ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 56

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Totally agree on timing - BK in and out between 4.07-4.10 and out at c4.17. Yes, it is probably enough to commit all four murders. I'm just curious and speculating about his drive by behaviour for that period between 3.29 and 4.04 and why he was in such a state. One reason I speculated on was that he had aleady been to the house earlier and killed upstairs on floor three (according to a more well thought out plan beginning at c3pm that included NOT driving his car frantically up and down the street) but having left the sheath, got into a panic and did what the PCA tells us he did between 3.29 and 4.20.
it just seems like too much, leaving and going back in. We are surely missing vital info in this timeline. MOO
I agree with you. BK's cellphone stops connecting Pullman at 2:47am which is during time M&K are doing the joint multi calls to K's ex-boyfriend. I wonder if BK had some sort of social media rejection by M or K at around 2:30am and this triggered BK to get in his car and allegedly commit the killings. It sounds like BK may have done some sort of stalking months prior, but maybe something triggered him around 2:30am. Last call from K to ex was at 2:53am at the time perhaps BK traveling minutes to 1122 King Road. I think K could have frantically tried to reach ex cause she was scared and then since no response from ex, K slept in M's room. I think dog did not alert when M&K were killed if it was around the 3:15am timeframe but if BK did return to get sheath at around 4:07am, the dog would alert imo.
I'm not speculating on those lines. I just speculate that for whatever reasons, the plan was to kill that night/early morning and possibly he was in the house doing just that on the third floor, before 3.29 but then left and realised the sheath was not on him.
I wonder if killer murdered K&M between 3:15am and 3:45am and then returned to house a little after 4:06am to get the knife sheath left on M's bed. Upon entering via kitchen, killer realized X was awake and the murder of X&E happened. I wonder if D opening D's bedroom door (2nd floor "spare" bedroom) caused killer to leave house and not go back upstairs to get sheath. This could explain Elantra on the highway Pullman and Moscow at 2:53AM, Elantra being in King Road neighborhood at 3:29am, and Elantra being spotted at 1122 King Road at around 4:05AM, then Elantra speeding away from King Road at around 4:20am.
JMO Possible but unlikely. If he went back to the house for the sole purpose to get the sheath I highly doubt he would have left without finding it.
Totally agree on timing - BK in and out between 4.07-4.10 and out at c4.17. Yes, it is probably enough to commit all four murders. I'm just curious and speculating about his drive by behaviour for that period between 3.29 and 4.04 and why he was in such a state. One reason I speculated on was that he had aleady been to the house earlier and killed upstairs on floor three (according to a more well thought out plan beginning at c3pm that included NOT driving his car frantically up and down the street) but having left the sheath, got into a panic and did what the PCA tells us he did between 3.29 and 4.20.
I do think that is a valid theory. It gives him extra time and explains some of his missing time. I definitely think the idea should be on the table.

My personal thought is that there was obvious activity in the house between everyone's arrival home by 2 am and the DD delivery, which would impede his element of surprise sneaking in while it's dark. Or maybe he was hoping E's vehicle would leave. Or there was someone outside in a neighboring house, etc. It's just my opinion, but I think he didn't want a confrontation, he wanted a sneak attack.
This. Right. Here. Hon, I was a party animal. My house and about two others were the houses to be at when it was goin' DOWN. Some nights there would be people sleepin' over and I'd wake up the next day and wonder who is THAT?! These kids are tame in comparison. I can still turn it on when I get a chance. The weekend has already started here. ;)

I'd have thought one of my bunch had drug home a one-nighter, and let them see themselves out. He's just still masking (in this era) and was just leaving. He probably did spook her, she wasn't expecting to see him there.

I have a firm feeling that the back slider off the kitchen was the main entry/exit point and that area around the kitchen, was a hangout area. It's where all the fun would be happening. Probably why D moved up to that floor. Easy access to everything.

I do believe he was after X and M (the two who worked together at The Greek).

D was awakened at 4:00
At 4:12 X is on her phone.
She heard someone, and it could have been X, (as the Exhibit A Statement reads), say; there's someone here. What if she then walked toward the kitchen, b/c she'd just ordered food? Could it be the driver returning? She meets BK in the hall.
D then hears crying from X's room and a male voice saying, It's ok, I'm going to help you. X is found in the small area by the bathroom and her bedroom.

At 4:17 the home, which has the audio capture was stated as being very close. Less than 50'. The audio picks up barking, a whimper, and a thud. I believe this to be cuddle bug Murphy, who barked at BK, and then was whimpering from being kicked/grabbed/hurt somehow, and tossed into the other room. BK was not there to kill Murphy.

Edit to add link to Exhibt. As OP said, that door shut quick!
As horrible as it all is, rds, you sure made it seem kinder and less awful. I have to say,.. are you from Tennessee?
it just seems like too much, leaving and going back in. We are surely missing vital info in this timeline. MOO
Your probably right. I just wonder where he was between 2.53 and 3.29 and why he made such a balls up of driving his car up and down Kings Road etc, when he planned in other ways. I just think - maybe emotional breakdown over leaving sheath earlier.
I do think that is a good theory. It gives him extra time and explains some of his missing time. I definitely think the idea should be on the table.

