ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 57

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I've been toying around with that idea, as well. I have felt all along that this was a well orchestrated crime, but for the suspect to haphazardly "forget" the sheath on the bed just reeks of amateur hour to me! I'm also starting to feel he left it there on purpose.

We know that BCK went to great lengths after the crime to wear latex gloves in public, etc. so as not leave his DNA/fingerprints anywhere for LE to pick up. The DNA from BCK on the snap of the knife sheath is really so minimal compared the the DNA that he potentially could have left there had he not planned this out to a T. He just wasn't as lucky as he had likely hoped to be.
Why would he leave the sheath on purpose with his DNA on it???
No. He is not a correspondent. A correspondent is a reporter. Ted is a contributor and they are consultants to TV networks. They don't report

OK, either way, correspondent or consultant, he is standing outside of the Moscow Police Department reporting on behalf of Fox News to the nation. Judge Janine Pirro is sitting in the studio reporting the same information to the nation, on behalf of Fox News. So regardless, it’s not just TW, and it’s still MSM, and my question still stands - can anyone confirm if they’ve heard the same information being reported from any other networks?
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If I suddenly saw someone in my house in the middle of the night, I, too, would lock myself in my room. Then, immediately, I would call "911". Why didn't she? That doesn't make sense.
College life with multiple roommates and lots of people coming and going and partying. She may have thought it was a guy who met up with one of her roomies. It isn't weird to me, at all.
OK, either way, correspondent or consultant, he standing outside of the Moscow Police Department reporting on behalf of Fox News to the nation. Judge Janine Pirro is sitting in the studio reporting the same information to the nation, on behalf of Fox News. So regardless, it’s not just TW, and it’s still MSM, and my question still stands - can anyone confirm if they’ve heard the same information being reported from any other networks?
Fox News seems to generally be reporting it accurately. I looked up the segment and the "eyes" thing and think they just tripped up on their facts. The conversation related to the affidavit and that's not in it. He is not thr only one who made that mistake
you don’t need 12 people for a “not guilty”, you need 12 for a “guilty” verdict.

all you need is one hold out for a hung jury.

If there were a hung jury, they’d try him again, and again, and again....And they’d eventually win. I’ve seen it happen, specially with particularly heinous crimes.

This idea is a long stretch. I mean I am really grasping here....maybe she realized her phone had died and didn't have a charger (left in another room, car, etc) and was too afraid to come out to get it??
I am not sure why the LE wasn't called until almost noon the next day, unless she was just sleeping late. I am shocked she could have even gone sleep.
The PCA mentions that DM's phone was in touch with Bethany's phone (first floor surviving roommate) after the murders, so it is likely that DM had her phone. She may have tried to text or call Maddie, Kaylee and/or Xana and not received a reply. Perhaps couldn't reach Bethany for awhile because maybe Bethany wasn't picking up her phone or responding to a text as she was still sleeping. Eventually the PCA indicates that the two surviving roommates did connect, based on data from their phones. (As indicated in PCA)
A whole page was not actually redacted. It was the back of page one that was scanned by mistake. I’m quite surprised this confused so many people to the extent it has lol. All the pages with text had consecutive page numbers so it was clear none were missing and there was no interruption in the narrative that a redaction would cause.
Thanks for the clarification. As I mentioned, I only have listened to the document, but several times, ie I did not "see" it, and one of the readers mentioned a redacted page.

So, that leaves my original question on the table, why did they omit where EC's body was found?
The only weird thing I noticed after reading the affidavit is that DM didn't call the cops after meeting a black dressed and hooded intruder after 4 AM. It's not normal despite it's a party house. She was frozen in terror, manage to lock the door but fail to alert LE. Only the motive for the murders is more mysterious than this.

What if she had dialed 911 on her phone and talked into the phone.
And at that moment BK was standing at her door leaving the footprint that was found.
What if he heard her?

She is a survivor, and I’ll give her a pass for anything she thought, felt, or thinks or feels now.
IMO she owes no one an explanation for what may take her years to understand herself.


