Found Deceased IA - Xavior Harrelson, 10, Montezuma, 27 May 2021

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Every ounce of common sense and basic "gut feeling" in me wants to say these latest events are completely bogus. ...but darned if they don't leave enough of a window of opportunity and possibly unlinked corroborated story to make me wonder what might turn up next. (I feel a little like a kid watching a favorite show where the narrator encourages us to "tune in to the next episode to find out if..." ... the Lone Ranger will triumph, Batman will save Robin, or Lassie will save Timmy from the well.)
I had followed Mollie's case closely thru the time they CBR led LE to her body. But I did quit following the events of the trial so I guess I'm not sure how the witnesses & dependent appeared as they presented their facts. I am still more than curious about how well the reporting inmate and other reporting party have been vetted to ensure they don't have any kind of connection or even 2nd, 3rd, or even looser common associates who might be driving their reports. Also, just what would be the motives for making these reports? Are they trying to lessen their own sentence or in some way benefit themselves? Or do they have some reason to try to help CBR? Or could they just have some need to wish ill on JL?

Error! Such a mess.
Every ounce of common sense and basic "gut feeling" in me wants to say these latest events are completely bogus. ...but darned if they don't leave enough of a window of opportunity and possibly unlinked corroborated story to make me wonder what might turn up next. (I feel a little like a kid watching a favorite show where the narrator encourages us to "tune in to the next episode to find out if..." ... the Lone Ranger will triumph, Batman will save Robin, or Lassie will save Timmy from the well.)
I had followed Mollie's case closely thru the time they CBR led LE to her body. But I did quit following the events of the trial so I guess I'm not sure how the witnesses & dependent appeared as they presented their facts. I am still more than curious about how well the reporting inmate and other reporting party have been vetted to ensure they don't have any kind of connection or even 2nd, 3rd, or even looser common associates who might be driving their reports. Also, just what would be the motives for making these reports? Are they trying to lessen their own sentence or in some way benefit themselves? Or do they have some reason to try to help CBR? Or could they just have some need to wish ill on JL?

Error! Such a mess.
Wow Just Wow! I have no words
i hate to broach this possibility, but is it possible it is like this situation? (see link) this was my friends younger brother, a neighbor groomed him by letting him play video games then progressed to CSA. he had a previous conviction. after it had been going on for awhile the boy told the pervert he was gonna tell his dad so he killed him "because he didnt want to go through that again".

Death penalty case called off
That is such a heart breaking case! There has to be a better way to control and/or stop SOs. I think penalties should be much harsher!

I don’t know where to go with this information.
Ummm… Me either, and apparently the court system also… One thing is clear, the Judge is taking no chances… Mr. Lowe ( using that VERY LIBERALLY to maintain Websleuths terms of services) , Is the only one that knows exactly where he is going….
Every ounce of common sense and basic "gut feeling" in me wants to say these latest events are completely bogus. ...but darned if they don't leave enough of a window of opportunity and possibly unlinked corroborated story to make me wonder what might turn up next. (I feel a little like a kid watching a favorite show where the narrator encourages us to "tune in to the next episode to find out if..." ... the Lone Ranger will triumph, Batman will save Robin, or Lassie will save Timmy from the well.)
I had followed Mollie's case closely thru the time they CBR led LE to her body. But I did quit following the events of the trial so I guess I'm not sure how the witnesses & dependent appeared as they presented their facts. I am still more than curious about how well the reporting inmate and other reporting party have been vetted to ensure they don't have any kind of connection or even 2nd, 3rd, or even looser common associates who might be driving their reports. Also, just what would be the motives for making these reports? Are they trying to lessen their own sentence or in some way benefit themselves? Or do they have some reason to try to help CBR? Or could they just have some need to wish ill on JL?

Error! Such a mess.
Agreed, however, search warrants require a certain level of unmitigated evidence… This one bears watching, waiting, and a full disclosure from all parties involved, voluntarily or not…
i hate to broach this possibility, but is it possible it is like this situation? (see link) this was my friends younger brother, a neighbor groomed him by letting him play video games then progressed to CSA. he had a previous conviction. after it had been going on for awhile the boy told the pervert he was gonna tell his dad so he killed him "because he didnt want to go through that again".

Death penalty case called off
That is such a heart breaking case! There has to be a better way to control and/or stop SOs. I think penalties should be much harsher!

That is a horrible coincidence! Doesn’t look good for that sweet little guy.
I’m trying to pin down the timeline here based on the documents the defense for Bahena filed (source: Inmate Claims He Knows Who Really Killed Mollie Tibbetts — And It's Not Cristhian Bahena Rivera ) It is very odd.

