ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Do you think this could be defense looking for other DNA on mattresses for deflection.
IMO but I would think if BK’s DNA is anywhere it’s on the sheets. Any male DNA on the mattresses would be um, likely from sexual encounters with boyfriends.
This was definitely not his first time there. He was stalking them per the affidavit (OK, so stalking is my word). The affidavit says it in this manner:

View attachment 393270

I think BK had likely been at the King Road house close and peeping about prior to the murders but as we discussed in earlier threads, 12 phone pings over a period of six months (June-Nov), all late at night except one, per the phone tower resources covering 1122 King Road are not so significant once you include all the take-out and grocery stores where BK was seen on surveillance (late at night) that are all located within 2 miles of the crime scene and all share the same ATT tower!
His area of study
You can, but it takes skill. If he had a bunch of random emails, etc. I’m certain his stuff could be lost. That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he didn’t even know the names of the girls. I think he targeted a house with easy targets - small, single women.
His areas of post grad study were listed as
- psychology of homicide perpetrators, and
- cloud forensics
i deleted my comment, I don't think it's odd wearing gloves to take out the trash, it's the 4am that's odd. But maybe not odd for him, based on his many trip to Moscow, it seems he was typically up at that time.

Not defending him in anyway as I do believe he's responsible. When I worked nights I did things in the middle of the night that seemed odd to day workers.

Again, not defending him. I just don't find wearing gloves to clean or take out the trash to be odd.
I don’t know. I’ve never in my life used gloves to take out the trash.
Isn’t he presumed innocent until proven guilty?
That's the presumption for the judge and the legal system. They public at large is free to express their opinion. My opinion is that his DNA, found on the knife sheath that held the murder weapon, which was found beside one of the murder victims, means he is guilty, IMO.
I’m still not convinced he did this alone.

A few queries from the PCA.

They refer to his car as suspect vehicle 1, is there a suspect vehicle 2?

Secondly, the PCA says Xana’s injuries were caused by an edged weapon, but the Ka-Bar was smooth?
We have been told each bedroom door has a number coded lock and each bedroom door automatically locks when closed.
Told that by previous residents of this house.
I‘m assuming any fully closed door was “locked“ unless the lock was broken.
"when closed"
So yes, having lived in such housing in undergrad and grad, usually, as in virtually all cases, the lock will engage automatically -- if the door was manually closed. Almost none of the time though would one see automatic door closing spring hinges on those inside doors.
So automatic locking, but manual closing would be needed.

I think good chance those doors were no closed and not locked.
I think maybe DM was in twilight sleep or something. Maybe she thought she was dreaming.

Hubby once said, "You did this and that last night".
I said, "No, you were dreaming" (I was actually awake at the time, so I knew it was a dream)

Apparently, he thought I had done some bizarre thing while I was sleepwalking.
So, it goes both ways I guess.

Right. I don't know for sure what DM's state of mind was was, but I can think of any number of possible explanations:

"Was that guy real or am I hallucinating? I should really go to bed now"
"That's weird. It sounded like [housemate's male friend] was down the hall, but that guy who walked by just now isn't him."
"Ugh, I really wish my housemates would stop inviting strangers over in the middle of the night. I'll talk to them about it later."

[to be clear, all MOO.]
However, 2 miles is a large distance in a city of just 7 square miles. Sure, he was likely in southwest Moscow...
However, that doesn't prove too much. It does establish further investigation and possibly lead to more warrants, but in court I don't know the data they have can be used to prove he was at their house.

Proof is a collection of evidence. They will use the cell data to show that he left his house in Pullman, drove toward Moscow and did something uncharacteristic, which is turn off his phone.

Then they have multiple cameras showing him inside his car (and only him) driving 4X around the neighborhood at 1122 King, at last disappearing from view as he approaches 1122 King Road, where he can't be seen on camera at around 4:02.

But no worries. Because this guy had a knife in a sheath with him, took that knife into someone else's house in the middle of the night; entered private rooms where people slept (committing a felony thereby) and his knife then stabbed 4 people to death. He left the sheath of the knife at the scene, with his DNA on it. An eyewitness sees a man fitting his description inside the house. Cameras reveal his car (with only him in it) leaving the scene, speeding.

He then drove in a circuitous manner back to his home, turning his phone back on just a few miles from the murder scene. He then returned to the scene a couple of hours later, again using a circuitous route to get home.

And there will be more:

Purchases, receipts, internet searches, changes in behavior pre- and post-crime, more camera video from businesses than we've seen yet.

DNA inside the car and especially the trunk - because if he took a backpack or any other container, he sure as heck didn't drop it at 1122 King, he took it with him. Personally, I don't think he took anything inside except the knife, in its sheath.

He cleaned up somewhere. I predict blood and DNA residue from victims in his sink trap (being processed right now) and possibly also from the shower drain. While he wasn't soaked in blood, his clothes did have some blood on them and by the time he spent almost an hour getting home, his skin was in contact with the blood too. As was the carpet around the control pedals of his car - we already know the murderer had blood on the soles of his shoes.

If he had left his phone at home, he could at least claim some sort of "I was sleeping" alibi. Being caught on camera driving all around the neighborhood, then disappearing into the parking lot of the murder home at precisely the time the murders are occurring is not a good look for the defense of this person.
Has it been confirmed that KG was sleeping with MM? Her bed was just across the hall and her dog was found in there. Of course we know she was found in the same bed as MM, but she could have awakened and went in there.
He also could have killed one and forced the other into the same room. We don't yet have any idea what happened.

Too many threads to find it all but this one quotes XK’s dad as saying the locks all lock automatically (that you had to go around if it was locked to try slider) and that he fixed her bedroom lock.
If you google “smart locks” or keyless locks they lock automatically when closed.
There may be a button to push in door frame or something that could override it.
Generally they lock when closed.

In any case, that’s why I always state IMHO per protocol.

Its my humble opinion that all the bedrooms & the front door in the house were fitted with smart locks (keyless coded locks
that automatically lock to the outside when closed (unless purposely overridden or broken)
Not all keyless locks long automatically. I have locks on my front door and garage door that don't. They have a lever on the inside that you can switch back and forth, just like a keyed lock, to lock it or allow entry.
“Guessing” he knew their names. He was stalking since possibly when he arrived in Aug- fully intending on finding his mark. Moo

Like hero savior syndrome ie.. firefighters who set fires only to put them out to be heroes. I understand not the same thing but could it be that he committed this horrific mass murder because in his bent mind, it is a full circle fantasy.. he kills (his fantasy), believes he has committed the perfect crime THEN finagles the opportunity to study the horrific mass murder, becomes an intuitive expert about it, writes doctoral thesis on this unsolved mass murder ( build career and reputation). Therefore setting the ground work to become a successful criminologist and write a book about his investigation of the unsolved Moscow Mass murder and makes money. I feel sick- MOO Did this deranged suspect have a long plan?
Perfect summary!
I can't even work out his short plan, let alone his long plan.
I wouldn't fancy being his cellmate..
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