Think of the perspective of the perp and then the victim during sexual assault, domestic violence, school shootings, <modsnip>
It explains a LOT.

There is no need to question the survivors, they will spend the rest of their lives doing so.
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If there were a hung jury, they’d try him again, and again, and again....And they’d eventually win. I’ve seen it happen, specially with particularly heinous crimes.

Agreed, he would be tried again.

The point of my post, you have to have 12 on the jury to convict…not otherwise
I disagree. There is no way to know from the PCA which order they were murdered. Arguments could reasonably be made either way, and I remain mystified as to why it matters.
I don't think it does matter at all.
X was awake, she could have taken dog out for a walk or for company, PCA states a mere snippet.
Another permutation could be that he entered saw X's bedroom door open, E asleep there, killed him first, went upstairs, killed K and M, returned downstairs where he found X crying having discovered E's body on her return to the bedroom and then killed her.
Sheath could have fallen out of his pocket at any stage in any room.
It's a lot of headbanging when we could be spending the time digging for more info on him
finding his emails, matching them to online sites, clubs, places and people...

We're not going to get any more information until trial regarding the crime scene or the order of the killings and none of it would be helpful for sleuthing him now, would it/

He went there, allegedly, killed 4 people, allegedly, won't be killing any more, hopefully but may have killed in the past using the same methodology,
He was fast as lightening... and that skill had to come from somewhere.
People using guns can go practice at a gun range and learn accuracy.

Could anybody here say they could do what he did, in the time he did it?

And I have a feeling he knew for certain that each one was dead before he moved on to the next.
Short of actual decapitation, how could he be sure?
MOO “Mask” is being conflated with ski mask. It might be a ski mask, I took the PCA to mean a black covid style mask.
I think that you can see a person's eyebrows if they are wearing a balaclava. I do not think that you can see a person's eyebrows if they are wearing a three-hole ski mask. MOO. So it could be a covid mask or a balaclava or even a neck gaiter pulled up over the mouth and nose.
What if she had dialed 911 on her phone and talked into the phone.
And at that moment BK was standing at her door leaving the footprint that was found.
What if he heard her?

She is a survivor, and I’ll give her a pass for anything she thought, felt, or thinks or feels now.
IMO she owes no one an explanation for what may take her years to understand herself.

That is what female victims do most often - they second guess themselves.
Male victims blame everyone else, and aim their frustration and anger outward.
Women victims think over the situation a million times and wonder what they could have done differently. They aim their frustration inward.

Let that sink in and look at crime stats. Think of the perspective of the perp and then the victim during sexual assault, domestic violence, school shootings, incels in general.
It explains a LOT.

There is no need to question the survivors, they will spend the rest of their lives doing so.
According to the affidavit DM saw BK leave the area through sliding door on 2nd floor, then she locked the room door. That's why LE are puzzled.
That's the question. It was mentioned where the other 3 were found. I thought it was kind of a glaring omission.
The PCA says where all 4 of them were found. About where E was found, it says on the 1st page at the bottom in a new paragraph after describing where X was found on the floor in her room:

"Also in the room was a male, later identified as Ethan Chapin..."".
Masked according to affidavit. You can be masked in many ways.
His eyes are compelling, and with those dark eyebrows
College life with multiple roommates and lots of people coming and going and partying. She may have thought it was a guy who met up with one of her roomies. It isn't weird to me, at all.
I guess not when you put it that way.
Highly possible. I thought about posting about the possibility it was bought secondhand as I rarely buy anything new/full price. So you're right. It could have been a pawn shop purchase, garage or estate sale, etc. No tracking that way. :)

My daughter has collected knives for many years and some have come from pawn shops.

The only knife that ever concerned me came as a ‘bonus’ in a group from a private eBay seller. The blade was covered in dried blood so I delivered her unexpected knife to local RCMP along with the package and as much information I could provide on the seller.

Oddly enough, Canada customs had opened and inspected the package and handed them enough to blunt the blades.
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