and at 17: 20 when he exclaims, "We don't know where Mollie is at right now and I'm not drawing any conclusions." also, it is strange the way he expresses they are getting to know Mollie (at about the 15 min. mark) or trying to understand who she is and understand who was in Brooklyn that night.

I am taking LE at their word but do not understand their intentions. Very strange.
I thought the red shirt is still missing? Was it found?
It has not been confirmed found but it has dropped out of the reporting and descriptions in the posters.

Was that job considered an internship ? Just wondering about other possible interactions.
I don't think so. It was staff at a day camp for employees' kids and I believe it was at least the second summer she'd done it. Standard child care/ summer camp stuff.
Oddly in that article (and other articles as well right now) is that they have the wrong first name for the fiance.

But this stood out ...

Why would investigators tell him about FitBit and her route or she made it home safely or even that Mollie was doing her homework later that evening?

I don't know what to make of that.

I dont know what to make of all these latest updates either but am confused why didnt LE provide it when they just had a press conference. Why do we continue to hear most of the updates we need from others besides LE.

It almost sounds likes its being done on purpose by LE to allow others to speak for them. Its really bizarre.
That's really weird. Everything we've been told was that he was working a job in Ames not visiting his fiancée. Considering this is coming straight from him I assume this is true.

Doesn't really change anything or have any relevance to the investigation just more bad reporting it looks like.
I can't count how many cases I've followed here and elsewhere over the years, but I can tell you the journalistic integrity in this case is absolutely without question, the worst I have ever seen in my entire life. It's utterly mind-boggling and it makes it very difficult to follow the case at all.

That said, I do think that in sifting through all the mis-information a clearer picture is starting to emerge, as family and friends make more statements to the media... even if LE is intentionally being silent on the timeline.

I do believe there is an unnamed POI and LE is being very strategic on how they're moving forward.

All moo of course. Just based on the carefully orchestrated wording in the presser today, and the newest MSM articles.
Also, you would think had she run away, she would have brought something other than her phone, (phone charger maybe)? which has long been off, with her. The family reported a missing red shirt which turned out not to be missing. As a result, I believe the family would have mentioned items missing early on (before law enforcement advised them to keep quiet), if anything was actually missing.
Unless she ran off with a guy who promised to re purchase her everything she was leaving behind, it’s unlikely she ran away. Detectives would have clues who she ran away with, from digital evidence.
For me, running away is now off the table. It’s not consistent with her history, and she didn’t bring anything with her aside from phone and fit bit which she would have known not to bring.

BBM: Do you have a link for this?
Mollie would have needed another pair of contacts or her glasses by now, and that's not something you can just pick up in a dollar store or drugstore (unless she just needed standard reading glasses, which doesn't seem to be the case based on what I've read). If Mollie disappeared on purpose, she would have had to have a plan in place for being able to see.

Not saying this is a good thing, but my children pride themselves in the great lengths of time they have over-worn their contacts. Like the 2-week versions that they've kept in for four months, and then had the eye doctor tell them how awesome and healthy their eyes are (not knowing of their contact habits). Again, not saying that is good. Just pointing out that contacts don't turn into pumpkins at midnight the night they should be removed.
Neighbor Dave Collum, a retired maintenance director for the school district, said he was interviewed by investigators who told him that data from Tibbetts' Fitbit showed she jogged past his home that evening and made it home from the run safely. He said investigators told him she was doing homework on her computer later that evening.

Winker declined to confirm that claim at the news conference. He said investigators have a timeline but would not confirm or deny case facts so as not to jeopardize the case.

Collum said he often saw Tibbetts running in the neighborhood but didn't on the night she vanished. He has known her family for years and often sat near them during Mass at the local Catholic church. He said she's not the type of person who would run away, and that
he's worried she was the victim of a stalker or a random abduction. (bbm).
Mollie Tibbetts search: Boyfriend's brother says scrutiny directed at his family unwarranted

Understand, no witness or individual public statements will be confirmed by LE. Nonetheless, my heart aches for this community. Never doubted Mollie did homework -- no reason for Jake or Mr. Collum to fabricate this info. I stand with Mollie.
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Also thanking taximama24 whose post #453 has link to filmed press conference from today.

All conjecture & IMHO:
Wow it is an odd case.

I liked the presser & found all three gentlemen to be astute.

Low reward money & lack of urgency in presser plays to perp.
I think a lot of intensity due to the fact that Mollie is basically “squeaky clean” all-American, normal, but very special, hard-working, much loved.
I don’t sense an affair or non-loyalty to her bf in any way, shape or form.

My feeling is that press conference definitely aimed toward perp and possibility that she is being held & they will find her alive. Praying this is the case.

I don’t feel there are any signs of a struggle at the home.

I think she was walking to get car early am in rain & was going to return to bf house to pick up anything else she needed for work & to put dry clothes on before driving to Grinnell.

No accusation during presser & case sensitive to perp who may be acquaintance or admirer.
They don’t accuse him/her of kidnap....

Mollie did NOT leave on her own quite obviously. They are reconfirming this by going through all her social media messages/ searches and such.

They found her pink sports bra etc in dirty laundry very likely.
They know if red shirt was there or on her body. They know if/ when she showered that night possibly via water meter etc.
I’m confused by plea to ask for tips Re strangers on night of 18th in Brooklyn when I think morning of 19th MUCH more likely.
This may be to throw perp a bone? Or they think she was stalked/watched maybe.

I think it was a complete coincidence crime of opportunity myself.

ANONYMOUS perp was looking for victim & happened upon Mollie or perp happened upon Mollie then perpetrated a crime bc of opportunity.

They know if she disappeared from the home very late night or if she started walking toward her mom’s house in the morning rain and was possibly picked up in a vehicle.
They are looking at locals, those who live in general area but not Brooklyn & they are considering stalker scenario & even extravagant kidnap for hire- request for type and age (like hypothesis on Madeleine McCann case) -trafficking
THEY KNOW 100% this was NOT her immediate family or boyfriend or his family. They have been ruled out.
I’m personally sticking with “wrong place/wrong time” possibility that she was picked up in the morning pouring rain by someone who she knew or didn’t & this was a crime of opportunity.She entered the vehicle willingly due to pouring rain then it went south.
Registered sex offenders sometimes travel hours away to commit crimes. Previous admirers, ex boyfriends are likely being ruled out. Perp may be “beyond possible suspicion” & possibly even temporarily “ruled out” (like Hannah Graham/Morgan Harrington case) but quite local/ or familiar with the area.
Again this post is ALL IMHO- my own speculation.
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