ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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My DD lived in off campus housing. She read the PCA and said she has gone through the same scenarios that DM did. Not once did it occur to her that her roommates were being murdered. If noises were somewhat concerning she would crack the door open and listen for more noises. She has been shocked by random guys suddenly passing her door. But nothing was ever concerning and she shut the door, locked it, and went to bed. Imo.
Although, she did say that she was in shock.. I just figured that she was too scared to unlock her door and go out because the creep may still be lurking somewhere. jmo
Didn’t Elizabeth Smart’s sister see her taken at knife point and also wait until the next morning to do anything? <modsnip> perhaps DM shouted something along the lines of ‘shut up the f up’ thinking it was Ethan making the noise and that spooked BK which I can see as plausible. I wonder if BK knew the passcodes to MM and XK’s rooms but not the others, which is why he left DM behind her door. Maybe he’d heard through word of mouth, as it was a well-known party house. MOO JMO JMVHO
I don’t think we know if there were coded locks on the doors. I don’t think they were re-installed after the remodel. JMO
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Have we revisited the "no threat to the public" sentiment that LE put out at the beginning of all this? And then retracted but also said to "be vigilant". I'm not hating on LE because they knocked this one out of the park, but seems to me like there was a MAJOR public threat. It's not like they had BK under 24/7 surveillance early on. He definitely could have tried to find the surviving roommates, etc., or others. Who knows
It can get pretty darned close. Moscow, ID has a *lot* of cell towers, multiple ways to triangulate location. I can walk into the next room and watch my Apple watch move on Google maps, even without the wifi on. Same with my phone. If I leave my phone in the car, I can see that it's marked as being in my driveway, etc..

We were discussing cell tower data. We have no idea if they have his internal phone data.

Then I learned more about BK and told my husband that I believed he'd need his phone to figure out where he was - and I bet that's true, now that we learn he took that long route home. He turns the phone on as he's headed southbound out of Moscow, into unfamiliar territory, right about at the intersection where he turns to go to Genesee.

Am I the only one who still carries a paper roadmap?
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That's been my assumption, based on their being found on the same bed -- that KG had been in her own room but heard MM being attacked, went to investigate, and was attacked herself, although the probable cause affidavit doesn't give sufficient detail to know either way.

In my mind, either MM was the primary target (and seemingly the first victim, if you interpret the knife sheath on her bed as an indication that the murders began there) and everyone else who was killed was killed because they got in the way, or else the killer intended from the outset to murder all five of the women who lived in the home. Either way, I think he was totally rattled when he stumbled upon another man who did not reside there - a reminder that any one of the women might have multiple people in her room and thus present a greater possibility of overpowering him - and decided at that point to flee as quickly as possible, bypassing the witness-roommate in that rush, or simply failing to see her.

All of this is MOO, although it's probably silly for me to try and impute logic and probability to a completely illogical and improbable crime.
You bring up a good point. IMO, DM might’ve initially assumed the man in black she saw was a guest of one of her roommates. She could’ve been shocked to see him, but then assumed he was invited there and then DM went back to bed.
It can get pretty darned close. Moscow, ID has a *lot* of cell towers, multiple ways to triangulate location. I can walk into the next room and watch my Apple watch move on Google maps, even without the wifi on. Same with my phone. If I leave my phone in the car, I can see that it's marked as being in my driveway, etc.

When BK took his phone off airplane mode or turned it back on, it would likely have also sought a local router to hook up to. My phone suggests I join networks as soon as I drive down my street, which of course, I ignore - but I still can see the router names, so my phone is pinging routers as well as cell towers.

We just do not know all the forensic data LE has gotten, by now, for that phone. They only wrote down what they needed for the PCA.

So "just in the area" can be fairly specific - such as whether the car is up on Walenta or whatever that street is, or whether it's on King or Queen. I am guessing it's pretty clear when his phone is near 1122 and not just in the area of 1122 (on those times when he went over at night before the killings).

I still can't believe he only turned his phone off after he left his apartment. I thought for sure that *any* smart perp would leave their phone at home with youtube on autoplay. And put the autoplay on for nights and nights before the crime.

Then I learned more about BK and told my husband that I believed he'd need his phone to figure out where he was - and I bet that's true, now that we learn he took that long route home. He turns the phone on as he's headed southbound out of Moscow, into unfamiliar territory, right about at the intersection where he turns to go to Genesee.
Well explained,,,

There are all sorts of ways we are tracked today beyond cell phone pings. Cell phone pings are just the broadest range the net the the largest data set of people in the area.

Retail stores track customers to the isle location for promotions.

Here is an example of just one method that is not cell phone pings.
Good point about the Door Dash person. That was just minutes before he entered. Maybe they came to the front (bottom floor) door while he was getting ready to slip in through the rear slider and he didn't see it.
Iirc, he was circling around the house at the same time the DD was there. I could be wrong. I plan on reading the PCA a third time today. Lol.
you wonder how he wound up leaving the knife sheath at the scene, on the bed--- pretty sloppy
wonder if he later knew he left it there or had no idea how it "got away from him" D does not state that he was carrying anything but her statements are all about his face and shoulders- not his hands or feet. Did he get overalls or shoe covers from say Home Depot or just try to destroy whatever he was wearing?
Then I learned more about BK and told my husband that I believed he'd need his phone to figure out where he was - and I bet that's true, now that we learn he took that long route home. He turns the phone on as he's headed southbound out of Moscow, into unfamiliar territory, right about at the intersection where he turns to go to Genesee.

I thought the same thing about needing the phone for directions. Did it really not occur to him to print out a map beforehand, though? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it didn’t, but. Holy cow. This wasn’t one chance mistake that got this guy caught but a series of really questionable choices by someone committing a quadruple murder… forget being a student of criminology, I would have thought most of this stuff would have occurred to anyone who’s seen a single forty minute episode of literally any true crime show. Or even something fictional like CSI/Criminal Minds/Law & Order. They run those shows on repeat day in and day out! So much for all that supposed “brilliance”.
I wonder if LE took possession of BK's phone or did he get rid of it? There could be more location data, text messages and other information on it that could be useful in this case. JMO.
They'll get warrants for everything, all his socials, phone data etc. They'll get warrants for his computer and/or laptops too.
And the kitchen sink is right in front of bag. Odd place to set your fast food bag. Even after eating it. But other pics of the dining table show cluttered mess a little bit so maybe they weren't super neat and maybe trash can was full. A bunch of college girls living together (I know from my twin girls) can be un-tidy in their apartments. Also, thanks for posting as I now notice the bag was opened.
You're welcome. I was obsessed with that bag because I thought in the long hours when X&E were at Sigma Chi, they might have driven to Pullman to get JITB and possibly had an encounter with someone evil there.
Yes. I cannot rationalize an irrational mind, but the left-behind sheath says a lot, IMO. Clearly the sheath was not attached to his belt, so WHY did he bring the sheath in with him? He thought to wear all black and a mask, he thought to turn off his phone, he thought to leave a PA license plate on his car, but once he got to the house and it was going to happen, his common sense betrayed him. He should have left the sheath in the car.
Didn't want to cut himself would be my guess.
It very well could have been passed down but for his father's sake, I hope not. If he (BK's father) or his father (BK's grandfather) passed that down to BK it would kill his father knowing that knife that's been in the family was used during a quadruple murder. :(
While it appears to be a special marine knife, they are available online and a military surplus stores. I don't collect knifes or anything, however, they appear to be common and not very expensive.
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