Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *ARREST* #33

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" understands that Rivera was doing seasonal work for a local dairy farm in Brooklyn.

He lived with a number of other migrant workers on a secluded farmhouse in Brooklyn owned by their employer.


Rivera has been living illegally in Iowa for between four and seven years

Law enforcement arrived at the property at around 3pm Monday afternoon according to a neighbor.

FBI agents were still searching the house and a number of nearby trailers on Tuesday afternoon.

Neighbors said the building housed a ‘revolving door’ of hired migrant workers but that they had never caused any problems.

Workers associated with the farm told that they barely knew Rivera but confirmed that he lived there with a girlfriend named Iris Monarrez and their baby.

They said Iris had gone to stay with her mother after Rivera was arrested in Mollie’s murder.

FBI agents attended another nearby property belonging to the farm overnight Monday to quiz Rivera’s co-workers, most of whom claim only to understand Spanish.

‘There was a panic when they arrived because they thought at first that it was ICE launching a raid,’ a local source told

‘A lot of these people arrive with forged documents. But it turned it was the FBI and it was about Mollie.’"

Ugh, he was currently living with his girlfriend and baby.

Another heartbroken family.
Strange how the focus of many people here is on immigration status, which literally has no bearing on whether a person is likely commit crimes (and in fact, undocumented immigrants have a much LOWER incidence of crime, percentage-wise, than legal citizens.) You know what is more of a correlative, for example? Gender. Men are far more likely to perpetrate murders like this. Bizarre that this isn't the focus of those trying to beat the immigration drum. Should we put monitors on all men because of the "man problem in the country", where a percentage of them are violent? It's just weird that people are using an incidental detail about the killer to make this political, when there are many other identifiers about him that are more related to crime. He had guns, for example, as evidenced by his FB photos, something which actually DOES make someone more likely to commit crime, as opposed to immigration status. Weird that nobody is yelling about that as the problem but is zooming in on an irrelevant fact. This is a tragedy, and the immigration status of the disturbed perpetrator has absolutely nothing to do with the case. So it would be great if people stopped blaming it for Mollie's death.
How do you go 4-7 years without being pulled over? I get tickets every few years. How do you even purchase a car? Registration of vehicle? Paycheck? I have so many questions about this whole situation.
Not everyone gets pulled over every few years. Undocumented people often work for American business owners who usually pay in cash. That's where they get money to buy cars. I don't know the laws in all states but in CA you don't have to show citizenship documents to register your car.
Read more than half of the threads here and you'll see the pattern of.... sexual rejection, angry man, violence.

My feeling on this case (some evidence to back it up) is he had seen her running before, saw her this night, and made a move an atypical sociopathic male might do (not a typical male who may have some anger issues about rejection) and thought it would be good idea to pull over his car, stop, run alongside her/behind her, scaring her enough for her to threaten to call the police, and then get mad. It’s that kind of thinking I am wondering about. It’s not typical angry guy behavior about being rejected at all. Does that make sense? Just my opinion, in the end.
If someone is a criminal and is not supposed to be on the streets; it is infuriating when they cause harm to innocent folks. This could be because a judge was too lenient, there was a legal technicality, or because of political pressure. In most murders we try to dig deep to figure out why. The reality is that there are regions where the moral fabric of society has been torn.
It would be remiss not to take into consideration that he was brought up in a culture with very different views of women that many of us are not used to. Lots of sexual and domestic abuse. It’s why so many Mexican women flee their homes. To me that speaks more than whether he was legal or illegal. MOO and all of that.
I was just making a point. Several posters throughout these threads have made suggestions and acted as if LE should release every detail to them. This is why that shouldn't happen.
By the way, you can get a long ways in 24 to 36 hrs and LE may not have had this Information for long, but I bet they would have held out on it for however long they needed. And they should have.
I believe he may have had the local police department under favourites on his Facebook as a way to keep tabs on the investigation, to see if they were close to catching him maybe. It was also said earlier on in the investigation that they think he may have attended the vigil for Mollie, this leads me to believe he was at least an acquaintance of Mollie in some way, or again, a way for him to keep tabs on the investigation. JMO
That was the strangest press conference I have ever seen. Either that, or my expectations were out of whack. I expected the agenda to be like this:
- Spokesperson comes out, says that a body was found in the early morning hours.
- Spokesperson states that they've tentatively identified the body as Mollie's.
- Spokesperson extends heartfelt condolences to the Tibbetts family and Mollie's friends.
- Spokesperson thanks everyone who worked so hard over the past month to find Mollie.
- Spokesperson gives some background about the investigation to include the surveillance video provided by the neighbor.
- Spokesperson says that thanks to that video, they were able to track a suspect.
- Spokesperson announces that LE has detained and arrested a suspect, and
- Lastly, spokesperson gives suspect's name and states that suspect led them to Mollie's body.

