GUILTY IA - Tracy Tribble, 35, Council Bluffs, 3 May 2006

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SewingDeb said:
I can't find a link to the husband's arrest...maybe because it's the weekend.

Maybe I was dreaming but I would swear that is what I heard on TV. Maybe Nancy will cover it on Monday. I could be does happen at least once each year...LOL.
SewingDeb said:
Bobbisangel's post says she heard the husband was arrested. No links that I have seen to that effect.
Hi SewingDeb,
Stan Tribble has prior arrests for domestic violence charges.

Maybe that is what was heard pertaining to the arrest of the husband,prior arrests.I did not hear anything either about a recent arrest.

... Council Bluffs Police Sgt. Jerry Mann said that the investigation is ongoing and that no charges have been filed.

Police say Tribble's husband, Stan Tribble, is their only "person of interest" in the case, but he is not a suspect.

Stan Tribble was arrested in October 2003 and accused of aggravated domestic assault after police saw redness on his wife's throat. Against the advice of the Pottawattamie County attorney's office, Tracy Tribble asked not to pursue the charges, prosecutors said. In April, Tribble again accused her husband of assault. Charges in that case were filed May 11...
Tribble Case Not Yet Called Homicide

POSTED: 11:17 am CDT May 22, 2006
UPDATED: 11:57 am CDT May 22, 2006

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COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa -- Council Bluffs police are waiting for lab results in the death of Tracy Gostomski-Tribble.

The 35-year-old's body was found Friday along the Missouri River after she had been missing more than a week.

Investigators said they did find signs of a possible injury, but as yet they are not calling the case a homicide investigation.

---I added the emphisis above ---
Also - there was not enough text to "snip" it. Here is the link though

... Tracy Tribble was last seen by her husband at 6:30 a.m. on May 3 ...

... In April, Tribble accused her husband of assaulting her. Charges in that case were filed May 11 by the county attorney’s office. Authorities said Tribble had been grabbed, poked and punched, with bruises on her throat, chest and arms. She refused medical treatment for those injuries.

Does it mean anything that these charges were filed 8 days after Tracy was last seen or is it just procedure that ended up taking so long, going beyond her missing date even?
dark_shadows said:
Hi SewingDeb,
Stan Tribble has prior arrests for domestic violence charges.

Maybe that is what was heard pertaining to the arrest of the husband,prior arrests.I did not hear anything either about a recent arrest.

Thanks dark_shadows. She disappeared after an argument with her husband...Bobbi may be foretelling the future.
Bobbisangel said:
Maybe I was dreaming but I would swear that is what I heard on TV. Maybe Nancy will cover it on Monday. I could be does happen at least once each year...LOL.

Apparently he was arrested on charges from April (eight days AFTER she disappeared) so that may be what you heard. Who knows, maybe you are foretelling the future as far as an arrest in her death. He would be the first one looked at.
concernedperson said:
Steve's article on the missing. Absolutely touching.
An interesting comment by "Emerson" below the blog entry. Here's part of it:

"Interestingly on (it has now been changed to In Memoriam), it states that she died on May 2nd. Reports are that she was last seen alive by her husband at either 6 or 6:30AM on May 3rd. I assume the family knows that Tracy was already dead on May 2nd however. Just going by typical domestic homicide stories I assume that Tracy was killed during the evening or night of the 2nd and her body was taken to the location where she was found under the cover of darkness. Then comes the classic early morning sighting by the husband and so on." - News Archive - Search Warrants Executed In Cases Of 2 Women

Above is a link to a news page that has a video news story on the top right side of the page. The video discusses Tracy and another missing woman, 19 year-old Jessica O'Grady.

Among other things, the reporter says that this is the second time the home of Tracy and Stan Tribble was searched. The first time was May 11th - 8 days after Tracy disappeared and the same day that charges were filed against Stan for his April assault on Tracy. The reporter also states that several bags of evidence were collected and an SUV was towed from the home.
New info regarding Tracy - husband SAYS she talked of suicde, but she was found with a fractured face and missing teeth.... hum.... so do you think she punched herself??? right..... Police say the fracture came from a significant blow to the head.
and police seized vehicles from the residence of her husband and also a waterbed liner that was in a garbage can....
Ya gotta shake your head at some of these spousal murders(if that is the case). Smashed face and teeth....not a good suicide attempt. Water bed liner in the trash.....don't they know about forensics at all?

The husband seems to have the rage issue going since he has already assaulted Tracy once that we know of.