My personal thought is that there was obvious activity in the house between 3:29 and the DD delivery, which would impede his element of surprise sneaking in while it's dark. Or maybe he was hoping E's vehicle would leave. Or there was someone outside in a neighboring house, etc. It's just my opinion, but I think he didn't want a confrontation, he wanted a sneak attack.
All good ideas and food for thought. Thank you!
From, information on the expectations and requirements of the officer who wrote the Probable Cause Affidavit, and its purpose.
While it is accessible to the public, it is not written for us, it is written for the Judge.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Probable Cause.—The concept of ‘‘probable cause’’ is central to the meaning of the warrant clause. Neither the Fourth Amendment nor the federal statutory provisions relevant to the area define ‘‘probable cause;’’ the definition is entirely a judicial construct.

An applicant for a warrant must present to the magistrate facts sufficient to enable the officer himself to make a determination of probable cause. ‘‘In determining what is probable cause . . . we are concerned only with the question whether the affiant had reasonable grounds at the time of his affidavit . . . for the belief that the law was being violated on the premises to be searched; and if the apparent facts set out in the affidavit are such that a reasonably discreet and prudent man would be led to believe that there was a commission of the offense charged, there is probable cause justifying the issuance of a warrant.’’ 95

Probable cause is to be determined according to ‘‘the factual and practical considerations of everyday life on which reasonable and prudent men, not legal technicians, act.’’ 96

Warrants are favored in the law and utilization of them will not be thwarted by a hyper-technical reading of the supporting affidavit and supporting testimony. 97

For the same reason, reviewing courts will accept evidence of a less ‘‘judicially competent or persuasive character than would have justified an officer in acting on his own without a warrant.’’ 98

Courts will sustain the determination of probable cause so long as ‘‘there was substantial basis for [the magistrate] to conclude that’’ there was probable cause. 99
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Yes, I think the most damning evidence is yet to come!

We know from prior cases that the phone pings are easily obtained through subpoena power but the meat and potatoes, GPS location tracking data from his carrier require a probable cause warrant and all that data is probably being discovered as we type. The phone forensics expert witness is my favorite!
I agree about the phone activity. But I do have a question. What if he has an Apple phone , have they become more cooperative in cases as far as releasing cloud data? I’d hate to think all the good stuff they need like his searches etc Might be held up and all. Any insight ??9
Perhaps DM did not here K with the dog but just dog. As for dog barking on audio at 4.17am, that imo, could have been in reaction to thump recorded on same audio. Hopefully timeline will become clearer as more evidence is revealed.
when D says she thinks she hears KG playing with her dog, I still think this is BK/perp either chasing the dog ( maybe to get it to stay in KG's room, out of the way) or Murphy acting as he does in the bartender Adam clips ( running around like crazy)

We used to live in a converted loft and owner directly above had a skittish young Weirmaraner. Even though he had solid hardwood floors with insulation below, you could hear those four paws running around when the dog was having a mad moment. ( AFAIK all of the third floor was laminate flooring which is even louder. You might even hear the dogs nails if the dog isn't walked much/nails trimmed)
She's a public defender, appointed by the state, and sure someone else could have been chosen by the defendant (and still could). But if you take a look into her achievements as a defense attorney, you might find yourself convinced otherwise.

MOO, no she definitely did not get the job because she's a blond female.
You are correct- my bad
I agree about the phone activity. But I do have a question. What if he has an Apple phone , have they become more cooperative in cases as far as releasing cloud data? I’d hate to think all the good stuff they need like his searches etc Might be held up and all. Any insight ??9

They can go here, Azimuth

The FBI wanted to unlock the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone. It turned to a little-known Australian firm.

when D says she thinks she hears KG playing with her dog, I still think this is BK/perp either chasing the dog ( maybe to get it to stay in KG's room, out of the way) or Murphy acting as he does in the bartender Adam clips ( running around like crazy)

We used to live in a converted loft and owner directly above had a skittish young Weirmaraner. Even though he had solid hardwood floors with insulation below, you could hear those four paws running around when the dog was having a mad moment. ( AFAIK all of the third floor was laminate flooring which is even louder)
Could be the dog running around like crazy in response to the food delivery (4am), hard to know with the timing as to when DM actually heard that part. I don't think BK was in that house until at least 4.08, but perhaps DM heard the dog just after that and it was BK.
Snipped< I kinda think his phone might have been off for three hours because the battery died and he went home and went to bed!

There were plenty of places to hide and bury stuff when he was out on Sunday.
According to PCA, he turned his phone back on at approximately 4:48 AM, and “utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to ID state highway 95 south of Moscow, ID, near Blaine, ID (north of Genesee)”ED20CC21-FF32-451D-8943-552C7046FFB1.jpeg
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