ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 52

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I would guess that the knife sheath would be near the first person killed...unless it fell off the suspects belt loop later, but doubtful. I'm sure someone has asked and this is circumstantial because you probably can buy a Marine Ka-Bar places, but were BK or any of his immediate family in the Marines?
Probably fell out of his pocket?

He was in highschool marine core or something like that. Sorry no idea why this bolded lol

The third time Mortensen opened her bedroom door to a far more terrifying sight: “a figure clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person’s mouth and nose walking toward her.” But the masked man just walked past her and left the home from the back sliding glass door as she just stood there in “frozen shock.”
If DM saw this guy creeping through her house at 4 AM, why wait so long to call police?

Also, all I read in there re:DNA was they took DNA from the family's trash in PA and matched it to the DNA on the knife sheath. I saw nothing in the PCA about geneology so what were all those articles talking about?

The DNA in the knife sheath came back as a match to his dad. That seems to be the only genealogy connection.
I'm starting to wonder if the motive was just wanting to murder anyone.
I am too... JMO - he didn't receive adequate responses to his survey so he needed to experience it himself. But why them? Possibly females (not as physically strong), sleeping?? We may never know the "real" motive.

Also wondering if LE retraced his steps after the murders - I am wondering if that trip was when he disposed of weapon, clothes, etc.
Unless we were in "her shoes" at that moment - we have no idea how we would react in that same situation. My opinion only -IMO we are in no position to judge her actions. She is not the killer - she is a victim. I would do nothing but extend grace to this child - she has a hard road ahead without the media and internet questioning her actions - JUST IMO
Your response is on target and many people keep asking. There is no real mystery. Up until 1:30 AM then a good 7+ hrs would be 8:30-9:30 AM plus a little laying around 10:30 AM. The realization that a roommate was not responding to call or txt .. then 11AM OMG ... Call friends for support ... Then 12:15 ish you should call the police...
The thing is, we just don't know how someone else would react in such a situation.

Earlier this year while on vacation in Mexico there was an incident at our resort where I thought an active shooter was present. People started running and screaming. I have never been so scared in my entire life (and I've lived for 50 years)! I grabbed my purse and I ran as fast as I could out of the resort. It turned out to be nothing, but I learned a lot about myself and how I would personally react if I truly felt my life was in danger. Some people freeze with fear, other people stay and fight, and the remainder run!
I totally agree
I don’t think she needed to play hero and I’m not even wondering why she didn’t call 911 right then and there. But maybe at 5am once she was certain he was gone?!?! I mean shouldn’t she have checked on her crying roommate. Now, she may have been afraid of what she was going to find. Probably afraid to go up those stairs. Afraid to leave her room. I get that too. CALL 911!!!! I just don’t understand why she didn’t call 911. Maybe she was afraid he never REALLY left the yard? And if he heard sirens he’d come back to kill her??? I’m just so confused by this. If that was the case I’d call 911 and whisper and demand they come and save me like a ninja swat team in the night. No way I’d just sit there like a sitting duck terrified wondering what that masked man just did to my crying roommate and what he might do to me next. Poor thing! But still i can’t figure out where her mind was.

I don’t think she could have saved anyone by doing anything differently. Maybe? Maybe if she yelled police are on the way he would have left sooner. We still don’t know who he killed first. Was Kaylee last? It seems she only heard Kaylee and or Maddie. Kaylie must have been talking to someone when she said someone’s here. Was it Ethan who said i will help you or BK being all creepy? If Kaylee and Maddie were the last 2 victims I don’t think Dylan could have saved anyone no matter what she did (assuming she was unarmed), BUT if she had called 911 right away that could have caught him sooner. Either way though he was caught.
Cell phone records in the affidavit indicated that his phone did not ping near the King Road residence around the time of the murders, but did ping indicating he was traveling in the general direction of Pullman to Moscow just prior to them. Then the pings stopped, then resumed about 10-15 minutes after the murders happened which was consistent with him traveling away from Idaho and back home.

It's a pretty clear case that he turned his phone off when he got near Idaho, then back on again as he was escaping. Phone shows him traveling on a path from Pullman to Moscow until 2:47 AM then does not ping at all anywhere until 4:48 AM when it pings again with him traveling in the opposite direction of Moscow back to Pullman.
It also, as others have pointed out, the records allegedly showed that he returned to the scene of the crime the following morning at around 9am. This was I believe before the emergency services had been called. If the perp did return, he must have been quite surprised, and perhaps calmed by the lack of activity as if it were a dream.
I can't believe the surviving roommate didn't call 911 when she saw a masked man leaving the house after hearing what sounded like crying and a man (presumably not Ethan, as I'm assuming she would have recognized his voice) saying "it's ok, I'm going to help you." Perhaps she assumed it was some kind of late-night rendezvous and wanted to mind her own business, but it seemed like she was startled when she saw the man leaving, so I'm confused as to why she waited to call the police.

It's also curious that a security camera outside of the house picked up whimpering and a "thud" followed by a dog barking loudly, but yet the surviving roommate didn't hear the thud or the dog barking (at least it wasn't mentioned in the affidavit)?

I'm not blaming the surviving victim at all as we don't know the full story nor do we know what the dynamics were in the house regarding spur-of-the-moment guests, but I can't help but think that if she had called 911 when she saw the man leaving the house, perhaps some of the victims might have survived and BK could have been arrested much, much sooner. MOO.
I’m wondering if the thud and barking would be the sounds she described as sounding like KG playing with her dog.

I am 16 pages behind, but I just finished reading the PCA. Wow, and utterly heartbreaking.

Side note - There were people who commented on the PA airplane being in ID on December 27 or 28. Good catch. After reading the PCA, that was likely the PA authorities delivering BK's DNA to ID.
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