  • Defendant rests his case May 26 1:30-2pm
  • “Shortly after” this the defense is approached by the prosecution with info “that they themselves had just been provided”: the DCI had been contacted by someone from the Iowa Department of Corrections. That same morning, May 26th, an inmate had contacted his prison chaplain about the case, saying another inmate had previously shared details of the case implicating JL which he hadn’t believed until he heard Bahena’s testimony.
  • The inmate was interviewed by the associate warden and another officer at 1:15pm May 26 for approximately 20 minutes.

Here’s where it gets really weird. On May 29th, the defense received another report from the county sheriff’s office.

  • On May 26 around 3:10pm, someone reportedly “unknown” to the inmate called the Poweshiek county sheriff to report that they had information about Mollie’s murder. They arranged for this person to come in for an interview at 5:20 that same day, where this person - highly emotional and possibly intoxicated - claimed that JL had told them he was involved with the Tibbits murder about a month prior.
  • Around 8pm the night of May 26th, Xavior and his mother have a fight.
  • The afternoon of May 27th, Xavior’s friend’s mom reports him missing.

So apparently JL was linked to the Tibbits case before Xavior went missing. I’m still skeptical of a link but if what the defense team is saying is accurate, it does poke a lot of holes in my previous theory, which was that someone who saw JL’s name on Facebook w/r/t Xavior concocted this story and tried to connect the cases because of their geographic proximity. I am just very confused right now. The document linked above does not name JL, but local news is saying that other documents filed by the defense do name him and give more details. If anyone finds these documents, please let me know.
If I was a betting person, my money would be that the
“ Highly emotional, and possibly intoxicated individual, Just might be, the previously very quiet SH
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Agreed, however, search warrants require a certain level of unmitigated evidence… This one bears watching, waiting, and a full disclosure from all parties involved, voluntarily or not…
I fully agree. ...and honestly, I find it hard to even say that. I had been so totally & fully against this story when it was originally posed that I...well, I just don't even know what to say. I still feel that this will all fall apart with some research. But then again is ask myself, will it? Arrgh!
What if the emotional, possibly intoxicated person was SH?
Sorry; I don’t usually just post another’s opinion. Late to the party today, responded to my alerts before I read the entire thread…
Wow… was it only a week ago, we were complaining about the lack of progress in this case? Today in Iowa we have had at least 3 thunderstorms, I don’t know weather the heavens have opened up , or the worms are coming up…
From mom's interview, it sounds like Xavior is not very stable on his feet due to a hereditary, muscular disability that he shares with his mother. I don't think he would leave home on foot voluntarily. :(
The same child that is not very stable on his feet is also the same child that is always riding his bike around the trailer park? Is that the same child that has multiple bikes? I know nothing about his muscular disability but does that make sense?
Sure it does… To me at least… The same way babies with no arms learn how to swim, children with severe physical birth defects can overcome all fear and enjoy summer camps designed for all; simply because they Are kids, they think they can and they do! They have not yet been jaded by this cruel and unfair world that we live in, where people lose hope and give up… My bones are old, they pop, snap, and crackle each morning, but I can only hope my mind will always be as resilient and brave as a child…
Every ounce of common sense and basic "gut feeling" in me wants to say these latest events are completely bogus. ...but darned if they don't leave enough of a window of opportunity and possibly unlinked corroborated story to make me wonder what might turn up next. (I feel a little like a kid watching a favorite show where the narrator encourages us to "tune in to the next episode to find out if..." ... the Lone Ranger will triumph, Batman will save Robin, or Lassie will save Timmy from the well.)
I had followed Mollie's case closely thru the time they CBR led LE to her body. But I did quit following the events of the trial so I guess I'm not sure how the witnesses & dependent appeared as they presented their facts. I am still more than curious about how well the reporting inmate and other reporting party have been vetted to ensure they don't have any kind of connection or even 2nd, 3rd, or even looser common associates who might be driving their reports. Also, just what would be the motives for making these reports? Are they trying to lessen their own sentence or in some way benefit themselves? Or do they have some reason to try to help CBR? Or could they just have some need to wish ill on JL?

Error! Such a mess.

Amen. Either both of these cases just got way more complicated, or BR hired a much better team of storytellers.
If true, and if Xavior has fallen into the hands of traffickers, all this renewed interest in X could make keeping him a liability for his kidnappers.

This concerns me greatly. I hate to consider the consequences.

I knew this was going to be an ugly one from the start and here we are.

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Just caught up on this new development last night, and oh my gosh. I followed Mollie's case pretty closely for a while. It's so crazy to me that there may be a connection here. Also makes me feel sick. Just wow.
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