I certainly hope an arrest is imminent.
amom said:
New info regarding Tracy - husband SAYS she talked of suicde, but she was found with a fractured face and missing teeth.... hum.... so do you think she punched herself??? right..... Police say the fracture came from a significant blow to the head.
Just awful. Here's a link to an article with the details you've mentioned: - News - Warrant: Tribble Spoke Of Suicide

... Tribble and her husband, Stan, had a fight before she disappeared. He told police that Tracy may have taken her own life. Stan Tribble told police that his wife had talked about suicide.

Tracy Tribble's body had injuries when it was found. According to a search warrant, the left side of her face was fractured and several teeth were missing. The medical examiner said she was possibly struck by a fist and or an unknown object...

The case is not yet considered a homicide, but investigators told KETV NewsWatch 7 that they are waiting for additional autopsy results before they decide how to classify the case. (This has to be a formality, IMO.) - News - Friend Talks About Tribble's Last Conversation

... "The day before she disappeared she was in tears and everything," she said.

Harkin said Tribble was having marriage problems.

Harkin worked with Tribble at AAA, where Tribble had just started a new job as a customer service operator. She doesn't believe Tribble would take her own life.

"And she was planning stuff. People who are suicidal don't make plans for the future," Harkin said...
Daily Nonpareil - Search warrant: Tribble's face fractured

... Stan Tribble told officers that the couple had been fighting recently, but he said that it was always verbal and he never touched her...

During the warrant search on Monday, detectives searched the couple's two vehicles and the home "looking for teeth, hair, fake fingernails belonging to Tracy Tribble."

Officers were also looking for any indication of a struggle in the residence or the vehicles resulting in DNA left behind. Several items were taken from the home during the search, including pillowcases, bedding, a waterbed bladder and lining and one of the vehicles.

Pottawattamie County Attorney Matt Wilber said that until his office has received the formal reports from the medical examiner, he is not commenting on the investigation.

Wilber did stated that although he knows the physical findings of the autopsy, without the formal reports he has no way of knowing the cause of the injuries or the manner in which they were inflicted.

"Getting from point A to point B is not that easy," he said.
JerseyGirl said:

... Tracy Tribble was last seen by her husband at 6:30 a.m. on May 3 ...

... In April, Tribble accused her husband of assaulting her. Charges in that case were filed May 11 by the county attorney’s office. Authorities said Tribble had been grabbed, poked and punched, with bruises on her throat, chest and arms. She refused medical treatment for those injuries.

Does it mean anything that these charges were filed 8 days after Tracy was last seen or is it just procedure that ended up taking so long, going beyond her missing date even?

I'll bet I can tell you why the charges weren't filed until after Tracy was missing.

Police and Prosecutors really frown on women who are abused and then refuse to file charges afterwards. Tracy did this, in October, I believe when it was obvious that she had been abused. When abuse happens again police and the Pros tend to just drag their feet because they are irritated at the female. It's interesting that those charges weren't filed until after Tracy was missing.

My daughter did the same thing as Tracy the February before her death. Then in Aug her ex held her in her apartment all night, beat the heck out of her, broke her nose, hit her over the head with the butt of his gun giving her a concussion, hit her in the face with the lower part of his hand
3 times and raped her. The detective and some of the police in our tiny town didn't have any sympathy for her. She wanted to press charges and wrote out a statement. The bottom line is her file sat on a detective's desk for 6 weeks UNTIL SHE WAS DEAD. The detective said that he was to busy to take it to the Prosecutor's office. He also said that he didn't believe that the Prosecutor would have pressed charges anyway because my daughter would have just dropped the charges after all of the work the Pros put into the case. She wouldn't have and if he had been jailed it might have saved her life.
As it was I feel that they gave him permission to do anything he wanted to her.

I wonder if by LE in Tracy's town filing charges 8 days later they are covering their butts knowing that the husband probably murdered her.

I think that is the mind set of many LE officers and prosecutors. They don't have a clue about battered women syndrome and a lot of them don't care to learn either.

I am so sorry for your loss and what your daughter went through. I'm glad to say that in our jurisdiction - if there is a mark on any party in a DV case - an arrest is made and prosecution will take place - even if the victim recants. We are fortunate to have a whole area in the DA's office that tracks all incidents of DV and educates police, judges, etc on DV. Our women's center does a great job. And even with these advantages death and injury still occurs. DV is so devastating and crosses all socio-economic boundaries.

I'm just glad that at least here we are making some progress. Until there are no more cases - it is not enough. Prayers to you.

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