ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 58

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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IMO, BK went to an ER or knew a DR/RN who could stitch him up?
I think he had to have crashed from the adrenaline rush during the murders. Then, he went home for a few hours, probably couldn't sleep because he was too wired. Then, he went to Albertson's and drove back by the house. At some point, his body had to crash. You simply can't go for that long with no sleep and the incredible adrenaline dump without coming down from it.
The following is taken from the PCA

Are view of footage from multiple videos obtained from the KingRoad Neighborhood showed multiple sightings of Suspect Vehicle 1 starting at 3:29 a.m. and ending at 4:20 a.m. These sightings show Suspect Vehicle 1makes an initial three passes by the 1122 KingRoad residence and then leave via Walenta Drive. Based off of my experience as a Patrol Officer this is a residential neighborhood with avery limited number of vehicles that travel int he area during the early morning hours.Upon review of the video there are only a few cars that enter and exit this area during this time frame. Suspect Vehicle 1can be seen entering the area a fourth time a approximately 4:04 a.m.It can be seen driving eastbound on KingRoad, stopping and turning around in front of500 Queen Road #52 and then driving back westbound on King Road. When Suspect Vehicle 1is in front of the KingRoadResidence, it appeared to unsuccessfully attempt to park or turn around in the road.The vehicle then continued to the intersection ofQueen Road and King Road where it can be seen completing a three-point turn and then driving eastbound again down Queen Road

X had a Door Dash Delivery at 4:00am. I would be very curious to know if the DD Driver drove a white sedan? The initial 3 passes by the home screams Door Dash Delivery to me, not someone who has "stalked the residence for months" JMO
The following is taken from the PCA

Are view of footage from multiple videos obtained from the KingRoad Neighborhood showed multiple sightings of Suspect Vehicle 1 starting at 3:29 a.m. and ending at 4:20 a.m. These sightings show Suspect Vehicle 1makes an initial three passes by the 1122 KingRoad residence and then leave via Walenta Drive. Based off of my experience as a Patrol Officer this is a residential neighborhood with avery limited number of vehicles that travel int he area during the early morning hours.Upon review of the video there are only a few cars that enter and exit this area during this time frame. Suspect Vehicle 1can be seen entering the area a fourth time a approximately 4:04 a.m.It can be seen driving eastbound on KingRoad, stopping and turning around in front of500 Queen Road #52 and then driving back westbound on King Road. When Suspect Vehicle 1is in front of the KingRoadResidence, it appeared to unsuccessfully attempt to park or turn around in the road.The vehicle then continued to the intersection ofQueen Road and King Road where it can be seen completing a three-point turn and then driving eastbound again down Queen Road

X had a Door Dash Delivery at 4:00am. I would be very curious to know if the DD Driver drove a white sedan? The initial 3 passes by the home screams Door Dash Delivery to me, not someone who has "stalked the residence for months" JMO
Unless no place to park, or checking if people still up partying in main parts of house/visitors?
Unless no place to park, or checking if people still up partying in main parts of house/visitors?
My point is, anyone who orders Door Dash knows that delivery drivers are often unaware of location, and turn around and park at the wrong residence and have to message you to find the correct residence. I'm just saying that if this was as planned out (pushing the stalking narrative) as they are saying it was, I find it hard to believe the killer would have planned on parking right in front of the house.
re the knife sheath info being circulated online by some, weeks prior to the affidavit

Is it impossible to think that LE would talk among themselves and then the info would trickle out sometimes as rumors to the general public, I am not talking about tipping off or leaking info, just you know talking to close family and friends and then it only takes one person online posting anon - I think in an earlier era, there was no way for people to communicate fast and often, I remember 'trunk calls' and long letters for cross country , its two seconds now on the internet. Sorry mods, if this is a ramble - just trying to say , of course some info would come out before official release.
Can anyone confirm that BK's DNA was matched through a cheek swab, as someone posted at the last of the previous thread?

I hadn't heard that. I thought it was through his father's DNA left in garbage that the FBI retrieved, but could be wrong.

The PCA does not say BK’s DNA has been taken and compared. As at the time DNA from his own body had not been taken.

Taking his DNA would be the final step in determining if it was in fact his DNA on the snap of the sheath found at a the scene or not.

I assume this step has been taken for two reasons-
  • LE now has his car and its contents, his apartment And its contents, his phone, and his body in custody.
  • It is common procedure to take a bucal swab upon intake, same as fingerprints.
  • The PCA and arrest doesn‘t quite add up to keep him in custody if his DNA has not been taken for comparison.
  • BKs defense attorney would be demanding this take place if BK maintains his innocence and agrees to give a bucal swab.
As nothing has been said about him resisting, and that he is cooperating, I assume he has given a DNA sample to LE And the form of that sample is a bucal swab.

Do we know the source of the DNA on the snap- saliva, sweat, blood etc? No. Does it matter?
For investigatie purposes Yes. If the DNA matching BK on the snap of the sheath is from blood it may indicate he cut himself. If it does, the CSI team would the focus their search for more BK’s blood at the scene near MM, where the sheath was found. It may indicate he cut himself near MM, touched the sheath.

On Page 4 of the AA it states that DM described the PERP as “not very muscular, but athletically built” (direct quote of the AA, not DM). That seems odd to me. While it certainly is possible that someone could be athletically built but not muscular, it seems like a fine distinction to be made, particularly under the circumstances – in the dark or semi-dark, about a person presumably clothed from head to toe, and, possibly in multiple layers given the weather, and by a frightened 20/21-year-old who only saw the PERP for a few seconds.

I wonder what caused DM to describe the person in this way or that led the LE to summarize it like that.