No... He announced the arrest and was outta there in 20 minutes.
I thought he did a great job....
And twenty minutes is a long presser...stare at a clock for 20 minutes.
Or... There are BILLIONS of men on the planet who go through their days, years and lives without ever raising a hand to a woman, or harming women at all.
But, of course, the numbers don't fit your misguided agenda. And, using the death of this young woman to tout your theory is vulturish at best.
Here's the truth... Most men that I know would have gladly used their "toxic masculinity" to beat this punk into a puddle to have protected MT, or any other woman, from the fate that we're learning of today.
Plato said... A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he has to say something.

the poster isn't talking about most men. of course most men don't do this.... they are saying that in cases of a crime, a higher incidence is men preying on women.... yes, women also prey on men.... yes, most men are not bad. its out of context.

now lets focus on mollie.
Again, I don't believe in being defeatist. I think it's a trap to think if a woman doesn't have "enough" of some kind of training, she'll likely lose. I have a different mindset as I live my life.
Do you think that women are physically as strong or stronger than men? I'm female and I know that no matter what I do, how strong I get, I'll never have a chance fighting off a man with intent to harm, unless I use lethal force (which I refuse). <modsnipped>There are some things that just are what they are. This is one of them.
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I agree with this advice, in general, but it wouldn't have helped Mollie to scream for help on a deserted country road, in fact she may have screamed for all she was worth, and no one was around to hear or see him harassing and then attacking her. From what LEO said in the PC today, he stalked her on her run, was laying in wait picking a location that was isolated and no one would/did see or hear anything.
Does anyone know if it was that dirt road in Sharon Needles video, that he pointed out, before road to her moms house and car wash on right? I know they mentioned the road but not sure if that's the road that leads to Grinnell or another road. Sorry if this question is annoying but I can't find a map that shows this area. If anyone can provide a decent map of the area with the roads labelled I would appreciate it! At one time there was one I could see pretty well but can't find it.
Not everyone gets pulled over every few years. Undocumented people often work for American business owners who usually pay in cash. That's where they get money to buy cars. I don't know the laws in all states but in CA you don't have to show citizenship documents to register your car.

It's been almost 8 years since I've been pulled over.
Not everyone gets pulled over every few years. Undocumented people often work for American business owners who usually pay in cash. That's where they get money to buy cars. I don't know the laws in all states but in CA you don't have to show citizenship documents to register your car.

And maybe he didn't own the car he was driving. He could have borrowed it.
I believe he may have had the local police department under favourites on his Facebook as a way to keep tabs on the investigation, to see if they were close to catching him maybe. It was also said earlier on in the investigation that they think he may have attended the vigil for Mollie, this leads me to believe he was at least an acquaintance of Mollie in some way, or again, a way for him to keep tabs on the investigation. JMO

Good thinking!
This thread is making me so sad, as a woman who won't ever know what it's like to walk down the street without worry about how I am presenting my sexuality, as a person whose family came here before recorded history & then some who came here in the early 1500s, many of whom essentially enslaved the other 1/2 of my family who were already here...and as a human who is trying to honor a 20 year old woman who I will never know, but could have been a friend to in my younger years. This is is too much. People need to stop projecting and realize why we are all posting here. For Mollie. Honor her, how you think she would wish to be honored.
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