I understand this description. To me it conjures a person who's slim or fit, but doesn't look like they spend hours in the gym lifting weights. I think it's pretty close to how the murderer looked completely covered by clothes.
“I bristled in the days after the arrest when people questioned whether police had the right man because a PhD candidate in criminal justice would be too smart for this crime,” said John Miller, a CNN law enforcement analyst and former New York Police Department deputy commissioner. “You can teach a master’s class on how to do a complex criminal investigation based on this case.”

IMO, I think it’s possible that he’s not guilty of the murders, but guilty of burglary.
(Drug seeking) or, there was somebody else there or BK showed up after the murders in the right place but at the wrong time or he was there with someone else, or he walked in on it while it happened, or he did it himself for a reason that I can’t possibly fathom.
Only because anything is possible. Incredibly, stupendously unlikely . . . but possible.
Only because anything is possible. Incredibly, stupendously unlikely . . . but possible.
And that’s why we have lawyers for the defendants. It is only “reasonable” doubt. I remember the case of the pastors wife in Indiana and we were sure it was the spouse. His actions seemed unexplainable, but he wasn’t guilty. It’s strange that while there seems like lots of clear evidence…it just also seems plausible he could be innocent.
OK, so this is a totally new subject from what I’ve seen discussed here today thus far… but I just wanted to mention that I watched Lawrence Jones Cross Country a few hours ago and they spoke with some of BK’s old “friends” (if that’s what you call people you do drugs with) about him, and what he was like back when he was heavily addicted to heroin. It was stated that BK is suspected to have been clean since 2017, but I’m only mentioning this because it was just a little shocking to hear about him being this massive heroin addict… it’s not what typically comes to mind when I think of BK under the current circumstances… and I guess it just makes me wonder how, or if, his past drug abuse has anything to do with his decision to commit these crimes. I mean, maybe they’re two completely separate things, and the drug abuse is all in the past and has nothing to do with this, but I don’t know enough about addiction or addictive tendencies to know how or if homicidal behavior can be interwoven with drugs. Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question or thought, I’m just ignorant about the matter and like I said, when I was watching Lawrence Jones, it just sort of struck me that we were talking about BK as this major heroin addict, because that’s not really what we’re discussing in the headlines or what I think of when I think of BK. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts to add or insight, I am open to your feedback!
I do suspect he was on some sort of speed or amphetamines such as adderall , concerta and vyvanse which are prescription medications for adhd, depression, sleep apnea and narcolepsy IMO He did not sleep very much and they do promote weight loss.IMO It is not uncommon for drug addicts to change one addiction for another. JMO. I don't however think it caused hime to commit the crime though....All my opinion and not stating as facts
I think they have the right guy, but if this goes to trial then Dylan will have some serious explaining because anything that lends itself to her being less than cogent could impeach some or all of her testimony. IMO. But I still want to hear what the defense counters with....
All we know of her witness statement is the incredibly limited info in the PCA which is only what was needed to get an arrest warrant. I suspect there's some video of her being extensively questioned or, at the very least, a witness statement that contains a lot more information.

I suppose the defense could try to impeach her testimony if she'd consumed alcohol or drugs earlier that evening but she described the bushy eyebrows and general build of the perp before a suspect had even been identified so I think that would lend some credibility to whatever she testifies to.

The defense could attempt to "shred" her and her testimony on the stand but, being a survivor who lost four roommates, she'll be a sympathetic witness so the defense going "all out" on her could backfire with a jury.
this guy somehow does not strike me as some one with a shovel unless he bought one in Albertson's.... what was the temp in ID Nov 12-13? (ground frozen or still soft?) looks fairly cold except at noon....

Good point, I forgot about frozen ground since it’s not frozen where I live! Yet, his plan may have included preparing a spot in a remote location in advance, even a week or two before, since it appears he may have been stalking the house since as early as August.
Something that I meant to mention is dogs and death. We asked our hunting dog to help us look for our missing cat (we lived in the mountains), she found what was left of our cat and pointed for husband and ran home instantly. Then at my Dad's death bed his doggie that was licking him moments before ran out of the room after he passed. As well as my dogs when I got home avoided the laundry room I'd put my clothes in, I spent awhile with Dad after he passed. I don't doubt Murphey was in K's bedroom by himself, death in his home and hid.
Animals sense things so differently. We had two pet hamsters. One was near death and it was a Saturday, so my 6 year old daughter and I thought it would be a good experience to learn about the death process. We spent all day in this vigil. Around 4 in the afternoon, the hamster took it's last breath. We were all set for a moment of silence and discussion, but the other hamster ruined it for us by eating the dead hamster's head! (Seconds after the hamster's death)
There is more to this than we realize. The ”Trash” that BK threw in his neighbors bin could have shoes and clothing he wore during the murders. Maybe, just maybe the knife?? He took the time and effort to save all this and haul it cross country just to get rid in neighbors’ trash bin.
The knife is jus such an unknown. We are in a rational and hindsight perspective. When I think about it I just assume he would have pitched that knife, which does not float, into any number of bodies of water at some point between murders and leaving for Pa. the kind of people who can commit such a crime are not going to be thinking like us and he may have kept it.
Good point, I forgot about frozen ground since it’s not frozen where I live! Yet, his plan may have included preparing a spot in a remote location in advance, even a week or two before, since it appears he may have been stalking the house since as early as August.
Ground conditions depend on the average temperature over a period of time. I don't think the ground was frozen since the average temp was above freezing. He's from the Poconos area, so he's used to frozen ground. Based on the temps, there could have been a superficial frozen crust of several inches, but nothing that would prevent significant digging.
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